Wedding Bell Blues - [42]
“You know I do,” Mick said.
“And you know I don’t,” Jack said just as decisively. “Can’t get myself too muzzy-headed. I couldget a farm call in five hours.”
Honey laughed. “Well, you could never smoke no how. The one time I did manage to get youstoned, you kept getting up to look out the window, to see if there was cops outside.”
Jack laughed along with her. “Dyke or not, I guess I’m pretty much a law-abiding citizen.”
Honey took out a packet of rainbow-striped rolling papers. “These are so cool. Mick found ’em upin Chattanooga.” She folded a tissue-thin paper in half and began distributing pinches of green flakesacross its length. “How ’bout you, Lily? Can I offer you some homegrown hospitality?”
“Not tonight, thanks. I think I’ll just stick to beer.” Lily had liked pot back in college; it wasarguable that she had liked it too much. And now, when Honey offered it, she felt a tug of temptation tosurrender to the weed’s friendly, familiar oblivion. But with the trial coming up, there was no way shewas going to have the dregs of an illegal drug floating around in her system. What if the Maycombs’
deranged right-wing lawyer ordered her to take a drug test as evidence of her debauched lifestyle? Anyrisk that might cost her Mimi was a risk not worth taking.
Getting stoned, as Lily remembered it at least, wasn’t boring. But watching other people getstoned sure was. Mick was already the silent type, but under the influence of marijuana, she waspractically a mute. The only phrase she uttered for thirty minutes after smoking the joint was, “Honey, wegot any of them Chee-tos left?”
Apparently sensing that the evening was slowing down, Jack said, “Well, I reckon I’ve sobered upenough to drive.”
“Yeah, I guess I ought to be heading home, too.” Watching Mick and Honey laughing and feedingeach other Chee-tos, Lily surmised that they would like to be alone together — that as soon as thecompany left, they’d be making a beeline for the chenille peacock-covered bed.
Honey switched back to hostess mode. “Well, Jack, I know we’ll be seeing you soon, but Lily, Ihope you’ll be coming back, too. I’m sure this is pretty boring compared to what you’re used to in the city
“Not at all. Actually, this is one of the most pleasant evenings I’ve spent in a while,” Lily said,meaning it.
In the tattoo shop’s gravel parking lot, Lily suddenly shouted, “Goddamn it!”
“What is it?” Jack asked. “You too drunk to drive?”
“No, I had my last beer over an hour ago. It’s just that it dawned on me...I can’t go home tonight.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m supposed to be out of town ... on a romantic overnight trip with Ben.” She had to stop tolaugh. “I know it sounds crazy, but what if I went back to the house and one of my nosy sisters-in-lawdrove by and saw the lights on? They’d know something was up.”
“Hmm,” Jack said. “You lead a complicated life, don’t you, lady?”
“Far too complicated.” Lily felt as though she might cry again.
“I’ll tell you what. Spend the night at my place tonight. I’ve got an extra bedroom.”
“I told Ben to call me here if he needed me.”
“Hang on a second. I’ll take care of that.” Jack disappeared behind the shop, and Lily heard herholler, “If anybody calls here for Lily, give ‘em my number. She’s going home with me.” There was apause, and then Jack hollered, “Not that way, you hussies!”
Jack lived in an old white saltbox with a tin roof. Even in the darkness, Lily could tell that the landaround it was rolling and beautiful. The sky above the farmland was sprinkled with stars.
“It’s beautiful out here,” Lily said, as they stood on the porch.
“Oh, yeah.” Jack unlocked the front door. “There’s the stars on a clear night, and on a cloudynight, there’s nothin’ like the sound of the rain on the roof.” The house seemed to be furnished with thesame pieces Jack had grown up with. The flowered up-holstery on the arms and seat of the overstuffedsofa in the living room was shiny from years of sitting, but the worn appearance of the furniture onlymade it more inviting.
“Your room’s upstairs,” Jack said, her boots clomping on the hardwood floor. “Sorry for goingright off to bed, but if I get a farm call, I’ll have to roll out in four hours or so.”
“That’s fine. I’m pretty tired.” Lily followed Jack up the stairs, noting in a purely clinical fashionthat Jack filled out her Levi’s attractively.
Jack flipped on the light in the room at the head of the stairs — a small bedroom with floralwallpaper and an iron bed covered in a handmade quilt. A black-and-white cat who was curled up on thebed lifted his head and squinted at them irritably. “That’s Hank,” Jack explained. “This is kinda his bed,so he may want to share it with you. I’ve got two house cats, Hank here and Patsy, who sleeps with me.”She smiled, a little shyly, Lily thought. “Well, you make yourself comfortable. The bathroom’s next door,and there’s towels in the hall closet if you need ’em.”
Jack studied the floor sheepishly. “If I have to get up for a farm call in the mornin’, I’ll just let you
Лето. Кембридж. Друзья. Тусовки. Казалось бы, очередное, ничем не примечательное лето для Элизабет Джонсон, но даже одно новое знакомство способно перевернуть твою жизнь с ног на голову. И кто знает, кем может оказаться человек, с которым ты сталкиваешься в коридоре университета каждый день, и к чему порой приводит любопытство… Содержит нецензурную брань.
Ольге Андросовой неожиданно приходит письмо с завещанием. Согласно завещанию, она получила огромное наследство. Её просят приехать, чтобы обсудить детали. Ольге кажется это всё странным, потому что наследство оставил ей брат мужа. Муж умер несколько лет назад, родственников у него не было. Ольга идёт к следователю Анне Павловне Третьяковой. Она начинает вести это дело…
Весь Сосновск потрясен захватом Вали в заложницы и арестом Недельского. Вале бы немножко прийти в себя, но, как можно отдохнуть, когда впереди свадьба, беременность и поиск сокровищ, которые спрятал в своем имении старый граф.
Детектив. О женщинах и для женщин. Героиням предстоит пройти через лабиринт кошмаров и выйти из него.
Они из двух разных миров. Он живет в богатом доме, а она проводит большую часть своего времени в конюшнях, помогая отцу дрессировать лошадей. Фактически, Саванне всегда было комфортнее, когда вокруг были лошади, а не мальчики. Особенно парни как Джек Гудвин - самодовольный, популярный и совершенно не её уровня. Она знает правила: не сходиться ни с кем из персонала и из семьи Гудвинов. Но для Джека нет границ. С мечтой стать наездницей на скачках, Саванна тоже не совсем готова следовать правилам. Она не позволит никому сказать, что девушка не может стать жокеем.
Из всех сокровищ, знание всех драгоценнее, потому что оно не может быть ни похищено, ни потеряно, ни истреблено. Индийское изречение. Содержит нецензурную брань.