Wedding Bell Blues - [43]


sleep. Feel free to let yourself out if you wake up before I get back. If I don’t get called to work, though,maybe we can have breakfast, and I can show you around the place, introduce you to the animals. Sandyused to call this the Island of Misfit Critters.”

Lily laughed. “About half the time, I feel like kind of a misfit critter myself.”

Jack grinned. “I know what you mean. Well ... ’night.”

“Good night.”

Lily undressed, crawled under the quilt, and, for the first time in a long time, fell right asleep.

She awoke to a gentle knocking on the bedroom door. Despite the fact that she wasn’t sure whereshe was, she called, “Come in.”

Jack entered carrying a tray. Lily couldn’t see what was on it, but she smelled the coffee, and thearoma of caffeine, was enough to make her sit up. “Good morning,” she said.

“It sure is,” Jack replied. “Nobody called, so I got to sleep in.”

Lily glanced at the Timex on the nightstand and saw it was eight-fifteen. Since when was sleepingtill eight o’clock “sleeping in”?

“I hope you don’t mind me bringing you breakfast.” Jack set the tray down before Lily.

Lily surveyed the spread: hot coffee, toast with butter and honey, and a blue bowl filled with slicedGeorgia peaches. “It’s lovely, Jack. Thank you.”

Jack shrugged. “I’m not much of a cook, but toast and coffee I can handle.”

“Care to join me?”

“I ate about an hour ago. I’ll keep you company, though.”

Jack sat on the edge of the bed while Lily ate her peaches and toast and honey. The peach sliceswere sweet and juicy and sunny-tasting, and Lily felt almost uncomfortable eating them in bed in suchclose proximity to Jack. Eating peaches in bed near another woman was the closest thing Lily had had toa sensual experience in quite some time.

“Hank was still in bed with you when I got up this morning,” Jack said.

“Yeah, he was good company — a much less obtrusive bedmate than Mordecai.” Lily sipped thecoffee, which was strong but good. “I had a cat that died about three years ago. She was fourteen yearsold. I loved her so much I’ve never been able to get another cat. I just don’t think I could stand that kindof loss again.”

“Hmm.” Jack reached into the bowl and popped a slice of peach into her mouth. “When I have toput sick animals down — which is the hardest part of my job, believe me — I always tell the owner to goout and find another pet. They won’t be able to love the new pet the same way they loved the old one, butmaybe they can find a new way to love.”

Lily looked into Jack’s clear blue eyes and wondered if it was really pets they were talking about.

“So,” she said, opting to change the subject as soon as possible, “do I get a tour of the farm before I go?”

“Sure.” Jack’s tone lightened. “I tell you what. Let me take your tray. You get yourself cleaned up,and just knock on the door of my room when you’re ready. There’s clean towels in the bathroom and anew toothbrush.”

After Lily made herself presentable, she entered Jack’s room to find her working on a computer,which looked incongruous with the rustic farmhouse surroundings: IBM meets American Gothic. “Hey,”Jack said, looking up at Lily. “Even horse doctors keep their records on computer, these days. Speaking ofhorses, I’ve gotta vaccinate a couple mares on Wednesday. You wanna come?”

“Sure. I’ve not gotten to sketch any horses yet.”

Jack turned off the computer and stood. “Okay, well, let’s start the tour. This is my room.”

Lily looked at the overflowing bookshelves that lined the walls. “Quite a book collection you’vegot here.”

“One of my city girlfriends used to tease me ’cause I talk like a hick. She said as many books as Iread, I oughta know better.”

“I like your accent.”

Jack looked down. Was she blushing? “I think the way you talk oughta tell people somethin’ aboutyou. I don’t like the idea that everybody oughta sound like they’re reading the nightly news.”

“Me neither.” Lily scanned the volumes in the nearest bookcase—they were all veterinarymedicine books, with polysyllabic titles. “Not exactly light reading here.”

“Nope, that bookcase is just professional stuff—boring to everybody but me.” She glanced at thecase across the room. “What you want’s probably over there.”

Lily’s jaw dropped when she saw the other book-case— six wide shelves stuffed with lesbianfiction. The books were paperbacks mostly: classics like We Too Are Drifting, Beebo Brinker, Desert ofthe Heart, and Curious Wine. But there were also several recent titles Lily hadn’t read. “It’s amazing tosee so many books like this in a place ... like this.”

“Yeah. Versailles doesn’t even have a bookstore, let alone a place where you can buy lesbianbooks. Let’s just say I’m on a first-name basis with all the gals who take mail-order calls for Naiad Press.

I call this bookcase the Faulkner County Lesbian Lending Library. If you wanna borrow somethin’, goahead. I don’t even charge overdue fines.”

“Thanks.” Lily pulled a couple of mysteries off the shelves. “Charlotte used to tease me about howmany mysteries I read. She said the difference between her and me was that she read books to put them in

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Лето. Кембридж. Друзья. Тусовки. Казалось бы, очередное, ничем не примечательное лето для Элизабет Джонсон, но даже одно новое знакомство способно перевернуть твою жизнь с ног на голову. И кто знает, кем может оказаться человек, с которым ты сталкиваешься в коридоре университета каждый день, и к чему порой приводит любопытство… Содержит нецензурную брань.

Какова же цена мести?

Ольге Андросовой неожиданно приходит письмо с завещанием. Согласно завещанию, она получила огромное наследство. Её просят приехать, чтобы обсудить детали. Ольге кажется это всё странным, потому что наследство оставил ей брат мужа. Муж умер несколько лет назад, родственников у него не было. Ольга идёт к следователю Анне Павловне Третьяковой. Она начинает вести это дело…

Немчиновы. Часть 2. Беспокойное лето. Послесловие

Весь Сосновск потрясен захватом Вали в заложницы и арестом Недельского. Вале бы немножко прийти в себя, но, как можно отдохнуть, когда впереди свадьба, беременность и поиск сокровищ, которые спрятал в своем имении старый граф.

Время лечит?

Детектив. О женщинах и для женщин. Героиням предстоит пройти через лабиринт кошмаров и выйти из него.

Наперегонки с Саванной

Они из двух разных миров. Он живет в богатом доме, а она проводит большую часть своего времени в конюшнях, помогая отцу дрессировать лошадей. Фактически, Саванне всегда было комфортнее, когда вокруг были лошади, а не мальчики. Особенно парни как Джек Гудвин - самодовольный, популярный и совершенно не её уровня. Она знает правила: не сходиться ни с кем из персонала и из семьи Гудвинов. Но для Джека нет границ. С мечтой стать наездницей на скачках, Саванна тоже не совсем готова следовать правилам. Она не позволит никому сказать, что девушка не может стать жокеем.


Из всех сокровищ, знание всех драгоценнее, потому что оно не может быть ни похищено, ни потеряно, ни истреблено. Индийское изречение. Содержит нецензурную брань.