Witness - [6]


‘Is there any news,’ he asked ‘from the hospital?’

She pulled her mouth down, took off her specs, there were deep red grooves either side of the bridge of her nose. ‘They couldn’t revive him,’ she said.

Mike nodded once, his hands balled into fists.

He’d missed nine deliveries. He was one of the few drivers who covered Sundays – same rate, Ian never paid double time. Most of the trade was home shopping, people ordering from catalogues and, more often nowadays, online.

Ian owned the business. Mike had been a postman before that, kept it up when Kieran came along but by the time he was a year old and it was clear there was something wrong, him being so difficult to manage, Vicky begged Mike to find something with more sociable hours. Where he wasn’t heading off at four in the morning leaving her to cope on her own. Mike didn’t mind the driving job, liked his own company, listened to music or the radio when he got bored; Radio 5 Live or Radio 4. Learnt all sorts.

With the money Vicky made from her mobile hairdressing and tax credits from the government they could just about manage. It was touch and go at times: no leeway if the washing machine packed in or the gas bill doubled. Annual holidays were beyond their means and Vicky’s old banger was running on a lick and a prayer but holidays weren’t really an option with Kieran anyway. Change of any sort, the slightest deviation from routine, brought out the worst of his behaviour.

Mike looked at his clipboard. Two of the parcels were 24-hour express. Timperley and over in Urmston. Opposite sides of the city. ‘Sod it,’ he said quietly, deciding he would make an early start tomorrow and try to clear the backlog plus whatever else was on his sheet. He looked over to the rec, the white tent which now shielded the ground where the lad had lain. ‘It’ll keep.’

Back home he could smell pizza. Vicky was in the garden with the kids. Megan was on the slide; she skimmed down then raced across the grass to greet him. He swung her up and she let out a peal of laughter. ‘Again, Dad.’

‘Later, matey, Dad’s tired. Hey, Kieran.’

His son was nestled in the corner of the small area of decking, facing the walls. Mike could see the toys scattered between his legs. The bafflingly random items that Kieran formed an attachment to. A small rubber ring for a dog, a thimble, a piece of yellow felt, a plastic snake.

‘Did you get the straws?’ Vicky asked.

‘Oh, shit.’ Mike couldn’t face going out again. The only way Kieran would drink was through a particular make of striped plastic straws. No others. The child would die of dehydration rather than compromise. And the only place that sold those straws was Morrison’s supermarket, the nearest branch out in Reddish.

‘They’ll be shut, now,’ Mike said.

‘How could you forget!’ Her eyes were blazing.

‘Aren’t there any left?’

They bought in bulk, a system that worked for months at a time making them complacent, not aware of dwindling supplies.

Vicky swore and stalked into the kitchen. Mike followed. ‘I rang,’ he said. ‘You never answered.’ Bit of a red herring, really, he would never have made it to the supermarket even if he had got through and Vicky had reminded him.

‘Yes, well, he’s hidden the phone again,’ she hissed, pulling at the drawers, rifling through, just in case. Another of Kieran’s obsessions: taking and hiding phones.

‘And your mobile?’

‘Recharging. Look!’ She turned, furious, her face contorted, holding up the transparent plastic box. ‘That’s it!’ A single straw.

Mike’s mouth began to twitch, a bubble of hysteria fluttered in his chest. His diaphragm and belly convulsed. Don’t say it, he thought. Don’t.

‘It’s not funny, Mike.’ She looked askance. ‘It’s the last straw!’

Laughter burst from him. Snatching his breath and sight and sense. And then his face was wet and his shoulders shook and he lifted his hands to his face.

‘Jesus Christ,’ Vicky said quietly. ‘What on earth is it?’



It was hot for once and Milo was fretting after his midday nap so Cheryl texted Vinia. Asked if she’d like to hang out. Take Milo down the play park together. Vinia was cool with it. Said half an hour and pitched up in twenty which was some sort of a record. She was always late was Vinia, be late for her own funeral, that girl, Nana said. Many a time.

Nana had gone to church after giving out about how it would do the child good to visit the Lord, like she always did. How back home in Jamaica no one would dare miss church. And Cheryl nodded and shrugged and then objected that Milo had gone down and she wasn’t going to wake him.

‘Where did I go wrong?’ Nana muttered to the mirror, adjusting the veil on her hat. ‘Well?’ She turned to Cheryl, one arm out, palm up, the other on her waist. Asking now for Cheryl’s opinion about her outfit.

‘Fine.’ Cheryl nodded at the navy skirt suit. Gold buckles on the shoes, anchors on the suit buttons. Nautical Nana. ‘More than fine.’ Cheryl grinned.

‘Splendid?’ Nana demanded.


Nana clapped her hands but the gloves muffled the sound. She went to the door. ‘I might go back with Rose.’

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Make Believe

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Stone Cold Red Hot

When private eye Sal Kilkenny is asked to discover the whereabouts of Jennifer Pickering, disinherited by her family twenty years ago, it seems that Jennifer does not want to be found. Despite her initial reservations, as the events of the past gradually unfold, single-mum Sal finds that she is becoming engrossed in the case. There are dark secrets waiting to be uncovered but can Sal break the conspiracy of silence that surrounds this mystery? As she spends her days tracing Jennifer, Sal's nights become shattered by an emotional and often dangerous assignment with the Neighbour Nuisance Unit on one of Manchester's toughest housing estates.

Dead Wrong

Single mother and private eye, Sal Kilkenny, has two very frightened clients on her hands. One, young mother Debbie Gosforth, is a victim; the other, Luke Wallace, is afraid he is a murderer. While Sal tries to protect Debbie from a stalker, she has to investigate the murder of Luke's best friend.

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1912 год. Российская империя. Уже несколько месяцев город боится ложиться спать. По ночам в дома проникают убийцы, от которых не могут спасти замки. Они открывают двери без взлома и не оставляют следов. Их прозвали Невидимыми. То, что для большинства — причина бессонницы, для репортера — способ сделать карьеру…


Энтони Келахан боится собственных снов. Он уверен, что покойный отец пытается лишить его жизни. Энтони обращается к известному психологу за помощью. Они вдвоём, пытаются разобраться и понять, насколько реальна угроза, присланная из загробного мира через сны.

По имени Шерлок. Книга 3

Убийца пойман, зло повержено. Но, неужели, настоящему герою больше нечем заняться? Вовсе нет. Впереди новые, захватывающие приключения. Когда рядом с тобой друзья, даже безумие Бога можно обуздать!

Капитан Рубахин

Опорск вырос на берегу полноводной реки, по синему руслу которой во время оно ходили купеческие ладьи с восточным товаром к западным и северным торжищам и возвращались опять на Восток. Историки утверждали, что название городу дала древняя порубежная застава, небольшая крепость, именованная Опорой. В злую годину она первой встречала вражьи рати со стороны степи. Во дни же затишья принимала застава за дубовые стены торговых гостей с их товарами, дабы могли спокойно передохнуть они на своих долгих и опасных путях.

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В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

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В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.