Desperate Measures

Desperate Measures

The fourth Blue Murder novel written by the creator of the hit ITV police drama starring Caroline Quentin as DCI Janine Lewis.

A well-respected family GP is found shot dead outside his surgery; who could possibly want to kill him? As DCI Janine Lewis and her team investigate they uncover stories of loyalty, love, deception, betrayal and revenge.

Praise for the Blue Murder books

'Complex and satisfying in its handling of Lewis's agonised attempts to be both a good cop and a good mother.' The Sunday Times

'Uncluttered and finely detailed prose.' Birmingham Post

'Beautifully realised little snapshots of the different characters' lives… Compelling stuff.' Sherlock Magazine

'A swift, satisfying read.' City Life

'Precise and detailed delineation of contemporary family relationships.' Tangled Web

'Lewis seems set to become another very popular string to Staincliffe's bow as one of the leading English murder writers.' Manchester Metro

'Pace and plenty of human interest.' Publishing News

'Blending the warmth of family life with the demands of a police investigation.'

Manchester Evening News

'Juggling work and family is a challenge of modern life and encountering realistically portrayed women with family responsibilities is a pleasure. Staincliffe is a veteran crime fiction writer and so her plots are well-thought-out and puzzling.' Deadly Pleasures

Жанр: Детектив
Серии: -
Всего страниц: 46
Год издания: Не установлен
Формат: Полный

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The fourth book in the Janine Lewis series, 2015

In memory of my uncle Peter Parish – a lovely man and a brilliant pioneer who worked to increase knowledge and understanding for everyone in the prescribing and use of drugs.

Day One – Tuesday

Chapter 1

‘No one is killing anyone,’ Janine said.

Eleanor and Tom began objecting but Janine raised her hands. ‘We finish the meal like civilized human beings, without squabbling or fighting, or you two can go upstairs – no pudding and no screen time.’

‘God.’ Eleanor made a show of rolling her eyes and Tom scowled.

Charlotte, aged four, clapped her hands.

‘That really isn’t helping,’ Janine said to Charlotte.

Janine seemed to spend half her life as a referee. Eleanor at fifteen was prickly and volatile and dripped misery like every other teenager while Tom, five years her junior, was either winding his sister up or bearing the brunt of her crushing putdowns.

‘I want pudding,’ Charlotte said.

‘Please,’ Janine prompted.

‘Please.’ Charlotte beamed. Happy little soul. Who knows where she’d found that equilibrium. Her life had been the most unsettled to date, born into the immediate aftermath of the marriage break-up, her dad Pete living elsewhere with Tina and now their new baby. Charlotte had been looked after by a succession of nannies with the help of Janine’s eldest child Michael while Janine worked. Now Michael had left home, a man of the world, and Janine was still adjusting to the change.

Janine got the ice cream out of the freezer. Running the hot water over a spoon, she caught Eleanor’s reflection in the window, mouthing something at Tom. Nothing pleasant, Janine was sure.

‘I can see you, Eleanor,’ Janine said.

‘Well, he’s a saddo. I’m sick of it. Loser.’ Eleanor lunged forward towards her brother.

‘What did I say?’ Janine turned round.

I don’t want any, anyway,’ Eleanor said, ‘I hate manky ice cream.’ She shoved back her chair and thundered out of the room.

‘Hah!’ Charlotte said.

‘Indeed,’ Janine said.

Tom was still brooding, mouth set, brow furrowed.

‘You want a flake in it?’ Janine said.

‘Have we got some?’ Tom said.

‘We just might have.’

‘I couldn’t see any,’ Tom said.

‘Because I have got a new hiding place,’ Janine said. If she didn’t stash the sweets away the kids attacked them like a plague of locusts.

‘You dish this up.’ She put the tub of ice cream and the spoon on the table near to Tom.

Out in the hallway, once the door had swung shut behind her, she got the old shopping bag down from the coat rack and picked out three flakes.

She was just helping Charlotte stick one into her ice cream when her phone rang. Richard Mayne, her Detective Inspector.

‘You do it.’ Janine handed the flake to Charlotte.

‘Richard?’ Janine moved back into the hall as she answered the call.

‘Dead body,’ he said, ‘just been called in.’


‘I’d say – shot three times.’

‘OK. I’ll see you there.’

Richard gave her the address, on the Chorlton/Whalley Range border, and rang off.

Janine took a breath and went upstairs and knocked on Eleanor’s door.

‘Go away,’ said a muffled voice from inside.


‘I don’t want any ice cream and I don’t want another stupid, boring lecture.’

‘I need you to babysit,’ Janine said.

A strangled groan from Eleanor.

‘I’ve been called into work,’ Janine said.

‘I hate your job.’

‘Eleanor, I need to go.’

‘Why can’t you take them to Dad’s?’ Eleanor said.

‘You know why. We’ve not arranged it and while Alfie’s so small it’s not fair. You’re here and I need you to be responsible.’

‘You could ring Sylvie.’

Sylvie was the babysitter cum nanny. ‘She’s not back till tomorrow,’ Janine said. ‘I’ll pay you.’

Janine was aware of the time, anxious to leave.

‘Will you?’ A change of tone from Eleanor.

‘Yes – and that means I expect you to do it professionally. No being mean to Tom. A bath and bedtime story for Charlotte.’

There was the sound of movement from inside the room. Then Eleanor opened the door. ‘How much?’ she said.

‘The going rate,’ Janine said.


‘I’ll tell them I’m off,’ Janine said.

In the kitchen Janine explained about work and stressed to Tom that he had to cooperate with his big sister and no more bickering.

‘Can I have your ice cream?’ he said.

‘All right then but not this.’ She grabbed the flake and bent to kiss him, he dodged, ‘Ewww! Get off.’

Janine kissed Charlotte on the top of her head, less ice cream there than anywhere else, and then set off.

In the car, she keyed the postcode into the satnav and saw that the address was only a couple of miles to the west. It was still light, just before seven, on an early autumn day.

I hate your job, Eleanor had said. And I love it, Janine thought. It was always challenging and there were times when it was exhausting, when it was hard to stomach, times when it could break your heart if you let it. But she was experienced and skilled, she had to be to reach the level of Detective Chief Inspector, and the work was compelling. Most of all, it mattered – to her and her team and to the people who were left behind.

Monday – 24 hours earlier

Chapter 2

When the coroner announced the verdict, Adele Young felt as if someone had reached into her chest and torn the heart from her. After all this, the weeks of grieving, the long dark nights with the walls closing in and all she could feel was an absence, Marcie missing, after the battle to try and get someone to listen, to take her seriously and understand that her daughter’s death could have been prevented. After all that to be told this.

Еще от автора Cath Staincliffe
Make Believe

Blue Murder: Make BelieveThe third Blue Murder novel written by the creator of the hit ITV police drama starring Caroline Quentin as DCI Janine Lewis.For nine days the people of Manchester have been looking for missing three-year-old Sammy Wray then DCI Janine Lewis is called to a residential street where a child's body has been found. It's a harrowing investigation and Janine's personal problems make leading the inquiry even tougher. Is this the case that will break her?Praise for the Blue Murder books'Complex and satisfying in its handling of Lewis's agonised attempts to be both a good cop and a good mother.'The Sunday Times'Uncluttered and finely detailed prose.'Birmingham Post'Beautifully realised little snapshots of the different characters' lives… Compelling stuff.'Sherlock Magazine'A swift, satisfying read.'City Life'Precise and detailed delineation of contemporary family relationships.'Tangled Web'Lewis seems set to become another very popular string to Staincliffe's bow as one of the leading English murder writers.'Manchester Metro'Pace and plenty of human interest.'Publishing News'Blending the warmth of family life with the demands of a police investigation.'Manchester Evening News'Juggling work and family is a challenge of modern life and encountering realistically portrayed women with family responsibilities is a pleasure.


"A painfully honest exploration of an ordinary family under stress… A stunning piece of work." – Ann CleevesFour bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time. Witnesses to the shocking shooting of a teenage boy. A moment that changes their lives forever. Fiona, a midwife, is plagued by panic attacks and unable to work. Has she the strength to testify? Mike, a delivery driver and family man, faces an impossible decision when his frightened wife forces him to choose – us or the court case. Cheryl, a single-mother, doesn't want her child to grow up in the same climate of fear.

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В ловушке

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Будущее не продается

Илья Енисеев, герой нового остросюжетного и драматичного романа известного писателя Андрея Воронцова, наделен даром видеть будущее. Поначалу способности его не находят признания. Но стоило молве разнести весть о его успехах, как люди, особенно богатые и влиятельные, понимают, что пророк ― это капитал, вложенный в будущее. И вот, доселе гонимый, Енисеев становится великим искушением для поверивших в него, потому что нет в мире соблазна большего, чем тайна. Между сильными мира сего начинается борьба за пророка.

Срочно меняю Нью-Йорк на Москву!

Каждый думает, что где-то его жизнь могла бы сложиться удачнее. Такова человеческая натура! Все мы считаем, что достойны лучшего. А какова реальность? Всегда ли наши мечты соответствуют действительности? Не стоит винить свою Родину во всех бедах, свалившихся на вашу голову. В конечном счете, ваша судьба находится исключительно в ваших руках. В этом остросюжетном детективе перед читателем открывается противоречивая Америка, такая соблазнительная и жестокая. Практичные американцы не только говорят на другом языке, но они и думают по-другому! Как приспособиться к новой жизни, не наляпав ошибок? Да и нужно ли? Данный детектив входит в серию «Злополучные приключения», в которых остросюжетная линия тесно переплетена с записками путешественника и отменно приправлена искромётным юмором автора.

Смерть ходит рядом

На этот раз следователь по особо важным делам Клавдия Дежкина расследует дело проститутки, обвиненной в краже у иностранцев крупной суммы в долларах. К тому же девушка оказалась причастна ко всему, что происходило в притоне, организованном в квартире одного известного актера, убийство которого считалось уже раскрытым. Именно в этой квартире находился тайник со свинцовыми стенками, содержащий видеокассеты с компроматом. Следы ведут в саму городскую прокуратуру.

Большой заговор

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