The Last Confession of Thomas Hawkins - [47]
‘I’m afraid for his soul, Mr Hawkins,’ he said, as he escorted me to the door. ‘The manner of his death – it gave him no chance to repent his sins. He was not himself, these past few weeks. His treatment of Alice…’
I could hear Mrs Jenkins fussing over Stephen upstairs. They would never winkle her out of the house now – not unless someone more interesting was murdered. The queen should have hired Mrs Jenkins to investigate Charles Howard instead of me – the woman was a walking newspaper, crammed with gossip. The Daily Jenkins. Still, she would be a help too, with Alice gone. ‘Is it true that Alice has run away?’
Ned glanced up the stairs. ‘Judith threw her out. I warned her not to be so rash. And now you are released… Alice.’ He laughed without humour, marvelling at the thought. ‘I can scarce believe it, but she had most cause…’
I shook my head. Burden had been torturing Alice for weeks in secret. Why kill him now, when he had promised to marry her? Kill him after the ceremony, perhaps, when the ink upon his will was dry. But not before. I took the knife from my pocket. ‘Your father was stabbed nine times in the chest. That was rage. Revenge.’
His eyes widened. He tore the blade from my hand. ‘How d’you know that? How d’you know he was stabbed nine times?’
I shrank back, realising my mistake. How could I know, indeed, if I had not seen the corpse? ‘Half the town knows it!’ I protested, feigning indignation. But I sounded nervous, even to my own ears – and Ned was suspicious once more.
‘You were angry with him last night. And very drunk.’
So, we were back to this. Damn it. ‘The doors and windows were barred. I’m not a ghost, Ned. I cannot walk through walls.’
‘Perhaps there’s another way in.’ He paused, narrowing his eyes. ‘Alice said she thought there must be a passage between the houses…’
Thank God I played cards for profit. My face was a mask, but my heart was thudding so hard against my chest I was sure he must see it beating through my coat. Heaven help me – if Ned found the passage between the two attic rooms, I was lost without a hope. I clamped my hat to my head. ‘There are no doors and no passages. Whoever killed your father is still here in this house, Ned. If I were you, I should sleep with that blade beneath your pillow.’
Chapter Twelve
The Cocked Pistol was open for business. I watched from the street for a time, recovering my wits and savouring the last thin light of a long, cruel day. Business was steady, despite my ignominious arrest, customers entering with their usual furtive slide. Sam had taken charge of the shop. He was well suited to the task, swift and discreet – and the customers didn’t notice him studying them closely beneath lowered lids. Perhaps later in his room he would sketch that young servant, come to collect a fresh parcel of books. One of Lord Hervey’s men, I thought. His lordship was a great friend of the Prince of Wales. As he often ordered two copies of the same volume, we’d begun to suspect that one set was being smuggled to Prince Frederick for his pleasure and education. What would his mother think of that? Perhaps she would be pleased. It was vital the boy knew how to breed, after all.
Sam handed over the parcel and pocketed the small tip. For all the trouble he had caused with his moonlight skulks about Burden’s house, I had grown oddly fond of the boy. Fond enough to dismiss the notion that he could have killed Burden. Reason told me I should not discount him – the son of a murderous gang captain, the nephew of a master assassin. But I could not believe him capable of such a violent, bloody murder. And for what purpose – sport? No, Burden’s killer had been seeking revenge or justice. I doubted Sam had much time for either.
Burden’s children were another matter entirely. The more I considered the life they had endured, the more certain I was that one of them was guilty. Burden had kept Judith a prisoner all her life; she rarely left the house save for church. Well – she was free now. I glanced up at the windows, shuttered in mourning. I had seen her sitting there countless times, pale and drawn, watching hungrily as life passed beneath her gaze. ‘Poor Judith’, the gossips had called her, while Felblade delivered another draught for her nerves.
Stephen must have dreaded a similar fate, once his father refused to send him back to school. He’d been given a sharp taste of his new life – beaten half to death for daring to question his father’s authority. And then, bitterest of all, he had discovered his father was not only a violent bully, but a liar and a hypocrite. Had this been enough to kindle a murderous fury in the boy? That thin-limbed, trembling colt? Rage could give the weakest soul the strength of ten men. Cut off from his school and his friends, with his inheritance in peril, Stephen had powerful reasons to murder Burden. Money, justice, revenge. Of the three children, he would gain the most from his father’s death. Now he was master of the house – and free to live as he pleased.
WINNER OF THE CWA HISTORICAL DAGGER AWARD 2014.Longlisted for the John Creasey Dagger Award for best debut crime novel of 2014.London, 1727 – and Tom Hawkins is about to fall from his heaven of card games, brothels, and coffeehouses to the hell of a debtors' prison. The Marshalsea is a savage world of its own, with simple rules: those with family or friends who can lend them a little money may survive in relative comfort. Those with none will starve in squalor and disease. And those who try to escape will suffer a gruesome fate at the hands of the gaol's rutheless governor and his cronies.The trouble is, Tom Hawkins has never been good at following rules – even simple ones.
Заняв должность в городке Пенлее, судья Ди тут же приступает к расследованию убийства своего предшественника. Тем временем по окрестностям рыщет страшный тигр, дух убитого бродит по зданию суда, а труп монаха отыскивается в чужой могиле. В конце концов судья Ди приходит к выводу, что все эти внешне не связанные события имеют одну причину.
1150 год до нашей эры.Заговор по свержению живого воплощения бога Ра — всемогущего фараона Рамзеса III — удалось предотвратить.Однако фараон пал жертвой ненависти своей супруги, царицы Тии. На престол взошел его наследник, легендарный Рамзес IV, но он тяжело болен.На окраинах царства по-прежнему неспокойно, а вечный соперник Египта — Вавилон — плетет дипломатические и политические интриги. Как противостоять могуществу сильного и хитроумного противника? Открытое противостояние бесполезно.И тогда фараон отправляет в Вавилон единственного человека, которому может доверять, — дознавателя Симеркета.Его официальная миссия — доставить в Египет изображение бога, приносящее чудесные исцеления.Но помимо этого Симеркет получает и тайное задание, куда более опасное…
«Банк, хранящий смерть» — второй роман известного английского писателя Дэвида Дикинсона (р. 1946 г.) в серии о лорде Пауэрскорте (с предыдущим издательство «СЛОВО» уже познакомило российских читателей)1897 год. Вся Британская империя с волнением ждет празднования юбилея королевы Виктории. Но тут происходят странные, зловещие события: в Темзе находят обезглавленный труп известного лондонского банкира, затем при загадочных обстоятельствах погибает его брат, а потом власти узнают, что Великобритания в опасности — стране угрожают и ирландские террористы, и члены немецких тайных обществ! Кто может помочь империи в столь сложный момент? Только лорд Пауэрскорт! Конечно же он с блеском справляется с поставленной перед ним ответственной задачей.
Зимней ненастной ночью в замке Вайнторп-касл происходит странное, необъяснимое убийство. Юный Генри Лейвенхэм заколот у дверей спальни своей молодой и красивой мачехи. Как он там оказался? Кто его убил? Неужели и правда сын хозяина замка, Роберт Вайнторп, которого застали над мертвым телом с кинжалом в руке? Родной сестре Роберта, настоятельнице Тиндальской обители Элинор, приехавшей в замок лечить больного племянника, и ее спутникам надо успеть найти подлинного убийцу прежде, чем уляжется непогода и за подозреваемым сможет прибыть шериф.
Жадные до власти мужчины оставляют своих возлюбленных и заключают «выгодные» браки, любым способом устраняя конкурентов. Дамы, мечтающие о том, чтобы короли правили миром из их постели, готовы на многое, даже на преступления. Путем хитроумнейших уловок прокладывала дорогу к трону бывшая наложница Цыси, ставшая во главе китайской империи. Дочь мелкого служащего Жанна Пуассон, более известная как всесильная маркиза де Помпадур, тоже не чуралась ничего. А Борис Годунов, а великий князь и затем император российский Александр Первый, а княжна Софья Алексеевна и английская королева Елизавета – им пришлось пожертвовать многим, дабы записать свое имя в истории…
Драгоценные камни…Они переходят из рук хозяев к ворам и контрабандистам, а затем — к купцам, ювелирам, новым владельцам.Они всегда оставляют след…Кэтрин Стерн, страстно увлеченная историей камней, сквозь времена и расстояния прослеживает странный, загадочный, опасный путь драгоценности, которую некогда носила Елизавета Английская…