Witness - [68]


Little and Large made it clear that wasn’t an option. Banged on and on about it being his responsibility, his side of the deal. Large kept saying it was his big chance, turn his life around, settle down. But it was Hull, he didn’t know anyone, he didn’t belong. He missed Manchester.

Zak asked them about other destinations but Little snapped it was witness protection not a sodding travel agency. Same with his new name. Ryan Wilson. Ryan! He hated the name. There’d been a Ryan in one of the homes, a psycho bully who robbed everyone’s stuff and had pointy, baby teeth and asthma.

But they forced him to have the name and he had to practise writing it. He told them he didn’t go in for much reading and writing but they insisted he’d need a new signature. Not being good with reading limited the jobs they could find him. In the end he started at a recycling centre: sorting glass and metal. The rubbish came in on a wide belt and the ‘operatives’ as they were called stood either side picking off items for the different crates. You had to wear full protective clothing: overalls and gloves and boots. The place was cold and the work made a right racket, the crashing of glass and the metal clanging. It stank too from the bits of old booze and food and that. You got all sorts coming on the belt. A dead dog one time, just a pup. That cut Zak up to see it.

Zak’s new life story was that he’d grown up with his mam in Wigan. ‘I don’t talk like I come from Wigan,’ he’d told Large.

‘No one over this side’ll know the difference,’ Large said, fiddling with the braces on his teeth.

Then they’d moved to Hull.

‘Why? Why would anyone come here?’

‘For work.’

‘There isn’t any.’

‘She worked for Woolies before they went bust, transferred here. Died of cancer three years ago.’ Large looked at him carefully. Zak didn’t like him peering like that. Knew he was thinking about Zak’s real mam and all that bother. What did they know? She was all he had, her and Bess. He’d been really naughty, must have, and she had to punish him. Went a bit too far, that’s all. Zak shuddered, got up and stretched.

‘Her name was Julie Wilson. You never knew your dad.’

‘You got that right.’

They began to call him Ryan and he hated it. ‘Can’t I have a nickname?’

‘Like what?’ Little laughed. ‘Fingers?’

‘Behave!’ Zak said.

‘Willie – short for Wilson.’ Little kept laughing.

Zak went outside for a fag.

‘A middle name, then?’ he asked when he got back in.

Little shook his head.

‘Why not? Does it cost more or summat?’ Zak felt like crying. He did not want to be Ryan.

They wouldn’t budge. ‘It’s all sorted now, birth certificate and all. No can do.’

Ryan Wilson had no other family and had dropped out of school, drifted about for a bit. They kept it simple.

Once Zak got settled at work, he told the rest to call him Matt, said it was his middle name. He carried on like that. Only used Ryan for the official stuff. Handy in a way: if someone called asking for Ryan he knew it wasn’t a mate. Not that he’d much to do with the others outside work, the odd kickabout with the younger ones but mostly he’d go home, take Bess out then have some scran and watch telly. Little and Large had warned him not to get too pally too soon. Keep his distance. They’d be checking up on him. So once or twice a week he’d get a call from them, or one of them would pitch up at the flat unannounced.

A couple of months after he’d started the job, he heard one of the lads bragging about some weed. Zak asked if he could get him some. It arrived the next day. Zak got home, saw to Bess, had a pot noodle then fired one up. He was catatonic by 9 p.m. Next thing, Large is on the phone, on his case. Why wasn’t he at work?

‘Migraine,’ he told him. ‘Happens now and again.’

Zak should have been happy: he had Bess, he had a warm flat, a place of his own, didn’t have to look for somewhere to crash every night. He could lock the door and keep the world out, get up when he liked at weekends, watch telly all night long if he liked. He could afford to eat three times a day. But he felt lost and lonely. Zak accepted he’d have to stay in Hull till the trial.

‘What about after?’ he asked Large.

‘It’s not that bad,’ Large told him.

‘Compared to what? When can I move?’

‘We’ll talk after the trial. Look, we’ve sorted you out: nice flat, regular work. Not easy.’

Then it was the trial. He had to be kept close, they said. It was like going back to those first two weeks with Little and Large babysitting him. They took him to a motel outside town. Bess had to go into kennels.

‘No way,’ Zak said. ‘She’s never been in kennels, she’ll hate it.’ Why couldn’t they stay at the safe house again? Why couldn’t Bess stay at the flat and them take him back there after the trial? He tried facing them down, saying he wouldn’t go ahead if they sent Bess to kennels. Little went ballistic and Large sent him out to cool down and told Zak he was on very thin ice and that protection could be withdrawn if he wasn’t fully cooperative. So they were at the Travelodge for two nights and the day in between. Adjoining rooms. There was nothing to do but drink and watch telly. Then the second night Large told him they’d an early start in the morning. His time had come.

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Искатель, 2014 № 05

«ИСКАТЕЛЬ» — советский и российский литературный альманах. Издаётся с 1961 года. Публикует фантастические, приключенческие, детективные, военно-патриотические произведения, научно-популярные очерки и статьи. В 1961–1996 годах — литературное приложение к журналу «Вокруг света», с 1996 года — независимое издание.В 1961–1996 годах выходил шесть раз в год, в 1997–2002 годах — ежемесячно; с 2003 года выходит непериодически.Содержание:Николай Буянов ПРИЗОВОЙ УРОВЕНЬ (повесть)Людмила Лазарева НАЛОГ НА МУТАЦИЮ (рассказ)

Не все мы умрем

В одно мгновение рушится размеренная и благополучная жизнь генерального директора коммерческой фирмы: в новом партнере по бизнесу она узнает уголовника со стажем, который много лет назад чуть ее не убил. Вскоре его находят мертвым. Нить загадочного убийства ускользает от следователя прокуратуры — мужа героини. Он вынужден призвать на помощь интуицию своей жены…

Гелен Аму. Тайга. Пионерлагерь. Книга первая

Это не просто остросюжетный и захватывающий детектив, интересный читателю любого возраста, это настоящее историческое погружение внутрь времени. Юная героиня, потерявшая всех близких, даже тех, кого не знала при своей жизни наяву, чувствующая связь с погибшими и ушедшими, вступает в смертельное противостояние с убийцей. Она не может обратиться за помощью к друзьям, искренне любящими ее, только она одна сможет найти правду и уничтожить маньяка. Хрупкая шестнадцатилетняя девушка с длинной косой с каждым новым витком увлекательного сюжета, с каждым обрезанной прядью волос становится все более грозным воином, ломает все стереотипы и все преграды.


В один прекрасный, а точнее, обыденный и ничем не примечательный день жизнь Леона Дайма, наполненная ворохом проблем, изменилась до неузнаваемости. Те неприятности, которые сопровождали его семью, покажутся детской забавой по сравнению с будущими событиями. Связь с преступной группой, с потусторонними силами, смертельные схватки и погони, убийства, боль и утрата – всё это навалится на  неподготовленного мальчишку нарастающим снежным комом. И как же он справится со всем этим? Всё зависит только от него.

Зыбкое доказательство

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Зона невозврата

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