The Last Confession of Thomas Hawkins - [54]
‘D’you know, it’s strange,’ Howard frowned. ‘You both seem familiar. Are you an actress, madam?’
‘No, sir,’ Kitty smiled. ‘We own a bookshop, on Russell Street…’
He swayed, thinking. ‘Hah! Cocked Pistol! Best damned shop in London!’ Howard punched one of his companions in the arm. ‘D’ye hear that, Drummond?’ And soon the entire company fell to discussing the shop and what a great, civic service it performed. I could scarce believe my luck. Not only did Howard not remember our fight, it transpired he was one of our best customers. He sent a boy for most of his purchases, but was sure he had met us both on his own brief visits. I confess I did not remember him, but then I spent most of my time upstairs at my desk.
‘Was there not a murder on Russell Street last night?’ Howard asked. ‘Some old bore was talking of it at White’s…’
‘Joseph Burden. Carpenter. He lived next door.’
Howard gave a jolt of surprise, then began to laugh, clapping a hand to his knee. ‘Joseph Burden…’ he chuckled. ‘Haven’t heard that name for a while. Now there was a vicious, godless rogue. He’ll be roasting in hell tonight, on my word.’
Kitty stared at him. ‘Godless?’
‘He was a brothel bully when I knew him,’ Howard said. ‘Bawdy house off Seven Dials. Twenty years back, now… Blackest, meanest place in the city. Not for simpering boys, you understand. Rooms for every vice.’ His eyes glinted. ‘Whipping. Pissing. Dogs if you fancied.’ He laughed and the rest of the company laughed with him. ‘Burden was paid to stop the worst of it. If a man took a knife to a girl, or beat her too hard. But he had debts. One could always pay him to look the other way.’ He laughed again. ‘My God. The things Joseph Burden didn’t see…’
Fresh cheering brought our attention back to the ring. Someone had entered the pit – in a state of near undress. ‘Neala!’ Kitty gasped. I leaned forward. My God, so it was – the Irish girl we’d met outside. She had removed her long riding cloak to reveal a tightly laced bodice and a short petticoat of white linen, her solid legs bare. She was holding a two-handed sword, the blade a good three inches broad. She raised it high, drawing another roar from the crowd. A second girl joined her in the ring dressed in the same uniform, though she wore red ribbons on her sleeve where Neala wore blue. Her blonde hair was tightly plaited close to her head, to keep it from her eyes.
‘A guinea on the blue,’ Howard ordered, pushing me towards the pit. ‘First to draw blood.’
‘And a pie!’ Kitty called after me.
I found a man near the front of the tumult willing to take my bet – the same waterman who had traded insults with Kitty. Neala was striding about the ring, calling out the many fights she had won. She spoke of her eight brothers back in Ennistymon, who’d taught her how to use a sword like a warrior. I was near enough to catch her eye as she passed. She gave a curt nod before turning to shake her opponent’s hand.
I had never seen a female gladiatorial battle before. I’d heard of them being used to entertain the crowds before the men came out to fight – a little sport with no real danger. This was different. The point of Neala’s sword was blunt, but the edge was sharp as a razor. I tapped the waterman’s shoulder. ‘How many rounds?’
He shrugged. ‘They’re fighting for coin. Depends how desperate they are.’
Neala was down on one knee, praying with her head bowed. As she rose she crossed herself, then bounced on the balls of her feet.
‘Papish bitch,’ someone muttered beside me.
I suppressed a frown. My mother had been raised in the Catholic faith. I bet him a crown the bitch would win. Touched the gold crucifix hidden beneath my shirt for luck.
The fighters circled one another slowly as the men shouted encouragement. They both held daggers in their left hand to ward off blows, keeping the swords away from their bodies. The English girl was taller than Neala and moved fast. She was the first to attack, her sword crashing down hard enough to ring out through the tavern. Neala bowed her legs beneath the blow and sprang back.
It was a hard, brutal fight, and the packed room was hot as the centre of hell. The girls were soon drenched in sweat, their skin glistening and their white petticoats clinging to their thighs. As I glanced over the seething crowd of men, I understood why Kitty had been so unwelcome tonight. It was not just a lust for blood that had them baying at the girls. Several spectators had shoved a furtive hand in their breeches.
I leaned over to the waterman, pointed to a gang of apprentices across the ring rubbing themselves with vigour. ‘Side bet on who spends first?’
The waterman snorted. ‘Young puppies. They’ll be spent before I’m done speak-’ He stopped. Pulled a face. ‘Told you.’
Howard squeezed in next to me and put an arm around my shoulder. ‘Some sport, eh?’
I had to admit it was a great spectacle. The other girl was a pretty creature and knew how to play to her audience, flashing them smiles as she hacked hard and fast with her blade. With a quick dart she sliced open Neala’s arm, blood spurting from the wound. First blood to England. The crowd cheered. Howard had lost his bet.
WINNER OF THE CWA HISTORICAL DAGGER AWARD 2014.Longlisted for the John Creasey Dagger Award for best debut crime novel of 2014.London, 1727 – and Tom Hawkins is about to fall from his heaven of card games, brothels, and coffeehouses to the hell of a debtors' prison. The Marshalsea is a savage world of its own, with simple rules: those with family or friends who can lend them a little money may survive in relative comfort. Those with none will starve in squalor and disease. And those who try to escape will suffer a gruesome fate at the hands of the gaol's rutheless governor and his cronies.The trouble is, Tom Hawkins has never been good at following rules – even simple ones.
Мистико-исторический детектив. Убит пожилой полковник, знавший о некоторых представителях водяного общества несколько неприятных фактов...
Испания, 1354 год. Епископу Жироны Беренгеру необходимо приехать в Таррагону на совет епископов. Одолеваемый болезнями и попавший в немилость одновременно королю Арагона и архиепископу Таррагоны, Беренгер с неохотой соглашается на эту поездку и просит своего личного лекаря Исаака сопровождать его. В довершение жена Исаака, несмотря на все уговоры, намерена ехать вместе с мужем и берет с собой Ракель, их с Исааком дочь. Однако настоящие неприятности еще впереди: кто-то убивает посланников папы римского, чьи тела обнаружены на дороге, ведущей в Таррагону.
1857 год. Снова и снова полиция находит в Темзе обезображенные трупы лондонских «жриц любви».Все жертвы — не просто убиты, но и жестоко изувечены.Полиция — в растерянности.И тогда к расследованию подключают блестящего молодого доктора Филиппса — члена элитарного общества английских ученых, закрытого Клуба Лазаря. Клуба, в котором собираются величайшие гении эпохи — Чарльз Дарвин, Чарльз Бэббидж, Изамбард Кингдом Брунел.Их цель — изменить мир при помощи науки.Но умеют ли эти люди еще и раскрывать преступления?Поможет ли их интеллект в поисках убийцы?
Заняв должность в городке Пенлее, судья Ди тут же приступает к расследованию убийства своего предшественника. Тем временем по окрестностям рыщет страшный тигр, дух убитого бродит по зданию суда, а труп монаха отыскивается в чужой могиле. В конце концов судья Ди приходит к выводу, что все эти внешне не связанные события имеют одну причину.
1150 год до нашей эры.Заговор по свержению живого воплощения бога Ра — всемогущего фараона Рамзеса III — удалось предотвратить.Однако фараон пал жертвой ненависти своей супруги, царицы Тии. На престол взошел его наследник, легендарный Рамзес IV, но он тяжело болен.На окраинах царства по-прежнему неспокойно, а вечный соперник Египта — Вавилон — плетет дипломатические и политические интриги. Как противостоять могуществу сильного и хитроумного противника? Открытое противостояние бесполезно.И тогда фараон отправляет в Вавилон единственного человека, которому может доверять, — дознавателя Симеркета.Его официальная миссия — доставить в Египет изображение бога, приносящее чудесные исцеления.Но помимо этого Симеркет получает и тайное задание, куда более опасное…
Жадные до власти мужчины оставляют своих возлюбленных и заключают «выгодные» браки, любым способом устраняя конкурентов. Дамы, мечтающие о том, чтобы короли правили миром из их постели, готовы на многое, даже на преступления. Путем хитроумнейших уловок прокладывала дорогу к трону бывшая наложница Цыси, ставшая во главе китайской империи. Дочь мелкого служащего Жанна Пуассон, более известная как всесильная маркиза де Помпадур, тоже не чуралась ничего. А Борис Годунов, а великий князь и затем император российский Александр Первый, а княжна Софья Алексеевна и английская королева Елизавета – им пришлось пожертвовать многим, дабы записать свое имя в истории…