The Last Confession of Thomas Hawkins - [28]
She paused, quite furious. Half the world knew that Henrietta Howard was the king’s mistress – but it was an unspoken fact that could be ignored by the court and parliament. Charles Howard’s threats to expose the affair in such a public and sordid manner, and to involve the Church, could not be dismissed lightly. At the very least the king would appear ridiculous, at worst, weak and vulnerable. Not a favourable situation, barely six months into his reign.
The queen, meanwhile, seemed to have recovered herself. ‘Now. I shall tell you a fine tale, sir. It will shock you. A few weeks ago I was working alone, there at my desk, when the door was flung open boof! and Mr Howard burst in, snarling and snapping like a rabid dog. Raving drunk of course – the man is seldom sober. He must have his wife back. He insists upon it. If I do not give her up at once he will drag her from my carriage by her hair the next time we venture out. “Well, sir,” I said. “Do it if you dare.”’ She squared her shoulders at the memory. ‘He stormed up and down, comme ça,’ she pointed with her finger, whisking it back and forth, ‘raving and cursing and threatening to throw me out of the window if I did not oblige him. Well. I informed him that he should do no such thing. But he is in truth so brutal, as well as a little mad, and always so very drunk. And the sash was open. I did half expect to find myself sailing out of the window at any moment.’ She crinkled her lips, amused by the thought.
‘Your Majesty! Was he not arrested?’
She shrugged. This was a private matter. ‘I said, “Why, Mr Howard, we are both rational beings.” I flattered him there, did I not? “Mrs Howard is a loyal and obedient servant and I could not bear to part with her. Let us settle this as reasonable people, sir. Tell me what you desire and be plain about it.” Well, once he had recovered from being called rational and reasonable he presented his demands.’ She took another candied fruit. ‘Three thousand pounds per annum to compensate for his prodigious loss. Else he will seize his wife at the first opportunity and in a most violent and outrageous fashion.’ There was a pause while she ate. ‘The King is not inclined to pay.’
So much for gallantry. Mrs Howard had been the king’s mistress for ten years. Three thousand pounds was a great fortune – but the king could afford to pay it if he wished. Instead he was prepared to let her live in constant terror, trapped in the palace. I’d heard the king was a miserly man – but this was cruel.
‘Poor Swiss has not left her rooms for weeks,’ the queen added, unmoved. ‘And His Majesty is quite furious. He describes his fury to me at great length, every evening. It is an intolerable situation.’ She closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she stared directly into mine with a fierce, unblinking gaze. ‘You will resolve it for us, Mr Hawkins.’
‘Your Majesty…?’ Sweat trickled down my back as the room closed in on me.
‘Come now, sir – I did not summon you here to admire your calves, handsome as they are.’ She gave Henrietta a sidelong glance. ‘My dear Howard, you have entertained us with your celebrated wit long enough. Pray leave us.’ She flicked her hand to the door.
Mrs Howard gave a low curtsey, then two more, and backed from the room without a murmur of protest. I had to struggle not to run after her – flee the room, the palace, the city, without turning my head once. I knew what this audience had become – an interview for a position I did not want and could not refuse.
‘You are a trifle pale, Mr Hawkins,’ the queen said. ‘Is it your mother’s Scots complexion, or are you palpitating in my glorious presence?’
‘Both, Your Majesty.’
She smirked. ‘A glass of claret for the boy, Mr Budge.’
Budge brought me the claret in a crystal glass that sparkled in the candlelight. I drank it gratefully.
‘You were a friend of Samuel Fleet,’ the queen said.
‘He was my cell mate.’
‘He was my servant. Odious, treacherous little man. I was quite fond of him. He resolved a few trifling situationson my behalf.’
My heart thudded hard against my chest. Fleet had confessed to me – shortly before he died – that he had been a spy and an assassin for many years. He’d also told me that he had collected too many secrets along the way – that he had thus become too useful to kill and too dangerous to keep alive. So he had been thrown in gaol to rot. I’d guessed his master was powerful, that much had been plain. I’d never suspected his master was the queen.
‘It is a great pity Fleet died in gaol.’ Her lips tightened at the inconvenience. ‘He must be replaced. His brother believes you might serve.’
Fuck James Fleet to hell – I should have guessed this was his doing. ‘Your Majesty, I fear I would be a grave disappointment-’
‘-Come now, sir. I cannot abide false modesty. You discovered Mr Fleet’s killer, did you not? And you fought off Mr Howard unaided. Have you not realised you were being tested that night? Well. Perhaps that is disappointing.’
‘Forgive me, Your Majesty…’ I fell silent, gathering my thoughts. Mrs Howard had not arranged the meeting? No – of course not. It had been a bold move to engage James Fleet and organise a secret assignation in the middle of the night. Mrs Howard was not a bold woman. The queen, on the other hand…
WINNER OF THE CWA HISTORICAL DAGGER AWARD 2014.Longlisted for the John Creasey Dagger Award for best debut crime novel of 2014.London, 1727 – and Tom Hawkins is about to fall from his heaven of card games, brothels, and coffeehouses to the hell of a debtors' prison. The Marshalsea is a savage world of its own, with simple rules: those with family or friends who can lend them a little money may survive in relative comfort. Those with none will starve in squalor and disease. And those who try to escape will suffer a gruesome fate at the hands of the gaol's rutheless governor and his cronies.The trouble is, Tom Hawkins has never been good at following rules – even simple ones.
Успех незамысловатой песенки про Марусю Климову, которая должна простить любимого, необъясним. Жизнь и смерть знаменитой бандерши, которая стала популярной благодаря этим куплетам, напоминает голливудский блокбастер — любовь и предательство, взлеты и падения, оглушительный успех и всеобщее порицание… Предлагаем вашему вниманию правдивую историю о Кровавой Мэри, которая стала прототипом персонажа полюбившейся многим песни. Хрупкая женщина держала в кулаке Петроград 20-х годов прошлого столетия, жила неистово, с фантазией, будто каждый день был последним.
Книги, входящие в серию, созданы на основании записок действительного статского советника по полицейской части Тулина Евграфа Михайловича. Сюжеты книг погружают читателя в поиск украденных чертежей, кладов, фальшивомонетчиков и уникальных коней. 1. Георгий и Ольга Арси: Дело о секте скопцов. Исторический детектив Тулину Евграфу Михайловичу в свою бытность сыщиком московской сыскной части пришлось распутать клубок интриг, связанных с похищением секретных чертежей нового оружия на Императорском оружейном заводе в Туле.
В графстве Хэмптоншир, Англия, найден труп молодой девушки Элеонор Тоу. За неделю до смерти ее видели в последний раз неподалеку от деревни Уокерли, у озера, возле которого обнаружились странные следы. Они глубоко впечатались в землю и не были похожи на следы какого-либо зверя или человека. Тут же по деревне распространилась легенда о «Девонширском Дьяволе», берущая свое начало из Южного Девона. За расследование убийства берется доктор психологии, член Лондонского королевского общества сэр Валентайн Аттвуд, а также его друг-инспектор Скотленд-Ярда сэр Гален Гилмор.
Наталья Павлищева – признанный мастер исторических детективов, совокупный тираж которых перевалил за миллион экземпляров.Впервые автор посвятила целую книжную серию легендарному клану Медичи – сильнейшей и богатейшей семье Средневековья, выходцы из которой в разное время становились королевами Франции, римскими палами.Захватывающие дворцовые игры и интриги дают представление об универсальной модели восхождения человека к Власти, которая не устарела и не утратила актуальности и в наши дни.Неугомонный Франческо, племянник богатого патриция Якопо Пацци, задумал выдать сестру Оретту за старого горбатого садовника.От мерзкого «жениха» девушка спряталась в монастыре.
Тени грехов прошлого опутывают их, словно Гордиев узел. А потому все попытки его одоления обречены на провал и поражение, ведь в этом случае им приходиться бороться с самими собой. Пока не сверкнёт лезвие… 1 место на конкурсе СД-1 журнал «Смена» № 11 за 2013 г.
Повести и романы, включенные в данное издание, разноплановы. Из них читатель узнает о создании биологического оружия и покушении на главу государства, о таинственном преступлении в Российской империи и судьбе ветерана вьетнамской авантюры. Объединяет остросюжетные произведения советских и зарубежных авторов сборника идея разоблачения культа насилия в буржуазном обществе.