The Boy Scouts In Russia - [36]


The side of the pit nearest the road was almost open, though it was screened by bushes and foliage. Fred, however, was able to peer out and to see the dancing flames, giving a weird and ghostly appearance to the scene in the road. The Germans were very close now and he had just time to poke up some branches to hide the opening through which he had fallen. Then he lay down, his eyes glued to a sort of natural peephole that gave him a view of the road.

"It's like a grandstand seat!" he said. "But I hope no one wants to see my ticket because I'm afraid the usher would make me change my seat!"

But then Fred had to give his whole attention to what was going on in the road. The Germans came running up, a young officer in the lead. There were a half dozen of them. At first, as they looked about near the burning car, they saw no one. But then one of the soldiers saw Boris and raised a shout. The officer went over, leaned down and then started back with a cry of surprise.

"That is no German officer!" he exclaimed. He bent over again and Fred winced as he saw him shaking Boris by the shoulder. He wondered if Boris was shamming, or if he had really fainted. Then it was plain that there was no pretence. The officer, gently enough, raised Boris's head, and taking a flask from his pocket, forced a little of the spirits it contained into Boris's mouth. Fred saw his cousin stiffen; he was coming to his senses. Then the officer let him down, but made a sort of pillow for him with a cushion that had been thrown out of the automobile when it was overturned.

"Feel better? Good!" he said. "Now tell me what happened! Where are the two officers who were in the car? Were they hurt?"

"I-do not know," said Boris.

Fred had to strain his ears to catch what Boris said. Boris was weak and exhausted, and Fred was glad that the German officer seemed kindly and disposed to be humane.

"You do not know? How is that? You were in the car with them, weren't you?"

"I was in the car, but I do not know what happened after the accident. I was thrown out-and I did not know anything until you roused me just now."

"But what were you doing in the car, then? Who were those officers? Where were they going?"

"I do not know. I know only that I was walking along the road, because all the people had been sent away from their homes, when the car stopped, and a man told me to get in and sit low, so that I should not be seen. Then we drove very fast and after a while there was a crash, and I was thrown out."

"Can you walk?"

The German's tone had changed somewhat. It was anxious now, and puzzled.

"I-don't know," said Boris. "There is a pain in my leg-here, right above the ankle. Ouch!"

Fred saw the German officer slip his hand down over the spot to which Boris pointed, and his touch dragged the exclamation of pain from Boris.

"You can't walk, that's certain!" said the German. "You've got pluck, boy! There's a nasty break there. You need a surgeon! Well, I'll have to do what I can for you until we can find one. Can you stand a little more pain? Niehoff, give me your emergency kit. You have the splints? So! I shall see what I can do."

He was busy for a moment. Then with a sergeant, evidently his second in command, he withdrew to be out of Boris's hearing. But as it chanced, his movement brought him to a point where it was easier than ever for Fred to hear everything he said.

"There is something deuced queer about this business!" said the officer. "I think this boy is telling the truth, but we saw two officers in the front seat of that car. That much was certain. They were not ground into powder in the accident, you know. If they had been killed, there would be something left of them. They got out all right-that's evident. And they made themselves scarce. They must have known we would come, and if they have gone so quickly, it is because they did not want us to see them at close quarters."

"Spies, you think?" asked the sergeant.

"Evidently! But how they got here I'd hate to guess! They came from a quarter where we are in complete control. Yet they stole one of our cars, and a couple of uniform coats and helmets, at least!"

"We can look further for them," said the sergeant.

"Yes-and one might look a long time in a haystack before one found a needle! However, let the men spread out along the road and see what they can find. Give the order!"

Fred sighed with relief. He had been right in his decision to stay where he was, as he understood fully when he saw the soldiers go off down the road, looking for some trace of the passing of the two imaginary officers. Meanwhile the officer went back to Boris.

"We'll take this lad back with us," he said to the sergeant. "He needs attention, and I prefer to give someone in higher authority a chance to talk to him. This is a very mysterious affair, all around. It is too much for my brain!"

"And for mine, too!" grumbled the sergeant. "If I had my way, we would have orders to shoot all suspicious characters first and find out whether they deserved it or not afterward. I thought we should stop that automobile when we saw it coming."

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Бесчеловечность как система

Написанная коллективом авторов, книга «Бесчеловечность как система» выпущена в Германской Демократической Республике издательством Национального фронта демократической Германии «Конгресс-Ферлаг». Она представляет собой документированное сообщение об истории создания и подрывной деятельности так называемой «Группы борьбы против бесчеловечности» — одной из многочисленных шпионско-диверсионных организаций в Западном Берлине, созданных по прямому указанию американской разведки. На основании материалов судебных процессов, проведенных в ГДР, а также выступлений печати в книге показываются преступления, совершенные этой организацией: шпионаж, диверсии, террор, дезорганизация деятельности административных учреждений республики и вербовка агентуры. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.

Заметки о боевой подготовке

Короткие заметки от ветерана войск специального назначения.

Афганистан, Англия и Россия в конце XIX в.: проблемы политических и культурных контактов по «Сирадж ат-таварих»

Книга представляет собой исследование англо-афганских и русско-афганских отношений в конце XIX в. по афганскому источнику «Сирадж ат-таварих» – труду официального историографа Файз Мухаммада Катиба, написанному по распоряжению Хабибуллахана, эмира Афганистана в 1901–1919 гг. К исследованию привлекаются другие многочисленные исторические источники на русском, английском, французском и персидском языках. Книга адресована исследователям, научным и практическим работникам, занимающимся проблемами политических и культурных связей Афганистана с Англией и Россией в Новое время.

Хронограф 09 1988

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Операция „Тевтонский меч“

Брошюра написана известными кинорежиссерами, лауреатами Национальной премии ГДР супругами Торндайк и берлинским публицистом Карлом Раддацом на основе подлинных архивных материалов, по которым был поставлен прошедший с большим успехом во всем мире документальный фильм «Операция «Тевтонский меч».В брошюре, выпущенной издательством Министерства национальной обороны Германской Демократической Республики в 1959 году, разоблачается грязная карьера агента гитлеровской военной разведки, провокатора Ганса Шпейделя, впоследствии генерал-лейтенанта немецко-фашистской армии, ныне являющегося одним из руководителей западногерманского бундесвера и командующим сухопутными силами НАТО в центральной зоне Европы.Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.

Гранд-отель «Бездна». Биография Франкфуртской школы

Книга Стюарта Джеффриса (р. 1962) представляет собой попытку написать панорамную историю Франкфуртской школы.Институт социальных исследований во Франкфурте, основанный между двумя мировыми войнами, во многом определил не только содержание современных социальных и гуманитарных наук, но и облик нынешних западных университетов, социальных движений и политических дискурсов. Такие понятия как «отчуждение», «одномерное общество» и «критическая теория» наряду с фамилиями Беньямина, Адорно и Маркузе уже давно являются достоянием не только истории идей, но и популярной культуры.