Mastering the Core Teachings of Buddha. An Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book - [24]
Traditionally, books on meditation spend a lot of time discussing the possible hindrances to meditation. I will not. The hindrances are an important topic, but they can easily begin to seem more ominous than they really are. Hindrances are just anything of which we were not mindful and of which we did not investigate the truth. Now that we know to be mindful and investigate the Three Characteristics of all moment-to-moment experiences, there will only be hindrances when we forget to do this.
If we do not forget to do this, there will be no hindrances. No phenomena are inherently a hindrance unless we do not understand them. If we did not understand at least one of the Three Characteristics of each of the sensations that make up a phenomenon, no matter what it was, it was a hindrance. Remember that the content of reality is not our concern in insight meditation, but the ultimate truth of the sensations that make up experiential reality is. So whatever seems to be in the way of your practice, remember that the experience of that 41
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment
moment is the practice and contains all the truth you could ever need!
All phenomena are of the nature of ultimate truth. When we know deeply that these are all of the nature of ultimate truth, phenomena cease to be a fundamental problem.
The Buddha was a master of teaching through analogies that were easily accessible to those listening to him. I am certainly not in his league in this regard, and this will be clearly demonstrated by the analogy I am about to use for investigation. However, it has its points, and so after much consideration, I have included it here.
The Buddha gave his analogies names, and I have named this one
“The Analogy of Shootin’ Aliens.” Bear with me here! Just about all of us in this day and age have at least seen if not played video games involving shooting aliens. As the game goes on, the aliens come in faster and faster, some taking multiple hits to kill them. Some of these games penalize us for wasting ammunition, causing us to really focus on exactly where and when these aliens are arising, so that we may shoot them exactly when they arise as efficiently as possible before they shoot us.
A few of you may already be thinking, “Get that bloody and violent analogy out of this book of holy wisdom!” The Buddha used many similar analogies, one of which comes to mind is has to do with a horse trainer (teacher) who kills horses that simply will not be broken (stops teaching unreachable students). Thus, you pansy critics can all drop dead.
Anyway, in this analogy the aliens are all of the little sensations that make up our experience. Shooting them is paying attention to them and seeing their true nature, perhaps with the aid of noting practice (like a gun with laser sight on it). The aliens shooting us is what happens when we do not see their true nature, as they become a hindrance, binding us on the wheel of suffering for the duration of our inability to shoot them.
Some may even take us out of the game (cause us stop practicing entirely). The aliens that take multiple hits to kill are our big issues, those things that are difficult for us to break into their composite sensations. Being penalized for shooting wastefully is what can happen if we note sensations that we didn’t actually experience because we fell into repetitive, imprecise, mantra-like noting habits.
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment
Further, the speed, precision and playful attitude required for video games is exactly like the feel of well-done insight practices. If you watch some kid playing a fast alien-shooting game, you will notice that they are really going for it. They are shooting very fast and definitely not thinking about anything but doing that. This is exactly the sort of dedication and passion that helps with insight practices.
When our mindfulness and investigation are on hair trigger, being aware of every little sensation that arises and passes, we are bound to win sooner or later. The motto, “Note first, ask questions later,” is just so helpful if we are to keep practicing precisely without getting lost in the stories. Again, off the cushion the stories can have some value if not taken too seriously. On the cushion, take no prisoners: “Note ‘em all, and let God sort ‘em out!” This is seemingly extreme but actually very powerful and profound advice. Do not dismiss easily The Analogy of Shootin’ Aliens.
Where the Analogy of Shootin’ Aliens breaks down is that all these aliens want is attention and acceptance. They come to us so that we will greet them clearly and openly, but if we fail to do this they can get very troublesome. Their little alien hearts are being broken when we don’t get to know them as they are, so who can blame them when they get mischievous and try to trick us into paying more attention to them by causing trouble. Sure, it’s a bit childish of them, but we don’t always get to meet mature and well-adjusted aliens.
Thus, rather than killing our aliens by shooting them, we give them what they want by noticing or noting them. We don’t invite the pretty ones to stay with us forever, nor do we ignore the boring aliens. We don’t kick the ugly ones from our door either. Like a politician on the campaign trail, we extend a hand to all, say, “Hello!” and then quickly do this for lots of others. When we meet them, greet them, get to know, accept and even love them, they go away happy. I realize that I’ve just gone from being excessively violent to being excessively sentimental, but somewhere in there is what insight practices are all about.
Как достичь просветления благодаря лишь одному слову? А благодаря молчанию? Для озарения мудростью не надо сложных методик — достаточно лишь успокоить свое сердце, очистить сознание и… оказаться рядом с достойным наставником. Именно в этом суть знаменитого восточного учения Дзэн (Чань). Книга представляет собой сборник лучших средневековых притч и рассказов о китайских мастерах Чань-буддизма, вошедших во многие классические произведения: «Застава без врат», «Записи о передаче светильника», «Речения с Лазурного утеса», «Престольная сутра Шестого патриарха».
Исследовательница буддизма, знаток санскрита и тибетского языка и ученица тибетского гуру Чогьяма Трунгпы Ринпоче представляет в своём труде классическую «Тибетскую книгу мёртвых» не как священное писание для чтения над усопшими, но как наставление, обращённое к живым. В книге «Сияющая пустота» перед читателем предстают сокровенные смыслы, заключённые в этом древнем тексте, и разворачивается мистическая картина его богатой символики.«Сияющая пустота» подарит удивительные открытия и новые прозрения не только тем, кто впервые знакомится с буддистским учением, но и тем, кто уже вышел на буддистский путь к духовному пробуждению.
Предлагаемая вашему вниманию новая книга досточтимого Учителя Геше Джампа Тинлея представляет собой комментарий к коренному тексту «Три основных аспекта Пути» (тиб. Lam gyi gtso bo rnam gsum gyi rtsa ba bzhugs so), сочиненному основоположником тибетской школы Гелугпа великим Ламой Чже Цонкапой. Этот текст содержит сущностные наставления к базовому учению Будды и имеет принципиальное значение для практиков Махаяны. По линии преемственности Лам школы Гелугпа передается традиционный комментарий к этому основополагающему тексту.
Правильное отношение к учителю - краеугольный камень духовной практики. Однако у нас на Западе само понятие "учитель" за последнее столетие было искажено, крайне мистифицировано и нуждается в очищении. Именно этому и посвящена данная книга А. Берзина.Помимо просветления основ правильных отношений между учеником и учителем, автор рассматривает и самые сложные аспекты этих отношений, в частности принцип отношения к учителю как к Будде. Это чрезвычайно важная тема, особенно для тех, кто получал тантрийские посвящения и пытается практиковать тантру.Оригинал книги:
Этим вечером мне хотелось бы объяснить в более практичной форме предварительные действия, которые мы выполняем в начале каждого нашего занятия, посвященного изучению текста Шантидевы «Начиная практику поведения бодхисаттвы» (Bodhisattvacharya-avatara). Они включают в себя семичастную практику, заимствованную из этого текста. Выполнение этих предварительных действий перед началом слушания и изучения Дхармы помогает нам достичь подходящего восприимчивого состояния ума. Мы пользуемcя этим же набором практик перед ежедневной медитацией или изучением Дхармы в домашних условиях.Оригинал страницы: