Stay Dead - [12]


‘Mrs C…’ Tony started, then hesitated. ‘Is Mr Carter there?’

‘No, he’s not.’ Annie frowned. ‘What’s up, Tone? What is it?’

‘I got bad news for you, I’m sorry.’

Annie slumped down on to the sofa. Outside, she could hear the faint dull rhythmic roar of the ocean, pounding up on to the warm white sands of the beach below the villa. Her heart clenched with fear. Max? she thought.

‘Tell me,’ she said.

‘It’s Dolly, Mrs C.’

‘Doll? What about her?’

‘I’m sorry,’ he said. ‘She’s dead.’


Max watched as the man – who was short but powerful-looking, dark-skinned and wearing a cream Panama hat – unloaded the woman from the car.

Unload was the word. Max had expected that she might be frail, but there was this whole business going on, the man taking the wheelchair out of the back of the car, bringing it to the front passenger door, nearly hauling the woman into it. Then he backed the chair up, closed the door, fussed over her, settled her comfortably, draped a pale-blue blanket over her lap to cover her bony knees and her bright red pleated skirt; then he pushed the wheelchair containing the bent old woman toward the arena where Max stood waiting.

Max watched them coming, watched the dust-devils whirl around them, the man and the woman in the wheelchair. They vanished into the deep shade of the entrance, then reappeared into the vivid sunlight in the centre of this decrepit old place. The woman was wearing a huge broad-brimmed straw hat, pulled low over her face. Her hands were tucked in under the blanket, and her feet were big, clad in sparkling white trainers.

They approached slowly, and man and chair came to a halt six feet from where Max stood waiting.

The man gave a grin and said: ‘Mr Carter?’

Max nodded slowly.

‘I am Antonio, I will interpret for Miss Barolli,’ said the man, and he reached inside his shirt.

Max dived to one side and a spring-loaded knife concealed in his shirt sleeve dropped into his hand. He threw it as Antonio pulled the gun out, and the knife hit the man’s wrist with a hollow thunk. Antonio let out a high shriek of pain and shock and the gun fell into the dust. He collapsed to his knees on the ground, clutching at his bleeding wrist with the knife deeply embedded there. Max moved forward quickly and kicked Antonio under the chin, sending him flying backward. Max was on him in an instant, but he was out of it, unconscious. Max yanked his knife loose, ignoring the sudden arterial spurt of bright crimson blood, and turned to the wheelchair. Its occupant was struggling upward, tossing aside the blanket.

Max came up behind the chair and rammed the bloody knife against its occupant’s throat.

‘Hold it,’ he said, pressing hard, and the woman in the chair froze, held her hands up. Max pulled off the hat to reveal a man’s haircut, and threw it aside. There was a gun in the ‘old woman’s’ lap, which had been hidden beneath the blanket.

‘Gina Barolli don’t need an interpreter,’ said Max. ‘She speaks perfect English. I know that because I’ve met her before. And you, my friend, are not Gina Barolli. And you’ve got bloody big feet for a woman, haven’t you.’ Max pressed harder with the knife. ‘In fact, you’re a bloke. Enough of this fucking around. Tell me where she is, or I’m going to cut you a new arsehole.’

The man started babbling in a thick Sicilian dialect. This one maybe did need an interpreter.

‘Shut up,’ snapped Max. ‘Speak English.’

More Sicilian.

‘Mate, you’re going to lose a lot of bits if this goes on,’ said Max. ‘Now come on. It’s an easy question. Where is Gina Barolli?’

And then the man did a surprising thing; he lifted the gun in his lap…

‘Don’t,’ said Max, pressing harder with the knife. A thick thread of wet red trickled down on to the baby-blue blanket.

The man ignored Max. He raised the gun to his temple, crossed himself, and blew his own brains out.


‘What did you just say?’ Annie Carter slumped down into an armchair, still clutching the phone in her hand.

‘Dolly’s dead, Mrs C. I’m sorry,’ said Tony’s voice.

For a second Annie had a wild hope that maybe this was all part of a damned dream – that she was still asleep, that this wasn’t real. But the sound of the waves on the shore was real enough. The sadness in Tony’s voice was real, too. Terribly, horribly real.

Annie gulped. Her mouth was dry and she had trouble getting the words out. ‘What happened?’ she asked faintly.

She thought he would say heart attack. Something sudden, something unexpected like that. Dolly was a fit middle-aged woman. But shit happened; Annie knew it.

Instead, he said: ‘She was shot. Killed. In the flat over the Palermo.’

Annie stared numbly at the phone. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Dolly, shot?

‘I’m sorry,’ said Tony again when Annie said nothing.

‘What…?’ Annie croaked. She coughed, cleared her throat, tried again. ‘What the hell do you mean, she was shot? Who shot her?’

‘We don’t know. Pete on the bar came into work and she hadn’t opened up. He thought that was strange – you know what she’s like, always up and at ’em…’

Annie knew. Dolly was a morning person; she was not. Back in the day when they’d both lived at Aunt Celia’s place in Limehouse, there Dolly would be, irritating as hell, whistling at seven o’clock in the morning while everyone else nursed sore heads and growled at each other.

Еще от автора Jessie Keane

Only the lawless will survive…It is 1975 and Ruby Darke is struggling to deal with the brutal murder of her lover, Michael Ward.As her children, Daisy and Kit, battle their own demons, her retail empire starts to crumble.Meanwhile, after the revenge killing of Tito Danieri, Kit is the lowest he's ever been. But soon doubt is thrown over whether Kit killed the right person, and now the Danieris are out for his blood and the blood of the entire Darke family.As the bodies pile up, the chase is on – can the Darkes resolve their own family conflicts and find Michael Ward's true killer before the vengeful Danieris kill them? Or will they take the law into their own hands…Lawless is the heart-racing sequel to Nameless, from bestselling author Jessie Keane.


SHE THOUGHT SHE'D SEEN THE BACK OF THE DELANEYS. HOW WRONG COULD SHE BE…Annie Carter should have demanded to see their bodies lying on a slab in the morgue, but she really believed the Delaney twins were gone from her life for good.Now sinister things are happening around her and Annie Carter is led to one terrifying conclusion: her bitter enemies, the Delaney twins, didn't die all those years ago. They're back and they want her, and her family, dead.This isn't the first time someone has made an attempt on her life,yet she's determined to make it the last.

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Год Ворона

В 1987 году в результате перестроечного бардака на одном из стратегических аэродромов на территории Украины закопана неучтенная атомная бомба, которую считают потерянной. Наше время. Бывший штурман стратегической авиации по пьянке проговаривается про "неучтенку" не тому собеседнику. Информация немедленно распространяется в мире плаща и кинжала, бомбу для своих целей хотят использовать спецслужбы, политики и террористы... На пути у врагов становятся отставной украинский офицер и молодой агент ЦРУ, считающий себя героем романов Тома Клэнси.

Долгое падение

История одного из самых жутких – и самых странных – серийных убийц XX века. Еще до ареста пресса прозвала его «Зверем из Биркеншоу». Питер Мануэль был обвинен в убийстве по крайней мере семи человек (вероятно, их было гораздо больше). Он стал одним из трех последних преступников в Шотландии, казненных через повешение.…Уильям Уотт, обвиняемый в убийстве всей своей семьи, стремится оправдаться – а заодно выяснить, кто же на самом деле сделал это. Только одному человеку известна правда. Его зовут Питер Мануэль, и он заявил, что знает, где находится пистолет, из которого расстреляли жену, дочь и свояченицу Уотта.


Чтобы поправить свои финансовые дела, моряк-любитель решает ограбить магазин мужа своей любовницы («Вальпараисо»). Героям известного автора детективов предстоят жестокие испытания, прежде чем справедливость восторжествует.

Серебряный мул

Раскрыть преступление — задача непростая, а если в нем замешана женщина, то распутать его чрезвычайно трудно. Таким оказалась история наследницы чудака-миллионера («Серебряный мул»).

На грани безумия

Ох уж эти сыщики-непрофессионалы! Попадут в неприятную ситуацию, а за помощью бегут к полиции. Доктор Смит вынужден, попав в заложники полубезумного политикана, спасать себя и целую компанию ни в чем не повинных людей («На грани безумия»).

Опасные красавицы. На что способны блондинки

Комиссар полиции Ван дер Вальк — человек обстоятельный. Если он берется за дело, от него не ускользнет ни одна, даже самая маленькая, деталь. Благодаря этому качеству он блестяще раскрывает убийство в супермаркете («Опасные красавицы») и выясняет правду о странных событиях в ювелирном магазине («На что способны блондинки»).