Иностранные известия о восстании Степана Разина - [60]


with their Ships quite down to the District of Resjt, the Capital Town of that Province, where they set some men ashoor, and desired to buy provisions for their money, but the Governour refused them in a very disobliging manner which so irritated them, that they landed silently in the night, and marching up to Resjtby surprise, plundered the Market andBasars, when some were Killed in the fray, then they returned again to their Ships, well provided with Sustenance for which a little before they had offered money and they likewise kept their footing upon the firm Land. The[263] Governour not able to resist, much less to drive them away, and fearing greater ravages might ensue, dissembled his resentment of that Action, gave them fair words and let them have farther provisions for their money. They on the other hand excused their Conduct by reason of their extreme need and being refused the necessaries for life. They then Kept still and at last gave the Governour Hostages as Securities for their good behaviour. They sent 4 Embassadours to the King to make excuses for this Action, whereunto they were induced by the Governour; they repeated their first Petition for Land upon the Caspian Sea for their sustenance, with the strongest assurances of their faithfull service and Loyalty. They brought Letters which (л. 2) nobody was able to read: they were given to European Fathers and at alst to me: I found both the Language and Characters to be Russian. I did not translate them, and they remained untranslated (the Chevalier Chardin is under a Mistake when he says in his Account of the Coronation of Soliman, that they were in an unknown Character). But the Gourt was informed of their intention[264] by word of mouth by the Russians who understood the Turkish Tongue and whose mother tongue was the same with that of those Cossacks. The King ordered them to be well entertained and left at their Liberty, and sent one of them back again with good words and some hopes, giving Orders to the Governour of Resit to furnish them with all necessaries. In the mean time they were in hopes of getting a sufficient number of men together to surround them. But the Cossacks, seeing no positive Answer was returned but only fair words, perceived the snare, and observing that there was a small Army drawing together, took no notice of it to the Persians, but provided for their own security, and sett sail for[265] in,[266] as if they designed there to wait for an answer and the Return of their Embassadors, because it was a cheaper and more plentifull Place. At Ferrhabaad they made no scruple of admitting them, because they had behaved as well at Resit, and did not seem to have any ill design, as long as their Embassadours were at Court. Their Pockets were well lined with Ducats, which drew the People from the neighbouring parts in hopes of gain, so that the Basar and rest of the Town wTere (л. 2 об.) fuller of people than usual. The Cossacks, suspecting the Persians for detaining their Embassadours, so long, resolved to prevent them, and to take the Opportunity of a publick weekly Marketday. There was a great conflux of Buyers and Sellers, as well as other people[267] who were come[268] to divert them selves or[269] out of curiosity and hope of gain on account of the Cossacks. When the market was at its height, the Cossacks fell upon the people, plundering and stealing whatever was layd out for sale, stripping the people, Killing some and carrying others away with them to their Ships. Thus they got again what they had laid out besides a great deal more in money and Gold, and not content with this they ran to some of the King's Pleasure Hauses not far from the Town, which they plundered also and carried the Booty off to their Ships with which they sailed to the Peninsula Mijaan — Kaal, which joins by an Isthmus to the Province of Mezanderaan [a]cross which they drew a Line to cutt off all communication with the Continent, and so posted themselves here in defiance of the Persians.

While they behaved themselves after this manner in the Silk-country, it fared but ill with their Embassadours at Court; for they were dragged out from a Publick Audience which the King gave in the Talaar Ali Kapi, with 3 people who were joyned to them and came along with them, in all 6 persons, their Necks and Hands were fastened into the wooden Mik[270] and they were led into the[271] one after another, and 2 of them flung alive to the Dogs to be torn to Pieces; the others were pardoned, but forced to be circumcised and (л. 3) turn Mahometans. The Persians imagined, that the Czar of Moscovy had sett them to work to committ this Ravage in the Silk Lands, in revenge for the affront, which Abas II had done to his Embassador in the year 1665, but we could not believe that so generous a Prince as the Czar was, would have done any such thing underhand and with so small a force, if he would have taken notice of the affront. But the Czar, being very powerfull, always observed a strict friendship with King Abas II, there having always subsisted a good harmony between the two Kingdomes, and the Czar was sufficiently sensible of the extravagant proceedings of his people, which

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Делийский султанат. К истории экономического строя и общественных отношений (XIII–XIV вв.)

«История феодальных государств домогольской Индии и, в частности, Делийского султаната не исследовалась специально в советской востоковедной науке. Настоящая работа не претендует на исследование всех аспектов истории Делийского султаната XIII–XIV вв. В ней лишь делается попытка систематизации и анализа данных доступных… источников, проливающих свет на некоторые общие вопросы экономической, социальной и политической истории султаната, в частности на развитие форм собственности, положения крестьянства…» — из предисловия к книге.

Ядерная угроза из Восточной Европы

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Очерки истории Сюника. IX–XV вв.

На основе многочисленных первоисточников исследованы общественно-политические, социально-экономические и культурные отношения горного края Армении — Сюника в эпоху развитого феодализма. Показана освободительная борьба закавказских народов в период нашествий турок-сельджуков, монголов и других восточных завоевателей. Введены в научный оборот новые письменные источники, в частности, лапидарные надписи, обнаруженные автором при раскопках усыпальницы сюникских правителей — монастыря Ваанаванк. Предназначена для историков-медиевистов, а также для широкого круга читателей.

Древние ольмеки: история и проблематика исследований

В книге рассказывается об истории открытия и исследованиях одной из самых древних и загадочных культур доколумбовой Мезоамерики — ольмекской культуры. Дается характеристика наиболее крупных ольмекских центров (Сан-Лоренсо, Ла-Венты, Трес-Сапотес), рассматриваются проблемы интерпретации ольмекского искусства и религиозной системы. Автор — Табарев Андрей Владимирович — доктор исторических наук, главный научный сотрудник Института археологии и этнографии Сибирского отделения РАН. Основная сфера интересов — культуры каменного века тихоокеанского бассейна и доколумбовой Америки;.

О разделах земель у бургундов и у вестготов

Грацианский Николай Павлович. О разделах земель у бургундов и у вестготов // Средние века. Выпуск 1. М.; Л., 1942. стр. 7—19.

Ромейское царство

Книга для чтения стройно, в меру детально, увлекательно освещает историю возникновения, развития, расцвета и падения Ромейского царства — Византийской империи, историю византийской Церкви, культуры и искусства, экономику, повседневную жизнь и менталитет византийцев. Разделы первых двух частей книги сопровождаются заданиями для самостоятельной работы, самообучения и подборкой письменных источников, позволяющих читателям изучать факты и развивать навыки самостоятельного критического осмысления прочитанного.