День, когда рухнул мир - [3]
«Give me a hand, grandson,» he beckoned to me.
I found out what was happening from him.
«We are being evicted,» he replied morosely.
«But, where to, why?» I said in amazement, secretly rejoicing at the unexpected turn of event – I, a seven-year-old, was tired of spending the summer holidays in the village, tending the hateful sheep. I had by that time read Mark Twain and yearned for new experiences with my whole being. I longed to travel and was ready to seek adventure even at the ends of the earth.
«To the town,» answered grandfather, reluctantly.
«Then, why are you preparing the bullock cart, if we are moving to town?» I said in surprise, and this suddenly utterly irritated grandfather.
«The town, the town,» he mimicked someone. «They’ve all pricked up their ears, repeating like parrots, ‘the town, the town’. But what are we supposed to do with the livestock? We can’t take them to the town, can we? Personally, I’m going to the hills. And you, what have you decided to do – are you coming with me or are you going with your mother?» Grandfather grilled me with his eyes and I looked away, without answering. I wanted so much to go to town! Auapa, my grandmother on my mother’s side, lived there. Strict and imperious, she loved me and talked to me as if I was an adult. Thirty-five years have passed but I still can distinctly recall how, in the evenings, we used to sit on a city bench and engage in simple conversations. She spoke about everyone with wisdom – about her daughter, my mother, and her son-in-law, my father. Strangely enough, it seemed to me that she loved her son-in-law more than her daughter. She loved my father and she loved me.
And I did not raise my head, not knowing what to say to grandfather.
«So, it means that you’re going to town, eh?»
It was difficult to judge by grandfather’s voice whether he was really asking or jeering at me.
I blushed and tried to evade his question.
«Let’s wait and see what dad says…»
«What’s there to see? It’s plain enough. You’re no golden eagle, no, no golden eagle,» grandfather cut me short. «Very well, off you go, I’ll get by without you.»
I shuffled about awkwardly near him and then returned home. Mother and grandmother were tying up bundles; there was a real pogrom taking place in the house. My younger brother, hanging on to grandmother’s skirt hem, was hovering under foot, whimpering. My one-year-old little sister was asleep.
«Take him outside and play with him,» said mother, pointing to my brother.
I took him in my arms and stepped into the yard. Grandfather silently looked at us both and then took up where he had left off.
«Not a golden eagle, not a golden eagle! As if he himself is a lion!» I mentally scolded grandfather.
Then we heard loud voices, a woman’s weeping and several people entered our yard.
«What are we to do? We are lost! We are all lost!» wailed our neighbour, Grandmother Bokey.
«They say, this bomb possesses a barbaric strength, it is able to wipe all of Genghiztau off the face of the earth,» old Kabish echoed her.
«This bomb is worse than the American one which annihilated two Japanese cities. That one was atomic, and this one is hydrogen,» said the physics teacher.
«Oh, Moldabergen, what should we do?» walled Grandmother Bokey.
«Prepare for the journey,» snapped grandfather sternly.
«But where’s your son?» Bokey suddenly inquired.
«Where should he be? He’s at work. They’re folding a meeting with army officers at the District Committee,» explained Kabish.
«The authorities will decide what we are to do. A boss’s command is law unto his subordinates,» said the physics teacher.
He had a reputation for being an honest and sober person. And he was «ever a coward – he had left for the front a private and returned from the war a lieutenant…
„What are we going to do with the livestock?“ said Kabish in confusion.
„Why, don’t you know?“ said grandfather, looking at him sneeringly. „We’ll take them to the hills. Or perhaps you want to take your Sheep into town? In that case, the townsfolk will call you a mutton-head.“
„Yes, of course, we can’t take them into town,“ agreed Kabish promptly.
„And anyway, what are you hanging about for? We’re leaving today or tomorrow, you know, and you’re all standing about chattering idly.“ Grandfather suddenly became irritated again.
„Yes, you’re right on all accounts,“ said the old lady, Bokey, blushing and hastily leaving the yard.
Just then the loudspeaker, which was suspended from a pole in the middle of the village, suddenly came to life – a metallic woman’s voice announced:
„Comrades, please assemble in the square in thirty minutes for a meeting with the evacuation organizing committee.“
Soon the whole square was filled with the villagers. Amongst the anxious crowd were my grandfather and I.
On the platform among the military and the leaders of the district, I saw my father. He looked exhausted, his eyes were red with lack of sleep, but he spoke calmly and confidently. I will not attempt to reproduce the exact sense of his speech as I do not recall what was said by him or by the other speaker – a middle-aged officer with two large stars on his shoulders. He was the same lieutenant-colonel who had sent us home. That evening, father brought him and two other officers to our place. During dinner, from their brief remarks, I gathered that the inhabitants would be evacuated to the town of Ayaguz and those who so wished to Semipalatinsk, the regional centre. The old men had been given permission to go to the Genghiz Hills with the livestock. That is why had large military vehicles arrived at our village!
![Догадки фантаста](/build/oblozhka.dc6e36b8.jpg)
У фантаста, как у поэта, есть свой «черный человек». Облик его не всегда мрачен: сейчас, когда над робкой еще зеленью мая плещется яркий кумач, на лице незваного гостя простецкая улыбка своего парня, а в словах добродушный укор: «Послушай, не тем ты, брат, занят, не тем! Пишешь о небывалых мирах, куда попадают твои выдуманные герои, странствиях во времени, каких-то разумных кристаллах и тому подобной сомнительности. Да кому это надо?! Бредятина все это, ей-ей… Ты оглянись, оглянись! Кругом делается настоящее дело, варится сталь, выращивается хлеб, солнышко светит, люди заняты земным, насущным, это жизнь, а ты витаешь… Куда это годится!».
![Поводыри украинского сепаратизма. Конспирология «самостийничества»](/storage/book-covers/b9/b9f54825eabe114bef554173f37e9c7d4d72aace.jpg)
Издательство Русского Имперского Движения представляет очередной труд С.С. Родина, публициста, критика «украинства» как русофобской подрывной идеологии, автора известных книг «Отрекаясь от русского имени. Украинская химера» и «Украинцы». Антирусское движение сепаратистов в Малороссии. 1847 - 2009». Новая книга под названием «Поводыри украинского сепаратизма. Конспирология самостийничества» обличает закулисную подоплёку «незалэжности» и русофобскую, антиправославную политику временщиков в Киеве. Родин в максимально сжатом виде подает малоизвестную информацию об инспираторах и деятелях антирусского сепаратизма в Малороссии, основанную на объективных исторических фактах.
![Литературная Газета, 6435 (№ 42/2013)](/build/oblozhka.dc6e36b8.jpg)
"Литературная газета" общественно-политический еженедельник Главный редактор "Литературной газеты" Поляков Юрий Михайлович http://www.lgz.ru/.
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В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.
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Мы переживаем политический перелом: старый спор между «правыми» и «левыми» в сфере социальных вопросов утрачивает свою силу. Официальные правые и левые все больше начинают заключать друг друга в идеологические объятия, за которыми тут же следуют политические: они обнаружили общность в том, что касается дальнейшего существования так называемой западной цивилизации, а именно, прежде всего, в тех областях этой цивилизации, которые можно оценить лишь негативно: в областях ее властно-структурных, эгалитаристских, экономических и универсалистских «ценностей».Эта книга хочет сделать что-то против этого.
![Гефсиманское время](/storage/book-covers/ae/ae4cb9cbae54862d695642d030e2c547fc7a3829.jpg)
«Гефсиманское время» – время выбора и страданий. Но это время, соединяя всех, кто пережил личное горе или разделил общее, как никакое другое выражает то, что можно назвать «личностью народа». Русский писатель обращается к этому времени в поисках правды, потребность в которой становится неизбежной для каждого, когда душа требует предельной, исповедальной честности во взгляде на себя и свою жизнь. Книга Олега Павлова проникнута этой правдой. После Солженицына, опубликовавшего «Россию в обвале», он не побоялся поставить перед собой ту же задачу: «запечатлеть, что мы видели, видим и переживаем».