The Doll's House - [10]
‘Got a temper on him. Likes to get his own way. Doesn’t like naughty little girls. He used to get very… cross with Ruby.’
Sanderson said nothing.
‘He came round here once. Called me all sorts, threatened to take my head off. I stood my ground, but I don’t mind telling you I was bricking it. I was alone, I didn’t have anything to hand, nothing to stop him…’
‘So what happened?’
‘Neighbour came out. Told us to keep the noise down. He didn’t like that. Didn’t like being caught somewhere like this. I don’t think he’d told his wife he was coming.’
This was said gleefully, retrospectively enjoying his discomfort.
‘So why don’t you ask him about Ruby? Ask him what he wanted to do to the little girl that turned on him?’
Sanderson was irritated by Shanelle, but also disquieted. Most disappearances were the products of domestic disharmony and Sanderson knew there was no reason why this should be any different. Could Jonathan Sprackling be involved? Could he be punishing her for disloyalty and disobedience?
‘Have you seen Ruby in the last week?’
‘No. Last time was about a month ago.’
‘Did she ever stay here overnight?’
‘Yeah, so what?’
‘Just the two of you.’
For the first time, Shanelle hesitated. Sanderson was quick to press home the advantage.
‘Who else was here?’
‘Don’t make me arrest you, Shanelle.’
‘It was just a guy.’
‘What guy?’
‘He came round once in a while. To smoke a bit. I think he was here once when Ruby stayed. He liked the look of her. I told him I’d cut his balls off if he even looked at her.’
More hesitation, then:
‘Dwayne something. That’s all I got,’ she added in response to Sanderson’s evident irritation.
‘How often did he come round?’
‘Once or twice a month.’
‘Where can I find him?’
‘Like I know or care.’
‘Had a falling out, have we?’
‘I threw the little shit out.’
‘Because he stole from me. I knew he was a freeloader. All he did was sit on his arse smoking dope and watching porn, but then he half inched two hundred notes from me. Said he didn’t, but I wasn’t born yesterday. So I kicked him out. Told everyone on the estate he was a paedo and I ain’t seen him since.’
She smiled at her own wit and invention.
‘Have you had any contact since?’
‘Not face to face.’
‘A brick through the window and some dog shit through the door – is that “contact”? Next time he does it, I’ll have him.’
It wasn’t much to go on, but it was a start. She knew of cases where embittered exes had kidnapped and imprisoned children of former lovers. It seemed unlikely that a low-rent crook could be responsible for something like this – but Sanderson knew she had to pursue it.
The clock was ticking.
He didn’t like the look of this guy. Not one little bit.
The man had come to the door cursing, reeking displeasure. He was sweating and seemed keen to avoid eye contact, as if visitors were somehow contagious. When he did eventually look up, his expression was full of suspicion, as if the courier were here to rob him, rather than deliver the goods that he had ordered.
The courier held out the package and asked the man to sign for it. As he did so, he looked over his shoulder, curious to see what sort of hole this guy inhabited. It was a bombsite. Broken furniture, cardboard boxes, dustsheets, discarded pizza boxes. The tall Victorian property had presumably once been a rich gent’s townhouse; now it was a stinking hovel. The courier jumped at the sight of a rat scurrying out from among the pizza boxes.
He raised his gaze to find the man staring right at him. His piercing aquamarine eyes silently chastized him for his nosiness.
‘Goodbye,’ the man said, offering an abortion of a smile. Always polite, for once the courier didn’t respond, simply turning and hurrying away, as the front door shut firmly behind him.
Inside the house, the man listened to the van depart, peeking through the dirty curtains to check that he had really gone. Then, sweeping some old newspapers off the sideboard, he set the box down. Ripping off the tape that bound the lid together, he delved inside. He had cursed himself for his stupidity, for his oversight, but the precious contents of this box would rectify matters.
And his new friend would thank him for it.
The pain was horrible. It coursed through her eye sockets straight into her brain. Her nerve endings screamed in protest, her head throbbed violently. She buried her face in the bed sheets, praying that it would end.
She had been lying in bed when it happened. The approaching footsteps had not alarmed her, as they had before. She was ravenously hungry and wanted company – even his company – after a long and cold night. The wicket hatch slid open, then shut and Ruby had expected to hear the key turn in the lock next – already a strange kind of routine was developing.
Instead, she was suddenly and unexpectedly blinded. The main lights in her small cell snapped on without warning. She had clamped her eyelids shut, but the damage had already been done. Her eyes, which had grown used to the darkness, were suddenly assaulted by the three heavy-duty sodium lights that were fixed to the ceiling.

THE FOURTH DI HELEN GRACE THRILLER BY BESTSELLING AUTHOR M J ARLIDGE 'Helen Grace is one of the greatest heroes to come along in years' JEFFERY DEAVER In the dead of night, three raging fires light up the city skies. It's more than a tragic coincidence. For DI Helen Grace the flames announce the arrival of an evil she has never encountered before. Because this is no firestarter seeking sick thrills, but something more chilling: a series of careful, calculating acts of murder. But why were the victims chosen? What's driving the killer? And who will be next? A powder keg of fear, suspicion and dread has been laid.

Детектив-инспектор Хелен Грейс расследует серию преступлений, в каждом из которых похищены два человека. Похититель ставит свои жертвы перед страшным выбором – убить другого или умереть самому. Как долго продолжится эта смертельная игра, зависит только от Хелен. Ведь этими похищениями маньяк шлет послание лично ей.

Detective Helen Grace faces her own dark compulsions in the new thriller from the international best-selling author of Pop Goes the Weasel and Eeny Meeny.In a world where disguises and discretion are the norm, and where one admission could unravel a life, a killer has struck, and a man is dead. No one wants to come forward to say what they saw or what they know – including the woman heading the investigation: Detective Helen Grace.Helen knew the victim. And the victim knew her – better than anyone else.

The international bestseller that "grabs the reader by the throat" (Crime Time).First in the new series featuring Detective Inspector Helen Grace.Two people are abducted, imprisoned, and left with a gun. As hunger and thirst set in, only one walks away alive.It's a game more twisted than any Detective Inspector Helen Grace has ever seen. If she hadn't spoken with the shattered survivors herself, she almost wouldn't believe them.Helen is familiar with the dark sides of human nature, including her own, but this case-with its seemingly random victims-has her baffled.

From the international bestselling author of Eeny Meeny comes the second thriller in the truly excellent series * featuring Detective Helen Grace."A man s body is found in an empty house.A gruesome memento of his murder is sent to his wife and children."He is the first victim, and Detective Helen Grace knows he will not be the last. But why would a happily married man be this far from home in the dead of night?The media call it Jack the Ripper in reverse: a serial killer preying on family men who lead hidden double lives.Helen can sense the fury behind the murders.

Валентин Владимиров живет тихой семейной жизнью в небольшом городке. Но однажды семья Владимировых попадает в аварию. Жена и сын погибают, Валентин остается жив. Вскоре виновника аварии – сына известного бизнесмена – находят задушенным, а Владимиров исчезает из города. Через 12 лет из жизни таинственным образом начинают уходить те, кто был связан с ДТП. Поговаривают, что в городе завелась нечистая сила – привидение со светящимся глазами безжалостно расправляется со своими жертвами. За расследование берется честный инспектор Петров, но удастся ли ему распутать это дело?..

Пророчица предсказала смерть бизнесмену – и на следующее утро его нашли бездыханным… За это дело, полное тайн, взялся оперативник Сергей Горелый. Он только что вышел из тюрьмы, в которую попал «благодаря» своему начальству. Лучший друг Сергея погиб при попытке задержать подозреваемого в убийстве. Теперь для Горелого дело чести – найти виновных в смерти друга. Когда ворожея сказала, что Сергея ждет скорая смерть, он понял: разгадка близка, нужно сделать все, чтобы предсказание не сбылось…

.Точки пересеченияНекий вооружённый уголовник с татуировкой «Три богатыря» связал кладовщика Тюленькина и похитил у него автомобиль «Лада».Таинственным образом пропал инженер Зоркальцев, а неподалеку от райцентра был найден принадлежащий ему автомобиль со следами крови. Незадолго до исчезновения у инженера сгорела дача.На прибывшей из Минска грузовой платформе был обнаружен труп охранника. У охранника был похищен револьвер с боевыми патронами.Эти разрозненные дела пересекутся.ЗавещаниеИ вот пришлось Антону Бирюкову, начальнику районного угрозыска, по поручению начальства ехать в родное село на таинственное исчезновение доярки Тамары Тиуновой, он остается там на несколько дней, наконец то поживет у родителей, раскроет уголовное дело, пообщается с друзьями детства и односельчанами.

Журналист просыпается в тесной запертой комнате с низким потолком. На столе печатная машинка, рядом записка с условием: дверь будет открыта, когда он напишет миллион знаков высококачественного текста. Любые контакты с внешним миром невозможны. Каждый час он должен писать минимум три тысячи знаков, иначе потолок всякий раз будет опускаться на пять сантиметров, пока не раздавит его…

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

После шести лет непрерывного труда в своей конгрегации рабби Смолл… сбежал в Израиль. Никто не знает, когда он вернется, и вернется ли вообще, даже он сам. Едва успев приехать, он тут же попадает в поле зрения полиции, а через некоторое время — на допрос к «инспектору в кипе». Так уж устроен «самый неортодоксальный детектив», что инспектор сразу начинает подозревать его в… неверии в Бога, Оставив инспектора в замешательстве, рабби как всегда блестяще распутывает преступление, помогая своим друзьям избежать беды.