The cost of vengeance - [9]



“What?” I asked.

“Are you listening to me?” Jenna asked.

I looked at her and smiled. “To be honest with you, Jenna, no I wasn’t.”

“At least you’re honest about it,” Jenna said and walked off. I sat for a second thinking about Jenna and how rude I’d just been to her, and I planned to apologize to her the first chance I got. I didn’t want to lose her because I knew that Jenna Bobbit had the potential to be a big earner for me.

I met her at a fashion show that was given by Pierre Preston, one of the city’s hot, new designers. That evening I wore an Akris Punto silk, long-sleeve jacket with a notched collar, three-button close front patch pockets, and satin piping. And Jimmy Choo clue leather platform snipped, peep toe slingbacks. I was sitting next to a makeup artist called Tommy Rome, when I caught my first glimpse of Jenna. One of the models had broken a heel and was limping badly trying to get off stage. Jenna came out and helped her out. “I haven’t seen her on stage tonight,” I said to Tommy.

“She’s not a model. Not anymore,” he said. Tommy went on to explain how Jenna was a hot property when she was sixteen and seventeen. But her body matured after she turned eighteen. Her breasts got fuller, her hips spread, and she got some butt. “She got fat, honey,” Tommy said. “You know these Nancy’s like these girls to be skinny as a rail.”

I looked at the model that was walking across the stage in front of me. “Practically anorexic,” I commented.

“I’m sayin’: that one is all skin and bones,” Tommy agreed. “Anyway. When Jenna couldn’t drop the weight, she was a has-been as a model. Now she dresses them.”

“I want to meet her.”

Tommy introduced us that night, I gave her my card, and after I assured her that I wasn’t a lesbian trying to pick her up, we agreed to meet for dinner the following evening. I arrived dressed in a Proenza Schouler one-shoulder bubble dress with an asymmetrical neckline wrapped along the waist’s bubble hem; Proenza Schouler wedge ankle boots; and a 24-carat diamond ring with earrings to match, and a diamond-studded watch. As we talked about her former modeling career over dinner, I could tell that she was looking at the diamonds. I was purposely vague when she asked what I did for a living. I told her that I did recruiting and training, and that seemed to satisfy her for the moment.

I spoke with her daily for the next couple of days. Nothing more than “Hi, how’s it going,” and some idle chit-chat. Then I called her early one morning and asked if she wanted to go to a party with me. “Really, Jada.”

“Really, Jenna. But this is a very upscale affair and I don’t mean to be rude, but do you have an evening gown?”

“No,” Jenna said and sounded dejected.

I told her that I would pick her up in an hour and we spent the day shopping. I bought her a Carmen Marc Valvo ruched-satin cocktail dress with a sexy double V-neck to wear that evening. Along with Jimmy Choo lance-mirrored sandals and a clutch bag to match. That night at the party, Jenna asked me again what I did for a living, but before I could answer, she said, “It doesn’t matter. Whatever you do, Jada, I want to be a part of it.”

So I told her what I did, what I would do for her, and what I wanted her to do. “Do you still want to be a part of it?” I asked.

Jenna looked me in the eyes. “When do we start?”

I brought Jenna in to replace my top earner and best friend, Diane. She was my top earner, male or female client didn’t matter, Diane put in the work. One afternoon, I was sitting around the apartment relaxing with Diane and we were talking about our increase in business. I had just offered her, her choice of the last three appointments that came in. “What times are they?”

I ran my finger down the appointment schedule on my laptop. “Uh, seven, ten, and a late night will call.”


“Of course.”

“I’ll take them all,” Diane said.

I remember the speech I gave that first night that the ladies got together. “The most important thing that I’m going to teach you is how to conduct yourselves in a ladylike manner in every situation. Elegant and classy, ladies, that is who you are at all times.” I stood up and moved to the middle of the living room. “I’m going to teach you how to walk, how to talk.” I looked at Diane and she rolled her eyes. “And how to dress and how to conduct yourself at any occasion. Knowing what to say and what not to say, will make your company more desirable and therefore requested on a regular basis.”

I thought back to the day Diane came running into my office and shoved her hand in my face. “I’m getting married!” she yelled and then danced around the room like she was in a conga line. “I’m getting married, Jada,” she said and once again shoved her hand in my face. This time I grabbed it and looked at the ring. It was a princess-shape Mark Broumand platinum 3.41 carat diamond ring.

“Isn’t it beautiful, Jada?”

“Yes, Diane it is.” Then I asked the question. “Who asked you to marry them?” The reason Diane was my top earner was because she worked all the time. I didn’t think she had time for a social life.

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Пойди туда — не знаю куда

Сказочный сюжет поисков Василисы Прекрасной обретает иную жизнь в наши дни: сама Василиса идет на розыски своего любимого — Царевича. Идет по дорогам России, по окопам чеченской войны и возвращает своего суженого к жизни.

Иггинс и К°

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Крым бандитский

 Между криминальным и легальным миром не существовало никаких жестких барьеров, хотя крымские гангстеры и являли впечатляющие образцы беспощадности и беспредела. Многие из них погибли, так и не вкусив прелестей неба в клеточку. В книге обрисованы и другие яркие и неповторимые черты и картины из жизни братвы Крыма за последнее десятилетие.


Ройстон Блэйк работает начальником охраны ночного клуба «Хопперз». Он гоняет на «Капри 2. 8i» и без проблем разгуливает по Мэнджелу, зная, что братва его уважает. Но теперь по городку ходит слух, что Блэйк поступил не по понятиям и вообще сдулся. Даже Сэл об этом прознала. Более того, ему на хвост сели Мантоны, а закончить жизнь в их Мясном Фургоне как-то совсем не катит. Желая показать, что у него еще полно пороха в пороховницах, Блэйк разрабатывает стратегию, которая восстановит его репутацию, дарует внимание женщин и свяжет с чужаком – новым владельцем «Хопперз».

Слоеный торт

Будни дилера трудны – а порою чреваты и реальными опасностями! Купленная буквально за гроши партия первосортного товара оказывается (кто бы сомневался) КРАДЕНОЙ… притом не абы у каких бандитов, а у злобных скинхедов!Боевики скинов ОЧЕНЬ УБЕДИТЕЛЬНЫ в попытках вернуть украденное – только возвращать-то уже НЕЧЕГО!Когда же в дело впутываются еще и престарелый «крестный отец», чернокожие «братки», хитрые полицейские, роковая красотка и японская якудза, ситуация принимает и вовсе потрясающий оборот!

Под прицелом

Джек Райан – симпатичный бродяга, чьи интересы лежат только вне закона. В поисках лучшей жизни он отправляется на Гавайи. Там Джек устраивается на работу в одну строительную организацию, руководит которой Рей Ритчи. Бизнес Ритчи нельзя назвать полностью официальным, так как он возводит свою недвижимость, не обращая внимания на постоянные протесты местных жителей. Понятно, что работа на такого типа не может принести ничего, кроме больших неприятностей, особенно такому шустрому парню, как Джек. И уже скоро правая рука Ритчи, Боб, советует ему убраться с острова подобру-поздорову.