The cost of vengeance - [22]
“You were the flashy one. Drivin’ that BMW; spending all that money shoppin’. And Teena, you weren’t too much better. Both of y’all was caught up in that lifestyle.”
“Don’t hate, Shay,” I said.
“I’m not hatin’. Come on, Nina. You know me better then that. I’m just being real. Y’all two heifers was caught up in that ballers’ girl lifestyle, spending money like it was water. Now what you got to show for it? Government took everything but the clothes you had on your back.”
I was as low profile as it got. I sold the BMW and got a Honda Civic. I lived in a small one-bedroom apartment in a rundown building. Sure, it was laid out on the inside, but I didn’t let a lot of people in here. I cut out all that shopping for clothes. Shit, I didn’t wear half of them anyway. I kept to myself and didn’t go out much. The only time I left the apartment was to go to Jacksonville to get product or to sell it. With the exception of Cedric and Victor, I didn’t have a man; and you see how they turned out. This was not the way I planned to live my life. I didn’t have a life, and maybe it was time for that to change.
Leon’s words kept ringing in my mind. You need to shut down now and come South with me for a while. If he thought I needed to get out of town, then I was Florida bound. Later that night I went to tell Teena and Shay what I had decided.
Chapter Eleven
Rain Robinson
I knew who Baby John was: His name was John Tinselly. He used to roll with Kevin and Jay when they used to stickup joints. That’s how I met Jay; the three of them were at JR’s one night after they hit a big score, and were droppin’ paper buyin’ drinks like it wasn’t shit. When Jay saw me he dropped his drink; I don’t know if it was just because he was drunk, or because he never saw a body like mine.
He rushed over to me and tried to talk, but his game was so lame that I played him off. After that, he was at the club every night tryin’ to talk to me, until he’d wore me down and I finally went out with him. At the time I was just startin’ to roll, and the one thing I could say about him was, back then, Jay Easy had heart.
He got cracked over some stupid shit. We had just gotten through takin’ care of a problem, and when we split up, I gave him the guns ’cause they was both hot, and told him to get rid of them. But before he got to do it, decides he needs to stop and get some cigarettes. When he leaves the store, he gets pulled over. Cops searched the car and found the guns. The guns had bodies on them, so Jay Easy goes down for murder, but he gets out on a technicality. His lawyer said the search was an illegal search, ’cause the cops didn’t have no reason to stop him; so they ain’t have no reason to search the car. But when he got out, I was with Nick and I wasn’t interested in steppin’ down.
Right now, lookin’ back on that shit, I kinda wish I was a little nicer to Jay the night he came by the club after he got out-he just caught me at a bad time. I had smoked me a blunt, was sippin’ on some Patron, and I had watched a little porn and was waitin’ on Nick to come and fuck me silly, the way he always does. So when Jay got there, I was just tryin’ to get rid of him before Nick got there. “Look, Jay,” I said that night. “Me and you is done. Now you need to get the fuck up outta here before I call security to throw your ass out.”
That shit was wrong, but shit, Nick got there right after Jay left. Shit, I never thought that nigga would go out like that. Start robbin’ me and shit. That nigga ripped a hole in my program and put me out of business. I had to kill his ass. But when you kill one, I guess you gotta take out the whole damn family-and their friends-before the shit is done.
I had been ridin’ for hours and I still hadn’t found where Baby John was hidin’ out. I was just thinkin’ about goin’ home and gettin’ in the bed, when my cell rang. I looked at the display. Nick, damn. I turned off the music and let it ring a few times. Then I answered it like I was asleep. I just hoped that he wasn’t callin’ me from my apartment.
“Did I wake you?” Nick asked.
“I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“That’s okay.”
“How do you feel?”
“I’m okay. When you gonna get here?” I asked so I’d know how much time I had.
“I don’t think I’m gonna make it over there until late, so I’ll probably go home and see you in the morning.”
“No, baby. Come get in the bed wit’ me.”
“It’s gonna be late and I don’t wanna bother you. Besides, you need to rest and you know how you are: If I come over there you’re gonna wanna fuck.”
“Anything wrong with that?” I asked, playin’ my role and hopin’ he wouldn’t call my bluff.
“No, but like I said, you need your rest.”
“You’re probably right. You do what you gotta do and I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Get some rest,” Nick said and ended the call.
I hated lyin’ to Nick like that, but I felt like I had to do it this way. Nick was about to kill me over the shit I was doin’ and his warning to me was still fresh in my mind. You don’t get another chance. I wasn’t about to give that nigga another reason to even think about killin’ me ’cause I was too much trouble.
Сказочный сюжет поисков Василисы Прекрасной обретает иную жизнь в наши дни: сама Василиса идет на розыски своего любимого — Царевича. Идет по дорогам России, по окопам чеченской войны и возвращает своего суженого к жизни.
В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.
Между криминальным и легальным миром не существовало никаких жестких барьеров, хотя крымские гангстеры и являли впечатляющие образцы беспощадности и беспредела. Многие из них погибли, так и не вкусив прелестей неба в клеточку. В книге обрисованы и другие яркие и неповторимые черты и картины из жизни братвы Крыма за последнее десятилетие.
Ройстон Блэйк работает начальником охраны ночного клуба «Хопперз». Он гоняет на «Капри 2. 8i» и без проблем разгуливает по Мэнджелу, зная, что братва его уважает. Но теперь по городку ходит слух, что Блэйк поступил не по понятиям и вообще сдулся. Даже Сэл об этом прознала. Более того, ему на хвост сели Мантоны, а закончить жизнь в их Мясном Фургоне как-то совсем не катит. Желая показать, что у него еще полно пороха в пороховницах, Блэйк разрабатывает стратегию, которая восстановит его репутацию, дарует внимание женщин и свяжет с чужаком – новым владельцем «Хопперз».
Будни дилера трудны – а порою чреваты и реальными опасностями! Купленная буквально за гроши партия первосортного товара оказывается (кто бы сомневался) КРАДЕНОЙ… притом не абы у каких бандитов, а у злобных скинхедов!Боевики скинов ОЧЕНЬ УБЕДИТЕЛЬНЫ в попытках вернуть украденное – только возвращать-то уже НЕЧЕГО!Когда же в дело впутываются еще и престарелый «крестный отец», чернокожие «братки», хитрые полицейские, роковая красотка и японская якудза, ситуация принимает и вовсе потрясающий оборот!
Джек Райан – симпатичный бродяга, чьи интересы лежат только вне закона. В поисках лучшей жизни он отправляется на Гавайи. Там Джек устраивается на работу в одну строительную организацию, руководит которой Рей Ритчи. Бизнес Ритчи нельзя назвать полностью официальным, так как он возводит свою недвижимость, не обращая внимания на постоянные протесты местных жителей. Понятно, что работа на такого типа не может принести ничего, кроме больших неприятностей, особенно такому шустрому парню, как Джек. И уже скоро правая рука Ритчи, Боб, советует ему убраться с острова подобру-поздорову.