The Catalyst Killing - [47]


Kristine: Yes, of course.

Trond: Yes, I have taken time off from work on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.

Marie: Yes, I’ll be there.

Anders: Excellent. We will announce it through the normal channels and hope for strong support from the anti-Vietnam movement and others on the far left. It has not yet been decided whether to demonstrate outside the American Embassy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Storting. I personally think we should take imperialism by the horns and demonstrate outside the American Embassy.

Trond: I agree with you in principle, but I think that psychologically the Storting is better. A mass mobilization there would put pressure on the politicians who are warming to the idea of demanding a change in the Vietnam policy. A good many Labour Party politicians are pushing in that direction and pressure on the government is mounting. No one in the American Embassy is up for election, and no one there is sympathetic to our calls.

Kristine: I see advantages in both, but Falko always said that the American Embassy was the root of all evil in both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Storting. So I think that the first demonstration after the second anniversary of his disappearance should be there. Marie: I support Anders.

Trond: Then I accept. Should we send invitations to the Labour Party and SPP youth leagues, or just to the Vietnam Committee and other contacts left of SPP? Don’t get me wrong, I am sceptical of any flirtations with the Labour Party, and even more sceptical of any pandering to the SPP. But I do think we should send invitations to both as I think that would make the situation harder for them both, tactically.

Anders: Well-meaning members of the Labour Party and SPP are welcome to join us, but we will not invite them. It’s important to show the Americans how strong the far-left radicals in Norway really are. Clear slogans and committed participation are more important than numbers here.

Marie: I agree with that.

Kristine: I also agree. Reminds me of what Falko used to say: that few can become many if they are just patient and stand united.

Trond: Well, I will back down then. It is easy to compromise on the choice of method as long as the goal is fixed. And what about our other plans for the autumn? I have to look after my practice and my duty to my patients, who have all suffered in some way under the heavy yoke of capitalism. But I have a flexible timetable and will keep patient numbers at a level that allows time for meetings and agitation.

Anders: I have cleared my timetable and work schedule for a very activist autumn. A few daytime lectures are obligatory, but I’ll get a sick note if the good cause so requires.

Kristine: Same here, a few obligatory lectures that I can skip if necessary. But it would be good if I knew about important activities a few weeks in advance.

Marie: Concurred. I don’t quite know what’s happening with my course this winter yet, but I have to get on with my masters. Whatever the case, it shouldn’t be a problem for the first part of the autumn, and I’ll be there for whatever we decide to take part in.

Trond: Excellent. Then our conscience is still clear, in terms of both Falko and society’s repressed masses.

Anders: Agreed. We should also note the good news from China, where new advances in Mao’s Cultural Revolution have been reported. The progress continues, and in sharp contrast to the situation in the USA, it is of benefit to the entire population. A united nation celebrates in the streets in Mao’s China, whereas there are more and more demonstrations against the war in Richard Nixon’s USA. There is no doubt which country and which ideology is on the offensive. We still have the present against us here in Norway, but the future is behind us. In just the same way that the heroes of the Resistance are now honoured for their stand against Hitler’s Nazism in the Second World War, we and other likeminded people will be honoured in the next century by future generations in a new and fairer Norway. The great awakening will reach the sleeping masses in our country within the next few years.


Marie: Thank you for your uplifting words. When shall we meet again to continue our struggle?

Trond: What about the Tuesday before the anti-Vietnam demonstration? There may be a need for more preparations by then, and it’s free in my diary at the moment.

Anders: Suits me very well. I can, if everyone is happy, volunteer to open with a few minutes on communism’s development in China and neighbouring countries. There is exciting news that communism is now advancing fast in Cambodia under the charismatic leadership of the young general secretary Pol Pot, and it would seem that the USA’s lackeys there are on the verge of collapse.

Marie: That sounds like a very interesting theme. And Tuesday is good for me too.

Kristine: And for me. So let’s close then by reiterating our hope that Falko will be back by then to take his seat and place at the rally outside the American Embassy.

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