Raven One - [2]


APM — All Pilots Meeting

ARG — Amphibious Ready Group

ATFLIR — Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infra-Red. IR targeting sensor placed on fuselage mounted missile station.

Bandit — confirmed enemy airborne contact; also known as ‘“hostile.”

Bingo — emergency fuel state divert from ship to shore base

Bogey unknown airborne contact

Bolter — tailhook flies past or skips over arresting wires, requiring a go-around for another attempt.

BRA — Bearing, Range, Altitude

CAG — Carrier Air Wing Commander; formerly Commander, Air Group

CAOC — Combined Air Operations Center

CAP — Combat Air Patrol

CAS — Close Air Support

Cat — catapult

CATM — Captive Air Training Missile

CATCC — Carrier Air Traffic Control Center

CENTCOM — U.S. Central Command

Charlie — come down and land now. “Signal Charlie”

Cherubs — altitude in hundreds of feet. “Cherubs three” = 300 feet

CIWS — Close-in Weapons System; surface ship 20mm gun primarily for terminal airborne threats

CO — Commanding Officer; in aviation squadrons known as “skipper;” on ships, “Captain.”

COD — Carrier On-Board Delivery. The C-2 Greyhound logistics aircraft is known as “the COD.”

Commodore — functional wing commander, shore based; supplies aircraft, pilots and maintenance personnel to air wings as required.

CPA — Closest Point of Approach

CVIC — Aircraft Carrier Intelligence Center

CVW — Carrier Air Wing

DCAG — Deputy Carrier Air Wing Commander

Delta — hold, delay. “Delta six” means delay 6 minutes

Dhow — small boat typical of southwest Asia region

Flag officer — admirals or generals… but typically a navy term for admiral

FLIR — Forward Looking Infra-Red. Targeting pod that detects heat contrasts. Aka ATFLIR.

Fox — radio call associated with firing of air-to-air missile with type. “Fox-2” = Sidewinder.

Fragged — as planned or previously assigned. “Proceed as fragged.”

g — the force of gravity. “4 g’s” is four times the force of gravity.

GCC — Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates)

GOO — Gulf of Oman

GPS — Global Positioning System

Gunner — squadron ordnance officer; typically a Chief Warrant Officer specially trained in weapons handling and loading.

HARM — High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (AGM-88) used to home in on radar energy

Hawkeye — popular name for E-2C Early Warning aircraft, also known as the Hummer

Helo — helicopter

Hornetpopular name for FA-18C Strike Fighter

HS — Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron

HUD — Head-Up Display. Glass display in front of FA-18 pilot that depicts aircraft and weapons delivery information.

IED — Improvised Explosive Device

IP — Initial Point

IRGC — Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

IRIAF — Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force

JDAM — Joint Direct Attack Munition — GPS guidance kit placed on a general purpose bomb body. Also known as GBU (Guided Bomb Unit).

JO — Junior Officer — lieutenant (O-3) and below

JTAC — Joint Tactical Air Controller (formerly FAC — Forward Air Controller)

Knot — nautical mile per hour. One nautical mile is 2,000 yards or 6,000 feet.

LEX — Leading Edge Extension. Narrow part of FA-18 wing leading to the nose of the aircraft.

LGB — Laser Guided Bomb — laser guidance kit placed on a general purpose bomb body. Also known as GBU (Guided Bomb Unit).

LSO — Landing Signal Officer, also known as “Paddles.”

Marshal — designated holding airspace prior to landing; also name of landing sequence controller.

Maverick — popular name for AGM-65 infra-red or laser guided air-to-ground missile

Military — Military Rated Thrust, the maximum engine power without selecting afterburner.

Mother — radio reference for the aircraft carrier

MOVLAS — Manually Operated Visual Landing Aid System — LSO depiction of pilot position on glideslope — typically used for pitching deck operations

NAVCENT — Central Command (CENTCOM) Naval component commander… three-star flag officer

NFO — Naval Flight Officer

Ninety-Nine — radio broadcast call used to gain attention; i.e. “listen up”

Nugget — first cruise pilot

NVGs — Night Vision Goggles

OPSO — Operations Officer

Plug — take fuel from tanker

Prowler — popular name for EA-6B Electronic Warfare Attack aircraft

RASRefueling at Sea, also known as Underway Replenishment, or UNREP

RWR — Radar Warning Receiver. Cockpit display of threat radars.

Rocket One — another term for Skipper in a tailhook squadron. Rocket Two is the XO, and so forth down to Rocket Last, the most junior pilot. A variation is the using the squadron callsign, such as Raven One.

ROE — Rules of Engagement

RPG — Rocket Propelled Grenade

SAM — Surface-to-air missile

SAR — Search and Rescue (CSAR is Combat Search and Rescue)

Seahawk — popular name for MH-60 series multi-mission helicopter

Sidewinder — popular name for AIM-9 infrared heat seeking air-to-air missile

SINS — Shipboard Inertial Navigation System

Strike — tactical airspace controller/coordinator in vicinity of ship

SUCAP — Surface Combat Air Patrol

Super Hornet — popular name for upgraded FA-18E/F single seat or two-place Strike Fighter with increased range and payload; also known as “Rhino”

Texaconickname for a tanker aircraft, typically S-3B

Еще от автора Kevin Miller
Declared Hostile

IT HAD ALL GONE TO HELL SO QUICKLY… Wilson shot a glance over his right shoulder at San Ramón. In addition to the blinking of anti-aircraft artillery guns, he could see clouds of smoke on the field from the numerous Slash hits. Breathing through his mouth, he concentrated on getting fast and maintaining a slight climb. Bright fireballs of AAA shot by him in groups of three and four, orderly trails from low to high. His body was tense, ready for impact.He felt and heard the thud behind, on his right.Terrified, he twisted his body in the ejection seat to see what he could, pushing his helmet and goggles with his left hand to see over his wing.

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Шальные деньги

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Небо лошадей

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