Последние тайны СССР – Проект Марс 88 - [8]
It was a place where you could meet representatives of practically any kind and service arms available in the USSR Armed Forces. It was probably just sailors and paratroopers that Andrey did not meet there… but probably they were there but just he did not encounter them? And access was given not everywhere on the launch site, but only to those related to direct duties.
And very often, based on the specific character of a regular program or project, officers wore shoulder straps and collar patches of the service arms they were not connected with in any way. Only a few people knew what exactly they were doing at the launch site, and curiosity was not welcomed there.
It was Andrey’s colleagues, KGB officers, who “loved” and probably just had to change their uniforms. These were the representatives of the Special Department of the launch site. There were a lot of units, so the staff was just as diverse in quantity: there were small units of communications men that contained several dozens of people and separate battalions, regiments and brigades which contained thousands of soldiers and officers.
Practically nobody wore the uniform of a KGB officer: if you are posted to rocket engineers, wear the same uniform, any uniform except for the real one.
Somehow Andrey liked visiting the airfield most of all. It was located a little aside from most other military units of the launch site and lived its own independent life, and a part of it was surely subjected to the launch site as a whole.
The checkpoint was located just near the wing, the staff office of the barracks, the club and the dining hall were lost among birch trees… There were surely a lot of evergreens in the taiga, a lot of mixed vegetation, and birch thickets were not that frequent. Maybe that was the reason why the wing seemed so homely and comfortable and people were attracted here?
The pilots were not the most secret part of the launch site, that’s why there was no fence around the unit. The pilots themselves lived in the cosmodrome’s main camp. The wing and its barracks accommodated soldiers from two assigned separate support battalions, as well as the soldiers included directly in the separate wing.
There was quite a comfortable club with a large audience hall and quite a big screen where movies were shown at weekends. In the other part of the club there was a good gym where soldiers from the regiment and battalions sometimes played volleyball.
The acquaintance with the life of taiga pilots happened all of a sudden. There was still some time before another board was to be met, so Andrey left the ordinary military offroader near the checkpoint and went out to walk among the birches. The road bifurcated to barracks and staff office of the regiment. On a small drill field there was a row of a dozen soldiers or officers – a usual work formation or instructions before the shift.
The soldiers of the air regiment were dressed probably best of all at the launch site. One could rarely see them in ordinary uniforms. In summer they wore summer technical clothes: a dark blue cap, a light and comfortable jacket with pockets and slacks of the same color, and the main thing – they wore light and comfortable low shoes on elastic and comfortable soles, almost like trainers, instead of tarpaulin boots with foot wraps as indispensable attributes.
In autumn they had to put on boots, cold-proof bib overalls, a demi-season jacket with a cold-proof hood that could be worn in a pocket on the back. All these clothes were almost black.
In winter, when the temperature often fell to minus 30–4 °C°, they wore felt boots and thick, warm and long overalls that reached the neck. As for outdoor clothing, they wore a very thick jacket of very warm material with a tied lining of good well-dressed sheepskin. There was also a huge collar of beaver lamb which rose above the head with a hat on it, which could be fastened if necessary.
Above all that you could also put on a thick and warm hood with dog fur, and when it was especially cold, there was a knitted helmet with holes for the eyes. Moreover, all that was put on over two sets of underwear – cold (summer) and warm (winter), and then there were semi-woolen peg-top trousers with a service coat, and then the rest.
This is not like knight’s armor, but quite heavy; however, you will not be afraid of cold or wind. There were also thick and warm mittens of the same natural sheepskin with leather inserts on the palm; they were long and had lapels of different kinds – white, blue, even orange. Soldiers liked to put them in the pockets of the jacket or overalls, so that these bright lapels could be seen against the background of the rest – the jet blue uniform.
All changes of seasons and uniforms of the soldiers from the air regiment assigned to the launch site stuck in the memory by themselves.
It was summer, and soldiers were wearing the lightest summer technical uniform. A little aside, a senior lieutenant was walking; he seemed to be here by change and to bear no relation to what was going on. In his hands he was turning a long chain with keys and in the form of a pendant, with about five cartridges to the modernized Kalashnikov gun, but all of these were shining as if chrome-plated.
События книги происходят за 18 лет до «Новой надежды»Джедаи истреблены в ходе беспощадного Приказа 66, а Галактикой полновластно правит Император. Но выжившие еще продолжают бороться, даже зная, что им не победить…В самых глубоких недрах Корусканта джедай Джакс Паван ведет нелегкую жизнь частного детектива и спасателя-добровольца, помогая слабым и обездоленным. Таинственная смерть знаменитого скульптора Веса Волетта бросает настоящий вызов его талантам! К счастью, под рукой всегда острый нюх пронырливого репортера Дена Дхура, компьютерные навыки дроида И5, помощь и поддержка верной боевой команды… Все это должно помочь найти убийцу – но хватит ли этого, чтобы выжить? Ведь по пятам беглого джедая без устали идут ищейки Дарта Вейдера!Загляните за красочный фасад Корусканта и откройте для себя новые грани планеты-города, каких не видели прежде: государственный сыск и артистический бомонд, пестрые ярмарки и блошиные рынки, лабиринты бюрократии и кишащие дикарями трущобы… Переживите вместе с Галактикой планетарную катастрофу на Каамасе, отправьтесь на охоту с легендарной наемницей Оррой Синг и сопроводите в странствиях безутешного капитана Тайфо с Набу, жаждущего мести за смерть Падме Амидалы, в новой книге от Майкла Ривза – первом в истории «Звездных войн» детективе в стиле «нуар» – «Ночи Корусканта: Улица теней»!
В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.
В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.
Старра и его товарища Бигмана Айзек Азимов в своем романе «Лаки Старр и большое солнце Меркурия» посылает с заданием на Меркурий с целью выявления причин саботажа.© Виталий Карацупа, http://archivsf.narod.ruПеревод И. Обухова.
Времена Империи. До эпической битвы при Иавине осталось четыре года. Уже год охотник за удачей Ландо Калриссиан и Вуффи Раа, его верный дроид-навигатор, путешествуют по Галактике на борту «Тысячелетнего сокола». Человек ловит шанс выиграть несколько лишних кредиток, а дроид не упускает случая подучить хозяина управлять кораблем. И за каждым членом экипажа охотится своя группа врагов. Почти спокойная жизнь заканчивается, когда в одном из секторов Галактики «Тысячелетний сокол» сталкивается с юным космическим гигантом Лехесу, представителем народа освафт — удивительных существ, чья жизнь от рождения до смерти проходит в открытом космосе.
Экипаж межзвёздного корабля, преодолев огромные трудности, с трудом вернулся на Землю. Чудесное спасение экипаж отмечает в своём любимом клубе. Но в зале клуба, они замечают странного человека, не поддавшегося приступу всеобщего веселья…© mastino.