Pop Goes the Weasel - [6]


‘Couldn’t sleep?’

Steve had snuck into the kitchen and was looking at her. Charlie shook her head.


‘What do you think?’ Charlie replied, trying to keep her tone light.

‘Come here.’

He opened his arms and she gratefully snuggled inside.

‘We’ll take it a day at a time,’ he continued, ‘I know you’re going to be great, that you’re going to get there… but if you ever feel it’s too much, or it’s not the right thing, then we can think again. No one will think any the less of you. Right?’

Charlie nodded. She was so grateful for his support, for his ability to forgive her, but his determination to get her to leave her job riled her. She understood why he hated the police force now, hated her job, hated the awful people out there in the world, and many times she’d thought about heeding his advice and just walking away. But then what? A lifetime spent knowing she’d been beaten. Forced out. Broken. The fact that Helen Grace had returned to work a month after Marianne’s death only poured fuel on the fire.

So Charlie had dug in, insisting she would return to work when her sick leave was up. Hampshire Police had been generous to her, had given her every ounce of support they could, and now it was her turn to give something back.

Breaking away, she made them both coffees – there was no point going back to bed now. The boiling water fell into the mugs erratically, splashing over the sides. Irritated, Charlie stared at the kettle accusingly, but it was her right hand that was to blame. She was shocked to see how much it was shaking. She swiftly put the kettle back on the mount, praying Steve hadn’t seen.

‘I’m going to skip coffee. Just shower and run today, I think.’

She turned to leave, but Steve stopped her, once more folding her into his big arms.

‘Are you sure about this, Charlie?’ he asked, his eyes boring into her.

A brief pause, then Charlie said:

‘Yes, absolutely.’

And with that she was gone. As she tripped up the staircase to the shower, however, she was well aware that her brave optimism was fooling no one, least of all herself.


‘I don’t want her.’

‘We’ve had this discussion, Helen. The decision’s been made.’

‘Then un-make it. I can’t say it any more clearly, I don’t want her back.’

Helen’s tone was flinty and unyielding. She wouldn’t normally be so aggressive to her superior but she felt too passionately on this point to back down.

‘There are lots of good DCs out there, choose one of them. I’ll have a full team and Charlie can go to Portsmouth, Bournemouth, wherever. A change of scene might do her good.’

‘I know it’s hard for you and I do understand, but Charlie’s got just as much right to be here as you. Work with her – she’s a good policewoman.’

Helen swallowed down her kneejerk response – getting abducted by Marianne hadn’t been Charlie’s finest hour – and considered her next move. Detective Superintendent Ceri Harwood had replaced the disgraced Whittaker and was already making her presence felt. She was a different sort of station chief to Whittaker – where he had been irascible, aggressive but often good-humoured, she was smooth, a born communicator and largely humourless. Tall, elegant and handsome, she was known to be a safe pair of hands and had excelled wherever she’d been stationed. She seemed to be popular, but Helen found it hard to get any purchase on her, not just because they had so little in common – Harwood was married with kids – but because they had no history. Whittaker had been at Southampton a long time and had always regarded Helen as his protégée, helping her to rise through the ranks. There was no such indulgence from Harwood. She generally didn’t stay anywhere too long and was not the kind to have favourites anyway. Her forte was keeping things nice and steady. Helen knew this was why she’d been drafted in here. A disgraced Detective Superintendent, a DI who’d shot and killed the prime suspect, a DS who’d killed himself to save his colleague from starvation – it was a sorry mess and predictably the press had gone to town on it. Emilia Garanita at the Southampton Evening News had fed off it for weeks, as had the national press. It was never likely in these circumstances that Helen was going to be promoted into Whittaker’s vacant shoes. She had been allowed to keep her job, which the police commissioner had apparently felt was more than generous. Helen knew all this and she understood it, but it still made her blood boil. These people knew what she’d had to do. They knew she’d killed her own sister to stop the killings and yet they still treated her like a naughty schoolgirl.

‘Let me talk to her at least,’ Helen resumed. ‘If I feel we can work together, then maybe we can fi-’

‘Helen, I really do want us to be friends,’ Harwood interrupted deftly, ‘and it’s a little early in our relationship for me to be issuing you with an order, so I am going to ask you nicely to step back from this one. I know there are issues that you and Charlie have to resolve – I know that you were close to DS Fuller – but you have to see the bigger picture. The man on the street thinks you and Charlie are

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Назад дороги нет

Думала ли я, отправляясь в языковую школу в Лондон, что эта поездка раз и на всегда изменит мою жизнь? Но назад дороги нет, и что будет дальше — смогу решить только я сама.

Убийство у камина

Раскрытие преступления через много лет. Через множество сомнений и подозрений пришлось пройти героям, прежде чем они нашли истину.

Азарт простаков

Влекомов, сотрудник оборонного НИИ, посещает бывшую супругу с намерением вкусно поесть и немного выпить. Выясняется, что бывшая увлеклась идеей быстрого обогащения путем призовой торговли. Пытаясь её образумить, Влекомов сам впутывается в сомнительное дело, собирая компромат на организаторов.

Вода из колодца

Эта история начинается с ограбления с трагическим финалом: немолодой хозяин загородного дома погибает от рук неизвестных преступников. Однако в этой истории оказывается не так все просто, и сам погибший несет ответственность за то, что с ним произошло. Рассказ «Вода из колодца» седьмой в ряду цикла «Дыхание мегаполиса». Главным героем этого цикла является следователь Дмитрий Владимиров, который на этот раз должен разобраться в хитросплетениях одной запутанной семейной драмы.

Собиратели слонов

Многие наши современники мечтают о богатой жизни, проводимой в комфорте и в удовольствиях. Но как достичь желаемого? Находятся люди, готовые в погоне за высоким достатком совершить преступление. Но принесет ли им это долгожданное обогащение? Смогут ли они избежать наказания? Рассказ «Собиратели слонов» третий в ряду цикла «Дыхание мегаполиса». Главным героем его является следователь Дмитрий Владимиров, которому в этот раз предстоит найти человека, совершившего дерзкое ограбление инкассаторов.

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