ОУН и УПА: исследования о создании "исторических " мифов. Сборник статей [заметки]



Из резолюции Европейского парламента «О ситуации в Украине» от 25 февраля 2012 года.


See, for instance, David R. Marples, Heroes and Villains: Creating National History in Contemporary Ukraine (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2007); Johan Dietsch, Making Sense of Suffering: Holocaust and Holodomor in Ukrainian Historical Culture (Lund: Lund University Press, 2006); Olena Radziwi"", “Viina za viinu: Druha svitova viina ta Velyka vitchyzniana viina u shkil’nykh pidruchnykakh z istorii Ukrainy (1969–2007),” paper presented at “World War II and the (Re)Creation of Historical Memory in Contemporary Ukraine, An International Conference,” Kyiv, Ukraine, September 24, 2009.


On this topic, see Franziska Bruder’s pioneering study, “Den ukrainischen Staat erkämpfen odersterben!”: Die Organisation Ukrainischer Nationalisten (OUN), 1928–1948 (Berlin: Metropol Verlag, 2007), 23.


Armstrong writes that “the theory and the teachings of the nationalists were very close to fascism, and in some respects, such as the insistence on ‘racial purity,’ even went beyond the original fascist doctrines.” John A. Armstrong, Ukrainian Nationalism, 1939–1945 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1955), 279. “At least as a start, it seems preferable not to call the OUN’s ideology ‘fascism’ but to designate it ‘integral nationalism,’ in accordance with Carlton Hayes’ classification of the Action Française model.” John A. Armstrong, “Collaborationism in World War II: The Integral Nationalist Variant in Eastern Europe,” Journal of Modern History, 40, no. 3 (Sep. 1968): 400–401.


Juan J. Linz, “Political Space and Fascism as Late-Comer: Conditions Conductive to the Success or Failure of Fascism as a Mass Movement in Inter-War Europe,” in Stein Ugelvik Larsen, Bernt Hagtvet, and Jan Petter Myklebust (eds.), Who Were the Fascists: Social Roots of European Fascism (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1980): 169, 187


Grzegorz Rossoli#ski-Liebe, “The ‘Ukrainian National Revolution’ of 1941: Discourse and Practice of a Fascist Movement,” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 12, no. 1 (Winter 2011): 87, n. 12. Heorhii Kas’ianov rejects attempts at establishing an umbrella defi nition of the far right, arguing that applying terms such as fascism, Nazism, but also integral nationalism to the OUN is not productive, as these movements constitute different phenomena. Teoriia natsii ta natsionalizmu (Kyiv: Lebed’, 1999), 326.


Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 32; Oleksandr Panchenko, Mykola Lebed’: Zhyttia. Diyal’nist’. Derzhavno-pravovi pohliady (Lokhvytsia: Kobeliaky, 2001), 15; Anatol’ Kamins’kyi, Krai, emihratsiiai mizhnarodni zakulisy (Manchester: Vydannia Politychnoi Rady OUNz Nakladom Kraevoi PR OUNz u Velykobrytanii, 1982), 39–42.


Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 35.


Roger Griffi n, Modernism and Fascism: The Sense of a Beginning under Mussolini and Hitler (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), 62.


There is a rich literature on the theory, defi nition, and charcterization of fascism. Here it would suffi ce to mention Roger Griffi n, The Nature of Fascism (London: Pinter, 1991), 1–19, and Stanley G. Payne, A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1995), 3–52, and idem, “The Concept of Fascism,” in Ugelvik Larsen, Hagtvet, and Myklebust, Who Were the Fascists, 17. On the fascism of the OUN, see Rossoli#ski-Liebe, “The ‘Ukrainian National Revolution’ of 1941,” 85–90.


Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 51. The characterization of the OUN as fascist is also shared by Richard Breitman, Norman J. W. Goda, John-Paul Himka, David Marples, Grzegorz Rossoli#ski-Liebe, Timothy Snyder, and other historians. See Richard Breitman and Norman J. W. Goda, Hitler’s Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War (Washington, D.C.: The National Archives, 2010), 74, and, for instance Himka, Marples, Rossoli#ski-Liebe, and Snyder in Tarik Cyril Amar, Ivan Balyns’kyi, and Yaroslav Hrytsak (eds.) Strasti za Banderoiu: statti ta essei (Kyiv: Hrani-T, 2010).


Taras Kuzio, “OUN v Ukraine, Dmytro Dontsov i zakordonna chastyna OUN,” Suchasnist, vol. 12 (1992): 34; Armstrong, “Collaborationism in World War II,” 402.


Taras Kurylo, “’The Jewish Question’ in the Ukrainian Nationalist Discourse of the Interwar Period,” Polin, no. 26 (forthcoming).


Iaroslav Orshan, “Doba natsionalizmu,” V Avanhardi (Al’manakh) (Paris: n.p. 1938), 41. Availble online from the web forum Natsional’na Diia “RID,” http://rid.org.ua. Thanks to Taras Kurylo for this reference.


Yury Boshyk, ed., World War II in Ukraine: History and Its Aftermath (Edmonton: CIUS and University of Alberta, 1986), 172–173; “10 zapovidei Ukraintsia-Natsionalista (Dekal’oh),” Tsentral’nyi derzhavnyi arkhiv hromas’kykh orhanizatsii Ukrainy, henceforth TsDAHO Ukrainy, f. 1, op. 23, d. 931, ark. 68. Thanks to John-Paul Himka for this reference.


Mykola Posivnych, “Molodist’ Stepana Bandery,” in Mykola Posivnych (ed.), Zhyttia i diial’nist’ Stepana Bandery: Dokumenty i materialy (Ternopil’: Aston, 2008), 38.


Z Tvoei rodyny stvory kyvot chystoty Tvoei Rasy i Natsii, from 44 pravyla zhyttia ukrains’koho natsionalista. Sviatoslav Lypovets’kyi, OUN banderivtsi: frahmenty diial’nosti ta borot’by/The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (Banderites): A Collage of Deeds and Struggles (Kiev: Ukrains’ka Vydavnycha Spilka, 2010), 93–94.


Nationalist publishers translated Nazi racial theoretician Hans Günther’s 1920 racist tract Ritter, Tod und Teufel as Hans F. K. [Ginter] Günter, Lytsar, Smert’ i chort’: Herois’ka mysl’. Vstup ta pereklad iz IV. nimets’koho vydannia Rostyslava Iendyka [Introduction and translation from the IV German edition by Rostyslav Iendyk] (L’viv: Vydavnytstvo “Prometei,” 1937). Orshan introduced the book, written “in 1920, at the time of all the misery that befell Germany after its loss in the World War, democratic-liberal decay, pacifi sm, and the weakening of the national instinct, and the rise of Jewish supremacy [postupaiuchoi supermatii zhydivstva],” Orshan, Doba Natsionalizmu, 3–4. On Hans F. K. Günther, see Alan E. Steinweis, Studying the Jew: Scholarly Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2006), 25–41, and Leo Kramár, Rasismens ideologer: Från Gobeneau till Hitler (Stockholm: Norstedts Förlag, 2000), 207–227.


Orshan, Doba Natsionalizmu, 5.


Mykola Mikhnovs’kyi’s Decalogue was a set of rules to police the political, social, and sexual activities of nationalists. Rule 1 stated that a Ukrainian state should reach from the Carpatians to the Caucasus, number 2 that “all people are your brothers, but Muscovites, Poles, Hungarians, Romanians and Jews are the enemies of your people [moskali, liakhy, uhry, rumuny ta zhydy — se vorohy nashoho narodu]. Rule 3 states “Ukraine for the Ukrainians!” Rule 10, which so appealed to Sukhovers’kyi and other nationalist activists, reads: “Do not take a wife of alien stock, since your children will become your enemies; do not find aquaintances among the enemies of our people, as that would give them strength and courage; do not buy from our oppressors as that will make you a traitor.” This nationalist decalogue is still on the Ukrainian Students’ Association — University of Winnipeg (UWUSA) Facebook site: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=171502843414 (accessed March 3, 2011).


Mykola Sukhovers’kyi, Moi spohady (Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo “Smoloskyp,” 1997), 50. Sukhovers’kyi (1913–2008), a native of Bukovyna, worked in Berlin as a liason between the OUN(m) and Nazi Germany during World War II and later settled in Canada. He was the honorary president of the Ukrainian War Veterans association in Edmonton and a leading fi gure in the OUN(m). He worked as a librarian at the University of Alberta where the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta still administers the Celestin and Irena Suchowersky Endowment Funds. Bohdan Klid and Myroslav Yurkevych, CIUS: 30 Years of Excellence/KIUS: 30 Rokiv Uspikhiv, 1976–2006 (Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta, 2006), 35.


“Orhanizatsiia Ukrains’kykh Natsionalistiv: Natsiia iak spetsies,” Holovnyi Derzhavnyi Arkhiv Sluzhby Bezpeky Ukrainy (henceforth HDA SBU), f. 13, no. 376, tom 6, l. 1. Undated OUN brochure, no earlier than 1943.


“Orhanizatsiia Ukrains’kykh Natsionalistiv: Rodyna v systemi orhanizavanoho ukrains’koho natsionalizmu,” HDA SBU, f. 13, tom 6,l. 6.


Ibid., f. 13, no. 376, tom 6, l. 7.


“Orhanizatsiia Ukrains’kykh Natsionalistiv: Atomistychna teoriia pro natsiu,” HDA SBU, Fond 13, no. 376, tom 6, l. 4.


Rozbudova Natsii, no. 11–12 (Nov. — Dec. 1930): 265–266, cited by Krzysztof &ada, “Teoria i ludobójcza praktyka ukrai#skiego integralnego nacjonaliymu wobec Polaków, 'ydów i Rosjan w pierwszej po" owie XX wieku,” in Cz. Partacz, B. Polak, and W. Handke, eds., Wo!y" i Ma!opolska Wschodnia 1943–1944 (Koszalin-Leszno: Instytut im. Gen. Stefana Gorta, 2004), 48.


“Z programu szkolenia bojówek OUN z 1935 r.,” Derzhavnyi Arkhiv Rivnenskoii Oblasti (DARO), f. 32, op. 36, spr. 2, l. 22ff. Cited by Ewa Siemaszko, “Przemiany relacji polsko-ukraiskich od po" owylat trzydziestych do II wojny (wiatowej,” Biuletyn instytutu pami#ci narodowej, no. 7–8 (116–117) (July — August 2010): 65, and reprinted in Wiktor Poliszczuk, Nacjonalizm ukrai" ski w dokumentach (czesc 2): Integralny nacjonalizm ukrai" ski jako odmiana faszyzmu. Tom czwarty. Dokumenty z zakresu dzia!a" struktur nacjonaliymu ukrai" skiego w okresie od 1920 do grudnia 1943 roku (Toronto: Viktor Poliszczuk, 2002), 49.


On the OUN’s anti-Semitism, see Marco Carynnyk, “Foes of Our Rebirth: Ukrainian Nationalist Discussions about Jews, 1929–1947,” Nationalities Papers, Vol. 39, No. 3, (May 2011): 315–352; Bruder, “Den Ukrainischen Staat’,” 46–48, 99–101, 166–169; Kurylo, “Jewish Question”; Taras Kurylo and John-Paul Himka [Ivan Khymka], “Iak OUN stavylasia do ievreiv? Rozdumy nad knyzhkoiu Volodymyra V’’iatrovycha Stavlennia OUN do ievre&v: formuvannia pozyti& na tli katastrofy,” Ukra&na Moderna 13 (2008): 252–265.


John-Paul Himka. “War Criminality: A Blank Spot in the Collective Memory of the Ukrainian Diaspora,” Spaces of Identity 5 (2005): 16–17.


O. Mytsiuk, “Ahraryzatsiia zhydivstva za dobu bol’shevyzmu,” Rozbudova Natsi&, no. 7–8 (1933): 180–190, and no. 9–10, 226–235; idem., “Pozaahrarna diial’nist’ zhydiv po svitovii viini,” Rozbudova Natsi&, no. 11–12 (1933): 277–287, cited in Kurylo, “The Jewish Question.”


Ryszard Wysocki, Organizacja Ukrai" skich Nacjonalistów w Polsce w latach 1929–1939: geneza, struktura, program, ideologia (Lublin: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej, 2003), 201.


Kurylo, “Jewish Question,” 6, citing Iu. Mylianych, “Zhydy, sionizm i Ukraina,” Rozbudova Natsii, no. 8–9 (1929): 271.


Volodymyr Martynets’, Zhydivs’ka problema v Ukra&ni (London: Williams, Lea & Co., 1938), 10, 14–15.


Ibid., 22.


Kurylo, “Jewish Question,” citing R. O., “Obludnyky humanitaryzmu,” Visnyk no. 1 (1939). No page number provided.


Kurylo, “Jewish Question,” citing M. O. [M. Ostoverkha], “Antysemityzm v Italii,” Visnyk, no. 1 (1938): 712–714.


Kurylo, “Jewish Question.”


Bruder, “Den ukrainischen,” 147. Several pogroms took place in Ukraine in between 1918 and 1920, during which some one hundred fifty thousand Jews were killed, an estimated 53.7 percent by Petluira’s nationalist forces, 17 percent by Denikin’s White Army, and 2.3 percent by the Bolshevik Red Army. Manus I. Midlarsky, The Killing Trap: Genocide in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 45.


Karel C. Berkhoff and Marco Carynnyk, “The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Its Attitude towards Germans and Jews: Iaroslav Stets’ko’s 1941 Zhyttiepys,” Harvard Ukrainian Studies 23, no.3–4 (1999): 149–184; Kurylo and Himka “Iak OUN stavylasia do ievreiv?” 252–265; John-Paul Himka, “A Central European Diaspora under the Shadow of World War II: The Galician Ukrainians in North America,” Austrian History Yearbook 37 (2006): 22; Kurylo, “Jewish Question”; H. V. Kasianov, “Ideolohiia OUN: istoryko-retrospektyvnyi analiz,” Ukrains’kyi istorychnyi zhurnal, no. 2 (2004): 38–39.


Karel Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair: Life and Death in Ukraine under Nazi Rule (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2004), 83.


Stanislav Kul’chyts’kyi et al., eds., OUN v 1941 rotsi. Dokumenty. V 2-kh ch. Ch. 1. (Kiev: Instytut Istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2006), 43, citing OUN v svitli postanov Velykykh Zboriv, Konferentsii ta inshykh dokumnetiv z borot’bi 1929–1955 r. [Zakordonni chastyny Orhanizatsii Ukrains’kykh Natsionalistiv] (1955), 24–47.


Kul’chyts’kyi, OUN v 1941 rotsi (2006), 159, 165, citing “Propahadnyvni vkazivky na peredvoennyi chas, na chas viiny i revoliutsii ta na pochatkovi dni derzhanvoho budivnytstva z Instruktsii Revolutsiinoho Provodu OUN (S. Bandery) dlia orhanizatsiinoho aktyvu v Ukraini na period viiny “Borot’ba i diialnist’ OUN pid chas viiny,” Tsentral’nyi Arkhiv Orhaniv Vlady Ukrainy (henceforth TsDAVO Ukrainy), f. 3833, op. 2, spr. 1, ark. 77–89.


Iu. Mylianych, “Zhydy, sionizm i Ukra)na,” 271–276; Devius [D. Dontsov], “Voiuiuchyi sionizm,” Literaturno-naukovyi visnyk, no.10 (1929): 915–918; S. Narizhnyi, “Chuzhi narody v svitli ukrain’skykh prykazok,” Literaturno-naukovyi visnyk, no. 10 (1929): 921–926; Martynets’, Zhydivs’ka problema.


Philip Friedman, “Ukrainian-Jewish Relations During the Nazi Occupation,” YIVO Annual of Jewish Social Science, 12 (1958–1959): 184; John-Paul Himka, “Krakivski visti and the Jews, 1943: A Contribution to the History of Ukrainian-Jewish Relations during the Second World War,” Journal of Ukrainian Studies 21, (Summer — Winter 1996): 81–95.


File of Mikhail Dmitrievich Stepaniak, HDA SBU f. 6, d. 1510, tom 1, l. 65.


Ivan Katchanovski, “Terrorists or National Heroes” Nationalities Papers (forthcoming), citing The Henry Field Papers, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York, box 52, folder “1964,” and Pavel Sudoplatov, Spetsoperatsii: Lubianka i Kreml’ 1930–1950 gody (Moscow: OLMA-Press, 1998/2003), 26; Yelena Novoselova, “Stepan Bandera: As Seen by Russian and Ukrainian Researchers,” Den’, April 29, 2010: http://day.kiev.ua/296328/ (accessed April 30, 2010).


DARO, Delo Stepana Ianishevskogo, microfi lm no. 124148, cited by Viktor Polishchuk, “Gora rodila mysh’. Banderovskuio,” in Vladimir Vorontsov, ed., “OUN-UPA. S kem i protiv koho oni voevali”: istoriko-dokumental’nye ocherki (Sevastopol: Mezhregional’naia obshchestvennaia organizatsiia “Ob’edinenie patriotov Sevastopol’ia,” 2011), 74; and Lucyna Kulisnka, “Dzialnosc terrorystyczna ukrainskich organizacji nacjonalistycznych w Polsce w okresie miedzywojennym,” Biuletyn instytut pamieci narodowej, no. 7–8 (116–117) (July — August 2010): 57, n. 40.


File of Mikhail Dmitrievich Stepaniak, HDA SBU, f. 6, d. 1510, tom 1, l. 67.


Mary Heimann, Czechoslovakia: The State That Failed (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2009), 112.


Yeshayahu Jelinek, The Parish Republic: Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party, 1939–1945, East European Monographs 14 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1976), 48. The anti-Semitic Slovak constitution, “Ústavnэ zákon zo d*a 21. Júla 1939 o ústave Slovenskej republiky,” is available online, on the website of the Slovak Nation’s Memory Institute: http://www.upn.gov.sk/data/pdf/ustava1939. pdf (accessed Dec. 30, 2008). Thanks to Nina Paulovicova for these references.


In Croatia, German support for Slovak statehood strengthened the pro-German wing of the Ustaše movement and signifi cantly increased its production of anti-Semitic propaganda material. On the racialist ideology of the Ustaše movement, see Tomislav Duli! Utopias of Nation: Local Mass Killing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1941–1942 (Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsalensis, 2005).


Heimann, Czechoslovakia,106–108; Serhii Yekelchyk, Ukraine: Birth of a Nation (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007), 131.


Mel’nyk assured von Ribbentrop that the OUN was “ideologically related to similar movements in Europe, in particular National Socialism in Germany and Fascism in Italy [weltanschaulich verwandt mit den gleichartigen Bewegungen Europas, insbesondere dem Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland und dem Fascismus in Italien].” Auswärtiges Amt Archive, PA AA, R 104430, Po. 26, No. 1m Pol. V. 4784, p. 2. Thanks to Ray Brandon for this reference.


The Ustaša “resurrection” of Croat statehood appears to have served as a model for the OUN. The proclamation was not delievered by Paveli! himself, but his deputy, (Doglavnik) Slavko Kvaternik. “People of Croatia! The providence of God, the will of our allies, the century-old struggle of the Croatian people, our self-sacrifi cing Leader [Poglavnik] Ante Paveli! and the Ustaša movement within and outside the country has decided that we today, on the eve of the resurrection of the son of God also will witness the resurrection of our Croatian state.” Kvaternik referred to “the will of our allies,” but without explicitly mentioning Hitler. Later that day, Kvaternik sent a telegram to Hitler, to thank him “in the name of the Croatian people for the protection the German army has given the Croat national rebellion and [to] request your recognition of the Independent State of Croatia by the Greater German Reich. Long live the Führer of the German people!” Zlo'ini Nezavisne Države Hrvatske, 1941–1945 (Belgrade: Vojnoistorijski institut, 1993), document 3 (the declaration) and 4 (the telegram). Thanks to Tomislav Duli! for this reference.


R. J. B. Bosworth, The Oxford Handbook of Fascism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009), 431.


“Natsionalistychnyi rukh pid chas Druhoi Svitovoi Viiny: Interv’iu z B. Levyts’kym,” Diialoh: Za demokraiiu i sotsializm v samostiinii Ukraini, Vol. 2 (1979): 15.


Kul’chyts’kyi, OUN v 1941 rotsi (2006), 10. Similar attitudes were found in the OUN(b). In 1942, an OUN activist elaborated further on the size and scope of the Ukrainian state: “It will cover the lands from the Volga to the Carpathians, from the mountains of the Caucasus and the Black Sea to the sources of the Dnieper, a territory of one million square kilometers. This will be a deciding factor for the solution of the eastern problems in regards to Russia and the Baltic States, Poland, the Caucasus, the Black Sea states, and also the path to Africa and India through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles. Ukraine for the Ukrainians! This will be a Great United National State.” Derzhavnyi Arkhiv Rivenskoi oblasti, inv. nomer 326, cited in Vorontsov,“OUN-UPA,”10.


In 1938–1939, senior OUN functionary Colonel Roman Sushko toured Canada. According to the RCMP, Sushko “had adopted many of Hitler’s mannerisms when delivering speeches.” Sushko boasted that “the nationalist movement is so powerful that we will soon see the emergence of a Great Ukrainian State from the Caspian Sea to the Tatra Mountains.” Orest T. Martynowych, “Sympathy for the Devil: The Attitude of Ukrainian War Veterans in Canada to Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1933–1939,” in Rhonda L. Hinter and Jim Mochoruk, eds., Re-imagining Ukrainian Canadians: History, Politics, and Identity (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011), 186. After the 1940 split, Sushko sided with the OUN(m). He was murdered in 1944, a murder his family attributes to the OUN(b). Myron B. Kuropas, “Who shot Col. Sushko?” The Ukrainian Weekly, March 1, 2009, 7.


See for instance Aristotle Kallis, Genocide and Fascism: The Eliminationist Drive in Fascist Europe (New York: Routledge, 2009), and Marius Turda, The Idea of Natonal Superiority in Central Europe, 1880–1918 (New York: Edwin Miller, 2005).


Mykola Stsibors’kyi, Natsiokratsiia (n.p.: Ukr. Vyd-vo “Proboiem,” 1942). For a discussion of natsiokratsiia, see Roman Dubasevych, “Ukraina abo smert’,” in Amar, Balyns’kyi, and Hrytsak, Strasti za Banderoiu, 17–36.


Rossolinski-Liebe, “The ‘Ukrainian National Revolution,’” 87.


For Romania, see Vladimir Solonari, Purifying the Nation: Population Exchange and Ethnic Cleansing in Nazi-Allied Romania (Washington D.C.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010). On Slovak minority policies, see Heimann, Czechoslovakia, 112; on Croatia, see Duli! Utopias of Nation.


Roman Shukhevych, leader of both the OUN(b) and the UPA, served in various Nazi German units from 1938 until 1943. He received training at the German Military Academy in Munich in 1938, in 1939–1940 he was joined by 120 other Ukrainian nationalists at a Gestapo training camp in Zakopane. Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair, 289, 298; Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 74, 91; Jeffrey Burds, The Early Cold War in Soviet West Ukraine, 1944–1948, Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies 1505 (Pittsburgh: University Center for Russian and East European Studies, 2001), 68.


Kul’chyts’kyi, OUN v 1941 rotsi (2006), 12 and 61, citing “Borot’ba i diial’nist’ OUN pid chas viiny: Politychni vkazivky (traven’ 1941 r.),” in OUN v svitlui povstanov Velykykh Zboriv, Konferentsii ta inshykh dokumentiv z borot’bi 1929–1955 r. [Zakordonni chastyny Orhanizatsii Ukrains’kykh Natsionalistiv] (1955), 48–57.


Tomasz Szarota, U progu Zaglady: Zajscia anty(ydowskie i pogromy w okupowanej Europie: Warszawa, Pary(, Antwerpia, Kowno (Warsaw: Wydawnictwo “Sic!” 2000), 210–214, and Peter Longereich with Dieter Pohl, ed., Die Ermordung der europäischen Juden: Eine umfassende Dokumentation des Holocaust 1941–1945 (Munich: Piper, 1989), 118–119. An analogous development also took part among profascist émigré groups in Germany. On March 19, 1941, they urged the Jews to leave Lithuania, so that “there would not be any unneccessary victims.” In Berlin on May 10, 1941, the so-called Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) presented its völkisch ideological program, which accused the Jews collectively of having destroyed Lithuania and emphasized that “communism is directly rooted in Judaism.” Klaus-Peter Friedrich, “Spontane Volkspogrome oder Auswüchse der NSVernichtungspolitik?: Zur Kontroverse um die Radikalisierung der antijüdischen Gewalt im Sommer 1941,” Jewish History Quarterly (Kwartalnik Historii)ydów), no. 4 (2004): 591.


TsDAVO Ukrainy, f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 12, l. 10, Telegram Iaroslav Stest’ko no. 13, 25.6.1941.


“Instruktsii Revolutsiinoho Provodu OUN(B) dlia orhanizatsiinoho aktyvu v Ukraini na period viiny. “Borot’ba i diial’nist’ OUN pid chas viiny” V. Viis’kovi instruktsii,” TsDAVO Ukrainy, f. 3833, op. 2, spr. 1, ark. 25–33.


Ivan Patryliak, “Viiskovi plany OUN(B) u taemnii instruktsii Revoliutsiinoho provodu (traven’ 1941 r.) “Borot’ba i diial’nist’ OUN pid chas viiny,” Ukrains’kyi Istorychnyi Zhurnal’, no. 2 (2000): 136.


“Instruktsii Revoloiutsiinoho Provodu OUN(B) dlia orhanizatsiinoho aktyvu v Ukraini na period viiny. “Borot’ba i diialnist’ OUN pid chas viiny” H. Vkazivky na pershi dni orhanizatsii derzhavnoho zhyttia,” TsDAVO Ukrainy, f. 3833, op. 2, spr. 1, ark. 33–57.


Berndt Boll, “Z" oczów, July 1941: The Wehrmacht and the Beginning of the Holocaust in Galicia: From a Criticism of Photographs to a Revision of the Past,” in Omer Bartov, Atina Grossmann, and Mary Nolan, eds., Crimes of War: Guilt and Denial in the Twentieth Century (New York: The New Press, 2002), 73.


Hannes Heer, “Einübung in den Holocaust: Lemberg Juni/juli 1941” Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft Vol. 49, 5 (2001): 409–417; Israel Gutman, “Nachtigall Battalion,” Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (New York: Macmillan, 1990).


“Ukrains’kyi narode!” OUN(b) fl yer, July 1, 1941, TsDAVO Ukrainy, f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 42, l. 35. See also Dieter Pohl, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien 1941–1944: Organization und Durchführung eines staatlichen Massenverbrechens, 2d ed. (Munich: Verlag Oldenburg, 1997), 57.


Kul’chyts’kyi, OUN v 1941 rotsi (2006), 11; Himka, “Central European Diaspora,”19.


Berkhoff and Carynnyk, “The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,” 150.


Volodymyr Serhiichuk, ed., OUN-UPA v roky viiny: novi dokumenty i materialy (Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo khudozhnoi literatury “Dnipro,” 1996), 239.


Rossoli#ski-Liebe, “The ‘Ukrainian National Revolution’ of 1941,” 99, citing TsDAVO Ukrainy, f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 22, ll. 1–27.


Gabriel N. Finder and Alexaner V. Prusin, “Collaboration in Eastern Galicia: The Ukrainian Police and the Holocaust,” East European Jewish Affairs, 34, no. 2 (2004): 102; Berkhoff and Carynnyk, “The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,” 171.


Rossolinski-Liebe, “The ‘Ukrainian National Revolution’ of 1941,” 100. Similar attitudes were found within the OUN(m). Its organ Selians’ka dolia described the Jews as enemies, who “had to leave the land or die on it. The Muscovite, the Pole, and the Jew were, are, and will always be your enemies.” Amir Weiner, Making Sense of War: The Second World War and the Fate of the Bolshevik Revolution (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2001), 242–243, citing TsDAHO Ukrainy, f. 57, op. 4, d. 369, l. 63.


Heer, “Blutige Ouvertüre”; Kai Struve, “Layers of Violence: Mass Executions and Pogroms against Jews in Eastern Galicia in Summer 1941,” paper presented at the Fifth Annual Danyliw Research Seminar on Contemporary Ukrainian Studies, University of Ottawa, October 30, 2009.


John-Paul Himka, “The Lviv Pogrom of 1941,” paper presented at the Association for the Study of Nationalities, the Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 16 April 2011.


Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 146, citing Pohl, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung, 60 ff.; Text des Amtes Ausland/Abwehr vom Juli, 1941, IfZ, Fd 47, Bl. 47, Bl. 41; Ic/AO vom 2.7.1941, BArch-MA, RH 20–17/277, Bl. 91, 126 and 137.


On the pogroms, see Marco Carynnyk, Furious Angels: Ukrainians, Jews, and Poles in the Summer of 1941 (forthcoming); on the pogroms in Dubne, see idem, “The Palace on the Ikva: Dubne, September 18th, 1939 and June 24th, 1941,” in Elazar Barkan, Elizabeth A. Cole, Kai Struve, eds., Shared History — Divided Memory: Jews and Others in Soviet-Occupied Poland, 1939–1941 (Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2007; Band V of Leipziger Beiträge zur Jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur), 263–301; on Zolochiv, see idem, “Zolochiv movchyt,” Krytyka, no. 10 (2005): 14–17, on Lviv, see Himka, “Lviv Pogrom”; on Ivano-Frankivs’k, see Abraham Liebesman, During the Russian Administration: With the Jews of Stanis!awow During the Holocaust (Atlanta: n.p. 1990), 2–6; Joachim Nachbar, Endure, Defy, and Remember: Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivior (Southfi eld, Mich.: J. Nachbar, c2003), 7–9; on Drohobych, see Bernard Mayer, Entombed: My True Story: How Forty- Five Jews Lived Underground and Survived the Holocaust (Ojus, Fla.: Aleric Press, c1994), 7–16; on Borylaw, Sabina Wolanski with Diana Bagnall, Destined to Live: One Woman’s War, Life, Loves Remembered (London: Fourth Estate, 2008), 31–35; on Kuty, see Abraham Klein, My Life in Kuty: A shtetl destroyed (Montreal: A. Klein, 2003), 126–128. Thanks to John-Paul Himka for these references.


Dieter Pohl, “Anti-Jewish Pogroms in Western Ukraine: A Research Agenda,” in Barkan, Cole, and Struve, eds. Shared History— Divided Memory, 305–315.


Viktor Khar’kiv “Khmara,” a member of both Nachtigall and then Schutzmannschaft battalion 201, wrote in his diary that he participated in the shooting of Jews in two villages in the vicinity of Vinnytsia. TsDAVO Ukrainy, f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 57, ark. 17–18.


Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 147.


Alexander Dallin, German Rule in Russia, 1941–1945: A Study of Occupation Policies, 2d ed. (Boulder, Colo.: 1981), passim.


The leader of the original UPA, Taras Bul’ba-Borovets, wrote that “the supporter of pathological Führerprinzip (vozhdyzm), the banderite Kuzii, killed the two senior offi cers of the Ukrainian army, Colonel Mykola Stsibors’kyi and Captain Senyk-Hrybivs’kyi, who were leaders of the Provid of the OUN[(m)] and were travelling to Kyiv, by shooting them in the back on an open street.” Taras Bul’ba-Borovets’, Armiia bez derzhavy: Slava i trahediia ukrains’koho povstans’koho rukhu. Spohady. (Kyiv: Knyha Rodu, 2008), 154. The OUN(m) immediately accused the OUN(b) of the murders, which carried all the hallmarks of Banderite assasinations. TsDAVO Ukrainy, f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 42, l. 33, “Podae do vidoma!” claims the two OUN(m) leaders “fell by the hand of fratricidal murder”; TsDAVO Ukrainy, f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 42, l. 42, “Dvi klespsydry,” accused the OUN(b) of the murder, claiming that Stsibors’kyi and Senyk were killed by “fratricidal bullets.” German documents show that there was no German involvement in these murders.


Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe, “Celebrating Fascism and War Criminality in Edmonton: The Political Myth and Cult of Stepan Bandera in Multicultural Canada,” Kakanien Revisited, December 29, 2010, 3: http://www.kakanien.ac.at/beitr/fallstudie/GRossolinski-Liebe2.pdf (accessed January 9, 2011), citing Federal’naia Sluzhba Bezopasnosti, Moscow, N-19092/T. 100 l. 233 (Stepan Bandera’s prison card).


Marples, Heroes and Villains, 129.


“Olevsk,” entry by Jared McBride and Alexander Kruglov, Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettoes, 1933–1945, vol. 2, German-Run Ghettos, ed. Martin Dean (Bloomington: Indidana University Press in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, forthcoming); Jared McBride, “Ukrainian Neighbors: The Holocaust in Olevs’k,” unpublished working paper.


Bul’ba-Borovets’, Armiia bez derzhavy, 247.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 74; Marples, Heroes and Villains, 129–130, 309; Bul’ba- Borovets’, Armiia bez derzhavy, 250–267; Report from Soviet agent “Iaroslav” to the deputy director of the third department of the GUKR NKO “Smersh,” Nov. 23, 1944, HDA SBU, f. 13, sbornik no. 372, tom 5, l. 25, reports that “the local leadership of OUN North has partly begun a struggle to totally liquidate the “Bul’ba” party and to cleanse a large part of Volhynia from Red Partisans”; “Orientovka o deiatel’nosti ukrainsko-nemetskikh nationalistiov v zapadnnykh oblastiakh Ukrainskoi SSR za period 1941–1944 g.g.: Sostavlena po materialam NKVD USSR,” report from the Ukrainian SSR commissar Riasnoi of State Security, Kyiv, March 1944, HDA SBU f. 13, sbornik 372, tom 5, 199. This author uses the commonly used term OUN-UPA to describe the organization following its violent takeover by the banderivtsy, and to distinguish the post-1942 UPA from the organization led by Bul’ba-Borovets’, which had a quite different orientation and ideology. The OUN(b) perceived the UPA as its armed wing; its leadership was staffed with ranking OUN(b) cadres. From May 1943 Shukhevych was the leader of both the OUN(b) and the UPA, and even the UPA’s own fl iers used the term “OUN-UPA.” While the OUN(b)-led UPA from July 1944 was formally subordinated to the socalled Ukrainian Main Liberation Council, UVHR, this organization was staffed by the leaders of the OUN(b): Shukhevych was responsible for military matters, Lebed’ for foreign affairs in the General Secretariat. Bruder, “Den Ukrainischen Staat,” 189, 194, 202. Bul’ba-Borovets’ dismissed the idea that the UVHR would be anything but the OUN(b) leadership under a different name as a “falsifi cation”: “UVHR was the same and only OUN Lebed’-Bandera. Its ‘Council’[Rada] was declared to be a new form of that same group of people, Lebed’, Stets’ko, Father Hryn’okh, Roman Shukhevych, Stakhiv, Lenkavs’kyi, Vretsiun, Okhrymovych, Rebet, and others.” Bul’ba-Borovets’, Armiia bez derzhavy, 291. Shukhevych himself emphasized the institutional continuity of the OUN(b) and UPA: “The new revolutionary organizations UVO and OUN were born out of the traditions of insurgent struggle, which they maintained through the entire, diffi cult 25-year period of occupation in order to in 1943 again put into action a massive insurgency — now under the name of UPA.” T. Chuprynka [Roman Shukhevych], “Zvernennia Holovnoho komamdyra UPA R. Shukhevycha do voiakiv UPA, July 1946,” cited in Volodymyr Serhiichuk et al. eds., Roman Shukhevych u dokumentakh raiianskykh orhaniv derzhavnoi bezpeky, 1940–1950, (Kyiv: PP Serhiichuk M. I., 2007), 2: 52.


See, for instance Martin Dean, Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941–1944 (New York: St. Martin’s Press in association with the United States Holocaust Museum, 2000). See also Timothy Snyder, “To Resolve the Ukrainian Problem Once and For All: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ukrainians in Poland, 1943–1947,” Journal of Cold War Studies, no. 2 (1999): 97.


“[An] analysis of 118 biographies of OUN(b) and UPA leaders in Ukraine during World War II shows that at least 46 % of them served in the regional and local police and administration, the Nachtigall and Roland Battalions, the SS Galicia Division, or studied in German-sponsored military schools, primarily, in the beginning of World War II. At least 23 % of the OUN(B) and UPA leaders in Ukraine were in the auxiliary police, Schutzmannschaft Battalion 201, and other police formations, 18 % in military and intelligence schools in Germany and Nazi-occupied Poland, 11 % in the Nachtigall and Roland Battalions, 8 % in the regional and local administration in Ukraine during the Nazi occupation, and 1 % in the SS Galicia Division.” Katchanovski, “Terrorists or National Heroes,” calculated from Petro Sodol, Ukrains’ka povstancha armiia, 1943–1949: Dovidnyk, (New York: Proloh, 1994).


Report No. 4-8-2034, by Pavel Sudoplatov, the leader of the third department of the fourth UPR of the NKGB of the USSR, to Kobulov, Deputy People’s Commissar of the NKGB of the USSR, March 16, 1944 HDA SBU, f. 13, sbornik no. 372, tom. 5, l. 209.


Reichsführer-SS, Chef der Deutschen Polizei, Chef der Bandenkampfverbände Ic.-We./Mu. Tgb. Nr. 67/44 a. H. Qu. 4 Januar 1944 lc.-Bericht über die Bandenlage ost für die Zeit von 16.12–31.12 1943, Natsional’nyi Arkhiv Respubliki Belarus’ (NARB), f. 685, vop. 1, sp. 1, t. 1, l. 8.


Timothy Snyder, The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569–1999 (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2003), 162.


Friedman, “Ukrainian-Jewish Relations,” 182.


Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair, 291.


Snyder, Reconstruction of Nations, 165.


Mykhail Dmytrievich Stepeniak fi le, HDA SBU, f. 6, d. 1510, tom. 1, ll. 29, 39.


Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 166, citing Ereignismeldung UdSSR Nr. 126 of October 27, 1941, Meldung der Kommandeurs der Sipo und des SD in Lemberg, BArch Berlin-Lichterfelde, R 58/218, Bl. 323.


A UPA “pogrom” could look like this: “Before our military action we were given orders to kill and rob all Poles and Jews on the territory of the Dederkal’s’kyi r[aio]n. I personally took part in the pogrom of Poles and Jews in the Dederlal’kyi raion in the village Kotliarovka May 10–15, 1943. There we burnt 10 Polish farmsteads, killed about 10 people, and the rest escaped.” “Protokol doprosa Vozniuka Fedora Iradionovicha, 23 maia 1944,” HDA SBU, f. 13, spr. 1020, ark. 221–229. Thanks to Jared McBride for this reference.


Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 100, citing Kommunikat Nr. 7, Archiwum Akt Nowych, Ambasada RP w Berlinie 3677, Bl. 262.


W" adis" aw Siemaszko and Ewa Siemaszko, eds. Ludobójstwo dokonane przez nacjonalistów ukranskich na ludno$ci polskiej Wo!ynia 1939–1945, 2 vols., (Warsaw: Wydawn. von Borowiecky 2000),1:872; see also 2:1269. Other UPA songs had a similar content:

Zdobywaj, zdobywajmy slawe!..………….Let us achive our glory!

Wykosimy wszystkich Lachów po Warszaw. We’ll cut down all Poles [Liakhy] all the way to Warsaw.

Ukrai" ski narodzie. Ukrainian nation.

Zdobywaj, zdobywajmy sile! …………………………..Gather strength!

Zar(niemy wszystkich Lachów do mogi!y. We’ll butcher the Poles into their graves.

Ukranski narodzie. .Ukrainian nation.

Gdzie San, gdzie Karpaty…….. From the river San, to the Carpatians,

gdzie Krym, gdzie Kauka …………… From the Crimea to the Caucasus

Ukraina — Ukraincom…………………. Ukraine for the Ukrainians, a

wszystkim przybledom — precz! …….All aliens must go!

After (the Polish translation) in ibid., 2: 1294. Grzegorz Motyka, cites the following OUN march: “Death, death, death to the Poles/Death to the Moscow-Jewish commune/The OUN leads us into bloody battle. Each tormentor will face the same fate/ One gallow for Poles [Liakh] and dogs.” Grzegorz Motyka, Ukrai" ska partyzantka 1942–1960: dzialalnosc Organizacji Ukranskich Nacjonalistów i Ukranskiej Powsta" czej Armii (Warsaw: Instytut Studiów Politycznych PAN; RYTM, 2006), 54.


Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 146.


Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair, 292.


Snyder, Reconstruction of Nations, 169.


Moshe Maltz, Years of Horrors — Glimpse of Hope: The Diary of a Family in Hiding (New York: Shengold, 1993), 147, entry for November 1944.


Ibid., diary entry for November 1943, 107.


Carynnyk, “Foes of our Rebirth”; Per A. Rudling, “Theory and Practice: Historical Representation of the Activities of the OUN-UPA,” East European Jewish Affairs, 36, no. 2 (2006): 163–189.


John-Paul Himka, “The Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Holocaust,” paper prepared for the forty-first national convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, November 12–15, 2009, 8.


“With the Poles gone and the Soviets approaching, UPA made a decsion to fi nd the remaining Jewish survivors and liquidate them. As the Germans had taught them, they made assurances to Jews that they would not harm them anymore, they put them to useful work in camp-like settings, and then they exterminated them. These murders took place at the same time OUN was trying to make overtures to the Western Allies (as were the East European collaborationist regimes.). What is absolutely clear, however, is that a major attempt was launched at this time to eliminate Jewish survivors completely.” Ibid., 27.


Weiner, Making Sense of War, 264, citing interrogation of Vladimir Solov’ev, TsDAHO Ukrainy, f. 57, op. 4, d. 351, l. 52. On UPA murder of Jews, see Shmuel Spector, The Holocaust of Volhynian Jews, 1941–1944 (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem and the Federation of Volhynian Jews, 1990), 268–273.


Threatened Poles sought help from the Germans, and in some cases, replaced local Ukrainians as police units. The UPA’s own records from spring 1944 show how the murder of Poles continued, now on the charges that the Poles collaborated with the Gestapo. One UPA document, for the period March 13–April 15, 1944, reports 298 Poles in 19 villages were killed, many farmsteads burnt down, but a fraction of the OUN-UPA murders at the time. “Zvit s protypol’stkykh aktiv,” Postii, I. V. 44, TsDAVO, f. 4620, op. 3, spr. 378, ll. 43–44. On the OUN(b)-led UPA murder of Jews in Galicia during this period, see Himka, “The Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Holocaust,” 12–17.


Motyka, Ukrai" ska partyzantka, 295–297.


Himka,“The Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Holocaust,” 28.


According to the most extensive study of the OUN-UPA’s anti-Polish campaign, the number of Polish victims reach 130,800 when including the victims whose names could not be established. Ewa Siemaszko, “Bilans Zbrodni,” Biuletyn instytutu pamieci narodowej, no. 7–8 (116–117) (July — August 2010): 93.


Motyka, Ukranska partyzantka, 346–347. Mixed families were quite common in the Polish-Ukrainian borderlands, where the custom was that boys inherited nationality after their father, girls after their mothers. Kresy literature contains many testimonies of murders within mixed families. Ewa and Wlodys" aw Siemaszko have registred forty-five victims of intrafamily killings in Volhynia alone. Most of the victims are known by surname. Siemaszko and Siemaszko, Ludobójstwo, 2: 1059, table 13.


Andrii Bolianovs’kyi, “Ivan Hryn’okh — Providnyyi diach ukrains’koho pidpillia,” in Ivan Hryn’okh, Boh i Ukraina ponad use, ed. and introduction by Oleksandr Panchenko (Hadiach: Vydavnytstvo “Hadiach,” 2007), 64–65. 120. TsDAVO Ukrainy, f. 4628, op. 1, d. 10, ll. 170–179, in Vorontsov, “OUN-UPA,” 229.


Pohl, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien, 376; Frank Golczewski, “Shades of Grey: Refl ections on Jewish-Ukrainian and German-Ukranian Relations in Galicia,” in Ray Brandon and Wendy Lower, eds., The Shoah in Ukraine: History, Testimony, Memorialization (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008), 143.


Bruder, “Den Ukrainischen Staat,” 57; Friedman, “Ukrainian-Jewish Relations, ” 195; Berkhoff and Carynnyk, “The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,” 150; Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow,74, 76.


Himka,“The Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Holocaust,” 28.


Friedman, “Ukrainian-Jewish relations,”189.


Spector, Holocaust, 271; Weiner, Making Sense of War, 263; Snyder, The Reconstruction of Nations 170; Dmytro Rybakov, “Marko Tsarynnyk: Istorychna napivpravda hirsha za odvertu brekhniu,” Levyi bereh, November 5, 2009. http://lb.com.ua/article/society/2009/11/05/13147_marko_tsarinnik_istorichna.html (accessed November 6, 2009).


Spector, Holocaust, 279; Mykhailo V. Koval’, Ukraina v druhii svitovyi i velykyi vitchyznianyi viinakh, 1939–1945 rr., (Kyiv: Dim Al’ternatyvy, 1999), 154.


Interrogation of activist Mykhail Dmitrievich Stepaniak, HDA SBU, f. 6, d. 1510, tom 1, l. 54. When working with Soviet interrogations, it is critical to keep in mind that the Soviets had special interests in demonstrating the OUN-UPA’s German connections. Yet, they confi rm a picture, borne out of other evidence, that Nazi Germany was but a secondary enemy of the OUN and UPA.


Ibid., ll. 71–72.


Ibid., l. 61.


Report from Soviet agent “Iaroslav” to the deputy director of the third department of the USSR People’s Commissariat of Defense Chief Counterintelligence Directorate “SMERSH” (Glavnoe upravlenie kontrrazvedki SMERSh GUKR-NKO, “Smersh,”) Nov. 23, 1944, HDA SBU, f. 13, sbornik 372, tom 5, l. 25.


Ivan Katchanovski, “Terrorists or National Heroes?” See also Stepeniak fi le, HDA SBU, f. 6, d. 1510, tom 1, ll. 42, 54.


Special resolution passed by the Third Congress of the OUN(b) in February 1943, TsDAVO, f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 102, ark. 1–4. Thanks to Marco Carynnyk for this reference. See also Motyka, Ukranska partyzantka, 117, n. 47.


The Second Congress of the OUN(b) issued detailed instructions that the fascist salue should be executed by raising the right arm “slightly to the right, slightly above the peak of the head,” while exclaiming “Glory to Ukraine!” (Slava Ukraini!), to which fellow members responded “Glory to the Heroes!” (Heroiam Slava!). This section was omitted from the republished resolutions of the Second Congress. Compare, for instance, OUN v svitli postanov Velykykh Zboriv (n.p.: Zakordonni Chastyny Orhanizatsii Ukrains’kykh Nationalistiv, 1955), 44–45, with the original 1941 publication, TsDAHO, f. 1, op. 23, spr. 926, l. 199 (Postanovy II. Velykoho Zboru Orhanizatsii Ukrains’kykh Nationalistiv, 37), cited in Rossoli#ski-Liebe, “The ‘Ukrainian National Revolution’ of 1941,” 90.


Per A. Rudling, “Szkolenie w mordowaniu: Schutzmannschaft Battalion 201 i Hauptmann Roman Szuchewycz na Bia" orusi 1942 roku,” in Bogulaw Paz (ed.), Prawda historyczna a prawda polityczna w badaniach naukowych: Przyklad ludobójstwa na kresach po!udiowej-wschodniej Polski w latach 1939–1946, (Wroc" aw: Wydawnictwo uniwersytetu Wroc" awskiego, 2011), 183–204.


Bul’ba-Borovets, Armiia bez derzhavy, 254, citing “Vidkrytyi list da Chleniuv Provodu Orhanizatsii Ukrains’kykh Natsionalistiv Stepana Bandery,” Oborona Ukrainy: Chasopys’ Ukrains’koi Narodn’oi Revolutsiinoi Armii, Osoblyve vydannia ch. 1, August 10, 1943.


John-Paul Himka, Ukrainians, Jews and the Holocaust: Divergent Memories (Saskatoon: Heritage Press, University of Saskatchewan, 2009), 46; Kurylo and Khymka, “Iak OUN stavylosia do ievreiv?” 260.


Carynnyk, “Foes of Our Rebirth,” citing “Nakaz Ch. 2/43, Oblasnym, okruzhnym i povitovym providnykam do vykonannia,” TsDAVO, f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 43, l. 9.


Himka, Ukrainians, Jews, and the Holocaust, 46–47.


Document scan available on the website of the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada, http://www.ukremb.ca/canada/ua/news/detail/11684.htm (accessed January 18, 2011).


Volodymyr V’’iatrovych, Stavlennia OUN do ievreiv: formuvannia pozytsii na tli katastrofy (L’viv: Vydavnytstvo “MS”,2006), 73.


Kosyk adds Armenians, Lithuanians, Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, and Belgians. Kosyk, The Third Reich, 373–374. Some of these non-Ukrainian UPA participants appear to have been former Soviet POWs who had served as Schutzmänner but defected after Stalingrad, and other collaborators. U.S. intelligence also mentioned former members of the Slovak Hlinka Guard, former soldiers of the Ukrainian Waffen-SS division Galizien, but also “escaped German SS men.” Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 79, citing Preliminary Reports I and Informant Report 35520 [undated], National Archives and Records Administration, (henceforth NARA), RG 319, IRR TS “Banderist Activity Czechoslovakia,” v. 1, D. 190425.


“Through resurrection and sabotage we fi nally broke the strengths of the Muscovite-Jewish [moskovs’ko-zhydovskyi] occupant. When the war fi nally broke his physical extermination and and our rise under the leadership of our leader Stepan BANDERA.” Leafl et distributed in June 1942 on the occasion of the fi rst anniversary of the Act of June 30, 1941. HDA SBU, f. 13, spr. 372, ch. 35, l. 200. On 1947, see f. 13, op. 376, tom 4, l. 363. On 1948, see f. 13, op. 376, tom 65, l. 243.


“To the brotherly Czech and Slovak nations,” in Petro J. Potichnyj, ed., English Langauge Publications of the Ukrainian Underground, Litopys UPA, 17 (Toronto: Litopys UPA, 1988), 158.


For instance, an underground OUN(b) journal from 1946 describes the History of the VKP(b) as the “Bolshevik Talmud.” Ukrains’kyi robitnyk: Vydaie kraiovyi oseredok propahandy OUN, No.1. (January 1946): 2.


Anna Holian, “Anticommunism in the Streets: Refugee Politics in Cold War Germany,” Journal of Contemporary History, 45, no. 1 (2010): 144.


Ibid., 147–148.


“Evrei — hromadiane Ukrainy,” OUN(b)-UPA leafl et written in March 1950, HDA SBU, f. 13, d. 376, tom 65, ll. 283–294.


Ibid., l. 293.


“Protokol doprosa obviniaemo Okhrimovucha Vasilia Ostapovicha ot 5 ianvaria 1953 g.,” HDA SBU, f. 5, spr. 445, t. 4, ark. 297, printed in Volodymyr Serhiichuk et al., eds., Stepan Bandera u dokumentakh radians’kykh orhaniv derzhavnoi bezpeky, 1939–1959, (Kyiv: PP Serhiichuk M. I., 2009), 3: 385.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 79, citing NARA, RG 319, IRR TS “Banderist Activity Czechoslovakia,” v. 2, D. 190425.


“List R. Shukhevycha kerivnyku pidpillia na Volyni ‘Dalekomu,’ July 18, 1946, HDA SBU f. 65, spr. S-9079, t. 2 (dodatok), ark. 287 (konvert), in Serhiichuk et al., Roman Shukhevych, 2: 54.


Petro Poltava, “Elementy revolutsiinosti ukrains’koho natsionalizmu,” Ideia i chyn, ch. 10 (1948), HDA SBU, f. 13, no. 376, t. 6, l. 223.


In fact, Lutze was not even in Volhynia at the time, but was killed in a car accident in Potsdam. Motyka, Ukrainska partyzantka, 202–203. This falsifi cation appeared with UPA veterans in the early 1950s, and is often repeated by the nationalists. Volodymyr Kosyk, Ukraina i Nimechchyna u Druhii svitovii viini (Lviv: Naukove t-vo imeni T. Shevchenka u L’vovi, 1993), 325. “We Ukrainians are proud of the fact that. the Chief of Staff of the German S.A. Lutze, [was] killed in course of military operations by the UPA, under the command of General Taras Chuprynka, the former Ukrainian commander of the “Nightingale Battalion.” Jaroslaw Stetzko, “The Truth About Events in Lviv, West Ukraine, in June and July, 1941: An Open Letter to the “Rheinische Merkur,” Cologne,” The Ukrainian Review 10, no. 3 (Autumn 1963): 70.


R. Hryts’kiv, “Protypovstans’ka borot’ba,” in Volodymyr V’’iatrovych et al., UPA: Istoriia neskorennykh (Lviv: TsDVR, 2007), 281.


Burds, The Early Cold War, 13, citing a secret report from CIC Special Agent Vadja V. Kolombatovic to the Commanding Offi cer, CIC Region III, May 6, 1947, United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), Dossier ZF010016WJ, 1906–9.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 77, 79, citing Special Agent Fred A. Stelling, Memorandum for the Offi cer in Charge, August 1, 1947, TS Organization of Banderist Movement, NARA, RG 319, IRR Bandera, Stephan, D. 184850. The 1950 so-called Kelley Report, written by Robert F. Kelley for the United States Army, similarly estimated that perhaps 75–80 percent of the Galician DPs sympathizedm with the OUN(b). Robert F. Kelley, “Survey of Russian Emigration,” 92–93, 106–07, 111, 116, in Lebed archives, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, box 1, fi le 12. This document was declassifi ed on 30 October 1992. Thanks to John-Paul Himka for this reference.


Evhen Lozyns’kyi (1909–1977), was a local leader of the OUN(b) in the Stanislaviv area. He stood behind the June 30 Akt, but was soon arrested by the Gestapo, imprisoned in Kraków, L’viv, and Auschwitz, and released only at the end of the war. A committed totalitarian and one of Stets’ko’s closest associates, Lozyns’kyi served as regional providnyk of the OUN(b) in Bavaria after the war using the nom-de-guerre Iur. Emigrating to the United States, he was detained at the border and spent four months in dentention for his alleged involvement in the planning of a terrorist act against Soviet Foreign Minister Vyshinskii. In the United States, he served on the OUN(b)’s own “court system” and as leader of the Ukrainian League of Political Prisoners. “Vypiska iz doneseniia agenta. ot 17 avgusta 1944 goda,” HDA SBU, f. 13, spr. 372, ark. 346; “Protokol doprosa obviniaemogo Okhrimovicha Vasiliia Ostapovicha ot 10 Marta 1953,” HDA SBU, f. 5, spr. 445, ark. 49; “Protokol doprosa Matvienko, Mirona Vasil’evicha,” HDA SBU, f. 6, spr. 56232, ark. 231–237; Mariia Lozyns’ka, “Pam’’iati Ievhena Lozyns’koho (1909–1977),” Svoboda, no. 46, November 16, 2007, 29: http://www.svoboda-news.com/arxiv/pdf/2007/Svoboda-2007-46.pdf (accessed January 6, 2011).


As late as 1974, the RCMP investigated the “planning [of] a violent act — possibly the kidnapping of a Soviet diplomat in Canada” by the OUN(b). Inquiry 74WLO-2S-83, “Re: Acts of aggression against the Soviet Union in Canada,” inquiry from the RCMP Liaison Offi ce, Washington D.C. to CIA, Washington, DC, December 9, 1974, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, Stephen Bandera Name File, v. 2; Staatsarchiv München, Staatsanwaltschaften 34887, vol. 1, l. 59, document on the OUN in Bavaria written by Inspector Fuchs, September 13, 1960. Thanks to Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe for these references.


Heorhyi Kas’ianov, Do pytannia pro ideolohiiu Orhanizatsii Ukrains’kykh Nationalistiv (OUN): analitychnyi ohliad (Kyiv: Instytut Istorii Ukrainy, 2003), 32; Iurii Kyrychuk, Ukrains’kyi natsional’nyi rukh 40-50kh rokiv XX stolittia: ideolohiia ta praktyka (L’viv: Dobra sprava, 2003), 356.


“Protokol’ doprosa obviniaemogo Okhrimovicha, Valieiia Ostapovicha ot 21 oktabria 1952 g.,”HDA SBU, f. 5, spr. 445, t. 1., ark. 219.


Ibid., ark. 241.


Ibid., ark. 44, 48.


Ibid., ark. 69.


Burds, “The Early Cold War,” 16, 55–56.


“Stenogramma protokol doprosa Matvieiko Mirona Vasil’evicha ot 9 1952 g.,” HDA SBU, f. 6, spr. 56232, ark. 173–179.


Ibid., ark. 177; Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 83, citing [Redacted] to Director of Security, January 9, 1956, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6, Stephen Bandera Name File, v. 1; Chief Base Munich to Chief, SR, EGMA-19914, March 29, 1956, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6, Stephen Bandera Name File, v. 2, and enclosures; Deputy Director, Plans, to Department of State, July 1, 1957, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 126, Jaroslav Stetsko Name File, v. 1; Joint US-UK Conference, January 20, 1955, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-19, B 10, Aerodynamic: Operations, v. 12, n. 1; Director, CA to [Redacted], DIR 00782, March 2, 1956, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-19, B 11, Aerodynamic: Operations, v. 13.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 81, citing SR/W2 to SR-DC, EE/SSS, January 13, 1952, NARA, RG 663, E ZZ-19, B 10, Aerodynamic: Operations, v. 10, f. 1.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 83, citing “[Redacted] to Director of Security, January 9,1956, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6, Stephen Bandera Name File, v. 1; Chief of Base Munich to Chief, SR, EGMA-19914, March 29, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6, Stephen Bandera Name File, v. 2 and enclosures; Deputy Director, Plans, to Department of State, July 1, 1957, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-19, B 10, Aerodynamic: Operations, v. 12, n. 1; Director, CIA to [Redacted], DIR 00782, March 2, 1956, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-19, B 11, Aerodynamic: Operations, v. 13.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 80–81.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 82, citing “Our Relations with the Ukrainian Nationalists and the Crisis over Bandera,” attached to EGQA-37253, March 12, 1954, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-19,B 10, Aerodynamics: Operations, v. 10, f.2.


Goda and Breitman, 82, Hitler’s Shadow, citing CIA/State Department — SIS/Foreign Offi ce Talks on Operations Against the USSR, April 23, 1951, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-19, B 9, Aerodynamics: Operations, v. 9, f. 2.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 80.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 83, citing “Joint US-UK Conference, January 20, 1955, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-19, B 10, Aerodynamic: Operations, v. 12, f. 1.


Paveli!’s exiled Ustaše movement, reorganized in 1956 as the Croatian National Liberation Movement (Hrvatski Oslobodila'ki Pokret, HOP), joined Stets’ko’s Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, and had its European headquarters in Franco’s Spain.


“Protokol doprosa Matvieiko, Mirona Vasil’evicha ot 14–15 iolia 1951 goda,” HDA SBU, f. 6, spr. 56232, ark. 96


Taras Fedoriv, Batkivshchina Bandery (Staryi Uhryniv, Ukraine: Hromas’ka orhanizatsiia “Banderivs’ke zemliatsvo,” 2007), 10.


Slava Stetzko, “A.B.N. Ideas Assert Themselves: The 20th Anniversary of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (A.B.N.), 1943–1963,” The Ukrainian Review 10, no. 3 (Autumn, 1963): 9, Lypovets’kyi, OUN banderivtsi, 76.


“Do Ponevolenykh Narodiv i ikh Emigratsii: Zvernennia IV velykoho Zboru OUN” Vyzvol’nyi shliakh: Suspil’no-politychnyi i naukovo-literaturnyi misiachnyk, kn. 10 (247), (October, 1968): 1166; S. Stetzko, “A.B.N. Ideas Assert Themselves,” 9; Oleksandr Panchenko, “Peredmova,” in Roman Il’nyts’kyi, Dumky pro ukrains’ku vyzvol’nu polityku: Vstupne slovo Oleha Il’nyts’koho (Hadiach: Vydavnytstvo ‘Hadiach,’ 2007), 34.


Father N. Bahatyr, “Molytva pid chas vidkryttia IV Velykoho Zboru OUN,” Vyzvol’nyi shliakh: suspil’no-politychnyi i naukovo literaturnyi misiachnyk, Vol. 11–12 (248–249), (November — December 1968): 1267.


“Protokol doprosa obviniaemogo Okhrimovicha Vasilia Ostapovicha 30 oktabria 1952,” HDA SBU, f. 5, spr. 445, t. 2, ark. 136. Yet, the Reagan administration maintained friendly relations with the OUN(b). In August 1983, Yaroslav Stest’ko was invited to the White House and received by President Reagan and Vice President Bush. “Ukraina staie predmetom svitovoi politiky: u 25-littia tyzhnia ponevolenykh narodiv i 40-richcha ABN,” Homin Ukrainy, August 17, 1983: 1, 3; “Politychnyi aspekt vidznachennia richnyts’: TPN i ABN,” Homin Ukrainy, August 24, 1983: 1, 4.


Panchenko, “Peredmova,” 32, 41.


Handwritten testimony by Vasyl’ Kuk, “Kharakterystyka osib natsionalistychnykh seredovyshch za kordonom: Seredovyshche Zch OUN,” HDA SBU, f. 6, spr. 51895, t. 2, ark. 37.


“Protokol doprosa obviniaemogo Okhrimovich Vasiliia Ostapovicha ot 11 dekabria 1952 g.,” HDA SBU, f. 5, spr.445, t.4,ark. 30.


Burds, The Early Cold War, 13, citing a secret report of CIC Special Agent Vadja V. Kolombatovic to Commanding Offi cer, CIC Region III, 6 May 1947, INSCOM Dossier ZF010016WJ, 1906–9.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 86, Card Ref. D 82270, July 22, 1947, NARA, RG 319, E 134B, B 757, Mykola Lebed’ IRR Personal File, Box 757.


“Protokol doprosa obviniaemogo Okhrimovicha Vasilia Ostapovicha ot 1 1952 g.,” HDA SBU, f. 5, spr. 445, t. 2, ark. 183.


Holian, “Anticommunism in the Streets,” 138.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 88–89.


The Immigration and Naturalization Services saw in Lebed’ a “clear-cut deportation case” due to his wartime record with its “wholesale murders of Ukrainians, Poles and Jewish (sic),” but he was protected by CIA Assistant Director Allen Dulles’s personal intervention. Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 86, citing NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, Box 80, Mykola Lebed Name File, v. 1.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 88.


“Report details ties between US and ex-Nazis,” Associated Press, December 10, 2010: http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hJe2eJeWstJo3-tpdA7nw-vGP6Tg?docId=3faa07027f724e5da4c1837d8c41b788 (accessed December 15, 2010).


“Protokol doprosa obviniaemo Okhrimovicha Vasiliia Ostapovicha ot 21 oktiabria 1952 g.,”HDA SBU, f. 5, spr. 445, t. 1, ark. 220.


Charles T. O’Connell, The Munich Institute for the Study of the USSR: Origin and Social Composition, Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies 808. (Pittsburgh: University Center for Russian and East European Studies, 1990), 9f, 28–32. The Ukrainian National Rada, led by Andrii Livyts’kyi, at the time consisted primarily of by Petliurites and members of the OUN(m). By cooperating with Russian anticommunists, Bandera believed that the Melnykites had “broken the united front of hostility toward so-called cooperation with. Muscovite imperialists and their protectors.” “Pis’mo Glavaria ZCh OUN Bandera Stepana, adresovannoe ‘Provodu’ OUN na Ukrainskikh zamliakh,‘Provodu’ OUN L’vovskogo kraia, druz’iam Chernomu i Usmikhu,” June 1955, HDA SBU, f. 13, spr. 379, t. 2, ark. 191.


Arch Puddington, Broadcasting Freedom: The Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 2000), 168.


Evhen Shtendera (b. 1924) served as commander of political education in the UPA. Serhiichuk, Stepan Bandera, 3:8–9. See also HDA SBU, f. 5, spr. 445, t. 3, ark. 100–129, published in ibid., 3: 318. After the war he became a librarian at the University of Regina, main editor of the Litopys UPA, and from 1992, an instructor at the L’viv Polytechnic Institute.


Wolodymyr Kosyk (b. 1924) combined his academic career with clandestine activities in the OUN(b) and its youth section, the Ukrainian Youth Association, (Spilka Ukrains’koi Molodi, SUM). After the war he taught at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich. In 1957 he led an ABN mission in Taipei, in Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist China. He published his research both with the Ukrainian Free University in Munich and in the Banderite intellectual jounral Vyzvol’nyi shliakh. Zirka Vitoshyns’ka, “Volodymyr Kosyk: ‘Politychni podii vidbuvaiut’sia ne v zamknenomu koli iakohos’ narodu, a v pevnomu vnutrishn’omu i zovnishn’omu politychnomu kontksti,’” Dzerkalo Tyzhdnia, August 19, 2006: http://www.dt.ua/newspaper/articles/47531 (accessed January 18, 2011); S. Stetzko, “A.B.N. Ideas Assert Themselves,”11. For his research, Kosyk was awarded a gold medal from the Ukrainian Free University in Munich in 2000, and the order For Merit (Za zaslugi) of the third degree from President Yushchenko himself in 2005. He is honorary director of the Center for the Study of the Liberation Movement in L’viv.


Taras Hunczak (b. 1932), with his brother, sister, and father, were members of the OUN. Taras Hunczhak, Moi spohady — stezhky zhyttia (Kyiv: Dnipro, 2005), 16, 22, 30.


On Veryha (1922–2009) in Waffen-SS, see Vasyl’ Veryha, Pid krylamy vyzvol’nykh dum (Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo imemi Oleny Telihy, 2007). His works have been published by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. See, for instance, Wasyl Veryha, ed., The Correspondence of the Ukrainian Central Committee in Cracow and Lviv with the German authorities, 1939–1944 (Edmonton: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press, University of Alberta, 2000).


Oleksa Horbatsch (1915–1997) was assistant professor at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich 1965–1967, full professor 1971–1990, professor emeritus 1991–1997. Mykola Shafoval and Roman Iremko, eds., Universitas Libera Ucrainensis: 1921–2006 (Munich: Ukrainische Freie Universität, 2006), 122. Horbatsch was proud of his service as a soldier in the Waffen-SS and a regular contributor to the veterans’ journal Visti kombatanta. Bohdan Matsiv, ed., Ukrains’ka dyviziia “Halychyna”: Istoryia u svitlynakh vid zasnuvannia u 1943 r. Do zvil’nennia z polonu 1949 r. (Lviv: ZUKTs, 2009), 218–219, 254; Mykola Mushynka, “Ioho biohrafi ia v ioho naukovykh pratsiakh: Do 75-richcha z dnia narodzhennia Prof. Oleksy Horbacha z Nimechchyny,” Druzhno vpered: Shchomisiachnyi kul’turnohromads’kyi iliustrovanyi zhurhnal, vydae Soiuz rusyniv-ukraintsiv Slovachchyny, no. 3 (1993): 13.


Petro Savaryn (b. 1926) never held an academic position, but was one of the founders of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and chancellor of the University of Alberta 1984–87. He also served as president of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians 1983–1987, and the Alberta Progressive Conservative party. He is also active in the society of the veterans of the Waffen-SS Galizien. Petro Savaryn, Z soboiu vzialy Ukrainu: Vid Tarnopillia do Al’berty (Kyiv: KVITs, 2007), 275.


Ivan Hryn’okh (1909–1994), veteran and chaplain of the Nachtigall and Schutzmannschaft Battalion 201, worked at the Ukrainian Free University in Munich, as assistant professor 1974–1977, full professor 1978–1990, professor emeritus 1991–1994. Shafoval and Iaremko, Universitas Libera Ucrainensis, 122.


Petro Mirchuk (1913–1999) was arrested by the Germans in 1941 and spent the war in internment camps, including Auschwitz. Immediately after the war he was responsible for OUN(b) propaganda in occupied Germany. He was one of Stepan Bandera’s close allies and a stern adherent of totalitarianism. Mirchuk’s writings are representative of the sort of pseudo-scholarship the OUN(b) produced after the war. He received a J.D. in 1941 and a Ph.D. in 1969 from the Ukrainian Free University in Munich, and wrote several widely cited chronicles on the history of the OUN. He combined academic activities with high-ranking positions in the OUN(b). Posivnych, Zhyttia i diial’nist’ Stepana Bandery, 140. Mirchuk was also used as an “expert” for the defense during the OSI hearings on deportation.


Markus Huss, “Male Historians in Exile: Constantly Relating to Their Background,” Baltic Worlds 3, no. 1 (2010): 17–18.


Some of the more prominent examples are found in the writings of Mykola Riabchuk, according to whom “Ukraine is not just a ‘normal’ nation,” but rather, “a postcolonial country shared near equally by the ‘aboriginal’ and ‘settler’ communities.” Riabchuk juxtaposes the “aboriginal” Ukrainains to the Sioux population with (non-Ukrainian) “settlers” and invokes Hollywood images of Dances with Wolves. Under these conditions, Riabchuk argues that a part “of Bandera’s legacy remains relevant — that of patriotism, national solidarity, self-sacrifi ce, idealistic commitment to common goals and values.” Mykola Riabchuk, “Bandera’s Controversy and Ukraine’s Future,” Russkii vopros, no. 1, 2010: http://www.russkiivopros.com/?pag=one&id=315&kat=9&csl=46#_edn13 (accessed April 28, 2010); idem, “Ukraine: Revisiting a ‘Success Story’?” Transitions Online, issue 10/17/2006: 4. On Riabchuk’s use of postcolonial rhetortic in the service of nationalism, see Rudling, “Iushchenkiv fashyst,” in Amar, Balyns’kyi, and Hrytsak, Strasti za Banderoiu, 254, and Roman Dubasevych, “Dity rozpachu,” zakhid. Net, December 20, 2010: http://zaxid.net/article/82258/ (accessed December 20, 2010).


Following president Yushchenko’s designation of Stepan Bandera as Hero of Ukraine in January 2010, CIUS director Zenon Kohut defended Bandera and denied the fascist nature of the OUN. Zenon Kohut, “Ukrains’kyi natsionalizm,” 145–146, and Rudling, “Iushchenkiv fashyst.”


Only in the past few years have scholars started to give these institutions serious attention. See, for instance, O’Connor, “The Munich Institute for the Study of the USSR;” Holian, “Anticommunism in the streets”; Julia Delande, “‘Building a Home Abroad’—A Comparative Study of Ukrainain Migration, Immigration Policy and Diaspora Formation in Canada and Germany after the Second World War,” Ph. D. Dissertation, Hamburg University, 2006; Huss, “Male Historians in Exile”; Rossoli#ski-Liebe,“Celebrating Fascism.”


Frank Golczewski, “Besprechung,” Jahrbuch für Geschichte Osteuropas, 44, no. 4 (1996): 592 ff, cited in Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,”12.


Berkhoff and Carynnyk, “The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,” 149; Himka, ”War Criminality,” 11; Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 12–13; Krzysztof Lada, “Creative Forgetting: Polish and Ukrainian Historiographies on the Campaign against the Poles in Volhynia during World War II,” Glaukopis, no. 2/3 (2005): 346; Himka, “First Escape: Dealing with the Totalitarian Legacy in the Easrly Postwar Emigration,” paper presented at the Workshop on “National Politics and Population Migrations in Central and Eastern Europe,” Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 7–8 April, 2006, 7; idem, “Central European Diaspora,” 22; Jeffrey Burds, “Access Restrictions in Central European Archives,” round table discussion at the fortieth national convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Philadelphia, November 23, 2008.


Thus, only in 1996 did a complete version of Stets’ko’s Akt of June 30, 1941, retaining the statement that the Ukrainian state would “cooperate closely” with Nazi Germany, appear in print. Volodymyr Serhiichuk, ed., OUN-UPA v roky viiny: Novi dokumenty i materialy (Kyiv: NAN Ukrainy, 1996), 239–240. Confronted with primary documents that establish the anti-Semitic nature of the OUN, pronationalist historians have sometimes dismissed them as Soviet forgeries. See, for instance, Taras Hunczak, “Problems of Historiograhy: History and Its Sources,” Harvard Ukrainian Studies 25 (2001): 129–142. For a discussion of this, see Himka and Kurylo, “Iak OUN stavylasia do ievreiv?” 253.


Burds, “Access Restrictions,” 2008.


Himka, “War Criminality,” 9–24; idem, “Central European Diaspora,”17–31; Rudling, “Iushchenkiv fashyst,” 237–309; Rossoli#ski-Liebe, ”Celebrating Fascism.”


Lew Shankowsky, “Pro problemu antysemityzmu v Ukraini,” Svoboda, February 3, 1960, cited in Himka, “War Criminality,” 10.


Berkhoff and Carynnyk, “The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,” 152, citing Bohdan Osadczuk, “Curesy i cymesy,” Zustriczi 9 (1995): 30. Yet, during the war, Osadczuk (1920–2011) published anti-Semitic material in the collaborationist press in occupied Poland. Covering the Ustaše press for Krakivs’ki Visti, Osadczuk reported: “The mass graves in Vinnytsia, Hrvatski Narod states, is new proof of the politics of destruction that the Jews from the Kremlin have conducted among the Ukrainian people. The murdered Ukrainians again throw guilt on Stalin and his Jewish collaborators and summon the world to an implacable struggle against the Jewish-Bolshevik threat, which would like to bring upon Europe the same fate that the defenseless vicitms in Vinnytsia met.” B[ohdan] O[sadchuk], “Kryvava propahanda Ukrainy: Vynnytsia v evropeis’kii presi,” Krakivs’ki visti, August 7, 1943., cited in John-Paul Himka, “Ethnicity and the Reporting of Mass Murder: Krakivs’ki visti, the NKVD Murders of 1941, and the Vinnitsa Exhumation,” paper presented at the University of Alberta Holocaust Workshop, January 14, 2005, 13.


Taras Hunczak, “Ukrainian-Jewish Relations during the Soviet and Nazi Occupations,” in Yuri Boshyk, ed., Ukraine during World War II: History and Its Aftermath (Edmonton: CIUS, 1986), 42, 45.


One of the initiators of the Waffen-SS division Galizien, Kubijovy% endorsed ethnic cleansing of Ukrainian lands and published anti-Semitic material during the Holocaust. Volodymyr Kubijovye, “Pered maiestatom nepovynnoi krovy,” Krakivs’ki visti, July 8, 1941, cited in John-Paul Himka, “The Reception of the Holocaust in Postcommunist Ukraine,” in Joanna Michlic and John-Paul Himka, eds., Bringing to Light the Dark Past: The Reception of the Holocaust in Postcommununist Europe (forthcoming); John-Paul Himka, “Ethnicity and the Reporting of Mass Murder,” 19; Per A. Rudling, “Organized Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Ukraine: Structure, Infl uence and Ideology,” Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slavistes 48, nos. 1–2 (March-June 2006): 96.


Bohdan Wytwycky, “Anti-Semitism,” in Volodymyr Kubijovye, ed., Encyclopedia of Ukraine (Toronto: CIUS Press 1984), 1: 82. On Wytwycky’s writings on Jews as communists and NKVD men, see Rudling, “Organized Anti-Semitism,” 98–99, n. 81.


Petro Mirchuk, My Meetings and Discussions in Israel: Are Ukrainians “traditionally anti- Semites”? (New York: Ukrainian Survivors of the Holocaust, 1982), 121.


Bruder, “Den Ukrainischen Staat,” 167, n 69, citing Petro Mirchuk, In the German Mills of Death, 1941–1945, 2d ed. (New York, 1985), 17.


Mirchuk habitually refers to Poles as “degenerates,” Jews as blood-suckers, Russians as Mongols and tyrants. Mirchuk, My Meetings and Discussions in Israel, 116, 118, 121, 122. He accused Jews of controlling the U.S. courts. “What is ‘Jewish justice’ doing in American courts? And why ‘Jewish’ and not American justice? Are we a colony of theirs? It’s not enough that our government gives Israel billions of our tax money each year for nothing, and now American courts must yield to Jewish demands?. Goebbels himself wouldn’t have been able to turn the Americans against the Jews the way they did it themselves. I repeat again and again, not as an ‘anti-Semite’ but as your friend: the abuse of your infl uence in America for the purpose of persecuting innocent Ukrainians by accusing them of cooperation with the Germans — is merely sowing the wind. And everyone is familiar with the proverb: ‘Who sows in the wind, reaps the storm!’ Think over this carefully!. I’m not threatening you with pogroms, I’m only warning you. All of those who have come to America from Eastern European counties, occupied by the Bolsheviks, know a great deal about the role of the Jews in the recent history of these lands — a role which, for your own good, it would be better to cover-up before the American public. But with these trials of ‘war criminals’—the so-called murderers of innocent Jews— you’re provoking them to reveal everything incriminating against the Jews. Is this what you want? These East-European émigrés have children and grandchildren, born and raised as American citizens. When you maliciously and groundlessly accuse their forbearers of imaginary crimes — and even generalize the accusation by claiming for example that all Ukrainians ‘are anti-Semites’—then they, in turn, seeking to know the truth, learn from their parents about the role of the Jews in the apparatus of the bloody CheKa, GPU, NKVD, KGB; and they pass on this information to all their American acquaintances, co-workers, professors, journalists, et al. Tell me, do you really want that?” Ibid., 124–127.


Mirchuk, My Meetings and Discussions in Israel, 66. (Srul is a derogarory term for Jews.)


Orest Subtelny, Ukraine: A History (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000), 489. This view came to have an impact also on Ukraine, as Subtelny’s textbook, in Ukrainian translation, was widely used in Ukraine during the fi rst years of independence. Marples, Heroes and Villains, 7, 23, 40–41.


In a discussion at the Fifth Annual Danyliw Research Seminar in Contemporary Ukrainian Studies, the Chair of Ukrainian Studies, the University of Ottawa, October 30, 2009, Potichnyj argued that Jews, killed by the UPA, were killed because they were communists. Interviewed by the Washington Post, he elaborated on this idea. “As for the killings of Jews and Poles, Potichnyj argues that no matter where guerillas fi ght for liberation, it’s a messy affair. The Poles provoked the Ukrainians, he said. ‘With respect to Jews,’ he said, ‘obviously, in the situation there must have taken place some killing of the Jews, although in 1943, when the UPA was quite strong, there were hardly no Jews left because the Germans had, unfortunately, killed them all off. But there were some remnants, and the remnants were either working with the Ukrainian underground or they were working with the Soviets.’ Those allied with the Red partisans were obviously enemies of the underground, he said.” John Pancake, “In Ukraine, movement to honor members of WWII underground sets off debate,” Washington Post, January 6, 2010: A7; John Paul Himka [Ivan-Pavlo Khymka], “Chy ukrains’ki studii povynni zakhyshzhaty spadshchynu OUN-UPA?” in Amar, Balyns’kyi, Hrytsak, Strasti za Banderoiu, 163.


“What is also indisputable is that many Jews served in the Soviet secret police during that period of Soviet rule in Western Ukraine. Naturally, Himka fails to mention the Jewish complicity which may have pointed to the motive of any number of oppressors. While being Jewish in and of itself, certainly, was not reason to be killed, being Jewish was not immunity from being attacked when you sided and fought with the enemy.” Askold S. Lozynskyj, “Rewriting history: An evidentary persepective,” KyivPost, February 16, 2010: http://www.kyivpost.com/news/opinion/op_ed/detail/59650/print/ (accessed February 22, 2010).


Volodymyr Serhiichuk, Nasha krov — na svoii zemli (Kyiv: Ukrains’ka vydavnycha spilka, 2000), 56–57; Volodymyr Serhiichuk, Trahediia Volhyni: Prychynyi perebih pol’s’ko-ukrains’koho konfl iktu v roky druhoi svitovoi viiny (Kyiv: Ukrains’ka vydavnycha spilka, 2003). For a discussion on Serhiichuk, see Marples, Heroes and Villains, 232–233, 236–237.


See the interview with Volodymyr V’’iatrovych, to which we will return to later. Masha Mishchenko, “Pratsivnyk SBU: My izdyly v Izrail’ pobachaty dos’e proty Shukhevycha — a ioho prosto ne isnue,” UNIAN, March 25, 2008: http://unian.net/news/print.php?id=242913 (accessed April 8, 2008).


For instance, on November 10, 2010 during the trial in Kyiv regarding the legality of Yushchenko’s collective designation of the OUN and the UPA as Heroes of Ukraine, Petro Mykytovych Perepust, representing the Sumy chapter of the far-right Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Self Defense (UNA-UNSO), justifi ed the “murder, dismemberment, and slaughter [i ubyvaty, i pyliaty, i rizati] — that is done all across the world when one people fi ght for their independence, they kill other people.” Legal argument, case 2a-6732/10, “Za Pozovom Vitrenko Natalii Mykhailivni do Prezydenta Ukrainy shchodo vyznannia nezakonnym Ukazu Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 28 sichnia 2010 roku No. 75/2010 ‘Pro vshanuvannia uzhastnykiv borot’by za nezalezhnist’ Ukrainy u XX stolitti,” Okruzhnyi Administratvnyi sud mista Kyeva, November 10, 2010. Press release, November 12, 2010. The proceedings are also available online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znQjFCNCAXg (accessed November 12, 2010). Thanks to Krzysztof Janiga for this material.


In an interview, the 87-year-old Volhynian UPA veteran Ivan Hnatevych Kisliuk (b. 1923) presses the book Armiia bez Derzhavy, by the founder of the original UPA, into my hands, and told me to open to page 253. It reads: “In the end of July 1943 the General Staff of the UNRA issued an appeal to the Ukrainian people, in which it protested against all those measures, which were condemned as the disreputable acts of blinded totalitarians, and emphasized that the full responsibility for the crimes falls upon the leader of the OUN Bandera, Mr. Mykola Lebed’- Ruban.” “See, Ruban, Jew! [zhyd!],” Mr. Kisliuk said, pointing at Lebed’s Ashkenazi-sounding nom de guerre, which to him proved Jewish responsibility for the Volhyn massacres. Bul’ba-Borovets’, Armiia bez derzhavy, 253. Personal interview, Kyiv-Troishchina, Ukraine, September 23, 2010.


Weiner, Making Sense of War, 161–172.


V. R. Nakhmanovych, “Bukovyns’kyi Kurin’ i masovi rozsteli evreiv Kyiva voseni 1941 r.,” Ukrains’kyi istorychnyi zhurnal no. 3 (474), (May — June 2007): 90.


John-Paul Himka, “The Reception of the Holocaust.”


Himka, “War Criminality”; idem, “Central European Diaspora”; Glenn Sharfman, “The Quest for Justice: The Reaction of the Ukrainian-American Community to the John Demjanjuk Trials,” Journal of Genocide Research 2, no. 1 (2000): 65–87.


Petro J. Potichnyj was one of the few exceptions among the pronationalist scholars. He reached out to the Jewish community, aiming at a dialogue. Howard Aster and Peter Potichnyj, Jewish-Ukrainian Relations: Two Solitudes (Oakville, ON: Mosaic Press, 1983); idem, eds., Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Historical Perspective (Edmonton: CIUS and University of Alberta, 1990).


Berkhoff and Carynnyk, “The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,” 149, 151, 152, citing Mykola Lebed’, “Orhanizatsiia protynimets’koho opouru OUN, 1941–1943 rokiv,” Suchasnist’, no. 1–2 (January — February 1983): 154.


Berkhoff and Carynnyk, “The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists,” 151, citing Wolodymyr Kosyk, “Problems of the History of OUN and UPA,” Ukrainian Review 40 (Spring 1993): 26–27.


Petro J. Potichnyj, in Yevhen’ Shtendera and Petro J. Potichnyj, eds., Litopys UPA, vol. 17, English-Language Publications of the Ukranian Underground (Toronto: Litopys UPA, 1988), 140.


Taras Hunczak, “Between Two Leviathans: Ukraine during the Second World War,” in Bohdan Krawchenko, ed., Ukrainian Past, Ukrainian Present: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993), 99.


Alexander Motyl, The Turn to the Right: The Ideological Origins and Development of Ukrainian Nationalism, 1919–1929 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1980), 166.


Alexander Motyl, “Ukraine, Europe, and Bandera,” Cicero Foundation Great Debate Paper, 10/05 (March 2010), 6: http://www.cicerofoundation.org/lectures/Alexander_J_Motyl_Ukraine_Europe_and_Bandera.pdf 6.


“It makes no sense to refer to Eastern Europeans, who were regarded by the Germans as subhumans, as ‘Nazi’ war criminals; they were not allowed to join the Nazi Party.” Myroslav Yurkevich, in “Discussion,” in Bozhyk, Ukraine in World War II, 158. Yet, National Socialism attracted many Eastern Europeans. In fact, Nazi Germany categorically banned any use of swastikas and other Nazi symbols in the émigré press, as well as prohibited the use of the term “National Socialist” in the names of any Slavic émigré organizations in Germany. Iury Hrybouski, “Belaruski rukh i Niamechchyna napiaredadni i u pachatku Druhoi sus’vetnai vainy,” ARCHE No. 5 (80), (May 2009): 152.


Hunczak, “Ukrainian-Jewish Relations,” 44–45. Similarly Mykola Riabchuk describes the OUN’s collaboration and anti-Semitism as “rather disputable” and relies on Motyl’s defi nition, in which collaborators are “individuals or groups who abandon their sovereign aspirations and serve another power’s goals.” Mykola Riabchuk, “Bandera’s Controversy and Ukraine’s Future,” citing Motyl, “Ukraine, Europe, and Bandera,” 6.


Daniel Ursprung, “Faschismus in Ostmittel-und Südosteuropa: Theorien, Ansätze, Fragestellungen,” in Der Einfl uss von Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus auf Minderheiten in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa, ed. Mariana Hausleitner and Harald Roth (Munich: IKGS-Verlag, 2006), 22.


Alexander Motyl, “Is Putin’s Russia Fascist?” National Interest Online, December 3, 2007: http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/inside-track-is-putins-russia-fascist-1888.


Motyl, “Is Putin’s Russia Fascist?” and idem, “Surviving Russia’s Drift to Fascism,” Kyiv Post, January 17, 2008: http://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/oped/28182/ (both accessed January 15, 2011). Andreas Umland has taken Motyl to task over his use of this terminology. “If we would apply Motyl’s loose conceptualization of fascism to contemporary world history, we might fi nd so many ‘fascisms’ that the term would lose much of its heuristic and communicative value. Motyl’s comment is in so far unconstructive as he deprives researchers of Russian nationalism of an important analytic tool.” Andreas Umland, “Is Putin’s Russia Really “Fascist”? A Response to Alexander Motyl”: http://www.globalpolitician.com/print.asp?id=4341 (accessed January 15, 2011).


Motyl, “Ukraine, Europe, and Bandera,”14.


Wilfried Jilge, “Competition Among Victims? The Image of the Other in Post-Soviet Ukrainian Narratives on World War II,” in Heorhii Kas’ianov, ed., Obraz inshoho v susidnikh istoriakh: mifi, stereotypy, naukovi interpretatsii: Materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovi konferentsii, Kyiv, 15–16 hrudnia 2005 roku (Kyiv: NAN Ukrainy, Instytut istorii Ukrainy, 2008), 66.


This interpretation has found a receptive audience among some pro-OUN and UPA diaspora historians. See, for instance, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Director Zenon Kohut’s reply to John-Paul Himka “Re: Should Ukrainian Studies Defend the Heritage of OUN-UPA?” February 12, 2010. Dominique Arel’s Ukraine List, UKL 441 (Bandera-OUN and Famine Debates), February 16, 2010: http://www.ukrainianstudies.uottawa.ca/pdf/UKL441.pdf.


For instance, public intellectual Mykola Riabchuk sees no difficulty with the UPA cult, as long as the focus remains on their “ethical rather than ideological values” and as long as their ideology, ethnic cleansing or mass murders are not celebrated. “The UPA fi ghters. are praised fi rst of all for their patriotism and commitment to the national-liberation cause, for their idealism and dedication, for spiritual strength and self-secrifi ce.” Mykola Riabchuk, “Ukraine: Neither Heroes nor Villains: Review of Heroes and Villains: Creating National History in Contemporary Ukraine, by David Marples (Budapest: Central European Press, 2007),” Transitions Online, 6 February 2007.


See, for instance, the interview with Volodymyr V’’iatrovych, Masha Mishchenko, “Pratsivnyk SBU.”


See, for instance Peter J. Potichnyj and Yevhen Shtendera, eds., Political Thoughts of the Ukrainian Underground, 1943–1951 (Edmonton: CIUS and University of Alberta, 1986); Himka, “War Criminality,” 11. See Rudling, “Theory and Practice”; &ada, “Creative Forgetting;” Marples, Heroes and Villains, 298–301; Dietsch, Making Sense of Suffering, 147–176; Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe, “Der polnisch-ukrainische Historikerdiskurs über den polnisch-ukrainischen Konfl ikt, 1943–1947,” Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 57, no. 1 (2009): 54–85.


Howard Aster, “Refl ections on the Work of Peter J. Potichnyj,” Journal of Ukrainian Studies 21, no. 1–2 (1996): 226–227. Potichnyj largely limits his focus to the period during which OUN and UPA took a more liberal and open position to national minorities. See, for instance, Potichnyj and Shtendera, Political Thoughts of the Ukrainian Underground, a collection of essays partly based upon Mykola Lebed’s archives. Unsurprisingly, there is next to nothing in the Litopys UPA on the topic of the Volhynian massacres in 1943, and total silence on UPA murders of Jews.


Andreas Umland, “Die andere Anomalie der Ukraine: ein Parlament ohne rechtsradikale Fraktionen,” Ukraine-Analysen, no. 41 (2008): 7–10. Émigré nationalists who reestablished contacts in Ukraine, used to clandestine work, were often disappointed the organization and nature of the nationalists in the old country. See, for instance, Sukhovers’kyi, Moi Spohady, 237.


For examples of this narrative, see Petro Sodol, “Foreigners in the UPA,” Ukrainian Quarterly 58, no. 4 (2002): 342–348; Volodymyr Kosyk, “Organizational Conditions and the Initial Struggle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA),” Ukrainian Quarterly 58, no. 4 (2002): 310–325; Volodymyr Viatrovych, [V’’iatrovych] “The Communist Alliance against the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA),” Ukrainian Quarterly 58, no. 4 (2002): 326–341; Herbert Romerstein, “The KGB Disinformation Campaign Against Ukrainians and Jews,” Ukrainian Quarterly 58, no. 4 (2002): 349–360.


Serhiichuk, Nasha krov — na svoii zemli, 3, 42, 77.


Vasyl’ Derevins’kyi, Stavlennia OUN(b) i UPA do susidnikh narodiv ta natsional’nykh menshyn (Kyiv: Natsional’na Akademiia nauk Ukrainy, Instytut istorii Ukrainy, 2006), 44.


Serhii Hrabovs’kyi, “Tak proty koho zh voiuvav Shukhevych u Bilorusi?” Ukrains’ka Pravda: http://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2007/11/13/66774.htm (accessed November 18, 2007). On Hrabovs’kyi’s celebration of OUN-UPA and Waffen-SS division Galizien, see Marples, Heroes and Villains, 231–232.


Hunczak, “Problems of Historiograhy,” 136.


Morton Weinfeld, Like Everyone Else. but Different: The Paradoxical Success of Canadian Jews (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2001), 213–214; Daniel Mendelsohn, Lost — A Search for Six of Six Million (London: HarperCollins, 2007), 99; Golczewski, “Shades of Grey,” 114–155.


See, for example, Himka, “The Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the Holocaust,” 15, citing the USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education, 20586 Jack Glotzer, 12–15; Spector, The Holocaust of Volhynian Jews, 358; Ahron Weiss, “Jewish-Ukrainian Relations in Western Ukraine During the Holocaust,” in Peter J. Potichnyj and Howard Aster, eds., Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Historical Perspective (Edmonton: CIUS and University of Alberta, 1990), 409–420; Weiner, Making Sense of War, 270–271.


See Mykola Lebed, UPA: Ukrains’ka Povstans’ka Armiia (n.p. 1946), 35–36; for other early claims on Jews in UPA, see Petro Mirchuk, Ukrains’ka Povstans’ka Armiia,1942–1952 (Munich: Cicero,1953),69–72.


Lebed’, Ukrains’ka Povstans’ka Armiia, 35–36, cited in Friedman, “Ukrainian-Jewish Relations,” 204.


Leo Heiman, “We Fought For Ukraine — the Story of Jews Within the UPA,” Ukrainian Quarterly, vol. 20, no. 2 (Spring 1964):33–44.


Dr. Stella Krentsbakh, “Zhyvu shche zavdiaky UPA,” in Petro Mirchuk and V. Davydenko, eds., V riadakh UPA: Zbirka spomyniv buv. Voiakiv Ukrains’koi Povstans’koi Armii (New York: Nakladom T-va b. Voiakiv UPA v ZDA i Kanadi, 1957), 342–349.


“The questionable source mentioned here is the ‘memoir,’ allegedly by a Jewish woman named Stella Kreutzbach, in Nasha Meta, Toronto 27 and December 4, 1954; Ukrainske Slovo (Buenos Aires), October 10, 1954; Kalendar Almanakh na 1957 Rik (Calendar Almanac for 1957) (Buenos Aires): 92–97. Kalendar also features an article by Dmitry Andreyewsky (pp. 88–91), in which he states that Stella Kreutzbach went to Palestine after the war, where she was later employed as a secretary in the foreign ministry, and that several weeks after the publication of her memoirs in the Washington Post (which the Ukrainian publication credited for fi rst releasing the memoirs) she was mysteriously shot and killed. I checked the Washington Post of that period and did not fi nd the memoirs. At my request, Dr. N. M. Gelber of Jerusalem made inquiry in the foreign ministry there; the reply was that the ministry had never had an employee by that name and that such a case of homicide was entirely unknown. Moreover, a careful analysis of the text of the ‘memoirs’ has led me to the conclusion that the entire story is a hoax. Similarly, the Ukrainian writer B. Kordiuk labels the story ‘a mystifi cation’; he states that ‘none of the members of the UPA’ known to him ‘ever met or heard of her.’” Philip Friedman, Roads to Extinction: Essays on the Holocaust, ed. Ada June Friedman, introduction by Salo Wittmeyer Baron (New York: Conference on Jewish Social Studies, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1980), 203–204.


The Krentsbakh/Kreutzbach forgery was also discussed in the Ukrainian émigré press, where the writer Bohdan Kordiuk concorded with Friedman’s conclusions: “The careful historian Friedman give the story of Dr. Stella Krentsbakh, who ‘Thanks UPA for her Life,’ which has been re-printed so many times, his attention, but fi nds nothing about her. And rightly so, since none of the UPA veterans, known by the author of these lines, either heard or knew of this legendary Stella Krentsbakh. Neither have any Jews heard of her. Hardly any one of the tens of thousands of Ukrainians refugees claim to have met this Stella Krentsbakh. The biography, attributed to her in certain places, does not hold up to critical scrutiny; claims that she would have been working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs do not correspond to the truth. And some were nonsensical claims — that she would have been killed on the streets of Jerusalem from a shot to the nape of her neck, supposedly due to her favorable memories of the UPA. That nonsense constitutes a jungle of the prejudices which so burden Ukrainian-Jewish relations. It seems to us, that as long as there is still no independent evidence, the stories of Dr. Stella Krentsbakh need to be regarded as a mystifi cation.” Bohdan Kordiuk, “Retsenzii: Pro liudei, spovnennykh samoposviaty: Their Brother’s Keepers by Philip Friedman. With a Foreword by Father John A. O’Brien. Crown Publishers, Inc. New York, 1957, pp. 224,” Suchasna Ukraina (Munich) 15 (194), July 20, (1958): 7.


Tatiana Zhurzhenko, “The Geopolitics of Memory,” Eurozine, May 10, 2007. Available online: http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2007-05-10-zhurzhenko-en.html (accessed November 9, 2010).


Dietsch, Making Sense of Suffering, 223–226.


Andreas Umland and Anton Shekhovtsov, “Pravoradikal’naia partiinaia politika v postsovetskoi Ukraine: zagadka elektoral’noi marginal’nosti ukrainskikh ul’tranatsionalistov v 1994–2009 gg.,” Ab Imperio, no. 2 (2010): 219–247.


Johan Dietsch, “Imagining the Missing Neighbor: Jews and the Holocaust in Ukrainian History Textbooks,” in Heorhii Kas’ianov, Obraz inshoho v susidnikh istoriakh: mifi, stereotypy, naukovi interpretatsii: Materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovi konferentsii, Kyiv, 15–16 hrudnia 2005 roku (Kyiv: NAN Ukrainy, Instytut istorii Ukrainy, 2008), 202, citing David Levy and Nathan Sznaider, “Memory Unbound: The Holocaust and the Formation of Cosmopolitan Memory,” European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 5, No. 1 (2002): 100.


Wilfried Jilge, “Zmanannia zhertv,” Krytyka, vol. 10, no. 5 (May, 2006): 14–17. 270. Ihor Yukhnovs’kyi (b. 1925) is a physicist, not a trained historian. An enthusiastic admirer of Bandera and Shukhevych, the OUN and UPA, Yukhnovs’kyi has occasionally voiced anti- Semitic views. Aleksandr Burakovs’kyi, “Key Characteristics and Transformation of Jewish-Ukrainian Relations during the Period of Ukraine’s Independence, 1991–2008,” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 15, no. 1 (2009): 121; Zenon Zawada, “Kyiv conference focuses on World War II and hisotrical memory,” Ukrainian Weekly, no. 44, November 1, 2009, 18. On Yukhnovs’kyi’s sympathies for the “Social Nationalists,” see Lilia Kuzik, “Ihor Iokhnovs’kyi: Ta derzhava zh mala utvorytysia. I ia robiv, shchob vona utvorylas’,” Zaxid.net, August 11, 2011. http://zaxid.net/home/showSingleNews.do?igor_yuhnovskiyta_derzhava_zh_mala_utvoritisya_i_ya_vse_robiv_shhob_vona_utvorilas&objectId=1233429 (accessed October 2, 2011) The Social-Nationalist Party of Ukraine (SNPU) mobilized the neo-fascist right and used an SS symbol as party emblem. In 2004 it was renamed the All-Ukrainian accociation Svoboda. Anton Shekhovtsov, “The Creeping Resurgence of the Ukrainian Radical Right? The Case of the Freedom Party,” Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 63, No. 2, (March 2011): 213.


OUN(b) veteran Volodymyr Kosyk serves as its honorary director, and Petro Sodol (b. 1935), aformer president of the OUN(z)-affiliated publishing house Prolog in New York and a senior member of the Ukrainian nationalist youth organization Plast. http://upa.in.ua/book/?page_id=5#zabilyj (accessed December 15, 2010). On Plast and SUM in the diaspora, see Per A. Rudling, “Multiculturalism, Memory, and Ritualization: Ukrainian Nationalist Monuments in Edmonton, Alberta,” Nationalities Papers, Vol. 39, no. 5 (September, 2011): 738–739.


For a list of the TsDVR’s intellectual collaborators and partners, see http://cdvr.org.ua/content/партнери (accessed October 1, 2011)


News release of the Center for the Research of the Liberation Movement, TsDVR, Informatsiina dovidka; http://upa.in.ua/book/?page_id=7 (accessed December 15, 2010).


Sofi a Hrachova, “Unknown Victims: Ethnic-Based Violence of the World War II Era in Ukrainian Politics of History after 2004,” paper presented at the Fourth Annual Danyliw Research Seminar in Contemporary Ukrainian Studies, Chair of Ukrainian Studies, University of Ottawa, October 23–25, 2008, 9.


Endorsement by “Ihor Yukhnovs’kyi, Academician, head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory,” in Volodymyr V’’iatrovych, ed., Ukrains’ka Povstans’ka Armiia: Istoriia neskorenykh (Kyiv: Tsentr doslidzhen’ vyzvol’noho rukhu, 2007), back cover.


“Instytut natsional’noi pam’’iati zvernuvsia do Iushchenka, aby vin prysvoiv Romanu Shukhevychu zvannia Heroia Ukrainy,” Zik: syla informatsii, July 2, 2007: http://zik.com.ua/ua/ news/2007/07/02/80305 (accessed October 15, 2010).


On the state honoring of Stets’ko, see Viktor Yushchenko, “Ukaz prezydenta Ukrainy No. 416/2007 Pro vshanuvannia pam’iati Iaroslava Stets’ka i Iaroslavy Stets’ko”: http://www.president.gov.ua/documents/6145.html (accessed April 10, 2008). On the cult of Shukhevych, see Per A. Rudling, “The Shukhevych Cult in Ukraine: Myth Making with Complications,” World War II and the (Re)Creation of Historical Memory in Contemporary Ukraine, Kyiv, September 25, 2009. Available online http://ww2-histroricalmemory.org.ua/abstract_e.html (accessed October 11, 2009). On Bandera, see Amar, Balyns’kyi, and Hrytsak, Strasti za Banderoiu. In December 2010, the Kyiv city council declared that they will rename city streets after Shukhevych, Stest’ko, and Mel’nyk. “Na Oboloni z’’iavyt’sia vulitsia Romana Shukhevycha,” Ukrains’ka pravda: Istorychna pravda, December 16, 2010: http://www.istpravda.com.ua/short/2010/12/16/9227/ (accessed December 17, 2010).


Swedish historian Göran B. Nilsson describes the Soviet practice of writing history from the perspective of a constantly changing present as “chronological imperialism.” Göran B. Nilsson, “Historia som humaniora,” Historisk Tidsskrift no. 1 (1989): 1, 4.


To commemorate the centennial of the birth of the OUN poet Olena Teliha, President Yushchenko in 2006 issued a presidential decree to erect a memorial “to her and her associates” in Babin Yar, where her body had been buried in 1942. Aleksandr Burakovs’kyi, “Istoriia memoralizatsii evreiskoi tragedii v Bab’em Iaru za god ee 70-letiia: pozor Ukrainy,” My Zdes’, no. 278: http://www.newswe.com/index.php?go=Pages&in=view&id=2725 (accessed October 3, 2010), citing Yushchenko decree No. 416/2006. In Drohobych, a monument to Bandera has been erected at the site of the former ghetto. Omer Bartov, Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine (Princeton, Conn.:Princeton University Press, 2007), 52–53.


Jilge, “Zmanannia zhertv,” 14.


V’’iatrovych, Stavlennia OUN do ievreiv.


There is no shortage of such memoirs. See for example Shimon Redlich, Together and Apart in Brzezany: Poles, Jews and Ukrainians, 1919–1945 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2002), 103–104; Reuben Ainsztein, Jewish Resistance in Nazi-Occupied Eastern Europe: With a Historical Survey of the Jew as Fighter and Soldier in the Diaspora (London: Paul Elek, 1974), 252–256. On the OUN’s and the UPA’s attitude to Jews during the war, see Weiner, Making Sense of War, 239–297.


A Wehrmacht intelligence report from April 1944 reports that “the UPA has successfully taken up pursuit of the Jewish gangsters and up to now shot almost 100.” Staatsanwaltschaft Dortmund 45 Js 24/62, Bd “Reste von Gutachten und Dokumenten aus dem Bestand des Pz. AOK 4,” BA-MA, RH-21, Pz. AOK 4, Abt. Ic/AO, Tätigkeitsbericht, April 1944, as cited in Golczewski, “Shades of Grey,” 143. On this topic, see Weiner, Making Sense of War, 263–264.


Pres-tsentr Sluzhba bezpeki Ukrainy, “U Sluzhby bezpeky Ukrainy vidbulys’ Hromads’ki istorychni slukhannia “Evrei v Ukrains’komu Vyzvol’nomu ruzi,” April14,2008,http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=77689&cat_id=39574 (accessed April 14, 2008).


Iryna Ehorova, “Volodymy V’’iatrovych: Holovnym sub’ektom istorychnoho protsesu v Ukra)ni XX stolittia bula ne URSR, a ukra)ns’kyi vyzvol’nyi rukh,” Den’, February 18, 2008: http://www.ukrnationalism.org.ua/interview/?n=69 (accessed March 16, 2008).


John-Paul Himka, “True and False Lessons from the Nachtigall Episode,” Brama, March 19,2008: http://brama.com/news/press/2008/03/080319himka_nachtigall.html (accessed March 19, 2008). See also Kurylo and Himka [Khymka], “Iak OUN stavylasia do ievreiv?” 252–265.


V’’iatrovych, Stavlennia OUN, 78–81. At the April 2008 conference at the SBU, V’’iatrovych repeated his argument on the SBU website, adding an additional example of a Jew in the UPA, Leiba-Itsko Dobravs’kyi. “U Sluzhby bezpeki Ukrainy.”


V’’iatrovych, Stavlennia OUN, 74, citing R. Petrenko, “Za Ukrainu, za ii voliu. Spohady,” Litopys Ukrains’koi Povstans’koi Armii, 27 (Toronto and Lviv: Litopys UPA, 1997), 173.


Himka, Ukrainians, Jews, and the Holocaust, 47.


As of January 2011, the documents were still available on the website of the Ukrainian Embassy in Canada, “Novini,” Posol’stvo Ukrainy v Kanadi, February 6, 2008: http://www.ukremb.ca/canada/ua/news/detail/11684.htm (accessed January 18, 2011).


Iaryna Iasynevych, “V’’iatrovych: ‘Kampania proty Shukhevycha ne maie istorychnoi osnovy,’”Narodna Pravda, March 4, 2008: http://narodna.pravda.com.ua/history/47cd371e88b05/ (accessed March 16, 2008).


Volodymyr V’’iatrovych, “Iak tvorylasia lehenda pro Nakhtihal’,” Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, no. 6 (685) 16–22 February 2008: http://www.dt.ua/3000/3150/62036/ (accessed March 16, 2008)


Mishchenko, “Pratsivnyk SBU.”


SBU, “U Sluzhbi bezpeky Ukrainy vidbulys’ Hromads’ki istorychni slukhannia ‘Evrei v Ukrains’komu vyzvol’nomu rusi,’ April 14, 2008: http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=77689&cat_id=39574 (accessed April 14, 2008).


Wilfried Jilge, “Nationalukrainischer Befreiungskampf: Die Umwertung des Zweiten Weltkrieges in der Ukraine,” Osteuropa 58, (2008): 179.


SBU, “U Sluzhbi bepeki Ukrany vidkrylas’ fotovystavka “Ukrains’ka Povstans’ka Armiia. Istoria neskorennykh,” May 27, 2008: http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=78839&cat_id=78711 (accessed August 21, 2008).


V’’iatrovych, Stavlennia OUN, 96, citing HDA SBU, f. 13, spr. 376, tom 65, ark. 283–295; SBU, “Evrei v Ukrains’komu vyzvol’nomu rusi.”


SBU, “Sluzhba bezpeki Ukrainy vidkryvae dlia shyrokoho zahalu arkhivni materially shchodo osib, prychetnykh do orhanizatsii ta zdiisnennia politiki Holodomoru-Henotsydurepresii” http://www.sbu.gov.ua/sbu/control/uk/publish/article?art_id=80420&cat_id=395 (accessed August 7, 2008).


SBU, “U Sluzhbi bezpeki Ukrainy vidkrylas’ fotovystavka ’Ukrains’ka Povstans’ka Armiia.’” Iurii Shukhevych (b. 1933) is the son of UPA commander Roman Shukhevych and leader of the far-right UNA-UNSO, the Ukrainian sister party of the German neo-Nazi NPD. It is openly antidemocratic — in the 1990s its propaganda posters carried the slogan “Vote for us and you will never have to vote again.” Along with Levko Luk’’ianenko (b. 1928), Shukhevych was one of the more prominent nationalist dissidents and a cause celebre for the émigré OUN. Following independence, Luk’’ianenko became Ukraine’s leading anti-Semite. Yushchenko designated both Iuryi Shukhevych and Luk’’ianenko Heroes of Ukraine. Per A. Rudling, ”Anti-Semitism and the Extreme Right in Contemporary Ukraine,” in Andrea Mammone, Emmanuel Godin, and Brian Jenkins, eds., Mapping the Extreme Right in Contemporary Europe: From Local to Transnational (forthcoming); John-Paul Himka, “The Importance of the Situational Element in East Central European Fascism,” East Central Europe 37 (2010): 357.


“Fishbein: ne dopustit’ Ukrainu v NATO — spetsoperatsiia Kremlia,” DELFI, July 12, 2009: http://www.delfi.ua/news/daily/foreign/fishbejn-ne-dopustit-ukrainu-v-nato-specoperaciyakremlya.d?id=467241 (accessed September 7, 2009); Svitlana Makovyts’ka, “Maestro bozhystoi movy: Ukrains’kyi poet Moisei Fishbein — pro politychnyi dal’tonizm, heniiv slova i heroiv Ukrainy,” Ukraina moloda, November 28, 2007: http://www.umoloda.kiev.ua/number/1051/171/37785/(accessed December 5, 2007). Fishbein repeats, almost verbatim, the same statements in subsequent interviews. Ol’ha Betko, “Poet M. Fishbein: dlia mene UPA — tse sviate,” BBC Ukrainian Service, October 14, 2008.


For Fishbein’s complete speech, see Moses Fishbein, “The Jewish Card in Russian Special Operations Against Ukraine: Paper delivered at the 26th Conference on Ukrainian Subjects at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 24–27, June 2009: http://www.vaadua.org/VaadENG/News%20eng-2009/fishbeyn2.htm (accessed November 8, 2009).


Fishbein, “The Jewish Card”; “Russia uses ‘Jewish card’ to destabilize Ukraine, Fishbein says,” Ukrainian News, 25 June — July 8, 2009, 6; and Marko Levytsky, “UPA detractors fan the fl ames of ethnic discord,” Ukrainian News, February 18–March 3, 2010, 6.


Moses Fishbein, “The Jewish ard in Russian Operations against Ukraine,” Kyiv Post, June 30, 2009: http://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/44324 (accessed September 7, 2009).


Paul Goble, “Window on Eurasia: Moscow Special Services Again Play the ‘Jewish Card’ against Ukraine, Kyiv writer Says,” Window on Eurasia, July 9, 2009: http://windowoneurasia.blogspot.com/2009/07/window-on-moscow-special.html (accessed September 5, 2009). Goble presents himself as “a longtime specialist on ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia,” and worked, among other things, for the U.S. State Department, the CIA, and RFE/RL until 2004, when he made a career as vice dean and director of research at several universities in the former Soviet Union.


Krentsbakh, “Zhivu schche zavdiaky UPA”; “Spohady Stelly Krentsbakh—‘Zhyvu shche zavdlaiky UPA.’ Memoirs of Stella Krenzbach—‘I Am Alive Thanks to the UPA,’” October 25, 2009, on Moisei Fishbein’s blog: http://mosesfishbein.blogspot.com/2009/10/memoirs-of-stella-krenzbachi-am-alive.html (accessed October 25, 2009).


“Ievreika Stella Krentsbakh rozpovila, shcho vyzhyla zavdiaky UPA,” Press-tsentr TsDVR, December 9, 2009: http://upa.in.ua/book/?p=929 (accessed December 15, 2010).


Levytsky, “UPA detractors fan the fl ames of ethnic discord,” 6: Marco Levytsky, “Open letter villifi es freedom fi ghters, minimizes Holodomor,” Kyiv Post, May 6, 2011 http://www.kyivpost.com/news/opinion/op_ed/detail/103827/print/ (Accessed May 10, 2011) Riabchuk also repeats the V’’iatrovych/Fishbein line that “quite a few Jews were rescued by nationalists, and some of them even joined UPA to fi ght both Nazis and Soviets.” “Bandera’s Controversy and Ukraine’s Future.”


Victor Rud, “RE: John Pancake’s UPA Article of January 6, 2010,” Open letter to the Washington Post on behalf of the Ukrainian American Bar Association, January 22, 2010, citing Fishbein, “The Jewish Card in Russian Special Operations Against Ukraine.”


Moses Fishbein, “Listivka UPA ‘Evrei — hromadiany Ukrainy.’ 1950 rik,” December 7, 2009: http://mosesfishbein.blogspot.com/2009/12/1950.html (accessed December 7, 2009).


Kurylo and Himka, “Iak OUN stavylasia do ievreiv?”


This is based upon V’’iatrovych’s most positive estimate, which includes the four named Jews, the Stella Krentsbakh/Kreutzbach forgery and her claim that she worked with twelve Jews in her sanitary unit: twenty-fi ve Jews divided by the low est estimate of about 25,000 UPA insurgents in 1943. V’’iatrovych, Stavlennia OUN, 74–82. In order to provide a perspective here, this handful of Jewish physicians in the UPA should be put in relation to estimates that between 25,000 and 40,000 people served in the UPA in 1943–1944 and that perhaps as many as 300,000 people came through the ranks of the OUN-UPA. Marples, Heroes and Villains, 131–132, 169. The estimates of the number of people organized in the OUN and UPA varies. Stanislav Kul’chyts’kyi estimates that 400,000 people were organized by the OUN-UPA between 1929 and the middle of the 1950s, or 10 percent of the Western Ukrainian population. Stanislav Kul’chyts’kyi, “Polska problematyka w ukrai#skich badaniach historii OUN-UPA,” in Antypolska akcja OUN-UPA, 1943–1944: Fakty i interpretacje (Warsaw, 2003), 137, cited in Bruder, “Den ukrainischen Staat,” 279. German estimates from the end of 1943 put UPA membership at 40,000. Nationalist sources claim 100,000 members, but well-substantiated estimates provide numbers between 30,000 and 40,000 soldiers. John Armstrong, Ukrainian Nationalism, 3d ed. (Englewood, Colo.: Ukrainian Academic Press, 1990), 115.


See, for instance the story of Ludwik Wrodarczyk, a Roman Catholic village priest in Okopy in Volhynia, a rescuer of Jews who in 2000 was designated as Righteous of Nations. The UPA kidnapped and killed him in December 1943. Maria Debowska and Leon Popek, Duchowie" stwo diecezji!uckiej: Ofi ary wojny i represji okupantów, 1939–1945 (Lublin: Polihymnia Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 2010). In Hanachevka (Hanaczów) in Galicia, the commander of the Polish self-defense, Kazimierz Wojtowicz, assisted dozens of Jews in the village. The Jews of Hanachevka organized a Jewish platoon, fi ghting the UPA together with the local Poles within the ranks of Armja Krajowa. Wojtowicz survived the war and was, together with his two brothers designated as Righteous of Nations. Marples, Heroes and Villains, 206; Jerzy Wigierski, W lwowskiej Armii Krajowej (Warsaw: PAX), ch. 2–7; Motyka, Ukranska partzyantka, 382.


“Sered heroiv novoho romanu Zabuzhko ‘Muzei pokynutykh sekretiv’ kolysgni v’iazni tiurmy ‘na Lontskoho’” Press-tsentr TsDVR, December 24, 2009: http://upa.in.ua/book/?p=981#more-981 (accessed December 27, 2010). Zabuzhko writes that V’’iatrovych’s center provided her with “half a bag full of working material — xero copies, DVDs, photographs and memoirs on the history of the Ukrainian Resistance — the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA).” “Popil Klaasa,” Ofitsiina storinka Oksany Zabuzhko, http://www.zabuzhko.com/ua/critique/ukrhellebosch.html (accessed December 27, 2010).


“L’vivs’ki novyny: Oksana Zabuzhko: ‘Ia ne pysala istorii UPA — ia pysala lav-stori,’” Vysokyi zamok, January 26, 2010: http://news.lvivport.com/content/view/20694/26/ (accessed December 27, 2010).


Only 6 percent of Ukrainians had a “very positive” attitude toward the OUN(b), and 8 percent “basically positive,” whereas 30 percent were “very negative,” and 15 percent “generally negative.” The attitudes to the UPA was similar, with 5 percent very positive, 8 percent generally positive, while 29 percent very negative, and 16 percent generally negative. Signifi cantly, the attitudes within the younger generation did not differ signifi cantly from the older; neither did the attitude within the group of highly educated differ much from the population in general. The exception was Galicia, where 62 percent of those surveyed had a positive attitude to OUN(b), and 59 to UPA. Even in Volhynia only 5 percent of respondents were very positive, and 11 percent generally positive to UPA. Asked about war criminality, 35 percent of respondents thought OUN(b) and UPA were guilty of mass murder of Ukrainians, Jews, and Poles; 6 percent of murdering people from one of these groups. Only 14 percent of respondents thought them innocent of mass murder. Ivan Kachanovs’kyi, “Ukraintsy ne veriat v mify ob OUN i UPA,” Fraza: http://www.fraza.ua/print/14.10.09/76064.html (accessed January 23, 2010).


Asked, “How would you defi ne your country’s relation to the following groups during World War II?” 64 percent of the respondents answered that relations with Ukrainians were bad, a higher number even than Germans (63 percent) and Russians (57 percent). Wojciech Szacki and Marcin Wojciechowski. “Zli Niemcy. +li Ukraincy: To Niemcy byli g"ównymi wrogami Polaków w II wojnie i to oni zadali nam najwi$cej cierpie#. Ale najgorzej wspominamy kontakty z Ukraincami,” Gazeta Wyborcza, August 24, 2009, 4.


The question, “Who was responsible for the crimes committed in Volhynia in 1943?” 14 percent answered “Ukrainians,” while only 5 percent answered “UPA, Ukrainian nationalists, Ukrainian military formations.” A full 19 percent blamed “Russians, the USSR, NKVD. Among them, 1 percent blamed ‘Ukrainians and Russians” and “Ukrainians executing Russian orders”; 1 percent blamed “Germans” and “Ukrainians, on German orders”; 2 percent blamed “Poles and Ukrainians,” “Mutual slaughter,” and “both sides”; 1 percent maintained that “Others were responsible,” or that it was “unclear” who was to blame. By far the largest group, 57 percent, answered “Don’t know, have not heard about it, diffi cult to answer.” Katarzyna Makaruk, “Wo" y# 1943,” Komunikat z bada", Warsaw, July 2008, BS/110/2008, Centrum Badania Opini Spo" ecznej, CBOS, 4: http://www.cbos.pl/SPISKOM.POL/2008/K_110_08.PDF (accessed December 26, 2010).


Andreas Umland, “Die andere Anomalie der Ukraine: ein Parlament ohne rechtsradikale Fraktionen,” Ukraine-Analysen, no. 41 (2008): 7–10.


Ernest Renan, “What Is a Nation?” in Homi K. Bhabha, ed., Nation and Narration (London: Routledge, 1990), 11.


Bruno Bettelheim, The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales (New York: Vintage, 1989), 7–8


Ibid., 9–10.


Harald Welzer, Sabine Moller, and Karoline Tschuggnall, “Opa war kein Nazi”:Nationalsozialismusnund Holocuast im Familiengedächtnis (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2002), 210.


Ibid., 207.


Ibid., 209.


Peter Niedermüller, “Der Mythos der Gemeinschaft: Geschichte, Gedächtnis und Politik im heutigen Osteuropa,” in Andrea Corbea Hoise, Rudolf Jaworski, and Monika Sommer, eds., Umbruch im östlichen Europa: Die nationale Wende und das kollektive Gedächtnis (Innsbruck: Studien Verlag, 2004), 11–26.


Gudrun Persson, “On the Meaning of the Tristesse and the Lie,” Baltic Worlds 3, no. 2 (June 2010): 16, citing Andrei Zubov, Istoriia Rossii: XX vek, 1894–1939 (Moscow: Astrel, 2009), 933.


Dmytrii Rybakov, “Marko Tsarynnyk: Istorychna napivpravda hirsha za odvertu brekhniu”; LB.ua, November 5, 2009. http://society.lb.ua/life/2009/11/05/13147_Marko_TSarinnik_Istorichna_napivp. html (Accessed Nov. 6, 2009); Himka, “True and False Lessons; Vasyl’ Rasevych, “Zamknute kolo ‘spetsial’noi’ ukrainskoi istorii,” Zaxid.net, September 13, 2010: http://zaxid.net/article/74357 (accessed September 16, 2010).


In April 2007, President Yushchenko submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a draft law against Holodomor denial, which, had the law passed, would criminalize denial of the genocidal character of the famine of 1932–1933. The Day Weekly Digest (Kyiv), no. 11, April 3, 2007; Ilya Khineiko, “Russian Duma’s Discussion of Second World War Revisionism in the Near Abroad States,” Current Politics in Ukraine, June 23, 2009: http://ukraineanalysis.wordpress.com/ [CIUS Stasiuk Program Blog] (accessed October 2, 2009). As there is no consensus whether the famine was an act of genocide, this would, technically, have made a number of senior scholars and academics, including Mark B. Tauger, R. W. Davis, Stephen G. Wheatcroft, Michael Ellman, Lynne Viola, Moshe Lewin, even Robert Conquest — who remains ambivalent on the — liable for jail time in Ukraine. On the assessment of the famine as genocide, see Marples, Heroes and Villains, 72, 313, n. 1.


Roman Serbyn, “Erroneous Methods in J.-P. Himka’s Challenge to “Ukrainian Myths,” August 7, 2011, Current Politics in Ukraine Blog: Opinon and analysis on current events in Ukraine, Stasiuk Program, CIUS, University of Alberta, ed. David R. Marples. http://ukraineanalysis.wordpress.com/ (accessed October 1, 2011).


The following commentary by Taras Hunczak is fairly typical in this regard: “Despite overwhelming evidence exonerating the OUN and Roman Shukhevych, there are still individuals, particularly those with communist leanings or followers of the Moscow trend to condemn the Ukrainians’ struggle for independence, who continue to slander the leaders of the Ukrainian resistance movement.” Taras Hunczak, “Shukhevych and the Nachtigall Battalion: Moscow’s Fabrications,” Ukrainian Weekly, no. 37 (September 13, 2009): 18.


Ukrainian Canadian Congress, “Ukraine’s President Recognized Ukraine’s Freedom Fighters,” UCC Press release, email of February 1, 2010. On the UCC’s strategy to “defend” their heroes, see Rudling, “Iushchenkiv fashyst,” 252, 295–296 and John-Paul Himka, “Interventions: Challenging the Myths of Twentieth-Century Ukrainian History,” in a forthcoming Ab Imperio volume on Geschichtspolitik, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation, ed. Alexei Miller.


Pres-sluzhba Prezydenta Viktora Ianukovycha, “Rishenniam sudu prezydents’kyi ukaz ‘Pro prysvoennia S. Banderi zvannia Heroi Ukrainy’ skazovano,” press release, January 12, 2011, Prezydent Ukrainy Viktor Ianukovych: Ofitsiine internet-predstavnytsvo: http://www.president.gov.ua/news/19103.html (accessed February 12, 2011).


“Babi Yar transferred to Culture Ministry,” Ukrinform: Ukrainian National News Agency, March 2, 2011.


Askol’d Lozyns’kyj (b. 1952), a New York lawyer and OUN(b)-activist, is a former president of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, and the son of Evhen Lozyns’kyj.


Wolodymyr Derzko, “Ukrainian Diaspora must learn how to play hardball with Yanukovych,” Kyiv Post, September 27, 2010: http://www.kyivpost.com/news/opinion/op_ed/detail/84019/(accessed October 13, 2010); Askold S. Lozynskyj, “Anti-Semitism charges don’t stick against Ukrainian nationalist group,” Kyiv Post, December 20, 2010: http://www.kyivpost.com/news/opinion/op_ed/ detail/93235/ (accessed December 24, 2010).


Olena Tregub, “Ukrainian-Americans reject meeting with Yanukovych,” Kyiv Post, September 23, 2010: http://www.kyivpost.com/news/nation/detail/83599/ (accessed October 15, 2010).


“Paul Grod: ‘My position on Ukraine. was agreed with leaders of UCC’s member organizations,’” interview by Martha Onufriv, EPOSHTA, September 28, 2010:http://www.eposhta.com/newsmagazine/ePOSHTA_100928_CanadaUS.html#fo1a (accessed October 15, 2010).


Lozynskyj, “Anti-Semitism charges don’t stick.”


Askold S. Lozynskyj, “How insensitive bigots continue to play Ukrainians and Jews against each other,” Kyiv Post, November 8, 2010: http://www.kyivpost.com/news/opinion/op_ed/detail/89252/ (accessed November 8, 2010); Peter O’Neil, “My role in a dark conspiracy,” Letter From Paris by Peter O’Neil,November10, 2010:http://communities.canada.com/shareit/blogs/letterfromparis/default.aspx?PageIndex=2 (accessed November 13, 2010).


Lozynskyj, “Rewriting history,” reprinted as Askol’d Lozyns’kyi, “Perepysuvannia istorii: z perspektyvy dokaziv,” 204–210; also Rudling, “Iushchenkiv fashyst,” 255, 302, both in Amar, Balyn’skyi, and Hrytsak, Strasti za Banderoiu.


Lozynskyj, “Anti-Semitism charges don’t stick.”


Onufrir interview, “My position on Ukraine.”


Peter O’Neil, “Ukrainian museum toured by Harper shows ‘one-sided’ history of atrocities, critics say,” Edmonton Journal, November 5, 2010: http://www.edmontonjournal.com/news/Ukrainian+museum+toured+Harper+show+sided+history+atrocities+critics/3785861/story.html (accessed November 6, 2010).


Rudling, “Iushchenkiv fashyst,” 252–253, 296; Himka, “Interventions”


“Reminder to Register for the XXIII Congress in Edmonton,” email from UCC to author, October 15, 2010.


Peter O’Neil, “Historian hopes Harper’s visit to Ukraine museum will help shed light on war atrocities,” The Montreal Gazette, November 10, 2010, http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Historian+hopes+Harper+visit+Ukraine+museum+will+help+shed+light/3807727/story.html (accessed November 10, 2010).


“Arkhivni dokumenty ruinuiut’ mif pro antysemityzm OUN, — V’’iatrovych,” Zik: syla informatsii, http://zik.com.ua/ua/news/2011/01/09/265640(accessed January9, 2011)


Paul Grod, “Ukrainian Community Honors Veterans on Rememberence Day,” UCC Press release, November 11, 2010.


“Rememberance Candle Focus of Holodomor Commemorations: Canadians prepare to mark the 77th anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide,” UCC National Press release, November 16, 2010; Peter O’Neil, “Harper’s Ukraine famine exaggerated, scholar says,” Edmonton Journal, October 30, 2010: http://www2.canada.com/edmontonjournal/news/story.html?id=ea26329d-c6c5-4e76-b8f5-48ff37f57537 (accessed March 24, 2011).


Whereas the change of national government has effectively ended state support for the OUN cult, this sort of heroization continues on the local level. In December 2010 the Kyiv city government announced plans to rename streets after Roman Shukhevych, Iaroslav Stets’ko, Andrii Mel’nyk, and Olena Teliha. “Na Oboloni z’’iavyt’sia vultrsia Romana Shukhevycha,” Ukrains’ka pravda: Istorychna pravda, December 16, 2010: http://www.istpravda.com.ua/short/2010/12/16/9227/ (accessed December 17, 2010).


“Voin UPA: Bandera — iedinyi lytsar u Evropi, khto 1941 roku skazav Hitleru ‘ni’”: http://aingwar.blogspot.com/ (accessed September 26, 2010).


Oleh Tiahnybok, “Evroparlament he vkazuvatyme Ukraini, koho vyznavaty Heroiami,” February 26, 2010, Ukrains’ka Pravda Blohy: http://blogs.pravda.com.ua/authors/tiahnybok/4b88066cc9c5f/ (accessed April 26, 2010).


For "thick description", cf. Geertz, Clifford: Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture. In: Geertz, C.: The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. New York: Basic Books 1973, pp. 3-30. For the critique of ideology, see Grabner-Haider, Anton: Ideologie und Religion. Interaktion und Sinnsysteme in der modernen Gesellschaft. Wien: Herder 1981; Schleichert, Hubert: Wie man mit den Fundamentalisten diskutiert, ohne den Verstand zu verlieren. Anleitung zum subversiven Denken. Mьnchen: Beck 2005, pp. 112–117.


For a discussion of the» Ukrainian National Revolution «in the summer of 1941, cf. Rossolinski-Liebe, Grzegorz: The» Ukrainian National Revolution «in the Summer of 1941: Discourse and Practice of a Fascist Movement. In Kritika: Explorations of Russian and Eurasian History 12/1 (2011), pp. 83-114.


To my knowledge, there are no scholarly works concerning the de-monization of Stepan Bandera by the Soviet propaganda machine.


For the problem of fascism in the OUN, cf. Golczewski, Frank: Deutsche und Ukrainer 1914–1939. Pader-born: Schцningh 2010, pp. 571–591; Rossoliński-Liebe 2011.


Golczewski 2010; Golczewski, Frank: Die Kollaboration in der Ukraine. In: Dieckmann, Christoph (Ed.): Kooperation und Verbrechen. Formen der» Kollaboration «im цstlichen Euro-pa. Gцttingen: Wallstein 2003, pp. 151–182.


Pohl, Dieter: Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien 1941–1944: Organisation und Durchfehrung eines staatlichen Massenverbrechen. Мunchen: Oldenburg 1997.


Motyka, Grzegorz: Ukraińska par-tyzantka 1942–1960: działalność Organizacji Ukraińskich Nacjonalistуw i Ukraińskiej Powstańczej Armii [The Ukrainian Guerilla 1942–1960: The Activity of the OUN and the UPA] Warszawa: Inst. Studiуw Historycz-nych PAN 2006.


Bruder, Franziska:»Den Ukraini-schen Staat erkmmpfen oder sterben!«Die Organisation Ukrainischer Nati-onalisten (OUN) 1929–1948. Berlin: Metropol 2007.


Berkhoff, Karel C.: Harvest of Despair. Life and Death in Ukraine under the Nazi Rule. Cambridge: Belknap 2004.


Burds, Jeffrey: AGENTURA: Soviet Informants' Networks & theUkrainian Underground in Galicia, 1944-48. In: East European Politicsand Societies 11/1 (1997), pp. 89-130.


Snyder, Timothy: The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569–1999. New Haven: Yale UP 2003; Snyder, Timothy: To Resolve the Ukranian Question Once and for All: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ukrainians in Poland, 1947. In: Journal of Cold War Studies, 1/2 (Spring 1999), pp. 86-120. However, cf. also Jeffrey Burds' review of Snyder's article on http:// www.fas.harvard.edu/~hpcws/com-ment13.htm (accessed: 14.12.2010).


Geertz, Clifford: Ideology as a Cultural System. In: Geertz 1973, pp. 193–233, here p. 219.


Flood, Christopher G.: Political Myth. A Theoretical Introduction. New York, London: Gerland Pub. 1996, pp. 15–26.


Hein, Heidi: Historische Kult-forschung. Digitales Handbuch zur Geschichte und Kultur Russlands und Osteuropa. In: http://epub. ub.uni-muenchen.de/636/1/hein- kultforschung.pdf, pp. 4–5 (accessed: 30.10.2009).


Masaryk was neither a fascist nor an authoritarian dictator but his charisma was used to create a cult which helped to legitimise the existence of Czechoslovakia. Cf. Orzoff, Andrea: The Husbandman: Tomбљ Masaryk’s Leader Cult in Interwar Czechoslovakia. In: Austrian History Yearbook 39 (2008), pp. 121–137.


There are many publications concerning Hitler's charisma. The problematic of the Hitler myth is well explained in Kershaw, Ian: The» Hitler Myth«: Image and Reality in the Third Reich. Oxford: Clarendon Pr. 1987. Cf. also Lepsius, M. Rainer: The Model of Charismatic Leadership and Its Applicability to the Rule of Adolf Hitler. In Pinto, Antуnio Costa/Eatwell, Roger/ Larsen, Stein Ugelvik (Eds.): Charisma and Fascism in Interwar Europe. London: Routledge 2007, pp. 37–52.


Gentile, Emillio: Mussolini as thePrototypical Charismatic Dictator. In: Pinto/Eatwell/Larsen 2007, pp. 113–127.


Payne, Stanley G.: Franco, the Spanish Falange and the Institutiona-lisation of Mission. In: Pinto/Eatwell/ Larsen 2007, pp. 53–62.


Pinto, Antуnio Costa: >Chaos< and >Order<: Preto, Salazar and Charismatic Appeal. In: into/Eatwell/Larsen 2007, pp. 65–75.


Baruch, Marc Olivier: Charisma and Hybrid Legitimacy in Plain's №at fransais (1940–1944). In: Pinto/Eat-well/Larsen 2007, pp. 77–85.


>2 Goldstein, Ivo: Ante Pavelic: Charisma and National Mission in Wartime Croatia. In: Pinto/Eatwell/Larsen 2007, pp. 87–95; Cox, John K.: Ante Pavelic and the Usta^a State in Croatia. In: Fischer, Bernd J. (Ed.): Balkan Strongmen. Dictators and Authoritarian Rulers of South Eastern Europe. West Lafayette: Purdue UP 2007, pp. 199–238.


Fisher-Galati, Stephen: Codreanu, Romanian National Traditions and Charisma. In: into/Eatwell/Larsen 2007, pp. 107–112.


Hein, Heidi: Der Pitsudski-Kult und seine Bedeutung fer den polnischen Staat 1926–1939. Marburg: Herder Inst. 2002.


Larsen, Stein Ugelvik: Charisma from below? The Quisling Case in Norway. In: into/Eatwell/Larsen 2007, pp. 97-106.


Apor, Balбzs/Behrends, Jan C./Jones, Polly/Rees, E.A. (Eds.): The Leader Cult in Communist Dictatorships: Stalin and the Eastern Bloc. Ba-singstoke: Palgrave Macmillian 2004.


Fenyo, Mario D.: Hitler, Horthy and Hungary. New Haven: Yale UP 1972, p. 26f., p. 77f., pp. 140–143, p. 207f.


Pauley, Bruce F.: Fascism and the Fbhrerprinzip: The Austrian Example. In: Central European History 12/3 (1979), pp. 281–286.


Besier, Gerhard: ›Berufsstдndische Ordnung‹ und autoritдre Diktaturen. Zur politischen Umsetzung einer ›klas-senfreien‹ katholischen Gesellschafts-ordnung in den 20er und 30er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts. In: Besier, G./ Lьbbe, Hermann (Eds.): Politische Religion und Religionspolitik. Zwischen Totalitarismus und Bьrgerfreiheit. Gцttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2005, pp. 79-110, here p. 107f.


Kasparavicius, Algimantas: The Historical Experience of the Twentieth Century: Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism in Lithuania. In: Borejsza, Jerzy W./Ziemer, Klaus (Eds.): Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes in Europe: Legacies and Lessons from the Twentieth Century. New York, Oxford: Berghahn 2006, pp. 304–308.


Fischer, Bernd J.: King Zog, Albania's Interwar Dictator. In: Fischer 2007, pp. 1949.


Farley, Brigit: King Aleksandar the Royal Dictatorship in Yugoslavia. In: Fischer 2007, pp. 51–86.


Ahmad, Feroz: Kemal Ataferk and the Founding of the Modern Turkey. In: Fischer 2007, pp. 141–163.


For AnastasiT VonsiatskiT, cf. Stephan, John J.: The Russian Fascists. Tragedy and Farce in Exile 1925–1945. New York: Hopper & Row 1978, pp. 91-140. For Konstantin RodzaevskiT, cf. Stephan 1978, pp. 73–90.


In Canada fascist movements occurred as well, cf. Betcherman, Lita-Rose: The Svastika and the Maple Leaf. Fascist Movements in Canada in the 1930s. Toronto: Fitzhenry & Whiteside 1975.


Motyka 2006, pp. 231–234; FSB (Federal'naia Sluzhba Bezopasnosti), Moscow, N- 19092/T. 100, l. 233 (Ste-pan Bandera's prison card).


On the pogroms in western Ukraine, cf. Pohl, Dieter: Anti-Jewish Pogroms in Western Ukraine — A Research Agenda. In: Barkan, Elazar/ Cole, Elizabeth A./Struve, Kai (Eds.): Shared History — Divided Memory: Jews and Others in Soviet-Occupied Poland, 1939–1941. Leipzig: Leip-ziger Univ.verl. 2007, pp. 305–313; Lesser, Gabriele: Pogromy w Galicji Wschodniej w 1941 r. [Pogroms in Eastern Galicia in 1941]. In: Traba, Robert (Ed.): Tematy polsko-ukraińskie [Polish-Ukrainian Subjects]. Olsztyn: Wspуlnota Kulturowas Borussia 2001, pp. 103–126. Similar waves of pogroms also broke out shortly after the start of the German-Soviet war in North-Eastern Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bessarabia and Bukovina. For pogroms in Poland, cf. Żbikowski, Andrzej: Pogroms in Northeastern Poland — Spontaneous Reactions and German Instigations. In: Barkan/ Cole/Struve 2007, pp. 315–354. For pogroms in Lithuania, cf. Dieckmann, Christoph: Lithuania in Summer 1941. The German Invasion and the Kaunas Pogrom. In: Barkan/Cole/Struve 2007, pp. 355–385. For Latvia and Estonia, cf. Bundesarchiv Berlin Lichterfelde R58/215, l. 134. (Ereignismeldung UdSSR, Nr. 40, 01.08.1941). For Bessarabia and Bukovina, cf. Solo-nari, Vladimir: Patterns of Violence. The Local Population and the Mass Murder of Jews in Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, July-August 1941. In: Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 8/4 (2007), pp. 749–787. The first pogrom actions in L’viv started probably on 30 June 1941 or even before. For testimonies that date the beginning of the violent actions to July 1, 1941, cf. Lewin, Kurt I.: Przeżyłem. Saga Świętego Jura spisa-na w roku 1946 [I Survived. The Saga of Saint George Written in the Year 1946]. Warszawa: Zeszyty Literackie 2006, pp. 56–57; AŻIH (Archiwum Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Warszawie) 229/54, Teka Lwowska [L’viv portpholio], l. 2. For the course of the pogrom in L’viv, cf. Mick, Christoph: Ethnische Gewalt und Pogrome in Lemberg 1914 und 1941. In: Ost-europa 53 (2003), pp. 1810–1829, here p. 1810f., pp. 1824–1829; Heer, Hannes: Einьbung in den Holocaust: Lemberg Juni/Juli 1941. In: Zsf. f. Ge-schichtswissenschaft 49 (2001), pp. 409–427, here p. 410, p. 424; Bruder 2007, pp.140–150; Grelka, Frank: Die ukrainische Nationalbewegung unter deutscher Besatzungsherrschaft 1918 und 1941/1942. Wiesbaden: Harras-sowitz 2005, pp. 276–286; Pohl 1997, pp. 60–62; Wachs, Philipp-Christian: Der Fall Theodor Ober^nder (1909–1998). Frankfurt/M: Campus 2000, p. 71, pp. 78–80. For the violent actions against Poles in Volhynia and Galicia, see Motyka 2006, pp. 298400; Snyder 1999, pp. 93-100. For the second Soviet occupation of Western Ukraine, the brutal conflict between the Soviets and the OUN-UPA, and the terror conducted by the Soviets and the OUN-UPA against the civil population, cf. Burds 1997, pp. 104–115; Bruder 2007, p. 231f., p. 261f.; Motyka 2006, pp. 503–574, p. 649f.; Boekh, Katrin: Stalinismus in der Ukraine. Die Rekonstruktion des sowjetischen Systems nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Wiesbaden: Har-rassowitz 2007, pp. 339–367. For the number of Ukrainians killed by Poles, see Motyka 2006, p. 411f.


Tsentral'nyi derzhavnyi arkhiv hromads'kykh ob'iednan' Ukrainy (TsDAHO) f. 1, op. 23, spr. 926, l. 199 (Postanovy II. Velykoho Zboru Orha-nizatsni Ukranns'kykh Natsionalistiv, l. 37). This salute later embarrassed the OUN. In postwar publications reprinting the resolutions of the second OUN conference, the resolution about the fascist salute was deleted from the text. Compare, e.g., OUN v svitli postanov Velykykh Zboriv [The OUN in the Light of the Resolutions of Grand Assemblies] (n.p.: Zakordonni Chastyny Orhanizatsm Ukraпns'kykh Natsionalistiv, 1955), pp. 44–45 with the original publication of 1941 in: TsDAHO f. 1, op. 23, spr. 926, l. 199 (Postanovy II. Velykoho Zboru Orhani-zatsпi Ukraпns'kykh Natsionalistiv, 37).


Not all DPs left Ukraine together with the withdrawing German army in 1944. Some of the DPs were sent to Germany as forced labourers earlier during the war.


Himka, John-Paul: A Central Euro pean Diaspora under the Shadow of World War II: The Galician Ukrainians in North America. In: Austrian History Yearbook 37 (2006), pp. 17–31, here p. 18.


Satzewich, Vic: The Ukrainian Dia spora. London, New York: Routledge 2002, p. 105.




V Avangardi Ukraпns’koi spravy. Liga vyzvolennia Ukraпny [In the Vanguard of the Ukrainian Matter]. In: http://www.lucorg.com/luc-histo-ry_174.htm (accessed: 23.10.2009).


Sawa-Priatka, Tania: A Short His tory of the Ukrainian American Youth Association’s» Oselia «on the Occasion of its 50th Anniversary. In: http://www.cym.org/us/ellenville/Oselia50_UWar-ticle.asp (accessed: 09. 12.2009).


Sawa-Priatka, Tania: unnumbered manuscript. For the organisation of banderivtsi in Canada, cf. Lalande, Julia:»Building a Home Abroad«. A Comparative Study of Ukrainian Migration, Immigration Policy and Diaspora Formation in Canada and Germany after the World War II (Diss., Univ. of Hamburg, 2006). In: http://www. sub.uni-hamburg.de/opus/volltexte/2007/3265/pdf/Lalande_Dissertation_2006.pdf, pp. 184–190 (accessed: 24.10.2009). For the camp in Ellenville, the monument of the Ukrainian heroes and the reproduction of banderits in this camp, see http://www.cym.org/us/archives/2009/2009PamyatnykProj.asp (accessed: 24.10.2009). For the camps in Canada, cf. Mycak, Iryna: The Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada 1948–1988. Toronto: Beskyd Graphica 1990, p. 8.


On multiculturalism in general and debates about multiculturalism, cf. Powell, Timothy B.: All Colors Flow into Rainbows and Nooses. The Struggle to Define Academic Multiculturalism. In: Cultural Critique 55 (2003), pp. 152–181. For multiculturalism in Canada, cf. Cameron, Elspeth (Ed.): Multiculturalism and Immigration in Canada. An Introductory Reader. Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Pr. 2004; Bissoondath, Neil: Selling Illusions. The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada. Toronto: Penguine 2002; "Riliek, Slavoj: A Leftist Plea for >Eurocentrism<. In: Critical Inquiry 24 (1998), pp. 988-1009; "Riliek, Slavoj: Multiculturalism, or The Cultural Logic of Multinational Capitalism. In: New Left Review 225 (1997), pp. 28–51.


For a critique of national representation of World War II in Ukraine, cf. Himka, John-Paul: Victim Cinema. Between Hitler and Stalin: Ukraine in World War II — The Untold Story. In: Kasianov, Georgiy/Ther, Philipp (Eds.): A Laboratory of Transnational History. Ukraine and Recent Ukrainian Historiography. Budapest: Central European UP 2009, pp. 211–220.


Cit. Lalande 2006, p. 257.


Lupul, Manoly R.: The Politics of Multiculturalism. A Ukrainian-Canadian Memoir. Edmonton, Toronto: Canadian Inst. of Ukrainian Studies Pr. 2005.


Ibid., p. 322.


For Lysiak-Rudnytsky after the war, cf. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. A Brief History from 1976 to 1996. In: http://www.ualberta. ca/CIUS/about/about- history.htm (accessed: 29.07.2010). For Rudnytsky during the war, cf. Himka, John- Paul: Ethnicity and the Reporting of Mass Murder: Krakivs'ki visti, the NKVD Murders of 1941, and the Vinnytsia Exhumation (forthcoming in a volume on violence in the borderlands, ed. By Omer Bartov and Eric Weitz).


Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. A Brief History from 1976 to 1996. In: http://www.ualberta.ca/CIUS/about/about-history.htm (accessed: 29.07.2010).


Luckyj, George S. N.: Memoirs. In: Isajiw, Wsevolod/ Boshyk, Yuruy/ Senkus, Roman (Eds.): The Refugee Experience: Ukrainian Displaced Persons after World War II. Edmonton: Canadian Inst. of Ukrainian Studies Pr. 1992, pp. 508512, here p. 508.


Luckyj 1992, p. 508f.


On Petro Savaryn memoirs, in which he discusses and expresses pride in his SS past, cf. Savaryn, Petro: Z soboiu vzialy Ukrainu. Vid Ternopillia do Al’berty [We took Ukraine with Us. From Tarnopil to Alberta]. Kyiv: KVITs 2007, p. 275; Bairak, Mykhailo: Ukrains’ka Strilets’ka Hromada v Edmontoni [Ukrainian War Veterans Association in Edmonton]. Edmonton: Ukrains’ka Strilets’ka Hromada — Vid-dilu v Edmontoni 1978, p. 185. On the 14>th Grenadier Division of the Waffen SS, cf. Golczewski, Frank: Shades of Grey: Reflections on Jewish-Ukrainian and German-Ukrainian Relations in Galicia. In: Brandon, Ray/Lower, Wendy (Eds.): The Shoah in Ukraine. History, Testimony, Memonalization. Bloomington: Indiana UP 2008, pp. 114–155, here p. 136.


For Kubiiovych and Krakivs ’ki visti, see Himka: Ethnicity and the Reporting of Mass Murder (forthcoming).


Kubiiovych to Frank, 29 August 1941, NAC, MG 31, D203, vol. 23, file 31. Cit. Golczewski 2008, p. 133f. In his seminar History at the Movies: The Holocaust in Cinema at the University of Alberta in the winter semester of 2010, John-Paul Himka mentioned that during the War his father-in-law Mykhailo Chomiak, the chief editor of Krakivs’ki visti moved into an Aryanised Jewish apartment in KrakYw. However, Himka did not reveal any specific information about this incident. After the war Chomiak worked for the Edmonton based Ukranns'ki visti (Ukrainian News), and between 19811982 he was the chief editor of this newspaper. On Chomiak as the editor of Krakivs’ki visti, cf. Himka, John-Paul: Krakivski visti: An Overview. In: Gitelman, Zvi/Hajda, Lu-bomyr/Himka, John-Paul/Solchanyk, Roman (Eds.): Cultures and Nations of Central and Eastern Europe. Essays in Honour of Roman Szporluk. Cambridge: Harvard Ukrainian Pr. 1998, pp. 251–261, here p. 254.


Motyka 2006, p. 181, p. 383, p. 386; Golczewski 2008, p. 136; Him-ka 2006, p. 165f.


Golczewski, Frank: Geschichte der Ukraine. Gцttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1993, pp. 259–260.


Bergesen, Albert: Die rituelle Ordnung. In: Belliger, Andma/Krieger, David J. (Eds.): Ritualtheorien. Ein einfehrendes Handbuch. Opladen, Wiesbaden: Westdt. Vlg. 1998, pp. 49–76, here p. 50f.


Kertzer, David J.: Ritual, Politik und Macht. In: Belliger/Krieger 1998, pp. 365379, here p. 387.


Bergesen 1998, p. 53.


Ibid., p. 50f.


Stepan Bandera ne zhyve [Stepan Bandera is dead]. In: Ukrainian News 42/XXXII (19.10.1959), p. 1.


Ukrainian Echo 44/XI (24.10.1959), p. 1, p. 6.


Jak zhynuv Stepan Bandera [How Bandera died]. In: Ukrainian News 43/ XXXII (26.10.1959), p. 1f.


, Ostannia doroha providnyka Ban- dery [The Final Journey of the» Providnyk «Bandera]. In: Ukrainian Echo 45/XI (31.10.1959), p. 1.


Cf. the picture in: Ukrainian Echo 45/XI (31.10.1959), p. 1.


1500 People at Bandera’s Funeral. In: Ukrainian News 44/XXXII (02.11.1959), p. 1.


Zvernennia Provodu ZCH OUN [Appeal of the ZCH OUN Leadership]. In: Ukrainian Echo 46/XI (07.11.1959), p. 1.


U pokloni Providnykovi [Deference to the Providnyk]. In: Ukrainian Echo 46/XI (07.11.1959), p. 3.






Na Fond vyzvoГnoп borot'by im. Ste-pana Bandery [For Stepan Bandera's Liberation Struggle Fund]. In: Ukrainian Echo 46/XI (07.11.1959), p. 5.


U pershu richnyciu smerty sl. p. Providnyka S. Bandery [The First Anniversary of Stepan Bandera's Death]. In: Ukrainian Echo 44/XII (29.10.1960), p. 2; U richnytsiu smertysl. p. S. Bandery [On the Anniversary of Bandera's Death]. In: Ukrainian Echo 45/XII (05.11.1960), p. 7.


U pershu richnytsiu smerty S. Bandery [On the First Anniversary of Bandera’s Death]. In: Ukrainian News 43/XXXIII (28.10.1960), p. 7.


Vidznachyly rokovyny smerty S. Bandery [We Celebrated the First Anniversary of Bandera’s Death]. In: Ukrainian News 43/XXXIV (23.10.1961), p. 3.


U tretiu richnytsiu smerty S. Ban-dery [On the Third Anniversary of S. Bandera’s Death]. In: Ukrainian News 42/XXXV (18.10.1962), p. 3.


For the demonstration in New York on 15 October 1959 and 17 October 1959 in Washington and Ottawa, cf. Protymoskovs'ki demonstartsni [Anti-Muscovite Demonstrations]. In: Ukrainian Echo 45/XVI (31.10.1964), p. 2.


U 5-tu richchia smerti Stepana Bandery [On the Fifth Anniversary of Stepan Bandera's Death]. In: Ukrainian Echo 45/XVI (31.10.1964), p. 5.


U 5-tu richchia smerti Stepana Bandery [On the Fifth Anniversary of Stepan Bandera's Death]. In: Ukrainian Echo 46/XVI (07.11.1964), p. 7.


U 5-tu richchia smerti Stepana Bandery [On the Fifth Anniversary of Stepan Bandera’s Death]. In: Ukrainian Echo 46/XVI (07.11.1964), p. 3.


Provincial Archives of Alberta, accession number 97.732/161 (Orhani- zatsm Ukraпns’koho Vyzvol’noho Frontu. Obizhnyi Lyst — Zaklyk), without a number of leaf.


Desiaty rokovyny smerty Bandery [The 10>th Anniversary of Stepan Bandera’s Death]. In: Ukrainian News 43/XLII (23.10.1969), p. 5.


U 10-tu richchia smerti Stepana Bandery [On the 10>th Anniversary of Stepan Bandera’s Death]. In: Ukrainian Echo 46/XXI (29.11.1969), p. 3.


Na poshanu sl. P. Stepana Bandery [Paying Homage to Stepan Ban-dera]. In: Ukrainian Echo 39/XXXI (19.09.1979), p. 1.


Na poshanu Stepana Bandery [Paying Homage to Stepan Bandera]. In: Ukrainian Echo 46/XXXI (07.11.1979), p. 1f.


U 50-richchia OUN [On the 50>th Anniversary of the OUN]. In: Ukrainian Echo 7/XXXII (06.02.1980), p. 3.


For encouragement for celebration, cf. Zvernennia KUK [Appeal of the KUK]. In: Ukrainian Echo 43/XXXVI (24.10.1984), p. 2. For celebrations in Munich in 1984, cf. U pokloni Stepa-novi Banderi [Obeisance to the Pro-vidnyk]. In: Ukrainian Echo 44/XXXVI (31.10.1984), p. 1f., 4. For celebrations in Munich in 1989, cf. Zhalobni vidz-nachennia v Miunkheni [Mourning Ceremony in Munich]. In: Ukrainian Echo 45/XLVI (08.11.1984), p. 1f. For celebrations in Munich in 1999, cf. Povidomlennia [Announcement]. In: Ukrainian Echo 37/LI (04.10.1999), p. 1.


On Roman Shukhevych and the ethnic cleansing against Poles in Volhynia and Galicia, cf. Motyka 2006, p. 367. For Shukhevych’s atrocities against the Jews see Bruder 2007, p. 150. For Shukhevych’s atrocities in 1942 in Belarus, cf. Rudling, Per Anders: Schooling in Murder: Schutzmannschaft Battalion and Hauptsturmfbhrer Roman Shukhevych in Belarus 1942. In: Prawda historycz-na a prawda politaczna (volume in progress after a conference in Wroclaw with the same title).


Ukrainian News 20/LXXXII (15–28.10.2009), p. 8.


Broda, Ihor: Stepan Bandera — po-klin bezsmertnomu [Stepan Bandera — Deference to the Immortal]. In: Ukrainian News 20/LXXXII (15.-28.10.2009), p. 1, 8.


Ibid., p, 1.


Ibid., p, 2.



Cf. Ukrainian Echo 35/LXI (2009) (Special Section without a specific day of publication).


Golczewski 2010, p. 450. At the time of writing of this article the dean of the Philosophy Department at the UFU is the director of the Toronto office of the CIUS, Prof. Dr. Frank Sysyn. The dean of the Department for State and Economics Studies is Prof. Iaroslav Hrytsak, the director of the Institute for Historical Research at the L’viv University and visiting professor at the Historical Department of the Central European University in Budapest. Cf. Ukrainische Freie Universi^t/Ukrains’kyi Vil’nyi Univer-sytet/Ukrainian Free University Flyer. Munich: Ukrainische Freie Univ. 2010, p. 2. In an interview in 2009 Iaroslav Hrytsak wondered as to whether documents existed that would confirm that Roman Shukhevych contributed to the destruction of Jews in Ukraine. Since Franziska Bruder’s 2007 monograph proved this in the case of at least two villages, Hrytsak’s wondering seems remarkable. For the interview with Iaroslav Hrytsak, cf. Istoryk Ia. Hrytsak: Avtor kontseptsii henotsydu spyravsia na pryklad holodomoru [The Author of the Concept of Genocide Argued about the Famine]. In: Unian (15.09.2009) http://www.unian. net/ukr/news/news- 336228.html (accessed: 30.09.2010). For Bruder’s monograph and the Nachtigall battalion under the command of Roman Shukhevych, which slaughtered the entire Jewish population of two villages, see Bruder 2007, p. 150. Also see the original document in TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 5 7, l. 17 (Autobiographies of well-known OUN members).


TsDIA (Tsentralnyi Derzhavnyi Istorychnyi Arkhiv), f. 371, op. 1, spr. 8, ed. 7 7, l. 69.


Very interesting in this regard is the UCC Task Force for» Developing Community Strategies regarding Recent Attacks on Ukraine's Liberation Movement «which was established in March 2009 by the UCC. This Task Force was also made up of such CIUS employees as Jars Balan and other believers in the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism, living mainly in Canada and Ukraine, including Steven Bande-ra, the grandson of Stepan Bandera. During a teleconference on March 8, 2009, the UCC Task Force discussed both this paper and another article by the author that were to be presented at the Holocaust and Memory Politics Workshop at the University of Alberta on March 11. At another conference, the UCC Task Force discussed the question of how to prevent research on issues surrounding the Holocaust and War Criminality in Ukraine. As the director of the UCC Paul Grod mentioned, the UCC Task Force considered how to» put pressure on North American academic institutions which are funded by community money (Harvard [Ukrainian Research Institute], the CIUS, and the Chair of Ukr[ainian] Studies [at the University of Ottawa], etc.)«. Shortly prior to my presentation of this article at the Holocaust Workshop, Bohdan Klid, the assistant director of the CIUS and a well-known activist of Ukrainian nationalism, came up to me and demanded to speak to me about my article. I declined and invited him to the workshop to express his concerns. Klid did not appear at the workshop. Information about the UCC Task Force and the content of the teleconferences come from emails by Lesia Demkowicz to [name withheld], March 2, and of Jars Balan to Lesia Demkowicz et al., March 14, 2010, in addition to an e-mail from Paul Grod to community leaders sent out on March 14, 2010. I am grateful to John-Paul Himka for providing me with the e-mails concerning the UCC Task Force for» Developing Community Strategy regarding Recent Attacks on Ukraine's Liberation Movement«.


The Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute invited Viatrovych a month later, on December 8, 2010, to give a lecture, as well. On Viatrovich's anti-Semitic writing about Jews and the OUN-UPA, cf. Kurylo, Taras/Himka, John-Paul: Iak OUN stavylasia do ievreiv: formulovannia pozycii na tli ka-tastrofy [What was the Attitude of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists toward the Jews? Reflections on Volodymyr Viatrovych's Book]. In: Ukraina Moderna 2/13 (2008), pp. 252–265. On anti-Semitism in contemporary Ukraine in general, cf. Per Anders Ruling: Organized Anti-Semitism in Contemporary Ukraine: Structure, Influence and Ideology. In: Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slavistes XLVIII/ 1–2 (2006), pp. 81-119. On Viatrovych's lecture at the CIUS, cf. http://www. uofaweb.ualberta.ca/EVENTS/details. cfm?ID_event=25450 (accessed: 15.12.2010). On Viatrovych's lecture at the HURI, cf. http://www.huri. harvard.edu/calendar.html (accessed: 15.12.2010).


For David Marples and Ivan Lysi-ak-Rudnytsky, see Marples, David R.:Studying Ukraine. In: http://www.hist.cam.ac.uk/seminars_events/semi-nars/modern-european/marples-wri-ting-history-of-ukraine.pdf (accessed: 31.07.2010).


For John-Paul Himka and Ivan Lysiak-Rudnytsky, cf. Himka, John-Paul: My Past and Identities. In: Suny, Ronald Grigor/Kennedy, Michael D. (Eds.): Intellectuals and the Articulation of the Nation. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Pr. 1999, pp. 165–169, here p. 168.


The monograph is an introduction into historical discourses on the famine of 1932–1933 in Soviet Ukraine and the Ukrainian nationalism, cf. Marples, David. R: Heroes and Villains. Creating National History in Contemporary Ukraine. Budapest: Central European UP 2007.


For John-Paul Himka admiring the U PA in the 1980s, advising historians to follow the rules of the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism and being angry with historians who do not follow them, cf. the correspondence between John-Paul Himka and Janusz Radziejowski in: Interview with John-Paul Himka (a manuscript forthcoming in Krytyka). For David Marples uncritically following a Cold War narrative that whitewashed the OUN and U PA of crimes against Jews, Poles, non- nationalistic Ukrainians, Russians etc., cf. Marples, David: Ukraine During World War II: Resistance Movements and Reannexation. In: The Ukrainian Weekly 41/LIII (13.10.1985), p. 7, p. 13. In this article, Marples euphemizes UPA's crimes with the statement that» some undisciplined actions on the part of an armed group were almost inevitable«(ibid.) and claims that the U PA was a multicultural force as he writes that according to a Western source, the nationality groups within the [UPA's] ranks included Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Tatars, and Jews«(ibid.).


Buduemo dim ukrains'koi molodi [We are Building a Home for Ukrainian Youth]. In: Ukrainian News 8 (22.02.1973), p. 4; Rudling, Per: Multi-culturalism, Memory and Ritualization. Ukrainian public memorials in Edmonton, Alberta (article in progress which will explore in more depth the financial background of multiculturalism and Ukrainian nationalism in Edmonton).


The abbreviation OUN-B is used to distinguish the Bandera faction of the OUN from the faction led by Andrii Mel'nyk (OUN-M).


The term "Ukrainian National Revolution" is a propaganda term that the OUN-B used in 1940-41 to describe its plans for the Ukrainian territories after the outbreak of the conflict between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. For this reason, in this article, this term is always placed within quotation marks. For use of this term by the OUN-B, see Tsentral'nyi derzhavnyi arkhiv hromads'kykh obiednan' Ukrainy (TsDAHO) f. 1 (Tsentral'nyi komitet kompartii Ukrainy), op. 23, spr. 926, ll. 188, 193 (Postanovy II. Velykoho zboru Orhanizatsii Ukrains'kykh Natsionalistiv, 15, 25). For the alternative "Ukrainian Revolution," see Tsentral 'nyi derzhavnyi arkhiv wshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukrainy (TsDAVOV) f. 3833 (Kraewi provid Orhanizatsii ukrains'kykh natsionalistiv na zakhidnoukrains'kykh zemliakh), op. 2, spr. 1, l. 17 (Borot'ba i diial'nist" OUN pid chas viiny). The concept of a revolution, also termed a "national" or "permanent" one, is older than the OUN-B itself. The basic idea of the revolution was that it should liberate the Ukrainians from "occupiers." In 1940-41, however, the OUN-B invested this idea with a fascist, antisemitic, and racial meaning. For the older concepts of revolution, see, e.g., "Permanenma revoliutsiia," Surma 37, 10 (1930): 4–7; and Mykola Stsibors'kyi, "Peredposylka natsional 'noi revoliutsii," Rozbudova natsii 54–55, 7–8 (1932): 161-69.


Scholars working on this topic have already indicated some overlap between the proclamation of the Ukrainian state and the organization of pogroms and other acts of violence, but to date no one has analyzed them as parts of the same event, i.e., the "Ukrainian National Revolution." See, e.g., Franziska Bruder, "Den Ukrainischen Staat erkampfen oder sterbeni" Die Organisation Ukrainischer Nationalisten (OUN) 1929–1948 (Berlin: Metropol, 2007), 149.


For violence against Poles in Volhynia and eastern Galicia, see Grzegorz Motyka, Ukrainska partyzantka 1942–1960: Dziatalnosc Organizacji ukrainskich nacjonalistow i Ukrainskiej powstanczej armii (Warsaw: Rytm, 2006); Motyka, Tak Byto w Bieszczadach: Walki polskoukrainskie 1943–1948 (Warsaw: Oficyna wydawnicza Volumen, 1999), 110-15, 125-28; Timothy Snyder, "'To Resolve the Ukrainian Problem Once and for All': The Ethnic Cleansing of Ukrainians in Poland, 1943–1947," Journal of Cold War Studies 1, 2 (1999): 93-100. For the second Soviet occupation of western Ukraine, the brutal conflict between the Soviets and the OUN-UPA, and the terror conducted by the Soviets and the OUN-UPA against the civilian population, see Jeffrey Burds, "AGENTURA: Soviet Informants' Networks and the Ukrainian Underground in Galicia, 1944–1948," East European Politics and Societies 11, 1, (1997): 89-130, here 104-15; and Bruder, Den Ukrainischen Staat erkiimpfen odersterben, 231-32, 261-62. For the murder of Poles after the beginning of World War II and the German-Soviet war, see Motyka, Ukrainska partyzantka 1942–1960, 71–73, 99-100; and Wladystaw Siemaszko and Ewa Siemaszko, Ludobojstwo dokonane przez nacjonalistow ukrainskich na ludnosci polskiej Wolynia 1939–1945 (Warsaw: Wydawnictwo von borowiecky, 2000), 2:1034-37.


Other scholars have studied these documents, but as far as I know nobody has given them adequate attention. See, e.g., Frank Grelka, Die ukrainische Nationalbewegung unter deutscher Besatzungsherrschaft 1918 und 1941/1942 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005), 271-73. Grelka argues that in July and August 1941 the OUN-B had little support in western Ukrainian society. To justify this view, Grelka cited much too low a number of people signing the resolutions: he estimates "an average of no more than 60 per district" (Get. Bezirk, Ukr. pavit or rajah) in Ternopil" oblast, referring to the document "Plebitsytova aktsiia" in TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 32. Here Grelka mistakes 60 signatures for a village in Ternopil" oblast to refer to an entire district, which usually comprised dozens of villages. This same file also includes a list of 71 villages from Zboriv district in L'viv oblast. The village with the lowest number of signatures on this list is Popolivka, with 53, and the one with the highest number is Ozirna with 1,045. Most others lie somewhere between 53 and 1,045 per village. The number of signatures collected in a district was therefore much higher than 60. In Zolochiv district alone, for instance, the OUN-B collected 8,000 signatures. See TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 34, l. 40.


Frank Golczewski, "Die Kollaboration in der Ukraine," in Kooperation und Verbrechen: Formen der "Kollaboration" im ostlichen Europa 1939–1945, ed. Christoph Dieckmann, Babette Quinkert, and Tatjana Tonsmeyer (Gottingen: Wallstein, 2003), 162; R. Lisowi, Rozlam v OUN (Krytychni narysy z nahody dvatsiatylittia zasnuvannia OLIN) (s.l.: Vydavnytsvo Ukraina, 1949), 38–40.


For the ideology of the OUN, see Bruder, Den Ukrainischen Staat erkampfen oder sterben, 37–48; and Alexander J. Motyl, The Turn to the Right: The Ideological Origins and Development of Ukrainian Nationalism, 1919–1929 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1980), 163-69.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 7, 1.2 (Draft of the constitution of a Ukrainian state).


Ibid. For a more detailed characterization of natsiokratiia, see Bruder, Den ukrainischen Staat erkampfen oder sterben, 34–35.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 7, ll. 2, 7.


Ibid., l. 7.


The term "integral nationalism" became popular among historians of nationalism in the 1940s. Integral nationalism has been associated with the OUN and the Ukrainian nationalist movement since studies such as John Armstrong's Ukrainian Nationalism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1955), 19–21. To some extent, this is a problematic connection. The term "integral nationalism" was invented by the protofascist French monarchist Charles Maurras. Like Maurras, the OUN claimed that the nation is a "prior condition of every social and individual good" but the OUN did not claim, for example, that the "traditional hereditary monarchy" is a necessary condition for a state, as Maurras did. For this and several other reasons, the Ukrainian nationalist movement and in particular the OUN in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s can by no means be reduced to integral nationalism. Nor did contemporary ideologists of Ukrainian nationalism, like Dmytro Dontsov, who inspired the OUN in the 1920s and 1930s, use this term. Dontsov frequently characterized Ukrainian nationalism as being fascist and nationalistic, claiming that it belonged to the family of European fascist movements. From the contemporary point of view, Armstrong's Ukrainian Nationalism is a problematic study. It is partially based on interviews with OUN activists and UPA veterans and misses many important archival documents that were not accessible during the Cold War. Due to his method of investigation, Armstrong misses such crucial events as pogroms against the Jews in western Ukraine in the summer of 1941 and the ethnic cleansing of the Polish population by the UPA in Volhynia and Galicia in 1943-44. On Charles Maurras and integral nationalism, see Steve Bastow, "Integral Nationalism," in World Fascism: A Historical Encyclopedia, ed. Cyprian P. Blamires (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC–CLIO, 2006), 1:338. On Dontsov, see Tomasz Stryjek, Ukrainska idea narodowa okresu miedzywojennego: Analizy wybranych koncepcji (Wrodaw: FUNNA, 2000), 118-19, 132, 139-40, 143-51; Taras Kurylo and John-Paul Himka, "Iak OUN stavylasia do ievreiv: Formulovannia pozytsii na tli katastrofy," Ukraina moderna 13, 2 (2008): 264; and Motyl, The Turn to the Right, 68, 71–85.


Motyl, The Turn to the Right, 163-69. Heorhii Kas" ianov, in an article about the ideology of the OUN ("Ideolohiia OUN: Istoryko-retrospektyvnyi analiz," Ukrains "kyi istorychnyi zhurnal 1 [2004]: 38–41), recently came to a similar conclusion. Kas" ianov's study emphasized the uniqueness of the OUN and underestimated ideological transfer from outside, quoting dubious semi-scholars from the OUN like Petro Mirchuk. The study lacks a sufficiently analytical approach, although it does provide a few useful interpretations of Ukrainian ideology.


Daniel Ursprung, "Faschismus in Ostmittel- und Siidosteuropa: Theorien, Ansatze, Fragestellungen," in Der Einfluss yon Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus auf Minderheiten in Ostmittel-und Siidosteuropa, ed. Mariana Hausleimer and Harald Roth (Munich: IKGS-Verlag, 2006), 22. For the peculiarities of East European fascism, see also Stephen FischerGalati, "Introduction," in Who Were the Fascists? Social Roots of European Fascism, ed. Stein Ugelvik Larsen, Bernt Hagtvet, and Jan Petter Myklebust (Bergen: Universitetsforlaget, 1980), 351-53.


For the incorporation of the League of Ukrainian Fascists into the OUN in 1929, see Frank Golczewski, Deutsche und Ukrainer 1914–1939 (Padeborn: Schoningh, 2010), 550; Oleksandr Panchenko, Mykola Lebed" (zhyttia, dial'nist; derzhavno-pravovi pohliady) (Kobeliaky: Kobeliaky, 2001), 15.


Excellent discussions of the theory of fascism, in addition to characterizations of fascism and fascist movements, can be found in Michael Mann, Fascists (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 1-23; Roger Eatwell, Fascism: A History (London: Chatto and Windus, 1995), 3-12; Roger Griffin, The Nature of Fascism (London: Pinter, 1991), 1-19; Jerzy W. Borejsza, Schulen des Hasses: Faschistische Systeme in Europa (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer TB, 1999), 54–56; Stanley G. Payne, A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995), 3-19, 26–52; and Wolfgang Wippermann, Faschismus: Eine Weltgeschichte vom 19. Jahrhundert his heute (Darmstadt: Primus, 2009). For the influence of fascism on East Central and Southeastern Europe, see Ursprung, "Faschismus in Ostmittel-und Sudosteuropa," 9-52.


The other Ukrainian term for leader-vozhd'-was reserved for Andrii Mel'nyk after the Second General Congress of the OUN on 27 August 1939. Therefore, the OUN-B, to distinguish its Fuhrerprinzip from that of the OUN-M, called Bandera providnyk. For more on this congress, see Golczewski, Deutsche und Ukrainer 1914–1939, 943-44.


TsDAHO f. 1, op. 23, spr. 926, ll. 199–202, 207.


Ibid., l. 199. This salute later embarrassed the OUN. In postwar publications reprinting the resolutions of the Second General Congress of the OUN-B in April 1941, the resolution about the fascist salute was deleted from the text. Compare, for example, OUN v svitli postanov Velykykh zboriv (s.l.: Zakordonni chastyny Orhanizatsii ukrains'kykh natsionalistiv, 1955), 44–45, with the original publication Postanovy II: Velykoho zboru Orhanizatsii ukrains 'kykh natsionalistiv of 1941 in TsDAHO f. 1, op. 23, spr. 926, 1. 199.


TsDAHO f. 1, op. 23, spr. 926, ll. 190-93.


For a rethinking of these elements of fascism in the OUN, see O. I. Steaniv, "Za pravvl'nvi pidkhid," in Ideia i chyn. no. 2 (1943): 22. For a resolution to collect and remove from circulation documents which discussed the involvement of Ukrainian militia in the pogroms of 1941 and their assistance to the Germans in the shooting of Jews, see Kurylo and Himka, "Iak OUN stawlasia do ievreiv," 260. See also the document itself: TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 43, 1.9 (Nakaz ch. 2/43). On the process of "democratization," see David R. Marples, Heroes and Villains: Creating National History in Contemporary Ukraine (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2007), 194-96.


Grelka, Die ukrainische Nationalbewegung, 269.


On the "Generalplan Ost," see Czeshw Madajczyk, "Vom Generalplan Ost zum Generalumsiedlungsplan," in Der "Generalplan Ost"." Hauptrichtungen der nationalsozialistischen Planungs- und Vernichtungspolitik, ed. Mechtild Rossler and Sabine Schleiermacher (Berlin: Akademie, 1993), vii. For Hitler's attitude toward Eastern Europeans and Ukraine, see Czeshw Madajczyk, Vom Generalplan Ost zum Generalumsiedlungsplan (Munich: Saur, 1994), 23–25; and Henry Picker, Hitler Tischgesprache: Im Fuhrerhauptquartier 1941–1942 (Bonn: Athenaum, 1951), 50–51, 69, 115-16.


Hans Werner Neulen, An deutscher Seite: Internationale Freiwillige yon Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS (Munich: Universitas, 1992), 17.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 69, 11. 23–28 (Propahandyvni Vkazivki na peredvoennyi chas, na chas viiny i revoliutsii ta na pochatkovi dhi derzhavnoho budivnytstva).


Ibid., II. 23, 25–28. The OUN-B modified, for example, the hymn of the European prole tariat, "The Internationale," for use in its "national revolution." See ibid., 1.25.


Ibid., 1. 24; ibid., op. 2, spr. 1, l. 80 (Borot'ba i diial'nist" OUN pid chas viiny). In Ukrainian Vbyvaite vorohiv, shcho mizh vamy-zhydiv, i seksotiv. This slogan was developed for factory workers.


Ibid., op. 1, spr. 69, 1.26.


Ibid., 1.43.


Ibid., 1.26.


Ibid., 1.27. For details on how the OUN-B wanted to control the political situation in the Ukrainian state, see ibid.,op.2, spr.1, l1.44–45.


Ibid., op. 2, spr. 1, 11. 15–89.


Ibid.,op.1,spr.15,1.7(Internal telegram of the OUN,31July 1941)


Ibid., op. 2, spr. 1, l. 32.


Ibid., Il. 22, 31–32, 83.


TsDAHO f. 1, op. 23, spr. 926, ll. 188, 193.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 2, spr. I, l. 2.


TsDAHO f. 1, op. 23, spr. 926, l. 189; Klymyshyn, V pokhodido voli, 303-4, 311-13.


Armstrong, Ukrainian Nationalism, 77.


Ibid., 79–80.


"Aufzeichnungen des Vortragenden Legationsrats Grosskopf," Akten zur deutschen Auswartigen Politik 1918–1945, Serie D, Band XIII, ed. Walter Bussmann (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1970), 167-68. See also Bundesarchiv Berlin-Lichterfelde (BA Berlin-Lichterfelde) R. 6 (Reichsministerium fur die Besetzen Ostgebiete)/150, 11. 4–5 (Rucksprache mit Prof. Dr. Koch am 10.7.1941); and Kost' Pankivs'kyi, Vid derzhavy do komitetu (New York Toronto: Zhyttia i mysli,1957),30–32.


Iaroslav Stets'ko dubbed the arrest of Stepan Bandera a "confiscation" (TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 6, l.2).


Ibid., spr. 5, l.3 (from the proclamation act signed by Iaroslav Stets'ko).


Ibid., 1.3.


Ibid., spr. 4, l. 6 (Minutes of the proclamation ceremony).


Ibid., spr. 57, l. 17 (Autobiographies of well-known OUN members); Bruder, Den ukrain ischen Staat erkampfen oder sterben, 150.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 4, l. 7.


Myroslav Kal'ba, U lavakh druzhynnykiv (Denver: Vydannia Druzhyn ukrains'kykh nat sionalistiv, 1982), 9-10; BA Berlin-Lichterfelde: NS 26 (Hauptarchiv NSDAP)/1198, I. 1 (Information leaflet no. 1, 1 July 1941).


BA Berlin-Lichterfelde: NS 26/1198, ll. 1, 12 (Niederschrift uber die Rucksprache mit den Mitgliedem des ukrainischen Nationalkomitees und Stepan Bandera von 3.7.1941).


Ibid., l. 2.


Ibid., ll. 1–3. For Sheptyts'kyi's pastoral letter, see OUN v svitli postanov Velykykh Zboriv (s.l.: Zakordonni chastyny Orhanizatsii Ukrains'kykh Natsionalistiv, 1955), 58.


For an OUN-B instruction to erect triumphal arches, see TsDAVOV f. 4620, op. 3, spr. 379, l.34 (Instruktsiia propahandy, ch. 1). For pictures and descriptions of triumphal arches, see V. Cherednychenko, Natsionalizm proty natsii (Kyiv: Politvydav Ukrainy, 1970), 93; Grelka, Die ukrainische Nationalbewegung, 256; Archiwum Wschodnie (AW) II/737, l.25; and the cover of Aleksandr Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag: OUN, UPA i reshenie "evreiskogo voprosa" (Moscow: Regnum, 2008).


BA Berlin-Lichterfelde: R 58 (Reichssicherheitshauptamt)/214, Ereignismeldungen UdSSR, Berlin, 17 July 1941, no. 25, l. 202.


TsDAVOV f. 4620, op. 3, spr. 379, l. 34.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 15, l. 4 (Zvit pro robotu v spravi orhanizatsii derzhavnoi administratsii na tereni Zakhidnykh oblastei Ukrainy). For a photo of Sheptyts'kyi with a swastika badge on his coat during the revolution, see B. E Sabrin, Alliance for Murder: The Nazi-Ukrainian Nationalist Partnership in Genocide (New York: Sarpedon, 1991), 172.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 45, l.3. By claming that he "saw Bandera twice under the gallows unconquerable and loyal to the idea," Klymiv meant the trials against the OUN in 1935-36 in Warsaw and in 1936 in L'viv, at which Bandera was sentenced to death but was said not to have expressed any fear. At the second trial the death penalty was changed to life imprisonment.


The picture of a German officer and two men in plain clothes at the podium is printed in Cherednychenko, Natsionalizm praty natsii, 93. For the date of this event, see TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 15, l. 15.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 22, ll. 1–3.


Ibid., op. 3, spr. 7, l. 26.


Ibid., op. 1, spr. 10, l. 4 (A list of deputies of the Ukrainian government abroad).


BA Berlin-Lichterfelde, R 58/214, Ereignismeldungen UdSSR. Berlin, 4 July 1941, no. 12, I. 69. On the Council of Seniors, see also TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 15, l.3.


On all the projects of the state apparatus drafted by Stepaniak, see Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii (GARF) f. R-9478 (Glavnoe upravlenie po bor'be s banditizmom MVD SSR), op. 1, d. 136, ll. 14–15. On Stepaniak's communist activities in the 1930s, see ibid., l. 10.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 9, 11. 1, 3 (Copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Administration of Ukraine). Ukrainian postavyty spravupo nimets "ky. Ibid., 1.1. For a very similar statement about dealing with the "non-Ukrainians" in "Ukraine," see ibid., spr. 69, 1.36.


On the pogroms in western Ukraine, see Dieter Pohl, "Anti-Jewish Pogroms in Western Ukraine-A Research Agenda," in Shared History-Divided Memory: Jews and Others in Soviet-Occupied Poland, 1939–1941, ed. Elazar Barkan, Elizabeth A. Cole, and Kai Struve (Leipzig: Leipziger Universitatsverlag, 2007), 305-13; and Gabriele Lesser, "Pogromy w Galicji Wschodniej w 1941 r," in Ternary polsko-ukrainskie, ed. Robert Traba (Olsztyn: Wspolnota Kulturowas Borussia, 2001), 103-26. Similar waves of pogroms also broke out shortly after the start of the German-Soviet war in northeastern Poland and in Lithuania. For pogroms in Poland, see Andrzej Zbikowski, "Pogroms in Northeastern Poland-Spontaneous Reactions and German Instigations," in Shared History-Divided Memory, 315-54. For pogroms in Lithuania, see Christoph Dieckmann, "Lithuania in Summer 194l-The German Invasion and the Kaunas Pogrom," in Shared History-Divided Memory, ed. Barkan, Cole, and Struve, 355-85.


The pogrom started on 30 June 1941 or even before. For testimonies that date the beginning of the violence to 1 July 1941, see Kurt I. Lewin, Przezytem: Saga Swietego Jura spisana w roku 1946(Warszawa: Zeszyty literackie, 2006), 56–57; and ZIH 229/54, Teka Lwowska, 1.2. For the course of the pogrom in L'viv, see Christoph Mick, "Ethnische Gewalt und Pogrome in Lemberg 1914 und 1941," Osteuropa 53, 12 (2003): 1810-11, 1824-29; Hannes Heer, "Einubung in den Holocaust: Lemberg Juni/Juli 1941," Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschafi 49 (2001): 410, 424; Bruder, Den ukrainischen Staat erkampfen oder sterben, 140-50; Grelka, Die ukrainische Nationalbewegung, 276-86; Dieter Pohl, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien 1941–1944: Organisation und Durchfuhrung eines staatlichen Massenverbrechens (Munich: Oldenbourg, 1997), 60–62; and Wachs, Der Fall Theodor Oberlander (1909–1998), 71, 78–80. For posters and other OUN-B propaganda in L'viv during the pogrom, see Jan Rogowski, "Lwow pod znakiem swastyki: Pamietnik z lat 1941–1942" (unpublished manuscript) in Zaklad narodowy im. Ossolinskich in Wroclaw, 16711/II, 10; Lewin, Przezylem, 65; Eliyahu Yones, Die Strasse nach Lemberg: Zwangsarbeit und Widerstand in Ostgalizien 1941–1944 (Frankfurt am Main: Fischer Taschenbuch, 1999), 18; and Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag, 47–52. According to Diukov, some soldiers of the Nachtigall battalion participated in the violence in L'viv as well (Vtorostepennyi vrag, 71–72). Eyewitnesses saw soldiers from the Nachtigall battalion beating Jews on 1 July in the yard of the prison on Zamarstynivs'ka Street (AZIH, 30/12242, Zygmunt Tune, 1; Lewin, Przezytem, 61).


Mick, "Ethnische Gewalt und Pogrome in Lemberg 1914 und 1941," Osteuropa 53, 12 (2003): 1825. During this pogrom, 4,000 Jews were killed. In addition, on 5 July, between 2,500 and 3,000 Jews were shot by the German task forces. Cf. Pohl, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfalgung in Ostgalizien 1941–1944, 61, 69. Between 25 and 28 July 1941 another pogrom, dubbed the "Petliura days," occurred in L'viv. Several hundred Jews were killed, mainly by Ukrainian militiamen and Ukrainian peasants who came to L'viv from adjacent villages to take part in the violence. Cf. AZIH, 301/230, Jakub Dentel, 2; AZIH, 301/1864, Salomon Goldman, 5; AZIH, 301/4654, Henryk Szyper, 11; AZIH, 301/1584, Izak Weiser, 1; AZIH, 302/26, Lejb Wieliczker, 21; AZIH, 301/4944, Jan Badian, 1–6; AZIH, 301/1117, Leonard Zimmerman, 1; AZIH, 301/1801, Henryk Baldinger, 1–4; and AZIH, 301/2278, Lucyna Hallensberg, I.


Dieter Pohl, "Anti-Jewish Pogroms in Western Ukraine," in Shared History-Divided Memory, ed. Barkan, Cole, and Struve, 306.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 2, spr. 1, l.32.


Ibid., ll. 62, 64. All Ukrainian men between 18 and 50 who were obliged to join the militia were to have been divided into professional militiamen who were employed full-time and reserve forces ("volunteer members"-chleny-dobrovol'tsi) who earned a living elsewhere but could be mobilized at any time.


Ibid., l.62.


For the activities of the Ukrainian militia during the pogrom, see Yones, Die Strasse nach Lemberg, 18–19; AZIH, 301-1809, Jaroslaw Korczynski (Zeznania ocalalych Zydow), 1; AZIH, 301/4654, Henryk Szyper, 6; AZIH, 301/1864, Salomon Goldman, 1; AZIH 229/22, Maurycy Allerhand (Teka Lwowska), 1; and AZIH: 229-54, Teka Lwowska, 1. For general accounts of the Ukrainian police forces during World War II in Ukraine, see Dieter Pohl, "Ukrainische Hilfskrafte beim Mord an den Juden," in Die Tater der Shoah: Fanatische Nationalsozialisten oder ganz normale Deutsche? ed. Gerhard Paul (Gottingen: Wallenstein, 2002), 202-34; and Gabriel N. Finder and Alexander V. Prusin, "Collaboration in Eastern Galicia: The Ukrainian Police and the Holocaust," East European Jewish Affairs 34, 2 (2004): 95-118. For information on German assistance in anti-Jewish measures, see Patryliak, Viis "kova diial "nist" OUN (B) u 1940–1942 rokakh, 232.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 2, spr. 1, ll. 60, 62.


On the antisemitism of the OUN-B leader Iaroslav Stets'ko, see Karel C. Berkhoff and Marco Carynnyk, "The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and Its Attitude toward Germans and Jews: Iaroslav Stets'ko's 1941 Zhyttiepys," Harvard Ukrainian Studies 23, ¾ (1999): 149-84. For the activities of the Ukrainian militia, see Pohl, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien, 46.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 12, l. 10 (Telegram of Iaroslav Stets'ko to Stepan Bandera, no. 13, 25.6.1941).


U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Record Group (USHMM RG) 31.018M, reel 20; Upravlinnia sluzhby bezpeky Ukrainy v Rivens'kii oblasti (USB v Rivens'kii oblasti), no. 19090, t. 3, ll. 3, 3v., 100, 101. On the militia, see also Pohl, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien, 46.


According to Dmytro Honta, the printer of the posters, ten Jews were forced to help print the propaganda posters: see his "Drukarstvo Zakhidnoi Ukrainy pidchas okupatsii," Konkurs na spohady, Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre Winnipeg, ll. 14–16. Some of the posters are in the collection of TsDAVOV. See TsDAVOV f. 3822, op. 1, spr. 63, ll. 112-14.


"Akt prohloshennia Ukrains'koi derzhavy," Samostiina Ukraina, 10 July 1941, 1.


"Sviatochna akademiia," Ukrains'ke slovo, 24 July 1941, 1.


BA Berlin-Lichterfelde: NS 26/1198, ll. 1–5, 10.


Ibid., ll. 9-12.


The OUN-B member Volodymyr Stakhiv sent to "Your Excellency" Adolf Hitler on 23 June 1941 an official letter in which he informed Hitler that the OUN believed that the Jewish-Bolshevik impact on Europe would soon be checked and that the "recreation of an independent national Ukrainian state in the terms of the Brest-Litovsk peace treaty will stabilize the national [volkisch] New Order." In the name of the OUN leader Stepan Bandera, Stakhiv also sent out a memorandum about the resolution of the Ukrainian question. See Bundesarchiv Koblenz R 43 II (Reichskanzlei)/1500, l. 61, memorandum on ll. 63–77. The OUN-B member Rikhard (Riko) Iaryi also sent a telegram from Vienna to Berlin; he assured Hitler of the OUN-B's loyalty, its readiness to struggle together with the "glorious German Wehrmacht" against "Muscovite Bolshevism," and its willingness to mobilize more Ukrainians living in Germany who could fight for the "liberation of Ukraine" and "finish with the chaos in Eastern Europe." See TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 22, l. 10.


BA Berlin-Lichterfelde: NS 26/1198, ll. 12–14.


Bruder, Den ukrainischen Staat erkampfen oder sterben, 135.


Ibid., 137. Franziska Bruder, "'Der Gerechtigkeit dienen': Die ukrainischen Nationalisten als Zeugen im Auschwitz-Prozess," in Im Labyrith der Schuld: Tater-Opfer-Anklager, ed. Irmtrud Wojak and Susanne Meinl (Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2003), 138, 148.


Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag, 66.


Ievhen Stakhiv, Kriz' tiurmy, pidpillia i kordany (Kyiv: Rada, 1995), 99-100.


BA Berlin-Lichterfelde, R 58/217, Ereignismeldungen UdSSR, Berlin, 10 September 1941, no. 79, 1. 10; Berlin-Lichterfelde, R 58/216, Ereignismeldungen UdSSR, Berlin, 9 September 1941, no. 78, 1. 355.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 29–35.


There are only four letters in the Politische Archiv des Auswartigen Amtes, R 105191 (Akten betreffend Ukraine: Lage der Volksdeutschen. Gebietsanspriiche Rumaniens. Ukr. Nationalbewegung, Denkschrift z. Entwicklung d. ukr. Gebiete). I cannot say how many letters were actually sent to Berlin.


For example, TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 29, l. 4 (Letters from Iavlon'ka, Raznychi, and Tel'chi).


For example, ibid., spr. 31, ll. 29–30 (Letter from Steniatyn to Stepan Bandera, 19 July 1941) or spr. 30, ll. 8–9 (Letter from Barani Peretoki to Iaroslav Stets'ko).


Ibid., spr. 31, l. 1. The handwritten letter is titled Zaiava da Uriadu Iaroslava Stets'ka.


Ibid., spr. 29, ll. 2–3 (Resolution from the village of Elblanivka, 13 July 1941). Here and below, these citations are example texts.


Ibid., l. 13 (Letter from the village of Ksaverivka, 19 July 1941).


Ibid., spr. 31, l. 36 (Letter from Steniatyn to Adolf Hitler, 19 July 1941).


Ibid., spr. 29, l. 9 (Letter from the village Ksaverivka to Iaroslav Stets'ko, 18 July 1941).


Ibid., spr. 29.


Letters and telegrams from various places declaring loyalty to the OUN-B government and the new administration as well as several descriptions of celebrations of the proclamation of the Ukrainian state are in ibid., spr. 15.


"Zvit robochoi hrupy istorykiv pry Uriadovii komisii z vyvchennia diial'nosti OUN i UPA," www.ukraine-poland.com/u/publicystyka/publicystyka.php?id=3480 (accessed 24 February 2009); TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 45, l. 2. See also "Zvit pro robotu v spravi orhanizatsii derzhavnoi administratsii na tereni Zakhidnykh oblastei Ukrainy," TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 15, ll. 1–4.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 34, l. 40 (Report from the meeting of Ukrainian citizens of Zolochiv district).


Ibid., spr. 45, l. 2 (Ivan Klymiv's report to the leadership of the OUN).


Ibid., spr. 29, l. 1. The text of the letter from the village of Rudnyky was used with small modifications in letters from other places like Omel'no, Kulikovychi, Iavlon'ka, Raznyi, Tel'chi, etc. See ibid., ll. 1, 4–5.


Ibid., ll. 13–14. A list of 80 signatures is affixed to the letter. The same letter was also ad dressed to Iaroslav Stets'ko and signed by 75 people (ibid., ll. 9-12).


Ibid., spr. 31, ll. 29–30, 36–37, 31–32, respectively.


Ibid., l. 36. In another part of the same letter the enemies are called "bestial Asiatics" (zizvirili aziaty).




Regarding plenipotentiaries in 19th-century Galicia and the Habsburg empire, see John Paul Himka, Galician Villagers and the Ukrainian National Movement in the Nineteenth Century (Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan, 1998), 20–21.


TsDAVOV f. 3833, op. 1, spr. 29, ll. 13–14.


Ibid., spr. 31, l. 36.


Ibid., op. 2, spr. 1, l. 85. In the Ukrainian language of the OUN-B, Odyn narid-odyn provid-odna vlada.


Ibid., op. 1, spr. 31, l. 29.


Ibid., spr. 12, l. 15.


Ibid., spr. 31, l. 31.


Ievhen Stakhiv, interviewed by author, Berlin, NJ, 11 November 2008.

Рекомендуем почитать
Грани допустимого

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Окрик памяти. Книга третья

Говорят, что аннотация – визитная карточка книги. Не имея оснований не соглашаться с таким утверждением, изложим кратко отличительные особенности книги. В третьем томе «Окрика памяти», как и в предыдущих двух, изданных в 2000 – 2001 годах, автор делится с читателем своими изысканиями по истории науки и техники Зауралья. Не забыта галерея высокоодаренных людей, способных упорно трудиться вне зависимости от трудностей обстановки и обстоятельств их пребывания в ту или иную историческую эпоху. Тематика повествования включает малоизвестные материалы о замечательных инженерах, ученых, архитекторах и предпринимателях минувших веков, оставивших своей яркой деятельностью памятный след в прошлые времена.

О своем романе «Бремя страстей человеческих»

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Русская жизнь-цитаты-апрель-2017

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Загадки теории эволюции. В чем ошибался Дарвин

Идея развития – одна из жгучих тайн бытия – остается чрезвычайно важной для познания земной жизни и смысла нашего существования. К сожалению, эволюционная теория Дарвина, основанная на принципе естественного отбора, сегодня не может объяснить появления разумных существ. В поисках собратьев по разуму астрофизики прослушивают и просматривают космические дали. Но таинственные собратья по разуму находятся здесь, на Земле, – это животные и растения, грибы и бактерии. Ученые изучают их с позиций «высшего разума», но высшим разумом обладает Божественная Среда нашей планеты, а все живые существа, включая нас, лишь её более или менее неразумные дети.Пора обдумывать сложные природные процессы, стараясь постичь их смысл.

Ведическая мудрость в притчах и историях. Книга 2

Многие ли из нас могут похвастаться знанием «Ригведы» и «Махабхараты»? Да и имеем ли мы возможность в условиях «кризисной гонки» читать многословные толстые книги?.. Сборник, который Вы держите в руках, – идеальный выход из положения. Эта россыпь миниатюр вбирает в себя целый калейдоскоп «тонких знаний», представленных амальгамой самых разнообразных жанров – от басен и пересказов древнейших эпических поэм до остросюжетных анекдотических историй, соперничающих с лучшими «жемчужинами» жанра. Индийские ведические притчи многогранны и универсальны: они пленят неискушённое сердце и поразят самого «продвинутого» гуру…

Война или военная преступность. Сборник публикаций

Сборник исследований и публикаций «ВОЙНА ИЛИ ВОЕННАЯ ПРЕСТУПНОСТЬ?» — третье издание серии «Историческая правда», основанной Международным антифашистским фронтом в 2011 году.В книге представлены исследования современных западных и отечественных ученых — Анатолия Чайковского, Пера Андерса Рудлинга и Джон-Пола Химки на тему украинского нацизма, радикального национализма, фальсификации истории, создания антиисторических мифов, преступлений против человечности и попыток реабилитации (и героизации) пособников нацизма — членов ОУН и УПА.Предложенные исследования и материалы заинтересуют широкий круг исследователей, представителей СМИ, студентов и школьников, поскольку являются уникальными — большинство из них впервые публикуется в Украине.

Горькая правда. Преступность ОУН-УПА (исповедь украинца)

Пусть никто, кто чувствует себя украинским националистом, не забросает меня грязью, не прочитав эту книгу.