Guderian, H., Panzer Leader, London, 1952.
Halder, F., Hitler as War Lord, London, 1950.
Hanfstaengl, E., Hitler, the Missing Years, London, 1957. Henderson, N.. Failure of a Mission, London, 1940.
Hitler, A., Mein Kampf, London, 1972.
Hitler, A., Hitler's Table Talk 1941-44, ed. H.R. Trevor-Roper, London, 1953.
Hitler, A., The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, 1922-39, ed. N.H. Baynes, Oxford, 1942.
Hitler, A., Hitler’s War Directives, ed. H.R. Trevor-Roper, London, 1964.
Hitler, A., The Testament of Adolf Hitler, London, 1961,.
Hitler, A„ Hitler's Secret Book, New York, 1961.
Irving, D., Hitler's War, London, 1977. Jetzinger, F„ Hitler's Youth, London, 1958.
Kubizek, A., Young Hitler, New York, 1955.
Langer, W., The Mind of Adolf Hitler, London, 1972.
Leach, В., German Strategy against Russia, 1931-41, Oxford. 1973.
Liddell Hart, B.H., The Other Side of the Hill, London, 1951.
Liddell Hart, B.H., History of the Second World War, London, 1972.
Liddell Hart, B.H., Strategy: the indirect approach, London, 1954.
Ltidecke, K.G.W., I Knew Hitler, London, 1938.
Maser, W., Adolf Hitler: Legende, Mythos, Wirklichkeit, Munich, 1971.
Milward, A., The German Economy at War, New York, 1964. Paget, R.H., Manstein, his Campaigns and his Trial, London, 1951.
Papen, F. von, Memoirs, London, 1952.
Rauschning, H., Hitler Speaks, London, 1939.
Rauschning, H., Germany's Revolution of Destruction, London, 1939.
Clausewitz’s great work, Vom Kriege, was first published in Berlin between 1832 and 1834. An English translation by Colonel J.J. Graham appeared in 1873, the best-known edition being that (with an introduction by Colonel F.N. Maude) of 1908. An excellent new translation by Sir Michael Howard and P. Paret was published in 1977; although this is sometimes more accurate, I have nevertheless used the Graham version since it has been the standard English text for over a century.
His historical writings are little known. A definitive edition of Der Feldzug von 1812 in Russland und die Befrei-ungskriege von 1813-15 appeared in Berlin in 1906 (with an introduction by General von Schlieffen). A not altogether reliable English translation, The Campaign of 1812 in Russia, was published in London in 1843 while La Campagne de 1814, which came out in Paris in 1914, is also confined to a single year.