Make Believe - [5]


‘No, no socks either,’ the pathologist said.

All sorts of debris had clung to the sheet and the exposed parts of the victim from the filthy sewer water.

Janine waited patiently while more photographs were taken and notes made of the external appearance of the child. X-rays were taken too before the internal examination began. Janine was there for confirmation of the cause of death and she soon got her answer. A substantial fracture to the back of the skull had killed the child.

‘It’s over a wide area, so we’re looking at impact with a large item,’ the pathologist said.

‘A brick?’ Janine asked, thinking of where the body was found, the building materials to hand.

‘Don’t think so, no linear edge and no brick dust in the scalp which I’d expect. I’ve seen injuries like this before with falls or where a child’s been swung against the wall.’

Janine steadied herself. ‘So, we’re not looking for a weapon as such?’


‘Any sign of sexual abuse?’


‘The other damage?’ Janine said.

‘I’ve more tests to do but I’d say almost certainly post-mortem, and all consistent with the site where the victim was found, the sewer.’

That was something, Janine thought. Whoever had snatched Sammy Wray had not tortured or raped him.

‘If you find any trace material on the body that might be significant, will you let me know straightaway?’ Janine said.

Butchers had only nipped out for a butty but when he returned his heart sank. His desk was decorated with helium balloons, a joke gallows and noose and an inflatable plastic diamond ring. It was common knowledge then.

He should never have mentioned it to Shap. In fact he never intended to but Shap had a way of worming things out of a person, tricking you into saying more than you intended. A handy talent for a copper, but a pain in the arse when you were the fall guy who found all your best kept secrets dragged into the light for all to see.

Shap’s eyes lit up as he saw Butchers was back and he said, ‘She called it off yet? You wanna get the rock back if she does, mate. Stick that in the pre-nuptials.’

‘Who’ve you told?’ Butchers said. ‘Have you told everyone?’

DI Mayne and DCI Lewis chose that moment to walk through the room. Butchers sat down quickly hoping to evade attention but he heard Richard Mayne say to the boss, loud enough for the whole room to hear, ‘Someone finally said yes to Butchers.’

‘Anyone actually met her?’ the boss said.

‘Mail order, eh, i’nt she?’ Shap cackled. ‘Twenty eight days money back guarantee.’

Butchers grinned, feeling sick. Brilliant. Totally. Brilliant.

Bang on time at ten-thirty and Janine’s boss, Detective Superintendent Louise Hogg came in, Millie Saunders at her elbow. Janine glanced at Richard in curiosity. He gave a shrug, no idea why his new squeeze was at the briefing. Staff were still busy setting up computers and extra phone lines.

Detective Superintendent Hogg stepped up to the boards, which contained photographs from the scene at Kendal Avenue, notes of evidence, summary of the post-mortem report, a map of the area, pictures of the sheet and the clothes. At one side – linked by a dotted line – were the details of Sammy Wray’s abduction, nine days earlier, and a question mark beside his photo.

‘A small boy, killed and left in a drainage tunnel. It’s the sort of case we pray won’t happen,’ Hogg said. ‘If anyone needs to step down at any point – do it. Counselling likewise. I don’t want to lose you.’ She surveyed the team for a moment. ‘Now, most of you know Millie Saunders, press office. It’s a high profile case, and Millie will be developing and managing our press strategy.’

Millie gave a nod of the head, by way of greeting. She was slim, dark haired, extremely attractive and always impeccably turned out. She was bright too, quick thinking, Janine knew. She had to be in her role – a link between the media who were always ravenous for news and the police inquiry. As press officer she had to act quickly to make sure the right information reached the right people at the best time and that adverse publicity was kept to a minimum.

‘Janine?’ Louise Hogg stepped away, inviting her to take over.

‘We have three lines of inquiry,’ Janine said, ‘the family, the park and the crime scene. The post-mortem shows death due to a fractured skull consistent with a fall or collision with a large flat surface, a wall for example. There’s no sign of sexual abuse. The child was wrapped in a sheet, generic poly-cotton, chain stores carry them, catalogues. Clothes as per description: popular high street range.’ Janine pointed to the photograph from the poster-appeal and to the recent images of the tattered T-shirt taken from the child’s body. ‘But footwear, socks and trousers are still missing. Estimated time of death is at least a week ago but that is only an estimate. We do not at present know where the primary crime scene, and by that I mean the site of death, is. The property at Kendal Avenue is being examined. The pathologist reported two hairs found on the body, short, straight, brown so not belonging to the boy,’ Janine said. ‘ OK, ideas: family?’

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When private eye Sal Kilkenny is asked to discover the whereabouts of Jennifer Pickering, disinherited by her family twenty years ago, it seems that Jennifer does not want to be found. Despite her initial reservations, as the events of the past gradually unfold, single-mum Sal finds that she is becoming engrossed in the case. There are dark secrets waiting to be uncovered but can Sal break the conspiracy of silence that surrounds this mystery? As she spends her days tracing Jennifer, Sal's nights become shattered by an emotional and often dangerous assignment with the Neighbour Nuisance Unit on one of Manchester's toughest housing estates.

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