Killer Ambition - [10]


Bailey badged our way into the principal’s office-which was casually yet tastefully decorated like no public school principal’s office I’d ever seen-and explained in as little detail as possible that we were there on official business that didn’t involve any student misconduct. The principal looked confused, but he was cowed enough not to ask questions. He gave us the run of the school grounds. Bailey and I moved outside the building, where we wouldn’t be overheard, and I called Mackenzie on her cell.

Raising my voice by at least an octave, I said, “Hey! Where’ve you been? I been lookin’ for ya!”

“At the track,” Mackenzie huffed, out of breath. “I gotta make up-uh, is that you, Jess?”

Bingo. I’d managed to sound like her buddy Jess. Whoever that was.

“What?” I asked. “You’re breaking up…” I pretended we got cut off and ended the call. “You see the track?” I asked Bailey.

“Dead ahead.”

Bailey led the way as we trotted quickly toward the track, which was just behind the principal’s office on a big, well-tended field. Luckily, there was only one girl running laps with a cell phone in her hand. She was average height, about five feet five, but her long, gangly frame made her seem taller. And it was clear that running was not her “thing.” Her legs flailed out at the knees and her hands flopped as she bounced down the track, and even from the distance of one hundred feet, I could see she was red-faced and winded. Of course, in this heat even a strong runner would be boiling. When she neared us, I flagged her down. “Mackenzie!”

She didn’t respond at first, and I noticed she had earbuds on, so I waved my arms and called to her again. She glanced at me but didn’t immediately stop her slow, ungainly jog until Bailey held up her badge. That got her attention. She came to a dead halt, eyes bulging, as she pulled out her earbuds. Though Mackenzie was sweating, she blanched and almost stumbled as she moved toward us.

“Come on, sit over here.” I gestured to a shady section of the bleachers. Mackenzie watched us warily, but she followed us without a word and sat down. “We need to talk to you about Hayley. We’re looking for her.”

An expression of alarm crossed Mackenzie’s face. “What happened?”

“That’s what we need you to tell us, Mackenzie,” Bailey said, in her stern “just the facts, ma’am” voice.

“I-I already told the officer last night. I don’t know anything-”

I positioned my body so the sun wouldn’t blind me and looked at her steadily. “But you two were together on Thursday. You went to Teddy’s with her. And we know you were staying with her at Russell’s house in the hills.”

At the mention of their night at Teddy’s, Mackenzie swallowed so hard I could practically hear the gulp. The fact that I already had that much information hinted that I knew a great deal more, and as I’d intended, it rocked Mackenzie’s bearings. Now was the time to offer reassurance and gain some trust. I shook my head. “We’re not here to bust you for clubbing. We just need to know when you last saw Hayley and whether anything…unusual happened.”

Mackenzie worked her jaw silently for a moment, absorbing this. “I…you’re right, we went to Teddy’s on Thursday. But I went home on Friday morning. I haven’t seen her since then.”

“Will anyone at home verify that? Your mom-”

“My mom’s dead.” She tried to make it sound flat, casual, but the strain in her voice undermined the effort.

Thus Maria’s observation that she was the “sad one.” “I’m so sorry, Mackenzie,” I said gently. She didn’t look up, so I moved past it quickly to give her an escape. “Your dad. If I call him, he’ll say you came home on Friday?”

“Yeah.” Her unstudied monotone told me it was true. “I had to go home. I had a job interview at a plant nursery called Pretty Maids on Melrose. You can check if you don’t believe me.”

“I believe you, Mackenzie. Did you two hang out with anyone new at Teddy’s?” I asked.

Mackenzie frowned, then shook her head as she tucked a hank of her long, straight brown hair behind her right ear.

“Did your boyfriends go to Teddy’s with you?” I knew better than to think that any boyfriends were along for that ride; bouncers are a lot more reluctant to let fake IDs pass for guys than for girls. But I was fishing for information about any guys who might’ve had access to Hayley.

“I don’t have a boyfriend…”

I took a shot in the dark. “But Hayley does. Was he there?”


Though I didn’t want to scare her off by getting too pushy, I was starting to lose my patience with this choppy exchange. “Listen, Mackenzie, you must’ve figured out that something serious is up. A cop showed up at your house last night and now we’re talking to you. Obviously Hayley’s not in school and no one seems to know where she is. As far as we can figure, other than her dad, you’re the only one who’s seen her since Thursday. So it’s very important that you tell us whatever you know, whatever you saw, that might help us find her. Understand?”

Mackenzie stared over my shoulder. She looked frightened but, oddly, not shocked. She knew something she wasn’t telling, that much I was sure of.

Еще от автора Марша Кларк
The Competition

In Marcia Clark's most electrifying thriller yet, Los Angeles District Attorney Rachel Knight investigates a horrifying high school massacre.A Columbine-style shooting at a high school in the San Fernando Valley has left a community shaken to its core. Two students are identified as the killers. Both are dead, believed to have committed a mutual suicide.In the aftermath of the shooting, LA Special Trials prosecutor Rachel Knight teams up with her best girlfriend, LAPD detective Bailey Keller. As Rachel and Bailey interview students at the high school, they realize that the facts don't add up.

Without a Doubt

Without a Doubt is not just a book about a trial. It's a book about a woman. Marcia Clark takes us inside her head and her heart. Her voice is raw, incisive, disarming, unmistakable. Her story is both sweeping and deeply personal. It is the story of a woman who, when caught up in an event that galvanized an entire country, rose to that occasion with singular integrity, drive, honesty and grace.In a case that tore America apart, and that continues to haunt us as few events of history have, Marcia Clark emerged as the only true heroine, because she stood for justice, fought the good fight, and fought it well.

Blood Defense

First in a new series from bestselling author and famed O. J. Simpson trial prosecutor Marcia Clark, a "terrific writer and storyteller" (James Patterson).Samantha Brinkman, an ambitious, hard-charging Los Angeles criminal defense attorney, is struggling to make a name for herself and to drag her fledgling practice into the big leagues. Sam lands a high-profile double-murder case in which one of the victims is a beloved TV star – and the defendant is a decorated veteran LAPD detective. It promises to be exactly the kind of media sensation that would establish her as a heavy hitter in the world of criminal law.Though Sam has doubts about his innocence, she and her two associates (her closest childhood friend and a brilliant ex-con) take the case.

Trouble in Paradise

TROUBLE IN PARADISE is an all-new short story featuring Rachel Knight, star of thrillers GUILT BY ASSOCIATION and GUILT BY DEGREES.Rachel Knight and her friends Toni and Bailey are taking a break from their busy, crime-focussed lives with a trip to tropical island paradise Aruba. But trouble is never far away from these three, and on their first day their investigative skills are called on when a reality TV child star goes missing…

Guilt By Degrees

Someone has been watching D.A. Rachel Knight-someone who's Rachel's equal in brains, but with more malicious intentions. It began when a near-impossible case fell into Rachel's lap, the suspectless homicide of a homeless man. In the face of courthouse backbiting and a gauzy web of clues, Rachel is determined to deliver justice. She's got back-up: tough-as-nails Detective Bailey Keller. As Rachel and Bailey stir things up, they're shocked to uncover a connection with the vicious murder of an LAPD cop a year earlier.

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