High Country Nocturne - [39]
Even if Ahu didn’t belong to Mara Salvatrucha, this was cause for concern. CIs always went to the highest bidder. Peralta had taught me that. Now somebody was able to put in a higher price for Jerry than keeping him out of jail on condition that he provide information and not murder anyone, Peralta’s old deal.
I thought about the Tide. It was tough on stains, a cash cow for Procter & Gamble, and in recent years had become a street currency used to buy drugs. Addicts shoplift the 150-ounce bottles and at the most risk a shoplifting charge, way better than a felony count for burglarizing, say, a television. Organized groups called retail boosters have gotten into the racket, and not only with detergent. Fences buy the items at a discount and resell them, even to major retailers.
Jerry’s simple business model was keeping up with the times.
I said, “We’re not done. You have some place you need to be?”
“I need to close, Mapstone. Really.”
“Your sign says you’re open until eleven.”
His new partners probably had a shipment on the way. I affected nonchalance.
He blew a plume of blue smoke over my head, stood up, turned around, and studied one of the pinups. He sighed and faced me. “God, this town was way simpler when the Italians ran things, you know?”
I nodded sympathetically.
“Tell me about diamonds.”
He looked at me like I was insane. “Diamonds? What?”
“You heard me, Jerry. Tell me about diamonds and I’ll let you close or whatever you need to do.”
He plopped into the chair. “Diamonds. They’re hard. They’re forever. They’re a girl’s best friend. Color, cut, clarity, and carat. Who cares? Some lowlife brings in a stolen engagement ring and I’ll give him a hundred bucks. And that’s if it’s a good ring. The resale market stinks.”
My swollen eye and cheek throbbed in realization.
I smiled on the inside.
He doesn’t know about Peralta and the robbery.
This was a good thing, or so I calculated. If he knew, he might have somehow used it against me. For the first time, I was thankful for a society of ignoramuses that didn’t read newspapers or even watch television news.
He stubbed out the Marlboro. “I don’t deal in ’em.”
“How would a person fence valuable diamonds, in unique settings? Hypothetically speaking.”
“Way over my pay grade,” he said. “Diamonds make people crazy. The 2003 Antwerp heist? A hundred million. They got caught. Absolutely insane plan. But it didn’t keep them from trying. You get into that kind of shit, you better pick out your dirt furniture.”
I raised my eyebrows.
“Dirt furniture,” he repeated. “Goes well six feet under.”
When I spread out comfortably in the chair, he talked again.
“Here’s what I’ve read, okay? Uncut diamonds are the easiest to resell. They’re tough to trace. The buyer could cut them, change their characteristics, and make it hard to track them. Nothing worth more is as small and easy to move. No mineral is worth more per gram. Now, cut diamonds are a different breed of cat. If they’re expensive enough, they might be laser-inscribed, with a number or name. De Beers does that. I’m no expert, but that’s what I’ve heard, see.”
For somebody who claimed little knowledge of diamonds, he knew quite a bit.
I said, “So they’re not fence-able?”
“I’m not saying that.” His pride kicked in. “The smart thief would wait. Let the cops move onto other stuff. Then find the right wholesaler. You know, with the right set of ethics. They’ll still get a fraction of what the diamonds are worth. The wholesaler will resell ’em to retail jewelers who don’t want to ask too many questions.”
He picked out another smoke with the remarkable dexterity of that shot-off hand and lit up.
He continued, “Wholesalers make the money. But understand, they’re after diamonds worth millions, not the engagement ring your girlfriend gave back, see? That’s what I’ve read, at least. Honest to God, I don’t deal in diamonds. If I did, I wouldn’t be in this fuckin’ mess.”
“So who would know about these wholesalers?”
He watched me closely. “You’ll leave if I give you a lead?”
I nodded.
He reached for a notepad with his good hand and scrawled an address. He tore off the page and slid it across to me.
“I handled a delicate matter once,” he said. “Let’s leave it at that. I delivered a package to this office.”
“Who works here?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t want to know and my client wasn’t going to tell me. My instructions were to walk into the outer office at a certain time and put the package on the secretary’s desk and leave. I didn’t see a secretary or anybody. Don’t think that wasn’t intentional. After I got back in the hall, I heard the door being locked behind me. Look, I’m taking a chance even giving you this much.”
As he checked his watch for the tenth time, I unfolded the computer-generated color sketch of Strawberry Death.
“Ever seen this woman?”
“I thought you said you were going?”
I tapped on the sketch.
He actually took a moment to study it. “Nope, but I’d like to. She’s cute. Not exactly the kind of clientele we get in here, you know? She lose a diamond?”
“Something like that.”

In this "prequel" to the popular David Mapstone mysteries, author Jon Talton takes us back to 1999, when everything dot-com was making money, the Y2K bug was the greatest danger facing the world, and the good times seemed as if they would never end.It was a time before David and Lindsey were together, before Mike Peralta was sherriff, and before David had rid himself of the sexy and mysterious Gretchen.In Phoenix, it's the sweet season and Christmas and the new millennium are only weeks away. But history professor David Mapstone, just hired by the Sheriff's Office, still finds trouble, chasing a robber into an abandoned warehouse and discovering a gruesome crime from six decades ago.Mapstone begins an investigation into a Depression-era kidnapping that transfixed Arizona and the nation: the disappearance of a cattle baron's grandsons, their bodies never found.

Cincinnati homicide Detective Will Borders now walks with a cane and lives alone with constant discomfort. He's lucky to be alive. He's lucky to have a job, as public information officer for the department. But when a star cop is brutally murdered, he's assigned to find her killer. The crime bears a chilling similarity to killings on the peaceful college campus nearby, where his friend Cheryl Beth Wilson is teaching nursing. The two young victims were her students. Most homicides are routine, the suspects readily apparent.

The private-detective business starts out badly for former Phoenix Deputy David Mapstone, who has teamed up with his old friend and boss, Sheriff Mike Peralta. Their first client is gunned down just after hiring them. The case: A suspicious death investigation involving a young Arizona woman who fell from a condo tower in San Diego. The police call Grace Hunter's death a suicide, but the client doesn't buy it. He's her brother. Or is he? After his murder, police find multiple driver's licenses and his real identity is a mystery.

A handsome young New York professor comes to Phoenix to research his new book. But when he's brutally murdered, police connect him to one of the world's most deadly drug cartels. This shouldn't be a case for historian-turned-deputy David Mapstone – except the victim has been dating David's sister-in-law Robin and now she's a target, too. David's wife Lindsey is in Washington with an elite anti-cyber terror unit and she makes one demand of him: protect Robin.This won't be an easy job with the city police suspicious of Robin and trying to pressure her.

Cheryl Beth Wilson is an elite nurse at Cincinnati Memorial Hospital who finds a doctor brutally murdered in a secluded office. Wilson had been having an affair with the doctoras husband, a surgeon, and this makes her a aperson of interesta to the police, if not at outright suspect. But someone other than the cops is watching Cheryl Beth.The killing comes as former homicide detective Will Borders is just hours out of surgery. But as his stretcher is wheeled past the crime scene, he knows this is no random act of violence.

Валентин Владимиров живет тихой семейной жизнью в небольшом городке. Но однажды семья Владимировых попадает в аварию. Жена и сын погибают, Валентин остается жив. Вскоре виновника аварии – сына известного бизнесмена – находят задушенным, а Владимиров исчезает из города. Через 12 лет из жизни таинственным образом начинают уходить те, кто был связан с ДТП. Поговаривают, что в городе завелась нечистая сила – привидение со светящимся глазами безжалостно расправляется со своими жертвами. За расследование берется честный инспектор Петров, но удастся ли ему распутать это дело?..

Пророчица предсказала смерть бизнесмену – и на следующее утро его нашли бездыханным… За это дело, полное тайн, взялся оперативник Сергей Горелый. Он только что вышел из тюрьмы, в которую попал «благодаря» своему начальству. Лучший друг Сергея погиб при попытке задержать подозреваемого в убийстве. Теперь для Горелого дело чести – найти виновных в смерти друга. Когда ворожея сказала, что Сергея ждет скорая смерть, он понял: разгадка близка, нужно сделать все, чтобы предсказание не сбылось…

.Точки пересеченияНекий вооружённый уголовник с татуировкой «Три богатыря» связал кладовщика Тюленькина и похитил у него автомобиль «Лада».Таинственным образом пропал инженер Зоркальцев, а неподалеку от райцентра был найден принадлежащий ему автомобиль со следами крови. Незадолго до исчезновения у инженера сгорела дача.На прибывшей из Минска грузовой платформе был обнаружен труп охранника. У охранника был похищен револьвер с боевыми патронами.Эти разрозненные дела пересекутся.ЗавещаниеИ вот пришлось Антону Бирюкову, начальнику районного угрозыска, по поручению начальства ехать в родное село на таинственное исчезновение доярки Тамары Тиуновой, он остается там на несколько дней, наконец то поживет у родителей, раскроет уголовное дело, пообщается с друзьями детства и односельчанами.

Журналист просыпается в тесной запертой комнате с низким потолком. На столе печатная машинка, рядом записка с условием: дверь будет открыта, когда он напишет миллион знаков высококачественного текста. Любые контакты с внешним миром невозможны. Каждый час он должен писать минимум три тысячи знаков, иначе потолок всякий раз будет опускаться на пять сантиметров, пока не раздавит его…

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

После шести лет непрерывного труда в своей конгрегации рабби Смолл… сбежал в Израиль. Никто не знает, когда он вернется, и вернется ли вообще, даже он сам. Едва успев приехать, он тут же попадает в поле зрения полиции, а через некоторое время — на допрос к «инспектору в кипе». Так уж устроен «самый неортодоксальный детектив», что инспектор сразу начинает подозревать его в… неверии в Бога, Оставив инспектора в замешательстве, рабби как всегда блестяще распутывает преступление, помогая своим друзьям избежать беды.