High Country Nocturne - [25]
But that was later.
Now, I stewed for maybe thirty seconds and stood up.
Outside, it was full dark, moonless, and most of the neighbors had their lights off. But I could see Lindsey, thanks to her white blouse. She was on the sidewalk almost a block away.
She had already crossed Third Avenue and was past the judge’s house. He and his wife sang in a band.
The night held no band noises, barely any sounds at all. A bell from a light-rail train clanged two blocks east on Central, the direction Lindsey was heading. If you listened very carefully you could hear the continual grotesque moan of the Papago Freeway to the south.
The street held no FBI watchers, no reporters. Not one car was parked at the curb in our block.
I wanted to run after her but stopped myself. It would only reignite the argument. I started walking east slowly. Maybe I would catch up, maybe I would walk off my own brew of anger, confusion, and neediness. I needed her to understand why I took that file, took that oath.
This would be a good time for one of those business cards from Peralta to turn up and tell me what the hell to do.
I watched as Lindsey reached the gate and wall that closed off Cypress from cars at the end of the block. Pedestrians could walk through openings that lined up with the sidewalk. The wall ran nearly the length of the mile-long historic district. It was one of the horrid changes forced by the neighborhood association-I called it the Willo Soviet-to gain its support for light rail.
The result made the neighborhood, where streets had always run straight through to Central, and when this part of town was much more crowded and busy, into a “gated community.” At least on one end.
The gate across the street supposedly allowed emergency vehicles to come through if need be. But one day a fire truck had stopped and the firefighters had asked Lindsey if she knew the “code” to open the barrier. There was no code. It was a damned locked gate.
The goddamned walls and gates made me angry every time I saw them. If I wanted gates and walls, I’d move to the suburbs.
Lindsey didn’t like walking through the Wall of Willo, either. “I always wonder if somebody is waiting to mug me on the other side.” She had said this more than once.
At least an ornamental light had been placed beside the sidewalk entrance on Cypress. It illuminated Lindsey clearly as she stepped through and disappeared on the other side, where First Avenue ran north and south. A block beyond that stood the open arms of the mid-century Phoenix Towers on Central Avenue.
Steps on the grass made me turn.
And there she was.
“Fight with the wifey?” she drawled. “But you want to make it all better.”
The woman Lindsey had nicknamed Strawberry Death was two feet away, that semi-automatic pistol of a make I had never seen before pointed at my chest. This time, no DPS uniform-she wore a black turtleneck, black jeans, and black running shoes. I wondered how long she had been watching.
I opened my mouth and closed it. I was not thinking of clever comebacks.
She drawled, “She’s pretty. A little of the Goth girl left in her. If I had time, I’d suicide you both. Suicided is better, cleaner. But I don’t have time. Where are my stones?”
“Are you hard of hearing? Where are my diamonds?”
So that’s what this was about.
“I don’t have them.”
“Then I’m going to have to keep the promise I made.”
“To who?”
“Whom,” she corrected. “You should know better, Doctor Mapstone, being an educated man. Whom.”
My feet felt very heavy as I spoke. “To whom?”
Gun in your face. Buy time.
“You told him this?”
“I didn’t have time,” she said. “But a girl’s got to keep her promises. Now, where are my stones?”
She smiled, showing a perfect set of white teeth, and made the mistake of taking two steps toward me as she answered.
I quickly stepped in close, as if we were about to dance. By the time she realized what was happening, it was too late. I planted my right foot and calf behind her left leg and used this as a lever to push her backwards.
At the same moment, I grabbed her gun hand with my left hand while notching my right hand under her elbow. It incapacitated the arm, pushed the gun aside, and helped propel her off balance and down hard.
Thanks to this straight-arm-bar, the gun came loose before she could pull the trigger and I fell on top of her.
This should have knocked the air out of her, but it didn’t. She wrestled, punched, and made grunting and growling sounds.
She also wore Chanel Number Five.
My face was instantly on fire. It took a couple of seconds to realize this was a result of her raking fingernails across me. She tried a kick in the groin, but I blocked that by turning to the side. Then she bit me on the wrist.
That let her struggle toward the pistol on the grass while I grasped the waist of her black jeans to hold her back. Her hair had come loose and I pulled on it hard. She screamed and cursed me. My reach was longer and with my other hand I tossed the gun into a hedge. Something black and sudden came into my vision, followed by pain and starbursts. She kicked me in the face with her running shoe.
In this "prequel" to the popular David Mapstone mysteries, author Jon Talton takes us back to 1999, when everything dot-com was making money, the Y2K bug was the greatest danger facing the world, and the good times seemed as if they would never end.It was a time before David and Lindsey were together, before Mike Peralta was sherriff, and before David had rid himself of the sexy and mysterious Gretchen.In Phoenix, it's the sweet season and Christmas and the new millennium are only weeks away. But history professor David Mapstone, just hired by the Sheriff's Office, still finds trouble, chasing a robber into an abandoned warehouse and discovering a gruesome crime from six decades ago.Mapstone begins an investigation into a Depression-era kidnapping that transfixed Arizona and the nation: the disappearance of a cattle baron's grandsons, their bodies never found.
The private-detective business starts out badly for former Phoenix Deputy David Mapstone, who has teamed up with his old friend and boss, Sheriff Mike Peralta. Their first client is gunned down just after hiring them. The case: A suspicious death investigation involving a young Arizona woman who fell from a condo tower in San Diego. The police call Grace Hunter's death a suicide, but the client doesn't buy it. He's her brother. Or is he? After his murder, police find multiple driver's licenses and his real identity is a mystery.
Cheryl Beth Wilson is an elite nurse at Cincinnati Memorial Hospital who finds a doctor brutally murdered in a secluded office. Wilson had been having an affair with the doctoras husband, a surgeon, and this makes her a aperson of interesta to the police, if not at outright suspect. But someone other than the cops is watching Cheryl Beth.The killing comes as former homicide detective Will Borders is just hours out of surgery. But as his stretcher is wheeled past the crime scene, he knows this is no random act of violence.
A handsome young New York professor comes to Phoenix to research his new book. But when he's brutally murdered, police connect him to one of the world's most deadly drug cartels. This shouldn't be a case for historian-turned-deputy David Mapstone – except the victim has been dating David's sister-in-law Robin and now she's a target, too. David's wife Lindsey is in Washington with an elite anti-cyber terror unit and she makes one demand of him: protect Robin.This won't be an easy job with the city police suspicious of Robin and trying to pressure her.
Cincinnati homicide Detective Will Borders now walks with a cane and lives alone with constant discomfort. He's lucky to be alive. He's lucky to have a job, as public information officer for the department. But when a star cop is brutally murdered, he's assigned to find her killer. The crime bears a chilling similarity to killings on the peaceful college campus nearby, where his friend Cheryl Beth Wilson is teaching nursing. The two young victims were her students. Most homicides are routine, the suspects readily apparent.
Красивая хозяйственная жена, муж-военный с белозубой улыбкой, очаровательная дочка – казалось бы, рецепт идеальной семьи. Но если бы все было так просто, журналистка Лола, которая прославилась на всю Италию репортажами о самых громких криминальных происшествиях страны, осталась бы без работы. Жена исчезла, муж безутешен, весь городок Черенова – от военной части до местного ночного клуба – переполнен жуткими слухами. Видимо, Лоле снова предстоит броситься в самую гущу событий, обходя конкурентов на поворотах.
Май 1899 года. В дождливый день к сыщику Мармеладову приходит звуковой мастер фирмы «Берлинер и Ко» с граммофонной пластинкой. Во время концерта Шаляпина он случайно записал подозрительный звук, который может означать лишь одно: где-то поблизости совершено жестокое преступление. Заинтригованный сыщик отправляется на поиски таинственного убийцы.
Молодая женщина, известный в сети блогер, однажды исчезла из своей квартиры. Какие обстоятельства стали причиной ее внезапного исчезновения? Чем может помочь страница в «Живом журнале» пропавшей? На эти вопросы предстоит найти ответы следователю Дмитрию Владимирову. Рассказ «Затерявшаяся во мгле» четвертый в ряду цикла «Дыхание мегаполиса», повествующего о судьбах наших современников — жителей больших городов.
Подруги Юля и Катя, не раз уже распутавшие самые таинственные криминальные дела, получают новое опасное задание — вычислить террористов среди участников реалити-шоу. Неразлучным подругам приходится разделиться: Юля остается в Москве на шоу «Спорт для неспортивных», а Катя отправляется в Тихий океан на шоу «Герой необитаемого острова». О террористах, планирующих устроить взрыв в прямом эфире двух игр одновременно, известно только, что это мужчина и женщина, но неясно, кто из них попал на какое шоу. Под подозрением все! Вскоре выясняется, что террористы — не главная проблема.
А с вами случалось такое? Когда чья-то незримая жизнь играет внутри вас будто забродившее вино, она преследует вас с самого детства и не даёт покоя ни днём, ни ночью. С ней невозможно договориться, у неё нет ни ног, ни тела, ни голоса. У неё нет ничего. И, тем не менее, она пытается по-своему общаться и даже что-то рассказывает. Что это: раздвоение сознания или тихое сумасшествие? А может, это чья-то неуспокоенная душа отчаянно взывает о помощи? Тогда кто она? Откуда взялась? И что ей нужно?
Первый официальный роман по мотивам культового сериала «Нарко» от Netflix. Удивительно подробное и правдивое изображение колумбийской наркоторговли изнутри. Хосе Агилар Гонсалес – sicario, наемный убийца медельинского картеля. Он готов обрушиться на любого врага Пабло Эскобара – и сделать с ним все, что прикажет Патрон. Он досконально изучил весь механизм работы кокаиновой империи, снизу доверху. Он глубоко проник в мысли и чувства Эскобара. Он знает, как подойти к нему даже с такой просьбой, которая другим показалась бы самоубийством, – и получить желаемое.