Eeny Meeny - [9]


‘What I am about to say comes with all the usual caveats, as I’m being rushed yet again…’

Helen smiled – used to Jim’s grumblings – and let him go on. She was rushing him, but needs must. Telling Sam’s mother about his death had been awful, partly because Helen had been able to tell her so little. Olivia Taylor had been widowed some years back, so she had no partner to support her now. Somehow, alone, she had to help her children come to terms with the death of their beloved older brother, and Helen had to give her the tools to do that. So she needed to corroborate or destroy Amy’s story fast.

Jim had finished grumbling. He turned to Sam’s body and began his summing up:

‘Single gunshot to the back. The bullet entered under the right shoulder blade and ended up in the rib cage. I’m using technical terms, so do tell me if there’s anything you don’t understand, ok?’

Helen let that ride. Jim’s sarcasm was a feature of every PM she’d ever attended. He carried on without waiting for a reaction:

‘Cause of death: cardiac arrest. Possibly caused by blood loss but more likely by the shock of the impact. He was in a bad way even before he was shot. Evidence of emaciation in the torso, limbs and the face – note the sunken eye sockets, the blood around his gums, the hair loss. Bladder and bowels basically empty, the stomach contained fragments of cloth, hair, tile mastic and also human flesh.’

Jim moved round the table to lift Sam’s right arm.

‘The flesh was his own, bitten from his right forearm. By the looks of it, I’d say he managed three or four mouthfuls before he gave up.’

Helen closed her eyes – the horror of Sam’s last days sinking in – then forced herself to open them again. Jim held Sam’s ravaged forearm up for her to get a good look, then gently laid it down again.

‘I would estimate he hadn’t eaten properly or taken in liquid for at least two weeks, probably more. His body would have been living off fat reserves during that time, and when they ran out, it would have started to leach nutrients from his internal organs. He was a whisker away from total organ failure when he was killed. From what I’ve been told about the girl’s medical state, she was going the same way. Another few days and they both would have been dead of natural causes.’

Jim paused once more, this time to ferret through his paperwork.

‘Bloods. What you’d expect from someone suffering extreme dehydration on a fast track to organ failure. The only unusual constituent was trace elements of benzodiazepine. I expect you’ll also find traces in her blood and stronger traces in their waste.’

Helen nodded – forensics had already confirmed traces of the powerful sedative in the excreta recovered from the diving pool. Helen suppressed her growing anxiety, but this was all heading one way now. Jim carried on for another ten minutes, then Helen called time on it. She had all she needed.

Against all the odds, Amy’s story was starting to stack up. Forensics had found particles of rope near a corner of the pool, tallying with the use of a rope ladder as Amy’s means of escape. Furthermore, their recovered clothes had deep soil stains on them, suggesting Amy and Sam could have been dragged from a vehicle across open ground to the abandoned pool. Could a woman have dragged Sam by herself – all twelve stone of him – or would she have needed an accomplice?

As she headed back to Southampton Central, Helen knew this would consume her totally from now on. She would not rest until she had solved this strange crime. Entering the incident room, she was pleased to see that Mark was already cracking the whip. There were numerous practical and bureaucratic issues that could stymie a major investigation like this and Helen needed things to run like clockwork. Mark was the classic DS – an abrasive but effective instrument – adept at making everyone row in the same direction. He’d rounded up a good team of officers – DCs Bridges, Grounds, Sanderson, McAndrew – in addition to support staff; already the investigation was coming to life in front of her eyes. Mark hurried over when he saw her enter.

‘What are we going to tell the press, boss?’

A good question and one Helen had been chewing on since she left Jim Grieves. Emilia Garanita wasn’t going to go away and there would be others behind her. A young girl had shot her boyfriend in a deserted location. It was horrific and thus good copy.

‘As little as possible. Until we’re in control of this, we can’t let out there’s a third party involved. So we call it a domestic but go gently on the detail. The press will infer all sorts of things about Sam and why Amy killed him…’

‘But we don’t want to blacken his name unnecessarily.’

‘Exactly. He and his mum deserve better than that.’

‘Ok, let’s play it tight for now.’

He headed back to work. He was unquestionably rough around the edges – rangy, unshaven, rugged – but on form Mark was a good copper to have on your team. Helen hoped it would last.

Satisfied everything was in hand, she allowed herself five minutes for a cup of tea. She was tired – the interview with Amy had been gruelling and the visit to the mortuary even worse. She wanted to tune out for a moment, but her brain wouldn’t let her. Sam’s awful death had got to her and she couldn’t shake the image of his lifeless, twisted face. What a thing for his mother to have to see.

Еще от автора Мэтью Арлидж
The Doll's House

Detective Helen Grace is on the trail of a twisted serial killer in this riveting thriller in the gripping * international bestselling series."Ruby wakes up in a strange room. Her captor calmly explains that no one is looking for her. No one wants her. Except him."When the body of a woman is found buried on a secluded beach, Detective Helen Grace is called to the scene. She knows right away that the killer is no amateur. The woman has been dead for years, and no one has even reported her missing. But why would they? She s still sending text messages to her family.Helen is convinced that a criminal mastermind is at work: someone very smart, very careful, and worst of all, very patient.

Вышел месяц из тумана…

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Little Boy Blue

Detective Helen Grace faces her own dark compulsions in the new thriller from the international best-selling author of Pop Goes the Weasel and Eeny Meeny.In a world where disguises and discretion are the norm, and where one admission could unravel a life, a killer has struck, and a man is dead. No one wants to come forward to say what they saw or what they know – including the woman heading the investigation: Detective Helen Grace.Helen knew the victim. And the victim knew her – better than anyone else.

Liar Liar

THE FOURTH DI HELEN GRACE THRILLER BY BESTSELLING AUTHOR M J ARLIDGE 'Helen Grace is one of the greatest heroes to come along in years' JEFFERY DEAVER In the dead of night, three raging fires light up the city skies. It's more than a tragic coincidence. For DI Helen Grace the flames announce the arrival of an evil she has never encountered before. Because this is no firestarter seeking sick thrills, but something more chilling: a series of careful, calculating acts of murder. But why were the victims chosen? What's driving the killer? And who will be next? A powder keg of fear, suspicion and dread has been laid.

Pop Goes the Weasel

From the international bestselling author of Eeny Meeny comes the second thriller in the truly excellent series * featuring Detective Helen Grace."A man s body is found in an empty house.A gruesome memento of his murder is sent to his wife and children."He is the first victim, and Detective Helen Grace knows he will not be the last. But why would a happily married man be this far from home in the dead of night?The media call it Jack the Ripper in reverse: a serial killer preying on family men who lead hidden double lives.Helen can sense the fury behind the murders.

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Улики против улик

Когда к следователю Бурову обращается студентка юрфака с просьбой возобновить дело Рубцова, её отчима, он соглашается неохотно: слишком всё очевидно. Пять лет назад в загородном пансионате скоропостижно скончался главный ревизор фирмы «Донатор» Игорь Матвеевич Ларичев. Некоторые обстоятельства позволяли предполагать, что речь шла об убийстве. Главный подозреваемый бухгалтер Рубцов умирает буквально перед самым своим арестом — повесился в душевой пансионата. Все улики были налицо, и дело быстро закрыли. Однако в процессе нового расследования всплывают новые улики, и следователю Бурову вместе с юной помощницей предстоит выяснить, какие доказательства — подлинные, имело ли место убийство и кто настоящий преступник.

Люди гибнут за металл

Май 1899 года. В дождливый день к сыщику Мармеладову приходит звуковой мастер фирмы «Берлинер и Ко» с граммофонной пластинкой. Во время концерта Шаляпина он случайно записал подозрительный звук, который может означать лишь одно: где-то поблизости совершено жестокое преступление. Заинтригованный сыщик отправляется на поиски таинственного убийцы.

Назад дороги нет

Думала ли я, отправляясь в языковую школу в Лондон, что эта поездка раз и на всегда изменит мою жизнь? Но назад дороги нет, и что будет дальше — смогу решить только я сама.

Убийство у камина

Раскрытие преступления через много лет. Через множество сомнений и подозрений пришлось пройти героям, прежде чем они нашли истину.

Азарт простаков

Влекомов, сотрудник оборонного НИИ, посещает бывшую супругу с намерением вкусно поесть и немного выпить. Выясняется, что бывшая увлеклась идеей быстрого обогащения путем призовой торговли. Пытаясь её образумить, Влекомов сам впутывается в сомнительное дело, собирая компромат на организаторов.

Вода из колодца

Эта история начинается с ограбления с трагическим финалом: немолодой хозяин загородного дома погибает от рук неизвестных преступников. Однако в этой истории оказывается не так все просто, и сам погибший несет ответственность за то, что с ним произошло. Рассказ «Вода из колодца» седьмой в ряду цикла «Дыхание мегаполиса». Главным героем этого цикла является следователь Дмитрий Владимиров, который на этот раз должен разобраться в хитросплетениях одной запутанной семейной драмы.