A moongate in my wall: собрание стихотворений - [6]


His review, however, expressed his contentious view of "women poets." On the one hand, he characterized Golubaia trava as "a collection of pure, good poetic quality, written by a woman-poet (zhenshchina-poet \." For him, many poems exhibit the style of "a poet, not a poetess" (poet, a ne poetessa) and in them "Pegasus takes flight, and the spirit touches the outlines of the beyond. I…) In spite of its purely feminine emotionality, Golubaia trava is an excellent book." On the other hand, he stated: "M. Vezey dedicates her third book to her husband, and this places her among the followers of Akhmatova. (…) As a poetess (poetessa J, M. Vezey is very strong, but for me personally, poetry begins at the place where the poetess ends and the poet begins. Mary Vezey has quite a few poems which are already free from emotionality which is hard to overcome, and one is extremely pleased by the poems where she speaks simply as a person, and not as a woman."[32] This chauvinistic prejudice and confusion of issues are reflected in Pereleshin's poem "Nochnie proletaiut poezda" (Night trains rush on), dedicated to Mary Vezey, where Pereleshin speaks of her "sadness with its enormous eyes," her barely audible voice, almost a whisper, and her "impersonal," "asexual" signature "M. Vezey."[33] Her surname, indeed, does not indicate gender in the way many Russian surnames do, but what he failed to understand was that this signature, instead of "Mary Vezey," meant that to a true poet gender did not matter.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Mary Vezey continued to write and translate in Russian and in English. In the summer of 1985, Mary Vezey and Valerii Pereleshin began working on an anthology of Russian poetry of China, tentatively entitled "U dobrogo drakona" (In the Home of a Kind Dragon).[34] The work took a lot of time and effort. Pereleshin soon bowed out, hoping that Leiden University would supplement his forthcoming memoirs "Dva polustanka" (Two Wayside Stations) with an anthology He informed Mary Vezey that the joint compilation was now hers alone and in the further correspondence kept calling it "your anthology." When Pereleshin's death on 7 November 1992 ended his indirect participation, Mary Vezey did not abandon the project: "1 hope to complete my literary work, no matter how insignificant it was, with this anthology.”[35] (…) The main desire and goal were to save this 'lost generation' and its valuable heritage from disappearance."[36]

In 1991, when Mar)' Vezey was asked about her next collection of poems, the answer was: "I have little time left, and I won't be able to accomplish much. I am not as strong as I used to be. But I would still like to publish three little books of mine: one of poetry (the last one), one of translations into English, and one more (a special one). But before that — not my poetry, but that of colleagues and friends who can no longer do it.[37] (…) I can't allow myself to publish something of mine; my goal is to preserve the unpublished works of my compatriots and colleagues."[38]

Mary Vezey died on 18 October 1994 in San Francisco.

In one early poem she wrote: "This is not a poem, this is the music of the soul" (poem 275), and musicality is inherent in her poetry, as it is for many romantics and symbolists who considered music the highest form of art. The tonality of her music is sadness; Blok's "heavy flame of sadness"[39] is the key to her entire poetry: "great sorrow is given to us, / and we carry it as a banner" (poem 180). Its root lies in the contrast between the crude, gray life on earth and the vision of the other, beautiful world: "the soul did not have enough words / to tell of the sadness of dreams" (poem 468). One of the key symbols of this other, invisible world is a star, and her first collection opens with a poem where a white star falls down "to a cold, dry reality" (poem 1). In a poem dedicated to her brother, the poet says: "We both came not from this world, / but from a different star /(…) we live with a blessed hope / to see that star again" (poem 54).

Sad love lyrics are prominent in her early poetry: "I wrote my poems not for you at all, / but for my dream" (poem 295). Over the years, this "sadness with its enormous eyes"[40] focuses on the sorrows of contemporary life: "there is so little warmth and joy in the world—/God, save and have mercy on people and animals!" (poem 441). The poet sees homeless, sick, old people, lost in a big city, hears an abandoned dog howling by locked gates, mourns the victims of the Civil War in Biafra and of the Vietnam War. Ten terse lines of "Nalet" lAir Raid) (poem 4B1) describe the bombing of a shipyard, the death of thirty-five children in an orphanage nearby, and the shooting down of an airplane. This dispassionate narrative is broken twice: in the second line, a woman's voice begs the pilot: "Take care! God be with you!/' and in the last line the same voice is barely able to contain its grief; "Only one did not come back — mine." The children in the enemy city perished, and so did the beloved who bombed it.