Всегда вовремя. Узнайте свой хронотип и живите в согласии со своим биоритмом [заметки]



“Edison’s Home Life”, Scientific American, July 1889. Восстановлено из архивов 9 сентября 2014.


A. Derickson, Dangerously Sleepy: Overworked Americans and the Cult of Manly Wakefulness (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014), 11.


G. L. Ottoni, E. Antoniolli, and D. R. Lara, “The Circadian Energy Scale (CIRENS): Two Simple Questions for a Reliable Chronotype Measurement Based on Energy”, Chronobiology International, April 2011.


Konrad S. Jankowski, “The Role of Temperament in the Relationship Between Morning-Eveningness and Mood”, February 2014.


Jee In Kang, Chun Il Park, et al., “Circadian Preference and Trait Impulsivity, Sensation-Seeking, and Response Inhibition in Healthy Young Adults”, Chronobiology International, October 2014.


Reka Agnes Haraszti, György Purebl, et al., “Morningness-Eveningness Interferes with Perceived Health, Physical Activity, Diet, and Stress Levels in Working Women”, Chronobiology International, August 2014.


Sirimon Reutrakul, Megan M. Hood, et al., “The Relationship Between Breakfast Skipping, Chronotype, and Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes”, Chronobiology International, February 2014.


Juan Francisco Diaz-Morales and Cristina Escribano, “Circadian Preference and Thinking Style: Implications for School Achievement”, Chronobiology International, December 2013; Juan Manuel Antúnez, José Francisco Navarro, and Ana Adan, “Circadian Typology and Emotional Intelligence in Healthy Adults”, Chronobiology International, October 2013.


Paolo Maria Russo, Luigi Leone, et al., “Circadian Preference and the Big Five: The Role of Impulsivity and Sensation Seeking”, Chronobiology International, October 2012.


Имя и подробности изменены в целях сохранения врачебной тайны.


A. Rodenbeck, G. Huether, E. Ruther, and G. Hajak, “Interactions Between Evening and Nocturnal Cortisol Secretion and Sleep Parameters in Patients with Severe Chronic Primary Insomnia”, Neuroscience Letters, May 2002.


J. Backhaus, K. Junghanns, and F. Hohagen, “Sleep Disturbances Are Correlated with Decreased Morning Awakening Salivary Cortisol”, Psychoneuroendocrinology, October 2004.


S. P. Drummond, M. Walker, E. Almklov, M. Campos, D. E. Anderson, and L. D. Straus, “Neural Correlates of Working Memory Performance in Primary Insomnia”, Sleep, September 2013. Здесь и далее сведения о ведущем исследователе указаны в тексте.


Имя и подробности изменены в целях сохранения врачебной тайны.


Jessica Rosenberg, Ivan I. Maximov, et al., “ ‘Early to Bed, Early to Rise’: Diffusion Tensor Imaging Identifies Chronotype-Specificity”, NeuroImage, January 2014.


Kai-Florian Storch, Ian D. Blum, et al., “A Highly Tunable Dopaminergic Oscillator Generates Ultradian Rhythms of Behavioral Arousal”, eLife, December 2014.


Christina Schmidt, Fabienne Collette, et al., “Homeostatic Sleep Pressure and Responses to Sustained Attention in the Suprachiasmatic Area”, Science, April 2009.


Имя и подробности изменены в целях сохранения врачебной тайны.


Имя и подробности изменены в целях сохранения врачебной тайны.


D. Singh and P. M. Bronstad, “Female Body Odour is a Potential Cue to Ovulation”, Proceedings Biological Sciences, April 2001.


Yan Zhang, Fanchang Kong, Yanli Zhong, and Hui Kou, “Personality Manipulations: Do They Modulate Facial Attractiveness Ratings?” Personality and Individual Differences, November 2014.


Inna Schneiderman, Orna Zagoory-Sharon, James F. Leckman, and Ruth Feldman, “Oxytocin During the Initial Stages of Romantic Attachment: Relations to Couples’ Interactive Reciprocity”, Psychoneuroendocrinology, August 2012.


Lisa M. Jaremka, Christopher P. Fagundes, et al., “Loneliness Promotes Inflammation During Acute Stress”, Psychological Science, July 2013.


Melvin C. Washington, Ephraim A. Okoro, and Peter W. Cardon, “Perceptions of Civility for Mobile Phone Use in Formal and Informal Meetings”, Business and Professional Communications Quarterly, October 2013.


T. Aledavood, E. Lоpez, et al., “Daily Rhythms in Mobile Telephone Communication”. PLoS ONE, September 2015.


Andrew Steptoe et al., “Social Isolation, Loneliness, and All-Cause Mortality in Older Men and Women”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, February 2013.


Eti Ben Simon et al., “Losing Neutrality: The Neural Basis of Impaired Emotional Control without Sleep”, Journal of Neuroscience, September 2015.


B. Baran, E. F. Pace-Schott, C. Ericson, and R. M. Spencer, “Processing of Emotional Reactivity and Emotional Memory over Sleep”, Journal of Neuroscience, January 2012.


Konrad S. Jankowski and W. Ciarkowska, “Diurnal Variation in Energetic Arousal, Tense Arousal, and Hedonic Tone in Extreme Morning and Evening Types”, Chronobiology international, July 2008.


Maciej Stolarski, Maria Ledzińska, and Gerald Matthews, “Morning Is Tomorrow, Evening Is Today: Relationships Between Chronotype and Time Perspective”, Biological Rhythm Review, February 2012.


Roberto Refinetti, “Time for Sex: Nycthemeral Distribution of Human Sexual Behavior”, Journal of Circadian Rhythms, March 2005.


C. Piro, F. Fraioli, P. Sciarra, and C. Conti, “Circadian Rhythm of Plasma Testosterone, Cortisol and Gonadotropins in Normal Male Subjects”, Journal of Steroidal Biochemistry, May 1973.


D. Herbenick et al., “Sexual Behavior in the United States: Results g6 a National Probability Sample of Men and Women Ages 14–94”, Journal of Sexual Medicine, October 2010.


Konrad S. Jankowski, J. F. Díaz-Morales, and C. Randler, “Chronotype, Gender, and Time for Sex”, Chronobiology International, October 2014.


Mareike B. Wieth and Rose T. Zacks, “Time of Day Effects on Problem Solving: When the Non-optimal Is Optimal”, Thinking & Reasoning, December 2011.


Ответ: Понятия не имею! Я психолог, а не математик.


Это довольно старая загадка, которая сейчас безнадежно устарела. Хирург – мать мальчика. Но также мог бы быть его другим отцом. Смысл, надеюсь, понятен.


Tania Lara, Juan Antonio Madrid, and Àngel Correa, “The Vigilance Decrement in Executive Function Is Attenuated When Individual Chronotypes Perform at Their Optimal Time of Day”, PloS One, February 2014.


Ming-Te Wang and Sarah Kenny, “Longitudinal Links Between Fathers’ and Mothers’ Harsh Verbal Discipline and Adolescents’ Conduct Problems and Depressive Symptoms”, Child Development, May/June 2014.


Cristina Escribano et al., “Morningness/eveningness and School Performance Among Spanish Adolescents: Further Evidence”, Learning and Individual Differences, June 2012.


Y. H. Lin, “Association Between Morningness-Eveningness and the Severity of Compulsive Internet Use: The Moderating Role of Gender and Parenting Style”, Sleep Medicine, December 2013.


Elise Facer-Childs and Roland Brandstaetter, “The Impact of Circadian Phenotype and Time Since Awakening on Diurnal Performance in Athletes”, Current Biology, February 2015.


Scott R. Collier, Kimberly Fairbrother, et al., “Effects of Exercise Timing on Sleep Architecture and Nocturnal Blood Pressure in Prehypertensives”, Vascular Health and Risk Management, December 2014.


F. Guillen and S. Laborde, “Higher-Order Structure of Mental Toughness and the Analysis of Latent Mean Differences Between Athletes g7 34 Disciplines and Non-Athletes”, Personality and Individual Differences, April 2014.


Период игры в бейсболе. Прим. ред.


J. M. Antúnez, J. F. Navarro, and Ana Adan, “Circadian Typology and Emotional Intelligence in Healthy Adults”, Chronobiology International, October 2013.


A. Shechter and M. P. St-Onge, “Delayed Sleep Timing Is Associated with Low Levels of Free-Living Physical Activity in Normal Sleeping Adults”, Sleep Medicine, December 2014.


Alessandra di Cagno et al., “Time of Day – Effects on Motor Coordination and Reactive Strength in Elite Athletes and Untrained Adolescents”, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, March 2013.


N. R. Okonta, “Does Yoga Therapy Reduce Blood Pressure in Patients with Hypertension? An Integrative Review”, Holistic Nursing Practice, May 2012.7


G. M. Cavallera et al., “Personality, Cognitive Styles, and Morningness-Eveningness Disposition in a Sample of Yoga Trainees”, Medical Science Monitor, February 2014.


J. Reed, “Self-Reported Morningness-Eveningness Related to Positive Affect-Change Associated with a Single Session of Hatha Yoga”, International Journal of Yoga Therapy, September 2014.


M. Sedliak, T. Finni, S. Cheng, M. Lind, and K. Häkkinen, “Effect of Time-of-Day-Specific Strength Training on Muscular Hypertrophy in Men”, Journal of Strength and Conditional Research, December 2009.


L. D. Hayes, G. F. Bickerstaff, and J. S. Baker, “Interactions of Cortisol, Testosterone, and Resistance Training: Influence of Circadian Rhythms”, Chronobiology International, June 2010.


S. P. Bird and K. M. Tarpenning, “Influence of Circadian Time Structure on Acute Hormonal Responses to a Single Bout of Heavy-Resistance Exercise in Weight-Trained Men”, Chronobiology International, January 2004.


Konrad S. Jankowski, “Morning Types are Less Sensitive to Pain Than Evening Types All Day Long”, European Journal of Pain, August 2013.


A. M. Curtis et al., “Circadian Control of Innate Immunity in Macrophages by miR-155 Targeting Bmal1”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, May 2015.


Mattia Lauriola et al., “Diurnal Suppression of EGFR Signalling by Glucocorticoids and Implications for Tumour Progression and Treatment”, Nature Communications, October 2014.


A. A. Prather, D. Janicki-Deverts, M. H. Hall, and S. Cohen, “Behaviorally Assessed Sleep and Susceptibility to to the Common Cold”, Sleep, 2015.


David Gozal et al., “Fragmented Sleep Accelerates Cancer Growth and Progression Through Recruitment of Tumor-Associated Macrophages and TLR4 Signaling”, Cancer Research, March 2014.


J. Aviram, T. Shochat, and D. Pud, “Pain Perception in Healthy Young Men Is Modified by Time-of-Day and Is Modality Dependent”, Pain Medicine, December 2014.


Вывод касается только тепловых и холодовых болевых воздействий, при механических воздействиях разница не была обнаружена. Прим. науч. ред.


K. M. Edwards and V. E. Burns et al., “Eccentric Exercise as an Adjuvant to Influenza Vaccination in Humans”, Brain, Behavior and Immunity, February 2007.


L. C. Russell, “Caffeine Restriction as Initial Treatment for Breast Pain”, Nurse Practitioner, February 1989.


Diana L. Miglioretti et al., “Accuracy of Screening Mammography Varies by Week of Menstrual Cycle”, Radiology, February 2011.


P. C. Konturek, T. Brzozowski, and S. J. Konturek, “Gut Clock: Implication of Circadian Rhythms in the Gastrointestinal Tract”, Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, April 2011.


S. R. Brown, P. A. Cann, and N. W. Read, “Effect of Coffee on Distal Colon Function”, Gut, April 1990.


Kok-Ann Gwee, “Disturbed Sleep and Disrupted Bowel Functions: Implications for Constipation in Healthy Individuals”, Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, April 2011.


Francisco Díaz-Morales, Konrad S. Jankowski, Christian Vollmer, and Christoph Randler, “Morningness and Life Satisfaction: Further Evidence g8 Spain”, Chronobiology International, October 2013.


Bel Bei, Jason C. Ong, Shanthat M. W. Rajaratnam, and Rachel Manber, “Chronotype and Improved Sleep Efficiency Independently Predict Depressive Symptom Reduction After Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia”, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, September 2015.


Juan Manuel Antúnez, José Francisco Navarro, and Ana Adan, “Circadian Typology and Emotional Intelligence in Healthy Adults”, Chronobiology International, October 2013.


E. D. Buhr, S. H. Yoo, and J. S. Takahashi, “Temperature as a Universal Resetting Cue for Mammalian Circadian Oscillators”, Science, October 2010.


Simone M. Ritter and Ap Dijksterhuis, “Creativity – The Unconscious Foundations of the Incubation Period”, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, April 2014.


Erhard Haus and Franz Halberg, “24-Hour Rhythm in Susceptibility of C mice to a Toxic Dose of Ethanol”, Journal of Applied Physiology, November 1959.


Tobias Bonten et al., “Effect of Aspirin Intake at Bedtime Versus on Awakening on Circadian Rhythm of Platelet Reactivity: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial”, Thrombosis and Haemostasis Journal, September 2014.


Alan Wallace, David Chinn, and Greg Rubin, “Taking Simvastatin in the Morning Compared with in the Evening: Randomised Controlled Trial”, British Medical Journal, October 2003.


R. C. Hermida, D. E. Ayala, J. R. Fernández, and A. Mojоn, “Sleep-Time Blood Pressure: Prognostic Value and Relevance as a Therapeutic Target for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction”, Chronobiology International, March 2013.


Carly R. Pacanowski and David A. Levitsky, “Frequent Self-Weighing and Visual Feedback for Weight Loss in Overweight Adults”, Journal of Obesity, April 2015.


Rena R. Wing, Deborah F. Tate, et al. “A Self-Regulation Program for Maintenance of Weight Loss”, New England Journal of Medicine, October 2006.


E. Culnan, J. D. Kloss, and M. Grandner, “A Prospective Study of Weight Gain Associated with Chronotype Among College Freshmen”, Chronobiology International, June 2013.


Adam T. Wertz et al., “Effects of Sleep Inertia on Cognition”, JAMA, February 2006.


Sara C. Mednick and Sean P. A. Drummond, “Perceptual Deterioration Is Reflected in the Neural Response: fMRI Study Between Nappers and Non-Nappers”, Perception, June 2009.


Amber Brooks and Leon Lack, “A Brief Afternoon Nap Following Nocturnal Sleep Restriction: Which Nap Duration Is Most Recuperative?” Sleep, November 2006.


S. Asaoka, H. Masaki, K. Ogawa, et al., “Performance Monitoring During Sleep Inertia After a 1-h Daytime Nap”, Journal of Sleep Research, September 2010.


A. Mednick, K. Nakayama, and R. Stickgold, “Sleep-Dependent Learning: A Nap Is as Good as a Night”, Natural Neuroscience, July 2003.


Интерактивный круг сна для самостоятельного использования можно найти на www.saramednick.com.


J. A. Vitale, E. Roveda, et al., “Chronotype Influences Activity Circadian Rhythm and Sleep: Differences in Sleep Quality Between Weekdays and Weekend”, Chronobiology International, April 2015.


T. Roenneberg, K. V. Allebrandt, et al., “Social Jetlag and Obesity”, Current Biology, May 2012.


Michael Parsons et al., “Social Jetlag, Obesity and Metabolic Disorder: Investigation in a Cohort Study”, International Journal of Obesity, January 2015.


Floor M. Kroese, Denise T. D. DeRidder, et al., “Bedtime Procrastination: Introducing a New Area of Procrastination”, Frontiers in Psychology, June 2014.


Jane E. Ferrie, Martin J. Shipley, et al., “A Prospective Study of Change in Sleep Duration: Associations with Mortality in the Whitehall II Cohort”, Sleep, December 2007.


Wendy M. Toxel, “It’s More Than Sex: Exploring the Dyadic Nature of Sleep and Implications for Health”, Psychosomatic Medicine, July 2010.


Megumi Hatori, Christopher Vollmers, Satchidananda Panda, et al., “Time-Restricted Feeding without Reducing Caloric Intake Prevents Metabolic Diseases in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet”, Cell Metabolism, June 2012.


Amandine Chaix, Amir Zarrinpar, Phuong Miu, and Satchidananda Panda, “Time-Restricted Feeding Is a Preventative and Therapeutic Intervention against Diverse Nutritional Challenges”, Cell Metabolism, December 2014.


Storch and Blum, “A Highly Tunable Dopaminergic Oscillator Generates Ultradian Rhythms of Behavioral Arousal”.


M. Garaulet, P. Gоmez-Abellán, et al. “Timing of Food Intake Predicts Weight Loss Effectiveness”, International Journal of Obesity, January 2013.


Leah E. Cahill, Stephanie E. Chiuve, Eric Rimm, et al., “Prospective Study of Breakfast Eating and Incident Coronary Heart Disease in a Cohort of Male US Health Professionals”, Circulation, May 2013.


В оригинале автор использует выражение a clock on the rocks (англ.) – часы с бриллиантами. – Прим. ред.


Tracy L. Rupp, Christine Acebo, and Mary A. Carskadon, “Evening Alcohol Suppresses Salivary Melatonin in Young Adults”, Chronobiology International, 2007.


Christopher B. Forsyth, et al., “Circadian Rhythms, Alcohol and Gut Interactions”, Alcohol, November 2014.


Uduak S. Udoh et al., “The Molecular Circadian Clock and Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury”, Biomolecules, October 2015.


Roger H. L. Wilson, Edith J. Newman, Henry W. Newman, “Diurnal Variation in Rate of Alcohol Metabolism”, Journal of Applied Physiology, March 1956.


C. L. Ruby, A. J. Brager, et al., “Chronic Ethanol Attenuates Circadian Photic Phase Resetting and Alters Nocturnal Activity Patterns in the Hamster”, American Journal of Physiology, September 2009.


G. Prat and A. Adan, “Influence of Circadian Typology on Drug Consumption, Hazardous Alcohol Use, and Hangover Symptoms”, Chronobiology International, April 2011.


William R. Lovallo, Thomas L. Whitsett, et al., “Caffeine Stimulation of Cortisol Secretion Across the Waking Hours in Relation to Caffeine Intake Levels”, Psychosomatic Medicine, February 2005.


Anjalene Whittier, Sixto Sanchez, et al., “Eveningness Chronotype, Daytime Sleepiness, Caffeine Consumption, and Use of Other Stimulants Among Peruvian University Students”, Journal of Caffeine Research, March 2014.


Tina M. Burke, Rachel R. Markwald, et al., “Effects of Caffeine on the Human Circadian Clock in Vivo and in Vitro”, Science Translational Medicine, September 2015.


C. Drake, T. Roehrs, J. Shambroom, and T. Roth, “Caffeine Effects on Sleep Taken 0, 3, or 6 Hours Before Going to Bed”, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, November 2013.


Roy F. Baumeister, Ellen Bratslavsky, Mark Muraven, and Dianne M. Tice, “Ego Depletion: Is the Active Self a Limited Resource?” Personality Processes and Individual Differences, May 1998.


Frank A. J. L. Scheer, Christopher J. Morris, and Steven A. Shea, “The Internal Circadian Clock Increases Hunger and Appetite in the Evening Independent of Food Intake and Other Behaviors”, Obesity, March 2013.


Laura K. Fonken, Joanna L. Workmann, et al., “Light at Night Increases Body Mass by Shifting the Time of Food Intake”, PNAS, October 2010.


Christopher S. Colwell, Dawn H. Loh, et al., “Misaligned Feeding Impairs Memory”, eLife, December 2015.


Angela Kong, Anne McTiernan, et al., “Associations Between Snacking and Weight Loss and Nutrient Intake Among Postmenopausal Overweight-to-Obese Women in a Dietary Weight Loss Intervention”, Journal of the American Dietary Association, December 2011.


C. A. Crispim, I. Z. Zimberg, B. G. dos Reis, R. M. Diniz, S. Tufik, and M. T. de Mello, “Relationship Between Food Intake and Sleep Pattern in Healthy Individuals”, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, December 2011.


A. Harb, R. Levandovski, et al., “Night Eating Patterns and Chronotypes: A Correlation with Binge Eating Behaviors”, Psychiatry Research, December 2012.


Boris Egloff, Anja Tausch, and Carl-Walter Kohlman, “Relationships Between Time of Day, Day of the Week, and Positive Mood: Exploring the Role of the Mood Measure”, Motivation and Emotion, January 1995.


Sunita Sah, Don A. Moore, and Robert J. MacCoun, “Cheap Talk and Credibility: The Consequences of Confidence and Accuracy on Advisor Credibility and Persuasiveness”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, July 2013.


J. M. Antúnez, J. F. Navarro, A. Adan, “Circadian Topography Is Related to Resilience and Optimism in Healthy Adults”, Chronobiology International, May 2015.


Christoph Randler and Lena Salinger, “Relationship Between Morningness-Eveningness and Temperament and Character Dimensions in Adolescents”, Personality and Individual Differences, January 2011.


Margo Hilbrecht, Bryan Smale, and Steven E. Mock, “Highway to Health? Commute Time and Well-Being Among Canadian Adults”, World Leisure Journal, April 2014.


Ángel Correa, Enrique Molina, and Daniel Sanabria, “Effect of Chronotype and Time of Day on Vigilance Decrement During Simulated Driving”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, June 2012.


Adam Martin, Yevgeniy Goryakin, and Marc Suhrcke, “Does Active Commuting Improve Psychological Wellbeing? Longitudinal Evidence g11 Eighteen Waves of the British Household Panel Survey”, Preventive Medicine, December 2014.


Juan Francisco Díaz-Morales, Joseph R. Ferrari, and Joseph R. Cohen, “Indecision and Avoidant Procrastination: The Role of Morningness-Eveningness and Time Perspective in Chronic Delay Lifestyles”, Journal of General Psychology, July 2008.


Correa, Lara, and Madrid, “The Vigilance Decrement in Executive Function Is Attenuated When Individual Chronotypes Perform at Their Optimal Time of Day”.


Farshad Kooti, Luca Maria Aiello, Mihajlo Grbovic, Kristina Lerman, and Amin Mantrach, “Evolution of Conversation in the Age of Email Overload”, International World Wide Web Conference Committee, May 2015.


M. A. Miller, S. D. Rothenberger, et al., “Chronotype Predicts Positive Affect Rhythms Measured by Ecological Momentary Assessment”, Chronobiology International, April 2015.


R. L. Matchock and J. T. Mordkoff, “Chronotype and Time-of-Day Influences on the Alerting, Orienting, and Executive Components of Attention”, Experimental Brain Research, January 2009.


Uri Simonsohn and Francesca Gino, “Daily Horizons: Evidence of Narrow Bracketing in Judgment g11 10 Years of M.B.A. Admissions Interviews”, Psychological Science, May 2012.


L. Carlucci and J. Case, “On the Necessity of U-Shaped Learning”, Topics in Cognitive Science, January 2013.


Pablo Valdez, Candelaria Ramírez, and Aída García, “Circadian Rhythms in Cognitive Performance: Implications for Neuropsychological Assessment”, ChronoPhysiology and Therapy, December 2012.


Christina Schmidt, Fabienne Collette, and Carolin F. Reichert, et al., “Pushing the Limits: Chronotype and Time of Day Modulate Working Memory-Dependent Cerebral Activity”, Frontiers in Neuroscience, September 2015.


Paula Alhola and Päivi Polo-Kantola, “Sleep Deprivation: Impact on Cognitive Performance”, Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, October 2007.


Todd McElroy and David L. Dickinson, “Thoughtful Days and Valenced Nights: How Much Will You Think About the Problem?” Judgment and Decision Making, December 2010.


M. E. Jewett, J. K. Wyatt, et al. “Time Course of Sleep Inertia Dissipation in Human Performance and Alertness”, Journal of Sleep Research, March 1999.


Díaz-Morales, Ferrari, and Cohen, “Indecision and Avoidant Procrastination: The Role of Morningness-Eveningness and Time Perspective in Chronic Delay Lifestyles”.


Seung-Schik Yoo, Peter T. Hu, Ninad Gujar, Ferenc A. Jolesz, and Matthew P. Walker, “A Deficit in the Ability to Form New Human Memories Without Sleep”, Nature Neuroscience, February 2007.


Guang Yang, Cora Sau Wan Lai, Joeseph Cichone, Lei Ma, Wei Li, and Wen-Biao Gan, “Sleep Promotes Branch-Specific Formation of Dendritic Spines After Learning”, Science, June 2014.


Alhola and Polo-Kantola. “Sleep Deprivation: Impact on Cognitive Performance”.


F. F. Barbosa and F. S. Albuquerque, “Effect of the Time-of-Day of Training on Explicit Memory”, Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, May 2008.


Keith Harris, “A Statistical Analysis of Suggested and Accepted Times for Meetings and Events”, WhenIsGood.net, October 2009.


Paul King and Ralph Behnke, “Patterns of State Anxiety in Listening Performance”, Southern Communication Journal, 2004.


B. J. Shannon, R. A. Dosenbach, et al., “Morning-Evening Variation in Human Brain Metabolism and Memory Circuits” Journal of Neurophysiology, March 2013.


Wieth and Zacks, “Time of Day Effects on Problem Solving: When the Non-Optimal Is Optimal”.


Floris T. Van Vugt, Katharina Treutler, Eckart Altenmüller, and Hans-Christian Jabusch, “The Influence of Chronotype on Making Music: Circadian Fluctuations in Pianists’ Fine Motor Skills”, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, July 2013.


Ruth Wells, Tim Outhred, James A. J. Heathers, Daniel S. Quintana, Andrew H. Kemp, “Matter Over Mind: A Randomised-Controlled Trial of Single-Session Biofeedback Training on Performance Anxiety and Heart Rate Variability in Musicians”, PLOS One, October 2012.


Jeffrey M. Ellenbogen, Peter T. Hu, Jessica D. Payne, Debra Titone, and Matthew P. Walker, “Human Relational Memory Requires Time and Sleep”, PNAS, March 2007.


Список из сотен вопросов ТОА и текст для самопроверки можно найти на www.remote-associates-test.com.




















Denise J. Cai, Sarnoff A. Mednick, Elizabeth M. Harrison, Jennifer C. Kanady, and Sara C. Mednick, “REM, not Incubation, Improves Creativity by Priming Associative Networks”, PNAS, May 2009.


Wieth and Zacks, “Time of Day Effects on Problem Solving: When the Non-Optimal Is Optimal”.


Он разделил канат вдоль на две части и связал их.


До нашей эры не использовали сокращение «до н. э.».


На 59-й день. Поскольку количество кувшинок ежедневно удваивается, наполовину озеро будет покрыто днем раньше, перед тем как на 60-й день покроется полностью.


Бобу двенадцать, а его отцу тридцать шесть. Четыре года назад Бобу было четыре, а его отцу – тридцать два.


Понедельник – Билл, такос; вторник – Дэйв, стейк; среда – Карл, пицца; четверг – Эрик, рыба; пятница – Энди, тайский ресторан.


Анна, Чарли, гвоздика; Изабель, Том, нарцисс; Ивонн, Кен, лилия; Эмили, Рон, роза.


Andrew F. Jarosz, Gregory J. H. Colflesh, and Jennifer Wiley, “Uncorking the Muse: Alcohol Intoxication Facilitates Creative Problem Solving”, Consciousness and Cognition, March 2012.


Большая часть информации взята из прекрасной книги Мейсона Карри «Режим гения. Распорядок дня великих людей» (Альпина Паблишер, 2017).


Karen J. Pine and Ben Fletcher, “Women’s Spending Behavior Is Menstrual-Cycle Sensitive”, Personality and Individual Differences, January 2011.


Oliver B. Büttner, Anna Marie Shultz, et al., “Hard to Ignore: Impulsive Buyers Show an Attentional Bias in Shopping Situations”, Social Psychological & Personality Science, April 2014.


Benjamin G. Serfas, Oliver B. Büttner, and Arnd Florack, “Eyes Wide Shopped: Shopping Situations Trigger Arousal in Impulsive Buyers”, PLOS One, December 2014.


Janowski and Ciarkowska, “Diurnal Variation in Energetic Arousal, Tense Arousal, and Hedonic Tone in Extreme Morning and Evening Types”.


Scott I. Rick, Beatriz Pereira, and Katherine A. Burson, “The Benefits of Retail Therapy: Making Purchase Decisions Reduces Residual Sadness”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, July 2014.


Shaun A. Saunders, Michael W. Allen, and Kay Pozzebon, “An Exploratory Look at the Relationship Between Materialistic Values and Goals and Type A Behaviour”, Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, June 2008.


Ayalla Ruvio, Eli Somer, and Aric Rindfleisch, “When Bad Gets Worse: The Amplifying Effect of Materialism on Traumatic Stress and Maladaptive Consumption”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, January 2014.


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Полную версию см.: http://personality-testing.info/tests/SD3/.


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В исследовании, на которое ниже ссылается автор, говорится об экранах со светодиодами (LE), в ридерах же используются экраны другого типа, в которых отсутствует свечение. Прим. науч. ред.


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Разумеется, предварительно посоветовавшись с врачом.


Конкретнее – справочник NАSА Guidelines for Management of Circadian Desynchrony in ISS Operations SSP 50480-ANX3, составленный Multilateral Medical Operations Panel Spaceflight Human Behavior и Performance Working Group Fatigue Management Team.


Предварительно посоветовавшись с врачом.


Предварительно посоветовавшись с врачом.


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Перечень симптомов Клиники Мэйо.


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Till Roenneberg, Tim Kuehnle, Peter P. Pramstaller, Jan Ricken, Miriam Havel, Angelika Guth, and Martha Merrow, “A Marker for the End of Adolescence”, Current Biology, December 2004.


J. A. Anderson, K. L. Campbell, T. Amer, C. L. Grady, and L. Hasher, “Timing Is Everything: Age Differences in the Cognitive Control Network Are Modulated by Time of Day”, Psychology and Aging, September 2014.


Timothy H. Monk and Daniel J. Buysse, “Chronotype, Bed Timing, and Total Sleep Time in Seniors”, Chronobiology International, June 2014.

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The Question. Человек и здоровье

«В России медицинское самосознание на уровне Зимбабве» (про отношения россиян со здоровьем). «Это не опаснее, чем на Красной площади находиться без свинцовых трусов, где базальт и гранит Мавзолея фонит очень прилично» (про рентген в аэропорту)». «Происходит сокращение мускулатуры волосяных фолликулов и возникает пилоэрекция» (про мурашки)». «Из-за этой чистоты иммунной системе нечем заняться, и она начинает сходить с ума и бороться уже не с глистом, а с березой, кошкой и рыбой» (про бум аллергий)». TheQuestion собрал ответы лучших врачей, психологов, медицинских работников, популяризаторов науки на вопросы о том, о чем мы знаем меньше всего, – о нас самих и нашем здоровье.

Здоровое питание в вопросах и ответах

В подробнейшем справочнике «Здоровое питание в вопросах и ответах» более 500 ответов на вопросы, которые охватывают все области нутрициологии. Что нужно знать о составе продуктов? Как готовить еду, чтобы продукты не потеряли своих питательных веществ? В чем опасность пищевых добавок? И так ли страшны ГМО, как о них говорят? Какие продукты и как влияют на наше настроение? Почему некоторые едят все, что хотят, и не полнеют? Авторы книги Патриция Барнс-Сварни и Томас Сварни, опираясь на новейшие научные исследования и данные, рассказывают про основы питания, объясняют, как сбалансировать свой рацион, и разбирают самые популярные диеты и мифы.* * * Примечание верстальщика fb2: книга содержит текстовые таблицы.

Теломераза. Как сохранить молодость, укрепить здоровье и увеличить продолжительность жизни

Как сохранить молодость, остановить старение, укрепить здоровье и увеличить продолжительность жизни? Наука стоит на пороге революции: исследования теломер (концевые участки хромосом) и теломеразы (Нобелевская премия по физиологии и медицине 2009 года) дали свои плоды. Доктор М. Фоссел, ведущий специалист по клиническому применению теломеразы, в своей книге рассказывает, что такое старение, почему изнашиваются органы тела, стареет сама клетка, и объясняет, как и чем всем нам может помочь открытие этого фермента и что еще нужно (диета, упражнения…), чтобы повернуть процесс старения вспять и полностью избавиться от всех возрастных болезней.

Новый счетчик калорий. Ваш бонус: 100 рецептов блюд с посчитанными калориями

В данной книге представлена уникальная информация по количеству калорий не только в продуктах, которые продаются в современных продуктовых магазинах и супермаркетах, но и в наиболее распространенных блюдах, входящих в меню кафе и ресторанов российских городов. Удобный, «карманный», формат «Счетчика» позволит всегда иметь его под рукой, а понятная структура – быстро найти нужный продукт.Кроме того, представлены 100 рецептов блюд с уже подсчитанными калориями.«Счетчик», без сомнения, будет полезен не только тем, кто стремится поддерживать свои вес и фигуру в форме, но и тем, кто в силу болезни, вынужден контролировать ценность своего рациона.

Кремоварение. Пошаговые рецепты

В наше время полки магазинов переполнены косметическими препаратами различных фирм. Но, несмотря на столь огромный ассортимент, все большую популярность набирает косметика домашнего приготовления на основе натуральных масел и гидролатов. В книге даны рецепты для самостоятельного приготовления кремов для лица и тела с подробным, пошаговым описанием процесса. Изготовление косметики в домашних условиях может не только стать Вашим хобби, но и принести неплохой доход.

Здоровые ноги и руки до старости

Учитывая большую ответственность, которую повседневно несут руки и ноги, забота о них должна быть среди первостепенных. О том, как справиться с заболеваниями наших конечностей, рассказывает эта книжка.Проблемы, требующие вашего личного участия в оздоровлении своего организма, давно известны – остеопороз и переломы костей, плоскостопие, повреждение мениска, подагра, фантомная боль и варикоз. Не менее актуальны травмы конечностей, дрожь и онемение рук, локтевая боль, плексит. Вы узнаете, что предпринимает врач для лечения недуга, какие лекарства и способы выбирает для лечения.