The Run of His Life: The People v. O. J. Simpson - [6]


So Nicole and the two children moved to nearby 325 Gretna Green Way, in a quiet and pleasant part of Brentwood without gated estates on the southern side of Sunset. Her new house reflected one of the most common styles for modern California homes-what might be called Discount Mission. Spray-on stucco lined the exterior walls, a few wooden beams spruced up the sides, and clay tiles covered the roof. A two-car garage dominated the front.

As their divorce litigation went forward in 1992, it became clear that Nicole had many years earlier made herself a hostage to O.J.’s fortunes. In the divorce proceeding, Nicole pressed O.J. for both child and spousal support, stressing her complete financial dependence on him. “I am not currently employed and spend my time caring for my two young children,” she declared in an affidavit. Her attorneys wrote in a brief that as a teenager, around the time she met Simpson, Nicole “worked as a waitress for two months. Prior to that, she worked as a sales clerk in a boutique. She worked there for a total of two weeks and did not make a single sale. These two jobs are the sum total of her employment experience.” In a court-ordered meeting with a “vocational counselor,” Nicole described herself as a “party animal” and said her personal goals were “to raise my kids as best I can; beyond that I haven’t thought about me.” She added, “I’m sure I will get a goal someday.” It wasn’t until Nicole was in her mid-thirties and divorced that she began to consider entering the business world. Her friend and fellow party animal Faye Resnick later reported in a book about Nicole that at the time of her death, the two women were hoping to open a coffeehouse in Brentwood called “Java Café or something like that,” with “poetry readings and fabulous teas and coffees.”

O.J. and Nicole’s divorce was settled without a trial. On October 15, 1992, the parties agreed that O.J., whose after-tax income amounted to $55,000 monthly (that is, $660,000 a year), would pay Nicole $10,000 a month in child support. Nicole kept title to a rent-producing condominium in San Francisco, and O.J. agreed to make a one-time payment to her of $433,750. “It is the intent of the parties,” the settlement stated, “that a substantial portion of this sum shall be used by [Nicole] for the acquisition of a residence.”

Real estate agents in Brentwood speak about the extraordinary intimacy of their relationships with their clients. The brokers are often women who have entered the business as a new career in midlife. According to an experienced agent, “People are so wrapped up in their houses here that you become their confessors. It’s amazing what I hear. People think nothing of telling their brokers that they were raped by their fathers.” Nicole Simpson quickly developed a close friendship with Jeane McKenna, who had been a broker in Brentwood since 1978. They had much in common: Both had been married to prominent athletes in Los Angeles. McKenna’s ex-husband is Jim Lefebvre, the former Dodger infielder, whom she had met when she was a flight attendant. When the two women met in October 1993, McKenna learned that Nicole had been divorced for about a year. After a period of on-and-off reconciliations with O.J., she was finally ready to buy her own place.

Nicole needed to move quickly on a purchase. She had sold the rental property in San Francisco, and to avoid taxes on the sale, she was required to invest the proceeds promptly in another rent-producing property. According to Jeane McKenna, “She was paying five thousand a month at Gretna Green, which had a pool and a guest house, so when she bought a new place, she wasn’t going to get everything she had before, but this would be her own.” As it turned out, McKenna had just what Nicole wanted.

In exasperation, Jeane McKenna used to refer to 875 South Bundy Drive as her “career listing”-the house she couldn’t sell. Bundy Drive is the main north-south artery of Brentwood, a noisy, busy, traffic-filled thoroughfare. McKenna’s property was the north side of a two-family condominium building in an area real estate agents refer to as the Brentwood flats or, sometimes, the poor man’s Brentwood. McKenna had had her name on a FOR SALE sign in front of that property for more than six months when she received a call from Nicole in October 1993. According to McKenna, “It’s not exactly an ace area of Brentwood, south of Sunset. The windows were double-paned so you couldn’t hear the noise on the street, and when I marketed the property, I told potential buyers, including Nicole, ‘You’re not going to be doing any outdoor entertaining, with all the buses and sirens screaming by.’ ” But the three-story condominium did have its advantages. It was modern, built in 1991, and it had a two-story living room, several skylights, and an assortment of high-end accoutrements, including a Jacuzzi, a Sub-Zero refrigerator, and a kitchen full of marble countertops. But McKenna couldn’t sell it until Nicole came along.

Nicole liked the Bundy condo, in part because of its location near a school. Nicole wanted to be close to a playground because her children would no longer have a yard. McKenna negotiated a deal for Nicole to buy the house for $625,000, but she wound up paying an additional $30,000. “The seller was this television producer who was in financial trouble, so Nicole had to pay all the seller’s closing costs, too,” McKenna explained. “She just really wanted that place.”

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На дачу к Короткевичу

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Янка Дягилева. Придет вода

Сборник статей, посвященных жизни и творчеству великой русской певицы и музыканту Яне Дягилевой, оставившей значительный след в отечественной рок-музыке. В издании также использованы многочисленные интервью, взятые у тех, кто хорошо знал Янку. В конце книги дана подробная дискография с рецензиями на изданные ранее альбомы. Составители — Е. Борисова, Я. Соколов.

Исторический опыт российско-белорусского сотрудничества в сфере обороны (1991-2016 гг.)

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Седая старина Москвы

Современное издание одной из лучших книг о Москве, выпущенной в 1893 г. Полностью она называлась: «Седая старина Москвы. Исторический обзор и полный указатель ее достопамятностей: соборов, монастырей, церквей, стен, дворцов, памятников, общественных зданий, мостов, площадей, улиц, слобод, урочищ, кладбищ, и проч., и проч. С подробным историческим описанием основания Москвы и очерком ее замечательных окрестностей». Несколько параграфов оригинала в электронной версии отсутствуют.

Послание Президента Федеральному Собранию: 1 марта 2018 года

Владимир Путин обратился с Посланием к Федеральному Собранию. Церемония оглашения состоялась в Москве, в Центральном выставочном зале «Манеж». На оглашении Послания присутствовали члены Совета Федерации, депутаты Государственной Думы, члены Правительства, руководители Конституционного и Верховного судов, губернаторский корпус, председатели законодательных собраний субъектов Федерации, главы традиционных конфессий, общественные деятели, в том числе главы общественных палат регионов, руководители крупнейших средств массовой информации.

Прикосновенье ветра

Мария Сергеевна Петровых (1908—1979) — поэт, чья жизненная и литературная судьба сложилась непросто. Хотя ее стихами, исполненными драматизма, раскрывающими характер сильный и нежный, восхищались А. Ахматова, О. Мандельштам, Б. Пастернак, при жизни она получила известность прежде всего как великолепный переводчик.Настоящее издание, знакомящее читателя со стихами, переводами и письмами Марии Петровых, на наш взгляд, дает достаточно полное представление о творчестве и личности этого замечательного русского поэта.