The Run of His Life: The People v. O. J. Simpson - [10]
Careful not to make tracks in the blood, Riske tiptoed through the bushes to the left of the pathway, past Nicole’s body, and up to the landing. From the landing, he shined his flashlight on a walkway that stretched the entire northern length of the property. Along this 120-foot-long corridor, Riske saw a single set of bloody shoe prints. It appeared that the killer had gone out the back way, to the alley that Nicole shared with Pablo Fenjves and other neighbors. On closer inspection, Riske noticed something else: fresh drops of blood to the left of those shoe prints. While leaving the scene, the killer might well have been bleeding from the left hand.
The front door to 875 South Bundy was open. Riske walked in to a scene of domestic calm. Nothing was out of place: no signs of ransacking or theft. Candles flickered in the living room. The officer walked up the stairs. There were lighted candles in the master bedroom and master bath, too, and the tub there was full of water. There were two other bedrooms, with a young girl asleep in one and a younger boy in the other.
Robert Riske knew his place in the chain of command. Once he had identified the dead and closed off access to the scene, his only responsibility was to summon the investigators, who would begin looking for clues. This was a major crime in an unlikely locale. (Eventually, there would be 1,811 murder victims in Los Angeles County in 1994, but these two were only the ninth and tenth of the year in the West Los Angeles division of the LAPD and the first two of the year in Brentwood.) As Riske prepared to summon assistance on his “rover,” a portable walkie-talkie, he noticed a letter on the front hall table. The return address indicated that it was from O.J. Simpson. The former football star was also depicted in a poster on the north wall of the home. On closer inspection, Riske found photographs of Simpson among the family pictures scattered on tables.
These discoveries prompted a change in Riske’s plans. He decided to call for help on the telephone because, as he testified later, “I didn’t want to broadcast over my rover that there was a possible double homicide involving a celebrity.” Reporters monitored the police bands, and if he had used his rover, he said, “the media would beat my backup there.”
Robert Riske was only a four-year veteran of the LAPD when he made his grisly discoveries. His name had never even appeared in the Los Angeles Times, but as his actions demonstrated, he had already developed an interest in, and some sophistication about, the ways of the press. In this he was typical. More than any other police force in the nation, the LAPD was locked in a strange and complex symbiosis, of several decades’ duration, with the media.
The modern Los Angeles Police Department was largely the creation of one man, William H. Parker. Born in 1902 and raised in the hard fields of South Dakota, Parker came to resemble in character the austere setting of his youth. He moved west to Los Angeles in 1923 and drove a cab to support himself while he studied at one of the many fledgling law schools that were springing up around the city. He joined the LAPD in 1927, worked a night shift on patrol, and became a member of the bar in 1930. Some years later, he made the acquaintance of another young LAPD officer, Gene Roddenberry, who eventually turned to writing science fiction and created Star Trek. The character of Spock is said to be based on Bill Parker.
Parker joined the force at a propitious time for an ambitious and incorruptible young officer. For years the LAPD, along with the rest of Los Angeles city government, had floated on a sea of graft and payoffs. The situation became so intolerable in the 1930s that the city’s business leaders decided changes had to be made. They hired from out of town a series of reform-minded police chiefs, who brought with them the gospel of “professionalization” of the force. The new leadership improved training, cracked down on corruption, and worked to insulate the police from what was then seen as the sinister influence of elected officials. This last goal became the special mission of Bill Parker. Working in tandem with the police union, Parker drafted changes in Section 202 of the city charter, which put a cast-iron shield of civil-service law around all police officers. After voters approved these measures in 1937, it became virtually impossible to fire cops; they could only be dismissed by a panel of their invariably sympathetic brethren. The law even decreed that the police chief would be selected according to civil-service guidelines, which meant that the LAPD would determine for itself who would serve as its leader. Once selected, the chief would also enjoy the protection of the civil-service law, which amounted to lifetime tenure in the top spot of the LAPD. As Joe Domanick, a historian of the LAPD, has written of the changes in Section 202, “A quasi-military organization had declared itself independent of the rest of city government and placed itself outside the control of the police commission, City Hall, or any other elected public officials, outside the democratic system of checks and balances.”
Книга представляет собой исследование англо-афганских и русско-афганских отношений в конце XIX в. по афганскому источнику «Сирадж ат-таварих» – труду официального историографа Файз Мухаммада Катиба, написанному по распоряжению Хабибуллахана, эмира Афганистана в 1901–1919 гг. К исследованию привлекаются другие многочисленные исторические источники на русском, английском, французском и персидском языках. Книга адресована исследователям, научным и практическим работникам, занимающимся проблемами политических и культурных связей Афганистана с Англией и Россией в Новое время.
"Великий человек, яркая личность, Божий дар Беларуси" - так Михаила Николаевича Пташука называли еще при жизни наши современники и с любовью отмечали его уникальный вклад в развитие отечественного, российского и мирового кинематографа. Вклад, требующий пристального внимания и изучения. "И плач, и слёзы..." - автобиографическая повесть художника.
Тюрьма в Гуантанамо — самое охраняемое место на Земле. Это лагерь для лиц, обвиняемых властями США в различных тяжких преступлениях, в частности в терроризме, ведении войны на стороне противника. Тюрьма в Гуантанамо отличается от обычной тюрьмы особыми условиями содержания. Все заключенные находятся в одиночных камерах, а самих заключенных — не более 50 человек. Тюрьму охраняют 2000 военных. В прошлом тюрьма в Гуантанамо была настоящей лабораторией пыток; в ней применялись пытки музыкой, холодом, водой и лишением сна.
В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.
Брошюра написана известными кинорежиссерами, лауреатами Национальной премии ГДР супругами Торндайк и берлинским публицистом Карлом Раддацом на основе подлинных архивных материалов, по которым был поставлен прошедший с большим успехом во всем мире документальный фильм «Операция «Тевтонский меч».В брошюре, выпущенной издательством Министерства национальной обороны Германской Демократической Республики в 1959 году, разоблачается грязная карьера агента гитлеровской военной разведки, провокатора Ганса Шпейделя, впоследствии генерал-лейтенанта немецко-фашистской армии, ныне являющегося одним из руководителей западногерманского бундесвера и командующим сухопутными силами НАТО в центральной зоне Европы.Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей.
Книга Стюарта Джеффриса (р. 1962) представляет собой попытку написать панорамную историю Франкфуртской школы.Институт социальных исследований во Франкфурте, основанный между двумя мировыми войнами, во многом определил не только содержание современных социальных и гуманитарных наук, но и облик нынешних западных университетов, социальных движений и политических дискурсов. Такие понятия как «отчуждение», «одномерное общество» и «критическая теория» наряду с фамилиями Беньямина, Адорно и Маркузе уже давно являются достоянием не только истории идей, но и популярной культуры.