The cost of vengeance - [35]


“Be right back,” Bobby said and walked off. I watched as Bobby walked slowly down the pier, looking in each of the boats. While I waited, I looked out at the ocean. Just being there on the water made me long to be back in Nassau with my girls.

Then Jada West eased back into my mind. What to do about Jada West? There was something about her that I just couldn’t shake. Bobby came back carrying a gas can, and I knew what he had in mind. “Any gas in it?”

“Enough,” he said; and as quietly as he could, he walked around the boathouse and poured out the gas. When the can was empty, Bobby lit the trail on fire and walked away. “If he’s in there, he’ll be out in a minute.”

We waited as the boathouse caught on fire. After awhile I heard somebody scream “OH, SHIT!” and the door flew open. Skip came running out with his clothes on fire. He was so busy trying to put it out that he didn’t notice me and Bobby walk up on him.

“Drop and roll,” Bobby said as Skip finally killed the fire.


“Good-bye, Skip,” I said and put two in his chest. Bobby stood over him and added two more to the head. I went and got a fire extinguisher from the boat nearby, and put out the fire in the house while Bobby tossed Skip’s body in the water.

Chapter Seventeen

Jada West

I slept later than usual the day after our late-night trip to the Waldorf. It was well after two in the afternoon when I finally opened my eyes. Shortly after that, my private line began ringing. “Good Afternoon,” I answered in my professional voice, but was still a little sleepy.

“Good afternoon, Ms. West.”

Just the sound of that voice dancing in my ear brought me to full conscieneness right away. “Well, hello, Mr. Black. I was wondering if you had gotten my message.”

“I did; and I’m sorry that I’m just getting back to you now. I had a very busy night last night.”

“No need to apologize. I had a busy night myself. Although I’m sure your night was probably more eventful than mine, I had some things that I needed to handle and I’m just waking up.”

“I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“Oh, no. And even if you had, it would be a pleasure to hear from you anyway,” I said and laughed a little. “Anyway. I was wondering, if you didn’t have any plans of course, if you were free to join me for dinner this evening?” I asked and hoped that he would say yes.

“As a matter of fact, I was going to fly to Nassau this evening.”

“I see,” I said and all the excitement and anticipation eased out of my body.

“But I could catch a later flight, Ms. West.”

Good, that’s more what I wanted to hear, I thought instead of saying. “I wouldn’t want to put you to any trouble,” I said graciously.

“No trouble at all, Ms. West. I would be honored to have dinner with you. Just tell me where and what time, and I’ll make arrangements.”

“Excellent,” I said and tried, but failed, not to sound too excited. “Are you familiar with Bouley on Duane Street?”

“No, Ms. West.”

“It’s David Bouley’s French restaurant in Tribeca.”

“I haven’t eaten there before.”

“Bouley’s offers modern French cuisine with world influences in a very intimate setting. It’s been awhile since I’ve been there, but the food and ambience are excellent.”

“I’ve heard good things about Bouley’s, Ms. West. And I’m always interested in trying someplace new.”

“It would be my pleasure to introduce you to something new. Shall we say six; or is that too late for you?”

“Not at all. I will see you at six then,” he said and ended the call.

I rolled over in bed and immediately began thinking about what to wear. I sat up and looked in the mirror at my hair. I picked up the phone and called Rewa, my stylist, and after more pleading than usual, she agreed to come right over and do something special with my hair.

I got out of bed and walked in my closet. Of course I wanted to look nice for Mr. Black, but I wanted to make a statement that he would think about on his flight to the islands, and remember until the next time he saw me. Who was I kidding? I wanted to wear something that would make him cancel his flight until the next afternoon.

The first thing I choose was a Zac Posen lace and tulle, scoopneck dress with lace overlay across the bust and waist and lace skirt. But I thought all that lace and these breasts might be too revealing for dinner at Bouley.

My second choice was a Carolina Herrera pinstriped sheath with an inviting V neckline, pleated cap sleeves tacked in back, with a contrast inset waistband and diamond beaded detailing. But that was too conservative and wasn’t going to make the forceful statement I wanted for the evening.

I looked at my Versace faux leather panel dress, short with the jewel neckline, and smooth sleeves with banded cuffs. I liked that outfit because of the way it clinged to my body; but I like wearing it with boots and I wanted to show my legs.

I looked at the clock and knew that there wasn’t enough time for me to go shop for the perfect ensemble to entertain Mr. Black. And besides, Rewa would be here within the hour. The right outfit was in this closet, all I had to do was find it and settle on it.

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Пойди туда — не знаю куда

Сказочный сюжет поисков Василисы Прекрасной обретает иную жизнь в наши дни: сама Василиса идет на розыски своего любимого — Царевича. Идет по дорогам России, по окопам чеченской войны и возвращает своего суженого к жизни.

Иггинс и К°

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

Крым бандитский

 Между криминальным и легальным миром не существовало никаких жестких барьеров, хотя крымские гангстеры и являли впечатляющие образцы беспощадности и беспредела. Многие из них погибли, так и не вкусив прелестей неба в клеточку. В книге обрисованы и другие яркие и неповторимые черты и картины из жизни братвы Крыма за последнее десятилетие.


Ройстон Блэйк работает начальником охраны ночного клуба «Хопперз». Он гоняет на «Капри 2. 8i» и без проблем разгуливает по Мэнджелу, зная, что братва его уважает. Но теперь по городку ходит слух, что Блэйк поступил не по понятиям и вообще сдулся. Даже Сэл об этом прознала. Более того, ему на хвост сели Мантоны, а закончить жизнь в их Мясном Фургоне как-то совсем не катит. Желая показать, что у него еще полно пороха в пороховницах, Блэйк разрабатывает стратегию, которая восстановит его репутацию, дарует внимание женщин и свяжет с чужаком – новым владельцем «Хопперз».

Слоеный торт

Будни дилера трудны – а порою чреваты и реальными опасностями! Купленная буквально за гроши партия первосортного товара оказывается (кто бы сомневался) КРАДЕНОЙ… притом не абы у каких бандитов, а у злобных скинхедов!Боевики скинов ОЧЕНЬ УБЕДИТЕЛЬНЫ в попытках вернуть украденное – только возвращать-то уже НЕЧЕГО!Когда же в дело впутываются еще и престарелый «крестный отец», чернокожие «братки», хитрые полицейские, роковая красотка и японская якудза, ситуация принимает и вовсе потрясающий оборот!

Под прицелом

Джек Райан – симпатичный бродяга, чьи интересы лежат только вне закона. В поисках лучшей жизни он отправляется на Гавайи. Там Джек устраивается на работу в одну строительную организацию, руководит которой Рей Ритчи. Бизнес Ритчи нельзя назвать полностью официальным, так как он возводит свою недвижимость, не обращая внимания на постоянные протесты местных жителей. Понятно, что работа на такого типа не может принести ничего, кроме больших неприятностей, особенно такому шустрому парню, как Джек. И уже скоро правая рука Ритчи, Боб, советует ему убраться с острова подобру-поздорову.