Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц - [17]


/ •/He had been gone 15 minutes at the most./ •/Their new house lot is a quarter acre at most./

[at odds]{adj. phr.} In conflict or disagreement; opposed. •/The boy and girl were married a week after they met and soon found themselves at odds about religion./ Compare: AT LOGGERHEADS.

[at once]{adv. phr.} 1. Without delay; right now or right then; immediately. •/Put a burning match next to a piece of paper and it will begin burning at once./ •/Mother called the children to lunch, and Paul came at once, but Brenda stayed in the sand pile a little longer./ Syn.: RIGHT AWAY or RIGHT OFF. Compare: ALL AT ONCE(2).

[at one]{adj. phr.} 1. In union or harmony; in agreement or sympathy. Not usually used informally. •/He felt at one with all the poets who have sung of love./ 2. Of the same opinion, in agreement. •/Husband and wife were at one on everything but money./ Contrast: AT ODDS.

[at one fell swoop] See: IN ONE FELL SWOOP.

[at one’s beck and call] or [at the beck and call of]{adj. phr.} Ready and willing to do whatever someone asks; ready to serve at a moment’s notice. •/A good parent isn’t necessarily always at the child’s beck and call./

[at one’s best]{prep. phr.} In best form; displaying one’s best qualities. •/Tim is at his best when he has had a long swim before a ballgame./ •/Jane rested before the important meeting because she wanted to be at her best./

[at one’s door] or [at one’s doorstep]{adv. phr.} 1. Very close; very near where you live or work. •/Johnny is very lucky because there’s a swimming pool right at his doorstep./ •/Mr. Green can get to work in only a few minutes because the subway is at his door./ 2. See: LAY AT ONE’S DOOR.

[at one’s ease] See: AT EASE(2).

[at one’s elbow]{adv. phr.} Close beside you; nearby. •/The President rode in an open car with his wife at his elbow./ •/Mary practiced for several years to become a champion swimmer and her mother was always at her elbow to help her./ Contrast: BREATHE DOWN ONE’S NECK.

[at one’s feet]{adv. phr.} Under your influence or power. •/She had a dozen men at her feet./ •/Her voice kept audiences at her feet for years./ Compare: THROW ONESELF AT SOMEONE’S FEET.

[at one’s fingertips]{adv. phr.} 1. Within easy reach; quickly touched; nearby. •/Seated in the cockpit, the pilot of a plane has many controls at his fingertips./ 2. Readily usable as knowledge or skill; familiar. •/He had several languages at his fingertips./ •/He had the whole design of the machine at his fingertips./

[at one’s heels]{adv. phr.} Close behind; as a constant follower or companion. •/The boy got tired of having his little brother at his heels all day./ •/John ran by the finish line with Ned at his heels./ •/Bad luck followed at his heels all his life./

[at one’s leisure] See: AT LEISURE(2).

[at one’s service]{adv. phr.} 1. Ready to serve or help you; prepared to obey your wish or command; subject to your orders. •/He placed himself completely at the President’s service./ •/"Now I am at your service," the dentist told the next patient./ 2. Available for your use; at your disposal. •/He put a car and chauffeur at the visitor’s service./

[at one stroke] See: AT A BLOW or AT ONE STROKE.

[at one’s wit’s end] or [at wits end]{adj. phr.} Having no ideas as to how to meet a difficulty or solve a problem; feeling puzzled after having used up all of your ideas or resources; not knowing what to do; puzzled. •/He had approached every friend and acquaintance for help in vain, and now he was at his wit’s end./ •/The designer was at his wit’s end: he had tried out wings of many different kinds but none would fly./ Compare: AT A LOSS, END OF ONE’S ROPE.

[at one’s word] See: TAKE AT ONE’S WORD.

[at one time]{adv. phr.} 1. In the same moment; together. •/Let’s start the dance again all at one time./ •/Mr. Reed’s bills came all at one time and he could not pay them./ Syn.: AT THE SAME TIME(1). 2. At a certain time in the past; years ago. •/At one time people thought that Minnesota was not a good place to live./ •/At one time most school teachers were men, but today there are more women than men./

[at pains]{adj. phr.} Making a special effort. •/At pains to make a good impression, she was prompt for her appointment./

[at present]{adv. phr.} At this time; now. •/It took a long time to get started, but at present the road is half finished./ •/At present the house is empty, but next week a family will move in./

[at random]{adv. phr.} With no order, plan, or purpose; in a mixed-up, or thoughtless way. •/He opened the letters at random./ •/His clothes were scattered about the room at random./

[at sea(1)]{adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. On an ocean voyage; on a journey by ship. •/They had first met at sea./ 2. Out on the ocean; away from land. •/By the second day the ship was well out at sea./ •/Charles had visited a ship in dock, but he had never been on a ship at sea./

[at sea(2)]{adj. phr.} Not knowing what to do; bewildered; confused; lost. •/The job was new to him, and for a few days he was at sea./ •/When his friends talked about chemistry, Don was at sea, because he did not study chemistry.

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В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.

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Форматирование файла не завершено (Stribog).Эти не только древние, но и интересные рецепты не потеряли актуальности и в нынешнее время. Правда, хочу заметить, что не все из них безопасны. Особенно те, где используется ртуть и соли тяжелых металлов (в частности это касается раздела «Парфюмерия»). Так что думайте Сами.С уважением, Сергей Каштанов.

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Руководство предназначается для изучения тактико-технических характеристик, устройства принципа действия, правил применения, хранения и транспортировки противотанковой мины ТМ-72 и минного взрывателя МВН-72.

Советский анекдот

Вниманию читателей предлагается первая научная публикация тематически разнородных анекдотов, имевших хождение в СССР с 1917 по 1991 год. Указатель представляет собой систематизированное собрание записей советских анекдотов. В издание вошли материалы из прессы, эмигрантских сборников, сводок о настроениях населения, доносов, судебных дел, записей фольклористов-любителей, дневников современников и прочих источников. Всего в Указателе 5852 статьи, каждая из которых посвящена одному анекдотическому сюжету.

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Молодежный словарь

В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.