Словарь американских идиом: 8000 единиц - [10]
[all told]{adv. phr.}, {informal} Counting or including everything. •/Including candy sale profits we have collected $300 all told./
[all to the good] See: TO THE GOOD.
[all up]{adj. phr.}, {informal} Near to certain death or defeat without any more chance or hope. •/With their ammunition gone the patrol knew that it was all up with them./
[all very well]{adj.} All right; very good and correct; very true. — Usually followed by a "but" clause. •/It’s all very well for you to complain but can you do any better?/ •/It’s all very well if Jane comes with us, but how will she get back home?/ Compare: WELL AND GOOD.
[all walks of life]{n. phr.} All socioeconomic groups; all professions and lines of work. •/A good teacher has to be able to communicate with students from all walks of life./ •/A clever politician doesn’t alienate people from any walk of life./
[all wet]{adj.}, {slang} Entirely confused or wrong; mistaken. •/When the Wright brothers said they could build a flying machine, people thought they were all wet./ •/If you think I like baseball, you’re all wet./ Compare: OFF ONE’S ROCKER.
[all wool and a yard wide]{adj. phr.} Of fine character; especially, very generous and kind-hearted. •/He’s a wonderful brother — all wool and a yard wide./
[all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy] Too much hard work without time out for play or enjoyment is not good for anyone. — A proverb. •/Bill’s mother told him to stop studying and to go out and play, because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy./
[all year round]{adv. phr.} Always; all the time; throughout all seasons of the year. •/In California the sun shines all year round./
[along for the ride]{adv. phr.}, {informal} Being in a group for the fun or the credit without doing any of the work. •/He wants no members in his political party who are just along for the ride./
[along in years] or [on in years]{adj. phr.} Elderly; growing old. •/As Grandfather got on in years, he became quiet and thoughtful./ •/Our dog isn 't very playful because it is getting on in years./
[alongside of]{prep.} 1. At or along the side of. •/We walked alongside of the river./ 2. Together with. •/I played alongside of Tom on the same team./ Compare: SHOULDER TO SHOULDER, SIDE BY SIDE. 3. {informal} Compared with or to; measured next to. •/His money doesn’t look like much alongside of a millionaire’s./
[a lot]{n.}, {informal} A large number or amount; very many or very much; lots. •/I learned a lot in Mr. Smith’s class./ •/A lot of our friends are going to the beach this summer./ — Often used like an adverb. •/Ella is a jolly girl; she laughs a lot./ •/Grandfather was very sick last week, but he’s a lot better now./ •/You’ll have to study a lot harder if you want to pass./ — Also used as an adjective with "more", "less", and "fewer". •/There was a good crowd at the game today, but a lot more will come next week./ — Often used with "whole" for emphasis. •/John has a whole lot of marbles./ •/Jerry is a whole lot taller than he was a year ago./ Compare: GOOD DEAL, GOOD MANY, A NUMBER. Contrast: A FEW, A LITTLE.
[alpha wave]{n.} A brain wave, 8-12 cycles per second, associated with a state of relaxation and meditation and, hence, free of anxieties. •/Try to produce some alpha waves; you will instantly feel a lot better./
[ambulance chaser]{n.} An attorney who specializes in representing victims of traffic accidents. By extension, a lawyer of inferior rank or talent. •/Don’t hire Cohen; he’s just another ambulance chaser./
[American plan]{n.} A system of hotel management in which meals are included with the room, as opposed to the European plan that does not include meals. •/American tourists in Europe sometimes expect that their meals will be included, because they are used to the American plan./
[amount to]{v.} Signify; add up to. •/John’s total income didn’t amount to more than a few hundred dollars./
[a must]{n.} 1. An inevitability; a necessity. •/Visas in many foreign countries are a must./ 2. An extremely interesting or memorable event, such as a free concert given by an international celebrity. •/Alfred Brendel’s Beethoven master classes are open to the public and are not to be missed; they’re a must./
[anchor] See: AT ANCHOR.
[--- and ---] 1. — And is used between repeated words to show continuation or emphasis. •/When the children saw the beautiful Christmas tree they looked and looked./ •/Old Mr, Bryan has known Grandfather for years and years, since they were boys./ •/Billy dived to the bottom of the lake again and again, looking for the lost watch./ •/Everyone wished the speaker would stop, but he talked on and on./ Compare: THROUGH AND THROUGH. 2. — When "and" is used between words with opposite meaning, it often emphasizes how much you mean. •/
В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.
Форматирование файла не завершено (Stribog).Эти не только древние, но и интересные рецепты не потеряли актуальности и в нынешнее время. Правда, хочу заметить, что не все из них безопасны. Особенно те, где используется ртуть и соли тяжелых металлов (в частности это касается раздела «Парфюмерия»). Так что думайте Сами.С уважением, Сергей Каштанов.
Руководство предназначается для изучения тактико-технических характеристик, устройства принципа действия, правил применения, хранения и транспортировки противотанковой мины ТМ-72 и минного взрывателя МВН-72.
Вниманию читателей предлагается первая научная публикация тематически разнородных анекдотов, имевших хождение в СССР с 1917 по 1991 год. Указатель представляет собой систематизированное собрание записей советских анекдотов. В издание вошли материалы из прессы, эмигрантских сборников, сводок о настроениях населения, доносов, судебных дел, записей фольклористов-любителей, дневников современников и прочих источников. Всего в Указателе 5852 статьи, каждая из которых посвящена одному анекдотическому сюжету.
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В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.