Ruthless - [24]
‘Go on,’ she urged him. ‘Do it.’
He opened the packet and slipped the condom on. Then he lay upon her, pushing his penis down between her thighs, desire overtaking his caution, his concern. He found the place, but discovered to his dismay that she was dry. Quickly he spat into his hand and wetted his cock so that he shouldn’t hurt her. Overwhelmed with his love for her, he pushed at the place eagerly, wanting her so much.
Orla stiffened.
‘Relax,’ he urged, kissing her mouth, her neck, her shoulder.
Her hands were bunched into fists against his chest.
She was clenched shut – so firmly shut that he couldn’t enter her.
He pushed again. It was no good. He felt his erection wilt as his mind whirled with bewilderment. She was rejecting him, her actual body was saying no. He looked at her face and saw that her eyes were screwed up as if she couldn’t bear to even see what was happening to her.
‘I can’t breathe,’ she said, shoving her fists against him, starting to writhe in panic.
Instantly Rufus withdrew, flopping back on to the bed. He threw the condom aside. He was no longer erect. He turned his head and gazed at her.
‘Are you OK?’ he asked.
She nodded, her arm across her eyes.
‘What is it? What’s wrong?’
She said nothing.
‘I’ve rushed you,’ said Rufus. ‘I’m sorry. We can try again, later.’
Orla dropped her arm down on to the bed. Her eyes were wet.
‘Hey. Don’t cry. It doesn’t matter. We’ll leave it for tonight, OK? We’ve all the time we need, don’t worry.’
‘All right,’ she said faintly.
‘We’ll just sleep together,’ said Rufus. ‘Nice and cosy. All right?’
Orla nodded.
‘I’ll turn out the light,’ he said, and did so, pulling the sheets and blankets up to cover them both, snuggling in against her back. It felt so good that he almost forgot his worry at their abortive attempt at love-making. He drifted off to sleep, inhaling the sweet scent of her hair, his arm around her. When the morning light flooded in, she was no longer in the bed with him; he found her asleep on the chaise-longue under the window, wrapped in one of the blankets.
‘Hey,’ he said, nudging her awake. ‘You OK? Why are you over here?’
Orla stretched and woke. ‘It’s nothing. I find it hard to sleep with someone else in the bed with me, that’s all.’
But I’m not just someone, he thought, hurt. I’m Rufus. And I thought we were childhood sweethearts, adult lovers.
Clearly she wasn’t used to sharing her life, that was the problem. He reassured himself with that thought as he left her there and padded along to his own room to shower and dress. It would all come right, in the end.
He left it a while, let the dust settle. He was kicking himself because he’d charged at it like a bull at a gate, he should have held back. He finished chopping the wood, mended a leaking gutter, made himself useful. Then a week later, as the evening drew in, he said:
‘I thought I might come to your room tonight. If you’d like that.’
Orla gazed at him across the kitchen table. ‘All right,’ she said at last.
After that, his blood fizzed with anticipation. It would be OK this time. She no longer saw him as some threatening stranger. They’d laughed and chatted together these last few days, walking the banks of the Shannon with the salty winds buffeting them, relaxing after they’d finished their chores on the farm, sitting in the shade of an old apple tree. Becoming familiar with each other after all those years apart.
This time, it would be fine.
Only it wasn’t.
The same thing happened. She was so tight, he couldn’t get inside her. In fact, he began to fear that if he did manage entry, he would hurt her badly. And that dissolved his arousal like nothing else could.
They lay afterwards, him cuddling up to her, Orla stiff as a board. In the early hours, he awoke. And she was gone again.
He fumbled for the bedside light, turned it on.
The room was empty but he could hear a distant thumping, like someone hammering a nail into a wall. He wrapped himself in a robe and went and opened the bedroom door. Instantly, the sound was louder. He went downstairs and stood in the hall, trying to place the direction of the noise.
It was coming from outside.
He went to the front door: it was unbolted. He opened it, stepped outside into the cool night air: out here the din was much louder. It was coming from the barn beside the house. And it wasn’t hammering. It was music.
He opened the barn door and the noise almost smashed him backward. AC/DC were belting out ‘Highway to Hell’. The interior of the barn was awash with brilliant strip lighting, and there was colour everywhere. At first he thought it looked like blood, but there were dark blues, indigo-deep, and fiery oranges, great swirls of chaotic colour. And there in the centre of it, the boom box perched on a chair at her side, was Orla. She was on her feet, in her nightdress, and she was feverishly daubing paint on to a big canvas set up on an easel. The scent of linseed oil and paint assaulted his nose.
‘Orla?’ he shouted.
She didn’t turn: couldn’t hear him.
He shut the door, so as not to wake the old folks.
Only the lawless will survive…It is 1975 and Ruby Darke is struggling to deal with the brutal murder of her lover, Michael Ward.As her children, Daisy and Kit, battle their own demons, her retail empire starts to crumble.Meanwhile, after the revenge killing of Tito Danieri, Kit is the lowest he's ever been. But soon doubt is thrown over whether Kit killed the right person, and now the Danieris are out for his blood and the blood of the entire Darke family.As the bodies pile up, the chase is on – can the Darkes resolve their own family conflicts and find Michael Ward's true killer before the vengeful Danieris kill them? Or will they take the law into their own hands…Lawless is the heart-racing sequel to Nameless, from bestselling author Jessie Keane.
Stay Dead is the heartstopping sixth book in Jessie Keane's bestselling Annie Carter series. Annie Carter finally believes that life is good. She and Max are back together and she has a new and uncomplicated life sunning herself in Barbados. It's what she's always dreamed of. Then she gets the news that her old friend Dolly Farrell is dead, and suddenly she finds herself back in London and hunting down a murderer with only one thing on her mind…revenge. But the hunter can so quickly become the hunted, and Annie has been keeping too many secrets.
Софья Ноготкофф была счастлива – ей предложили престижную должность куратора выставки великокняжеских драгоценностей в маленькой южноамериканской стране. С подготовкой торжественного мероприятия девушка справилась прекрасно, но все в одночасье рухнуло: музей ограбили. Теперь карьере Софьи конец! Могла ли она подумать, что потеряет не только должность, но и свободу, ведь обвинили в преступлении... куратора выставки! Скорым и неправым судом Софью приговорили к пожизненному заключению. Только в тюрьме девушка догадалась – она стала жертвой изощренной интриги, а настоящие преступники остались на свободе, наслаждаются жизнью и большими деньгами.
Осенью 2006 года вышла книга Сергея Ермакова "Час расплаты изменить нельзя". В оригинале роман назывался "Подмена", что по мнению автора более соответствовало содержанию.Скромная уборщица роддома тетя Маша только на первый взгляд проста. На самом деле она оказалась очень расчетливой и коварной особой. Взяла да и подменила своего новорожденного малыша на отпрыска из богатой семьи. Пусть, решила она, родное чадо растет счастливо и ни в чем не нуждается.Да только прогадала она. Ее пасынок стал преуспевающим бизнесменом, а настоящий, несмотря на богатых "родителей", угодил за решетку.
У Артура Конан Дойла порой трудно определить, где заканчивается детектив и начинается фантастика. Грань между историческим повествованием и, так сказать, "альтернативной историей" весьма условна. Внимание писателя к каждому из "затерянных миров" в высшей степени органично. Ранее не переводившиеся рассказы А.Конан Дойла, посвященные странному и невероятному, будто бы созданы хорошо знакомой нам рукой доктора Ватсона, вдруг решившего описать не очередное приключение Великого Сыщика, а путешествие в таинственный мир.
Расследование гибели владельца медиахолдинга Владимира Стаховского, которое его жена Кристина поручила журналистке Светлане Ухтоминой, добавило много черных красок старательно созданному образу честного бизнесмена и примерного семьянина. Оказалось, у Стаховского имеются любовница и незаконнорожденный сын, которым досталась немалая доля наследства, а в юности он был замешан в преступлении. Сына, которого Стаховский никогда не видел, ищет детективное агентство, а любовница погибает, не успев рассказать Светлане нечто важное.
Викторией владела одна мысль – отомстить писателю Дейлу Уайту. Этот лощеный американец украл сюжет бестселлера «Улыбка Джоконды» у ее отца! Девушка прилетела в Рим и даже пробралась в дом Уайта, но в последний момент растерялась и чуть не попалась полиции. Хорошо, что рядом вовремя оказался профессор Каррингтон, старый друг ее отца. Профессор с сыном тоже находятся в Риме не случайно, они пытаются раскрыть одну из главных тайн Ватикана – образцы Туринской плащаницы, главной христианской святыни, предоставленные для радиоуглеродного анализа, были поддельными! Но ради чего церковь пошла на такой чудовищный подлог?..
«Никлас Монсаррат родился в Ливерпуле в 1910 г. Окончил Тринити колледж Кембриджского университета. Его первая значительная книга «Это — школьный класс» вышла в 1939 г. Во время второй мировой войны служил в военно-морском флоте Великобритании. Морская служба послужила источником сюжетов многих из его последующих книг. В 1956 г. он возглавил информационный центр Великобритании в Йоханнесбурге, а потом в Оттаве. Наибольшей популярностью пользовалась его книга «Жестокое море», вышедшая в 1951 г., по которой был снят одноименный фильм.