Ruthless - [20]


He stepped back, peered up at the bedroom windows. He could see nothing, no movement. He walked around the side of the building. The sun beat down on him, he was sweating lightly. High summer, just like that day long ago.

And… oh God… she was there.

He stopped, dropped his bag and jacket to the ground in shock.

He was hallucinating. He’d wanted so much to see her again that here he was conjuring up a vision of her from his imagination. She was wearing a faded flower-sprigged tea dress, a rough windcheater over the top of it, and Wellington boots. Her hair was blowing straight out in the stiff breeze, a blood-red banner. She was hanging washing out to dry on a rotary clothes-line.

He felt his heart banging hard in his chest, felt his mouth go dry. He stood there and stared.

She was older. There was a frown line between her brows, a cobweb of crow’s feet around those heartbreaking eyes of hers.

He closed his own eyes, opened them again.

She was still there. This was no illusion.

‘Orla?’ he said aloud.

The wind whipped the word away. She didn’t turn, didn’t hear. She pegged out another garment, an old woman’s underwear.

‘Orla?’ he said, louder this time. It wasn’t her, it couldn’t be. This was an illusion. He’d wished it so much that he was seeing it.

She stopped what she was doing, turned her head, stared at him. For a moment her eyes widened in alarm. She looked as if she was going to run indoors.

‘It’s me,’ he said. He let out a bewildered half-laugh. After the hell he’d been through, was this a sign of heaven at last? ‘For the love of Christ, is it you? Is it really?’

‘Rufus?’ she asked.

‘You’re supposed to be dead,’ he said in wonder. He walked towards her in a daze.

Orla was starting to smile. She was so beautiful. It was her, it was his Orla.

Suddenly Rufus was running, and Orla stumbled forward and they fell together in an embrace, Rufus laughing and lifting her off her feet with the joy of it.

He spun her around, roaring with laughter. ‘You’re alive! God be praised, you’re alive!’

There were tears in his eyes as he set her back upon the ground, cupped her dear face in his big hands. He planted a kiss on her lips. As she had once long ago in these very grounds, she stiffened – but still, she smiled.

‘I thought I’d lost you,’ he said, and a tear of genuine emotion trickled down his cheek.

Orla gave a tight little smile. It was her smile, the same one she’d had as a teenager; restrained, secretive, closed-off.

‘I’ve been here all the time,’ she said.

‘For how long?’ To think of that! That she had been here, and he had been running around the world not knowing.

‘Oh – years. Years and years,’ she said, and there was that sadness again, as if she had been stuck here like a fly in amber, trapped against her will. ‘Where have you been?’ she asked.

‘Long story,’ he said.

‘Well, fetch your bag and come inside, then you can tell me all about it.’


‘Who’s this?’ Davey Delaney asked when he saw Rufus sitting in the kitchen with Orla and her mother.

‘This is Rufus. You remember him, don’t you? Sorcha’s boy, Rufus,’ said Ma.

The old man looked as though he didn’t even remember Sorcha, his own sister, much less her son.

‘That Sorcha! What a tongue she had on her,’ said Ma.

Rufus had to smile at that. His mother did have a tongue on her, it lashed like a Fury’s. More miserable in her poverty as the years passed, her husband dead so no longer the whipping boy for her dissatisfaction, she had taken to homing in on Rufus as a fair substitute. He found her depressing to be around, and his visits had become less and less frequent. In fact he hadn’t visited her in years, and he didn’t intend to remedy that.

The place was looking tired, for all the efforts that had clearly been made to spruce it up – much like the elderly pair who inhabited it, shuffling around in carpet slippers, eating crackers and cheese at the kitchen table, the old man gazing around him with an air of gentle bewilderment, the old woman living out her days in obdurate, long-suffering tedium.

‘Pa’s not always this mild,’ Orla warned him. ‘He gets a bit aggressive sometimes, a bit frustrated. You know we have guns on the farm, to see off vermin. All the farmers around here do. We have to be careful to keep the cabinet locked though.’

Rufus wondered if she was joking, but soon found she wasn’t when the old man sprang to his feet one night and threw a coffee table at the TV in irritation at something the newscaster was saying. Rufus had to restrain him until Ma and Orla could calm him down, but it was startling to see and a warning that Orla’s words were correct.

That first night, when the old ones went off to bed, Rufus sat there into the late evening with Orla. She got out a bottle of whisky, poured them both a measure, and sat there in her tea dress studying him.

‘You look well,’ she pronounced at last.

‘And you.’ In fact he thought she looked better than well: fabulous. ‘Tell me what happened. I heard talk about a plane crash when I was in London. How could you have survived that?’

Orla’s eyes dropped to the tumbler of whisky. She raised it to her lips, sipped a little.

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Only the lawless will survive…It is 1975 and Ruby Darke is struggling to deal with the brutal murder of her lover, Michael Ward.As her children, Daisy and Kit, battle their own demons, her retail empire starts to crumble.Meanwhile, after the revenge killing of Tito Danieri, Kit is the lowest he's ever been. But soon doubt is thrown over whether Kit killed the right person, and now the Danieris are out for his blood and the blood of the entire Darke family.As the bodies pile up, the chase is on – can the Darkes resolve their own family conflicts and find Michael Ward's true killer before the vengeful Danieris kill them? Or will they take the law into their own hands…Lawless is the heart-racing sequel to Nameless, from bestselling author Jessie Keane.

Stay Dead

Stay Dead is the heartstopping sixth book in Jessie Keane's bestselling Annie Carter series. Annie Carter finally believes that life is good. She and Max are back together and she has a new and uncomplicated life sunning herself in Barbados. It's what she's always dreamed of. Then she gets the news that her old friend Dolly Farrell is dead, and suddenly she finds herself back in London and hunting down a murderer with only one thing on her mind…revenge. But the hunter can so quickly become the hunted, and Annie has been keeping too many secrets.

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