Mastering the Core Teachings of Buddha. An Unusually Hardcore Dharma Book - [9]
I mean that we work to relieve the suffering of ourselves and others.
Thus, our agenda is for our intentions to be kind and compassionate, for our minds to be aware of what we are thinking, saying, and doing, and for our experience to tell us as best it can how to craft our life to reflect our intentions.
Morality, The First and Last TrainingMorality, The First and Last Training
Training in morality tends to be discussed in terms of what one shouldn’t do and also what one should do. The standard Buddhist short-list of the five things that one should try to avoid, called “The Five Precepts” are: killing, stealing, lying, taking mind altering substances that lead to heedlessness, and using sexual energy in ways that are harmful.
These are obviously not unique to Buddhism, and seem to be part of the basic set of standards for behavior that societies and cultures throughout the ages have found to be helpful and practical. The standard list of things that one should try to do includes being kind, compassionate and appreciative of the successes of others.
Wrestling with the question of how we can meet this fairly
reasonable standard and yet honor where we are and what is going on around us is the practice of this first training. We will make all kinds of mistakes that can be very educational when trying to work on this first training; if you mess up, remember to be kind to yourself!
There are many great techniques for cultivating a more decent way of being in the world, but there are no magic formulations. You must figure out how to be kind to yourself and all beings in each moment. As training in morality takes into account all of the ordinary ways in which we try to live a good and useful life, it is so vast a subject that I couldn’t possibly give anything resembling a comprehensive treatment of it here.
However, if you wish for further elaboration on some of the basics of training in morality, I suggest that you check out some of the following works:
For a
Future to be Possible , by Thich Nhat Hanh
A Heart as
Wide as the World and Lovingkindness, the
Revolutionary Art of Happiness, both by Sharon Salzburg
on Enlightenment , by Christopher Titmuss
ath With Heart , by Jack Kornfield
Training in morality at its best is grounded in a theoretical or direct appreciation of one more assumption, that of interconnectedness.
Interconnectedness at this level means an appreciation of the fact that we are all in this together and that we all share the wish to be happy.
When we take into consideration our own needs and the needs of those around us, we are more likely to be naturally kind and considerate of ourselves and others. Thus, we try to make it a habit to try to take into 7
Morality, The First and Last TrainingMorality, The First and Last Training
account the feelings, opinions and welfare of those around us. The obvious trap here is to simultaneously fail to take into account our own needs. Work on balancing both in a way that is sustainable and healthy.
There are countless other pitfalls we can run into when training in morality, as it is such a vast area of work. I will spend a lot of time in Part II detailing some of the more common side effects and shadow sides of training in morality, but realize that it is an endless subject.
However, one pitfall that must be addressed here, as it is so common, is that of guilt. We have grown up in a culture in which we can be extremely hard on ourselves, causing ourselves astounding amounts of pain to little good effect. If we can learn to substitute wise remorse, a remorse that simply says, “Well, that didn’t work, and this is unfortunate. I should try my best to figure out why and hopefully do something better next time,” we will be much more able to train successfully in living a good and useful life.
Some people unfortunately seem to think that the primary message of training in morality is that they should continuously cultivate the feeling that they have taken up a heavy yoke of responsibility and self-oppression. In fact, some people seem to revel in that unfortunate feeling. Those more fortunate will think, “It is so much fun to try to live a good, healthy and useful life! What a joy it is to find creative ways to do this!” There are few things more helpful on the spiritual path and life in general than a positive attitude.
Thus, the related and all too common pitfall is that people stop having fun and trying to be successful in worldly terms. There is absolutely no reason for this. If you can have fun in healthy ways, have fun! It’s not just for breakfast anymore. Also, success is highly recommended for obvious reasons. Pick a flexible vision of success in the ordinary sense for yourself and go for it! Play to win. This is your life, so make it a great one. There is no reason not to try, so long as you can do so in a kind and compassionate way.
One more great thing about the first training is that it really helps with the next training: concentration. So, here's a tip: if you are finding it hard to concentrate because your mind is filled with guilt, judgment, envy or some other hard and difficult thought pattern, also work on the first training, kindness. It will be time well spent.
Предлагаемая вашему вниманию новая книга досточтимого Учителя Геше Джампа Тинлея представляет собой комментарий к коренному тексту «Три основных аспекта Пути» (тиб. Lam gyi gtso bo rnam gsum gyi rtsa ba bzhugs so), сочиненному основоположником тибетской школы Гелугпа великим Ламой Чже Цонкапой. Этот текст содержит сущностные наставления к базовому учению Будды и имеет принципиальное значение для практиков Махаяны. По линии преемственности Лам школы Гелугпа передается традиционный комментарий к этому основополагающему тексту.
И буддизм, и библейские религии терпимо относились к другим верованиям. И те и другие, однако, начинали кампании как принудительного, так и неявного обращения в свою веру, но применяли при этом разные методы. Библейские религии начинали священные войны, тогда как первый Калки, царь Шамбалы, применив сверхъестественные силы, собрал небуддистов в мандале Калачакры. Библейские религии использовали экономические стимулы в качестве неявных средств обращения, а буддизм применял логические дебаты.Оригинал страницы: /web/ru/archives/advanced/kalachakra/relation_islam_hinduism/religious_conversion_shambhala.html.
Его Святейшество Далай Лама дает в этой книге полный обзор буддийской практики - от самых начал до наиболее утонченных техник. Основываясь на фундаментальной общности всех людей нашего мира, автор адресует свою книгу не только буддистам, но и тем, кто исповедует любую другую религию или не исповедует никакой. Он всячески подчеркивает, что буддийская практика дает возможность каждому человеку обрести качества, полезные, а то и вовсе необходимые в нынешнем неспокойном мире. "Ведь мы - люди, и основные цели у нас одни и те же: мы ищем счастья и не желаем страдать".
Правильное отношение к учителю - краеугольный камень духовной практики. Однако у нас на Западе само понятие "учитель" за последнее столетие было искажено, крайне мистифицировано и нуждается в очищении. Именно этому и посвящена данная книга А. Берзина.Помимо просветления основ правильных отношений между учеником и учителем, автор рассматривает и самые сложные аспекты этих отношений, в частности принцип отношения к учителю как к Будде. Это чрезвычайно важная тема, особенно для тех, кто получал тантрийские посвящения и пытается практиковать тантру.Оригинал книги:
Переработанные выдержки из книги: Berzin, Alexander and Chodron, Thubten. Glimpse of Reality. Singapore: Amitabha Buddhist Centre, 1999.Оригинал страницы:
Этим вечером мне хотелось бы объяснить в более практичной форме предварительные действия, которые мы выполняем в начале каждого нашего занятия, посвященного изучению текста Шантидевы «Начиная практику поведения бодхисаттвы» (Bodhisattvacharya-avatara). Они включают в себя семичастную практику, заимствованную из этого текста. Выполнение этих предварительных действий перед началом слушания и изучения Дхармы помогает нам достичь подходящего восприимчивого состояния ума. Мы пользуемcя этим же набором практик перед ежедневной медитацией или изучением Дхармы в домашних условиях.Оригинал страницы: