Lawless - [4]


Fabio glanced at his older brother. ‘He had a lot of enemies.’ Even you, brother dear. And me. Neither of us could wait for him to be out of the way, so that we could have our turn.

But he didn’t say it; Vittore would flatten him if he did. Instead, he sipped the brandy and stared at Mama Bella. Earlier, when Vittore had confirmed the news, she had sobbed and shrieked and clutched at her chest. Now she seemed calmer.

‘I want to know the answer. Whoever did this is a dead man,’ said Vittore.

Bella took a swig of the drink. It warmed her, but not enough to reach the chill that had settled over her soul as Vittore spoke. Vittore wanted revenge. He wanted to find who had killed Tito, and take vengeance on them. But that would place him, Vittore, her favourite boy, in danger. She didn’t want that. She had just lost one son. She didn’t want to lose another, most particularly not the one who was so precious to her.

‘There is something I have to say to you both,’ she told them.

‘Oh? What is it, Mama?’ asked Fabio.

Bella looked from one to the other. Vittore so masculine, so imposing; Fabio so handsome. Her boys. Then her eyes dropped to Fabio’s grazed and bloody knuckles. She guessed that someone had paid for bringing bad news to Fabio; this was the way it worked in the Camorra.

‘It could have been anyone who did this,’ she said shakily. ‘One of the establishment, someone Tito crossed over a business deal or a woman.’

‘Tito crossed a lot of people,’ agreed Fabio.

‘It could have been Miller – Michael Ward’s number one,’ said Vittore. ‘Maybe he believed we carried out the hit on his boss. That’s a possibility.’

‘Or it could have been any one of a dozen others,’ said Bella tiredly, shaking her head. When her eyes met Vittore’s again they were full of command. ‘Now I’m telling you. Both of you. There will be no reprisals. I won’t have more bloodshed.’

‘But Miller-’ said Vittore.

We don’t know who did this,’ said Bella, steel in her voice.

‘Mama-’ started Vittore, coming to his feet.

No!’ Bella stood up too. The fists she rested on the table were shaking, but her eyes flashed with fire. ‘I’ve lost one child this night, do you think I will risk another? I mean it, Vittore. No reprisals.’

Fabio drank down his brandy and eyed the two of them, staring at each other across the table.

‘Swear to me,’ said Bella.

‘What…?’ Vittore was almost twitching with suppressed aggression.

‘Swear it,’ she repeated, glancing down at Fabio.

He shrugged. ‘All right, Mama. If it means that much to you, I swear. No reprisals.’

Her gaze turned to Vittore. ‘And you? Vittore?’ she prompted.

He heaved a sigh. ‘No reprisals, Mama. I swear, all right? I swear it.’

Bella nodded. After a second she sank back into her chair. Looked at her boys, her two remaining living sons, and asked herself, Are they lying, to please me?

She suspected they were. But she had done this much. She thought of Kit Miller, and his mother. There was one more thing she could do, to make sure that no other sons ended up on a mortuary slab. She’d had years of this, of the killing, the crooked deals, the stress and the lust for revenge, and she was tired of it all. Then her mind turned with soul-wrenching sadness to her daughter; this would break her heart.

‘Someone ought to go in the morning and tell Bianca,’ she said.

Vittore nodded. ‘I’ll do it,’ he said.


‘Blood will flow.’

Ruby Darke would never forget those words, coming down the phone line at her. It was like a witch’s curse, she thought later, because blood did flow, oh yes indeed. But she didn’t know, not then. She just picked up the phone, like you do, like thousands of people do, every day. They pick up, and bang. Their world changes for ever. ERNIE’s snatched their premium bond numbers out of the pile. Or someone they kissed goodbye only an hour ago is dead, heart attack. The fates roll the dice, and we are all helpless pawns on the great game board of the uncaring universe.

Ruby didn’t expect either good news or bad, not that day. But when she looked back, that was how it all started: with the phone

the witch’s curse…

ringing in her Victorian villa in Marlow.

She was hurrying through the hall, the spring sunlight making pretty patterns as it shone through the stained-glass panels beside the front door. She threw a casual remark back at her daughter Daisy, who was in the kitchen with Nanny Jody, feeding Matthew and Luke, Daisy’s year-old twins.

‘Hello?’ Ruby unclipped an earring, smiled her automatic professional smile.

She hadn’t genuinely smiled since last November, not since Michael Ward had been found shot dead in an alleyway. She thought about him every day. Mourned him bitterly. Missed him so much. Even though she knew what he’d been, she’d loved him.

On the surface, Michael had been a businessman, giving generously to charities, stumping up for the Aberfan disaster, raising donations for the Hackney Road Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children. But underneath the façade? He was a crook, the feared leader of one of the big organized gangs who ‘ran’ the streets of London, like the Krays had, and the Richardsons, the Regans, the Nashes and the Carters… Some of those gangs were off the scene now, and there were new developments: the Maltese were muscling in, the Mafia was cruising around, looking tasty, and then there was Tito Danieri’s lot, his

Еще от автора Jessie Keane

SHE THOUGHT SHE'D SEEN THE BACK OF THE DELANEYS. HOW WRONG COULD SHE BE…Annie Carter should have demanded to see their bodies lying on a slab in the morgue, but she really believed the Delaney twins were gone from her life for good.Now sinister things are happening around her and Annie Carter is led to one terrifying conclusion: her bitter enemies, the Delaney twins, didn't die all those years ago. They're back and they want her, and her family, dead.This isn't the first time someone has made an attempt on her life,yet she's determined to make it the last.

Stay Dead

Stay Dead is the heartstopping sixth book in Jessie Keane's bestselling Annie Carter series. Annie Carter finally believes that life is good. She and Max are back together and she has a new and uncomplicated life sunning herself in Barbados. It's what she's always dreamed of. Then she gets the news that her old friend Dolly Farrell is dead, and suddenly she finds herself back in London and hunting down a murderer with only one thing on her mind…revenge. But the hunter can so quickly become the hunted, and Annie has been keeping too many secrets.

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Тени красной луны

Луна временами становится красной. Кто-то даже не заметит, но только не жители маленького городка Делейси. События предстоящей ночи поменяют их жизни навсегда. Человек-без-имени хочет исцелиться от древнего недуга. Банковский клерк постарается изо всех сил спасти возлюбленную. А троица грабителей планируют сорвать солидный куш. Остаётся вопрос: а нет ли четвёртой заинтересованной стороны?

Пуля не дура

Юрий Ребров по образованию преподаватель русского языка и литературы. Долгое время занимался журналистикой, работал ведущим на радио и телевидении. Занимал должность главного редактора журнала. Сочинение детективных произведений — его старое увлечение. Повести Юрия Реброва неоднократно публиковались в журналах и были награждены премиями. В настоящее время вышло несколько его книг. Компания «Посейдон» лакомый кусочек: морские суда, ценные грузы, портовая инфраструктура. И владелец ее Юрий Филимонов тоже настоящая акула капитала.

Восемь дней в сентябре и Рождество в Париже. Антикварный детектив. Или детективная история, разгаданная экспертом

Книга «Восемь дней в сентябре и Рождество в Париже» — это детективный роман петербургского искусствоведа В. И. Переятенец. Будучи аттестованным экспертом Министерства культуры РФ, автором многочисленных статей и таких книг, как «Русский антиквариат» и «Экспертиза и оценка произведений декоративно-прикладного искусства. Фарфор. Стекло. Ювелирные изделия», она хорошо знакома со средой коллекционеров и торговцев антиквариатом. Однако не следует воспринимать данное сочинение как документальное.

Красная комната

Действие нового романа Ирины Лобусовой «Красная комната» происходит в большом городе, куда приезжает, переживая любовную драму, талантливая художница Евгения Кравец, именующая себя Джин. Она устраивается на работу дизайнером в архитектурную фирму и снимает квартиру в старинном доме: ей очень нравится гостиная в красных обоях, производящая на многих зловещее впечатление. Джин чувствует некоторое родство с этой странной комнатой, да и сама она выглядит странно, эпатируя окружающих зелеными волосами, в том числе руководителя фирмы Вадима, человека пресыщенного, живущего в свое удовольствие, но давно потерявшего интерес ко всему.

Выстрелы на пустоши

В маленьком городке, затерянном среди бескрайних пустошей Австралии, произошла трагедия: священник местной церкви убил пятерых человек, а потом и сам погиб от пули полицейского. Что же стало причиной кровавой бойни? В этом решил разобраться известный столичный журналист Мартин Скарсден. Однако едва он приступил к расследованию, как городок потрясло новое преступление – возле запруды обнаружили тела двух неизвестных молодых женщин… Связаны ли между собой это двойное убийство и история священника-«стрелка»? Расследование Мартина приняло новый оборот.