Delta Green - [11]
Williams groaned.
“The general, however, read me a minor riot act which included items such as cost-per-bird, public relations, and congressional thumbs which might be turned down on our whole act.”
“So Brackman’s kicking it upstairs for a decision?” Abrams asked.
Abrams’s bushy mustache had grown even longer, now covering his upper lip, and just then, it seemed to quiver. The mustache was compensation for the hair which had disappeared before he reached the age of forty. His pate was smooth, but his face was lined with the worry he devoted to almost any issue. He was chronic about worrying, and it was reflected in his sharp hazel eyes. Originally a New Yorker, Abrams had graduated from the University of California at Berkeley prior to entering the Air Force. Conover thought that Berkeley had been the root of his worrying. The only thing that took his mind off his imagined troubles was outdated music, the source of his nickname, “Do-Wop.”
“Let’s just say, Jack, that my recommendation, along with General Brackman’s observations, will be considered by the appropriate commands.”
“He kicked it upstairs,” Abrams concluded. “We can figure on somebody making a political decision”
“Which will likely be the wrong one, amigos.” Munoz added. The Arizonian was slouched in a corner chair, missing his normally ready grin.
“Our current mission is purely location,” McKenna said. “Tony, why don’t you go make sure Delta Blue is getting her service? And hot weaponry.”
McKenna was definitely in a bad mood, Conover thought.
“Will, you get your ordnance changed out, then stand by for an operational plan from Pearson. I’ll call Country Girl and brief her. Frank, head for Hot Country.”
The group broke up, more glum than they had been in a long time. Generally, they were a happy-go-lucky bunch, which Abrams worried about, of course. One of the great things about working for 1st Aerospace, outside of flying the best damned bird ever built, was flying with the best damned pilots and backseaters around. They had come to know each other so well that they had learned to anticipate the actions and reactions of one another.
Conover knew exactly what Dimatta and Williams were feeling.
Trailed by Abrams, he wandered out to the hangar proper, found the ordnance specialist, and ordered the missiles and pods changed out on Delta Yellow. Communications technicians had the access doors to the avionics bays open on both Delta Yellow and Delta Blue and were installing the radio frequency encryption boxes with the new electronics.
Abrams got Cokes from the machine in the corner and brought him one.
“What do you think, Will?”
Conover took a long drag from the can and let his eyes trail over the graceful lines of his — his! — MakoShark. “I think we got a damned nearly impossible task, Jack. How’re we going to find something that disappears so easily?”
The depression of the others was settling on him. Conover was by nature a happy man. He loved to laugh and to design practical jokes which always seemed to backfire on him, but were nevertheless worth the effort. His nickname, “Con Man,” arose from his hobby of using Air Force computers to design elaborate and fiscally rewarding scams that he never put into operation. He feared that, like his practical jokes, they would misfire, and he would end up viewing Kansas from within Leavenworth. He couldn’t imagine anything more dismal than Kansas, unless it was Leavenworth.
He had been raised in New York City by an aunt and uncle after his parents had been killed in a boating accident near their home in Albany. His Air Force ROTC program helped him through Columbia University, then into the fixed wing course at Randolph Air Force Base. Blond-haired and blue-eyed, Conover thought of himself as at least presentable to the many women he chased whenever he had a chance, but he always wore long-sleeved shirts to cover the scars on his arms. He had mangled them getting out of the flaming cockpit of an F-16 when its landing gear collapsed on landing at Edwards.
As the live Wasp missiles were rolled under the MakoShark on a dolly, Abrams said, “You want to sit in the ready room or go over to Heaven and get a sandwich?”
“Let’s go to Heaven and eat something more than a sandwich,” Conover told his WSO. “It may be a while before we get another chance.”
They turned away from the activity under Delta Yellow, circumnavigated am introspective Tony Munoz and Delta Blue, and headed for the door.
Conover was acutely aware of the blood stains in the concrete near the door. Someone had done some scrubbing, but not enough.
Stan Vrdlka’s blood.
Abrams pulled the door open and nearly ran into General Cartwright.
“Where’s McKenna?” the general asked.
Conover came to attention, something he did for generals he didn’t like. This one had been in the command less than five weeks. And already blown it. His head was on the line for a three-quarter billion dollar craft.
“He may have gone up to the control tower, sir,” Conover said.
“He had some calls to make,” Abrams added. “Probably doesn’t want to be interrupted, sir.”
В мире Зидии 600 лет назад произошла катастрофа, позднее названная Падением. Под ударами союзников рухнула Империя Ночи, созданная вампирами. И сегодня жалкие остатки их народа прячутся по миру в надежде выжить и отыскать Камень Ночи, могущественный артефакт, дарующий возможность вернуться к прежнему величию. Миссия возвращения возложена на Паолу, вампиршу, чья случайная встреча превратила её в исключительную сущность. Но на пути встаёт множество преград, преодолеть которые в одиночку практически невозможно.
Расследование серии зверских убийств в городе Карлайл, приводит Гарри Ренделла — детектива из убойного отдела, в особняк графа Альфреда Кобба. В место, которое с порога пытается забрать вас в пучину. В обитель тьмы, которая выбрала этот дом колыбелью для своего перерождения.Детективу предстоит узнать историю этого дома, которая, словно мозаика раскидана по душам обитателей особняка. И чем больше появляется частей, тем глубже в Нигредо уходит сознание Гарри, рисуя новых обитателей дома словно художник.Но где кончается реальность и начинается иллюзия? Кому верить, когда ты абсолютно один во враждебном мире?И найдётся ли в его убитой горем душе немного света?Света, который приведёт его к выходу из этого гнилого места…
СТРАХ. КОЛДОВСТВО. БЕЗЫСХОДНОСТЬ. НЕНАВИСТЬ. СКВЕРНА. ГОЛОД. НЕЧИСТЬ. ПОМЕШАТЕЛЬСТВО. ОДЕРЖИМОСТЬ. УЖАС. БОЛЬ. ОТЧАЯНИЕ. ОДИНОЧЕСТВО. ЗЛО захватило город N. Никто не может понять, что происходит… Никто не может ничего объяснить… Никто не догадывается о том, что будет дальше… ЗЛО расставило свои ловушки повсюду… Страх уже начал разлагать души жителей… Получится ли у кого-нибудь вырваться из замкнутого круга?В своей книге Алексей Христофоров рассказывает страшную историю, историю, после которой уже невозможно уснуть, не дождавшись рассвета.
Запретная любовь, тайны прошлого и загадочный убийца, присылающий своим жертвам кусочки камня прежде чем совершить убийство. Эти элементы истории сплетаются воедино, поскольку все они взаимосвязаны между собой. Возможно ли преступление, в котором нет наказания? Какой кары достоин человек, совершивший преступление против чужой любви? Ответы на эти вопросы ищут герои моего нового романа.
В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.
В книге рассказывается история главного героя, который сталкивается с различными проблемами и препятствиями на протяжении всего своего путешествия. По пути он встречает множество второстепенных персонажей, которые играют важные роли в истории. Благодаря опыту главного героя книга исследует такие темы, как любовь, потеря, надежда и стойкость. По мере того, как главный герой преодолевает свои трудности, он усваивает ценные уроки жизни и растет как личность.